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Kvalitet mleka srpske bele koze u prvoj laktaciji

dc.creatorŽujović, Miroslav
dc.creatorTomić, Zorica
dc.creatorPetrović, Milan P.
dc.creatorRužić-Muslić, Dragana
dc.creatorStojanović, Ljiljana
dc.description.abstractGoat milk is biologically highly valuable protein food intended for nutrition of offspring and as raw material for preparation of different dairy products. Therefore, in our opinion, it was justified from zoo technical, genetical and economical aspect to direct our attention towards Serbian white diary goat and study basic traits of this breed. Based on our previous investigations of traits of Domestic white goat we have established that this was a domestic population of expressed hereditary milk traits and good quality of milk. This lead to more detailed study of the quality of milk obtained from the genotype called Serbian white goat in first lactation, created based on Domestic white goat, especially since there is great interest in breeding of this specific genotype on the territory of Serbia and also abroad. Based on performed investigations and established results it can be concluded that Serbian white goat belongs to the dairy goat type and is our best goat population. Regarding the quality of analyzed milk, in general it is of medium quality, however, the percentage of fat, proteins and lactose is very high, which is very important for dairy industry and further processing of milk into high quality goat cheeses which appear on our markets in very small quantities. Processing of goat milk into high quality cheese types is now performed in small number of mini dairy plants.en
dc.description.abstractKozije mleko je biološki visoko vredna belančevinasta hrana namenjena ishrani mladunčadi, kao i sirovina za spravljanje raznih mlečnih proizvoda. Stoga smo smatrali da je opravdano sa zootehničkog, genetskog, privrednog i ekonomskog gledišta, da se obrati što veća pažnja na srpsku belu mlečnu kozu i izuče njene osnovne rasne osobine. Na osnovu naših prethodnih ispitivanja osobina domaće bele koze utvrdili smo da se radi o domaćoj populaciji izraženih naslednih osobina za mlečnost i dobar kvalitet mleka. To nas je navelo da se usmerimo na detaljnije izučavanje kvaliteta mleka novonastalog genotipa nazvanog Srpska bela koza u I laktaciji, a nastao na bazi Domaće bele koze. Ovo utoliko pre što za njeno gajenje već postoji velika zainteresovanost na području Srbije pa i šire. Na osnovu sprovedenih ispitivanja i utvrđenih rezultata može se reći da Srpska bela koza pripada mlečnom tipu koza i predstavlja našu najbolju populaciju. Što se tiče kvaliteta analiziranog mleka ukupno posmatrano je osrednje vrednosti, međutim, treba istaći izražen procenat masti, proteina i laktoze, što je veoma bitno za industriju mleka i dalju preradu u kvalitetne sireve, a na našem tržištu se pojavljuje u malim serijama. Prerada kozijeg mleka u kvalitetne neke tipove sireva za sada se obavlja u veoma malom broju mini mlekara zanatskog
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.relationMinistry of Scence, Republic of Serbia, no. TR-6858B
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectSerbian white goaten
dc.subjectdry matteren
dc.subjectsrpska bela kozasr
dc.titleQuality of milk from Serbian white goat in first lactationen
dc.titleKvalitet mleka srpske bele koze u prvoj laktacijisr
dc.citation.other22(5-6): 63-69

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