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dc.creatorBojkovski, Jovan
dc.creatorProdanović, Radiša
dc.creatorArsić, Sveta
dc.creatorNedić, Sreten
dc.creatorVujanac, Ivan
dc.creatorKarać, Petar
dc.creatorSamolovac, Ljiljana
dc.creatorOstojić Andrić, Dušica
dc.creatorGiadinis, Nektarios
dc.creatorPanousis, Nikolaos
dc.description.abstractIntensive cattle farming covers a wide range of technological processes that should enable continued production and optimal use of production capacity. In such circumstances newborn calves have to adapt to different environmental factors, including diet. The technology of growing calves diet was initially based exclusively on a diet of colostrum and then milk. After that, the food introduced other feed (hay, feed mixture), but after three months the milk completely excluded from the diet. Intensive breeding of calves requires continuous moniitoring of the health condition of calves and adedquate application prophylactic,hygenic and zooterhnical measures.Diseases of the infants can be divided in three groups: inhereted and birth defects non-infectious and deficiency diseases infectious diseases. The most significant of these infants’ disease, which are given special attention are the infectious-contagious diseases Improving the health condition has positive effect on the production results and on the welfare of calves. We analysed calves welfare and risk factors . The most frequent disease in calves are diarhea, respiratory disease and umblicialm infections. This papers presents research related to the health care and welfare of calves of intensive and exstensive breeding.sr
dc.description.abstractIntenzivan uzgoj goveda obuhvata čitav niz tehnoloških postupaka koji treba da omoguće kontinuiranu proizvodnju i optimalno korišćenje proizvodnih kapaciteta. U takvim uslovima novorođena telad moraju da se prilagode na različite činioce okoline, uključujući i način ishrane. U tehnologiji uzgoja teladi ishrana je u početku bazirana isključivo na ishrani kolostrumom, a potom mlekom. Nakon toga se u hranu uvode druga hraniva (seno, krmna smeša), da bi posle tri meseca mleko postpuno isključilo iz ishrane Intenzivan uzgoj teladi zahteva kontinuirano praćenje zdravstvenog stanja teladi i adekvatnu primenu profilaktičkih, higijenskih i zootehničkih mera. Bolestri teladi se dele u tri grupe nasledne i urođene bolesti i anomalije, neinfektivne, infektivne i deficitarne bolesti. Oboljenja teladi koja se susreću na u intenzivnom i eksternzivnom uzgoju su : prolivi, oboljenja organa za disanje, i infekcije pupka. Poboljšanje zdravstvenog stanja pozitivno utiče na proizvodne rezultate i na stanje dobroboti teladi Sagledavani su indikatori dobrobiti teladi, i faktori rizika, U ovom radu su prikazana istgraživanja koja se odnose na zdravstvernu zaštitu i doborbit teladi intenzivnvog i ekstenzivnog načinu držanja.sr
dc.publisherVeterinarska komora Republike Srpskesr
dc.sourceZbornik kratkih sadržaja 26. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina), 9-12, jun, 2021.sr
dc.subjectuzgojne bolestisr
dc.subjectbreeding diseasesr
dc.titleZdravstvena zaštita i dobrobit teladi (pregled istraživanja)sr



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