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Kvalitet trupa pilića različite konformacije

dc.creatorPavlovski, Zlatica
dc.creatorŠkrbić, Zdenka
dc.creatorLukić, Miloš
dc.creatorPetričević, Veselin
dc.creatorStanojković, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the effect of conformation of chickens of different genotype on the yield of breast meat. As a typical example of the chickens of very poor conformation pure breed Naked neck chickens were taken, fattened 8 and 10 weeks (groups K8 and K10). As an example of good conformation, an imported hybrid of chickens was taken, known for its broiler qualities and as medium growing hybrid, Red Bro (R). The second experiment included commercial hybrids of fast growth (Ross, Cobb and Hubbard) reared according to all technological standards of intensive fattening until the age of 42 days. The results obtained were contrary to the conclusion obtained a few decades ago, at the beginning of the study the conformation of chicken, by Scots and Darrow (1953), according to which the selection of chickens of heavy type, despite the fact that, to some extent, it had improved meat yield of the breast, did not significantly improve slaughter traits of fattening chickens, confirming that better conformation and higher body weight had a positive impact on improving relative share of breast, i.e. white meat. The results regarding the slaughter traits of chicken genotypes of different conformation suggest that breeding - selection work to improve the conformation of broilers significantly improved slaughter yields and breast meat yield. In this sense, the conformation can be treated as an indicator of the slaughter value of carcasses, rather than an aesthetic category.en
dc.description.abstractCilj rada je bio da se ispita uticaj konformacije pilića različitog genotipa na prinos mesa grudi. Kao tipični predstavnici pilića izuzetno loše konformacije uzeti su pilići čiste rase nacked neck, koji su tovljeni 8 i 10 nedelja (grupe K8 i K10). Kao primer povoljne konformacije uzeta je jedna uvozna provenijenca hibridnih pilića, poznatih po svojim brojlerskim kvalitetima i kao provenijenca srednjeg porasta, Red Bro (R). Drugim ogledom su obuhvaćeni komercijalni hibridi brzog porasta (Ross, Cobb i Hubbard) koji su gajeni po svim tehnološkim standardima intenzivnog tova do uzrasta 42 dana. Dobijeni rezultati suprotno od zaključka koji su pre nekoliko decenija, na početku ispitivanja konformacije pilića, dali Scots and Darrow (1953), a prema kojima selekcija kokoši teškog tipa, i pored toga što je u izvesnoj meri popravila mesnatost grudi, ipak nije bitno poboljšala klanične osobine pilića u tovu, potvrđuju da bolja konformacija i veća telesna masa pozitivno utiču na poboljšanje realivnog udela grudi, odnosno belog mesa. Rezultati ispitivanja klaničnih osobina pilića genotipa različite konformacije ukazuju na to da odgajivačko - selekcijski rad na poboljšanju konformacije brojlera je bitno poboljšao klanične randmane i mesnatost grudi. U tom smislu, konformacija se pre može tretirati kao indikator klanične vrednosti trupova, nego kao estetska
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31033/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectshare of meaten
dc.titleCarcass quality of chickens of different conformationen
dc.titleKvalitet trupa pilića različite konformacijesr
dcterms.abstractСтанојковић, Aлександар; Петричевић, Веселин; Шкрбић, Зденка; Лукић, Милош; Павловски, Златица; Квалитет трупа пилића различите конформације; Квалитет трупа пилића различите конформације;
dc.citation.other30(3): 473-479

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