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dc.creatorRužić-Muslić, Dragana
dc.creatorPetrovićP., Milan
dc.creatorBijelić, Zorica
dc.creatorCaro Petrović, Violeta
dc.creatorMaksimović, Nevena
dc.creatorCekić, Bogdan
dc.creatorĆosić, Ivan
dc.description.abstractPored nutritivne vrednosti,veoma važan kriterijum pri odabiru mesa, za savremenog potrošača je i zdravstveni aspekt, odnosno sadržaj masnog tkiva i profil masnih kiselina u mesu.Sadržaj masti i masnih kiselina, je između ostalog uslovljen sistemom ishrane i načinom držanja.Jagnjad hranjena na paši imaju manji udeo masnog tkiva u trupu od grla hranjenih koncentrovanom smešom, u zatvorenom sistemu. Preporučena vrednost za odnos polinezasićenih i zasićenih masnih kiselina iznosi do 0.45 a ispod 4.0 za odnos između n-6 i n-3 masnih kiselina .Imajući u vidu da je uticaj ishrane jagnjadi na navedene odnose značajan, modeliranje masnokiselinskog sastava treba usmeriti na sistem ishrane jagnjadi koji dovodi do smanjenja udela zasićenih a povećanje koncentracije polinezasićenih (PUFA) masnih kiselina u mesu.Strategija hranjenja koja podrazumeva pašni sistem ishrane jagnjadi, rezultira većim sadržajem n-3 PUFA, CLA i povoljnijim n-6/n-3 odnosom masnih kiselina, dok meso jagnjadi hranjene koncentrovanom hranom ima veći udeo n-6 PUFA i veći odnos n-6/n-3 masnih kiselina,što prevazilazi preporučenu vrednost od 4.0. Konjugovana linolenska kiselina (CLA) ima veliki značaj, obzirom da ima antikancerogeni, antidijabetični efekat kao i efekat na imuni sistem, što ukazuje na smernicu budućih istraživanja na jagnjećem
dc.description.abstractIn addition to nutritional value, a very important criterion for the selection of meat, for the modern consumer is the health aspect, i.e. the content of fat and the profile of fatty acids in meat. The content of fat and fatty acids, among other things, is conditioned by the feeding system and the rearing method. Lambs fed on pasture have a lower share of fat in the carcass than animals fed with a concentrated mixture, in a closed system. The recommended value for the ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids is up to 0.45, and below 4.0 for the n-6 and n-3 fatty acids ratio. Taking into account that the influence of lamb nutrition on these relationships is significant, modelling of fatty acid composition should be directed to the lamb nutrition system which leads to a decrease in the content of saturated and an increase in the concentration of polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids in meat. A feeding strategy involving a grazing feeding system of lambs results in a higher content of n-3 PUFA, CLA and a more favourable n-6/n-3 ratio of fatty acids, while the lamb meat originating from animals fed concentrated diets has a higher proportion of n-6 PUFA and a higher n-6 ratio/n-3 fatty acids, which exceeds the recommended value of 4.0. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is of great importance since it has an anticancer, antidiabetic effect as well as an effect on the immune system, suggesting a direction for future research on lamb
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandrysr
dc.subjectfatty acidssr
dc.titleManagement of lamb nutrition as a way for modeling fatty acid profiles in
dcterms.abstractПетровићП., Милан; Ружић-Муслић, Драгана; Максимовић, Невена; Бијелић, Зорица; Ћосић, Иван; Цекић, Богдан; Царо-Петровић, Виолета;
dc.citation.volume36, iss. 2, pp. 127-138.

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