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Uticaj rase i načina ishrane na hemijski sastav leđnog masnog tkiva svinja kao potencijalne sirovine za biodizel

dc.creatorPopovac, Mladen M.
dc.creatorRadojković, Dragan D.
dc.creatorPetrović, Milica D.
dc.creatorGogić, Marija
dc.creatorStanojević, Dragan Ž.
dc.creatorStanišić, Nikola
dc.creatorMiletić, Aleksandar B.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of the back fat tissue of mangalitsa pig and meaty pig breeds and their crosses, and the pigs that were fed with feed that was enriched or unenriched with oil, from the aspect of the production of biodiesel, where the starting material for the fuel would be the fat tissue of pigs. By examining the impact of breed and oil content in feed, it was found that chemical parameters (fat, water, protein, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids) show statistically significant variation under the influence of these factors. The highest fat content (89.39%), which is essential for conversion of fat into biodiesel, was found in back adipose tissue of mangalitsa breed, while the lowest fat content (86.10%) was found in the back fat tissue of meaty breeds and their crosses. Favorable ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids (37.92% : 62.07%), on which some physical properties of the fuel depend, was found in the back fat tissue of pigs that were fed with feed enriched with oil, and the largest proportion of saturated fatty acids, i.e. the most unfavorable fatty acid composition (40.90% : 59.09%) was found in the back fat tissues of pigs that were fed with feed unenriched with oil. The lowest content of saturated fatty acids and water (7.44%), as the key factors that determine the cetane number of the fuel and the fuel production process, indicates that the most suitable raw material for the production of biodiesel is the fat tissue of pigs that were fed with food that contained a certain amount of oil.en
dc.description.abstractCilj rada bio je da se ispita hemijski sastav leđnog masnog tkiva svinja rase mangulica i plemenitih mesnatih rasa i njihovih meleza, kao i svinja koje su hranjene hranom obogaćenom ili neobogaćenom uljem, a sve sa aspekta proizvodnje biodizela gde bi polazna sirovina za ovo gorivo bilo masno tkivo svinja. Ispitujući uticaj rase i sadržaja ulja u hrani ustanovljeno je statistički značajno variranje hemijskih karakteristika masnog tkiva svinja (sadržaja masti, vode, proteina, zasićenih i nezasićenih masnih kiselina) pod uticajem ovih faktora. Najveći sadržaj masti (89,39%) koji je ključni faktor konverzije sirovine u biodizel utvrđen je u leđnom masnom tkivu rase mangulica dok je najmanji sadržaj masti (86,10%) utvrđen u leđnoj slanini plemenitih mesnatih rasa i njihovih meleza. Najpovoljniji odnos zasićenih i nezasićenih masnih kiselina (37,92% : 62,07%) koje uslovljavaju neke fizičke osobine goriva utvrđen je u leđnoj slanini grla čija je hrana bila obogaćena uljem, a najveći udeo zasićenih masnih kiselina, odnosno najnepovoljniji masnokiselinski sastav (40,90% : 59,09%) utvrđen je u masnom tkivu grla koja su dobijala hranu siromašnu uljem. Najmanji sadržaj zasićenih masnih kiselina i vode (7,44%) kao ključnih faktora od kojih zavise cetanski broj i proces proizvodnje goriva ukazuje da je najpogodnija sirovina za proizvodnju biodizela masno tkivo grla čija je hrana sadržala određenu količinu
dc.publisherPoljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31081/RS//
dc.sourceJournal of Agricultural Sciences
dc.subjectpork fat tissueen
dc.subjectfatty acidsen
dc.subjectsvinjsko masno tkivosr
dc.subjectmasne kiselinesr
dc.titleThe effects of breed and feeding regime on the chemical composition of pig back fat as a potential raw material for biodiesel productionen
dc.titleUticaj rase i načina ishrane na hemijski sastav leđnog masnog tkiva svinja kao potencijalne sirovine za biodizelsr
dcterms.abstractПетровић, Милица Д.; Поповац, Младен М.; Радојковић, Драган Д.; Гогић, Марија; Станишић, Никола; Станојевић, Драган Ж.; Милетић, Aлександар Б.; Утицај расе и начина исхране на хемијски састав леђног масног ткива свиња као потенцијалне сировине за биодизел; Утицај расе и начина исхране на хемијски састав леђног масног ткива свиња као потенцијалне сировине за биодизел;
dc.citation.other59(2): 141-150



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