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Proizvodne performanse i kvalitet trupa brojlera diferenciranog genetskog potencijala za porast

dc.creatorŠkrbić, Zdenka
dc.creatorPavlovski, Zlatica
dc.creatorLukić, Miloš
dc.creatorPetričević, Veselin
dc.creatorMilić, Dragan
dc.description.abstractThe study was conducted with the purpose of the comparative analysis of production performance and carcass quality of two coloured broiler genotypes of differentiated genetic potential for growth (Redbro and Redbro Naked Neck) in conditions of intensive feeding, as well as determining the effect of housing system (free range and poultry house) on fattening performance of Redbro broilers. Production performance is presented in the two control periods (days 42 and 84). Carcass quality was analysed at 84 days old broilers based on carcass conformation, yield, share of valuable parts and abdominal fat content. Redbro and Redbro Naked Neck broilers had different growth intensity according to the phases of the experiment, but at the age of 84 days, their body weight did not differ significantly (3382.44g to 3236.0g). Lower efficiency of food utilization (3.08 kg to 2.79 kg) and improved vitality (100 % vs. 97.33 %) was found in Redbro Naked Neck broilers. In terms of carcass quality, there were no significant differences except in the share of wings. The positive impact of growing Redbro broilers in the poultry house was determined on the body weight (p (lt) 0.05), feed efficiency and broiler mortality, which resulted in higher production index (169.83 vs. 140.37) compared to free range reared Redbro chickens. The differences in carcass quality were determined on the basis of better conformation, a small share of the wings but also lower yields of classically dressed carcasses of broilers Redbro reared in the poultry house.en
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem uporedne analize proizvodnih performansi i kvaliteta trupa dve provenijence brojlera diferenciranog genetskog potencijala za porast (Redbro i Redbro Naked Neck) u uslovima intenzivne ishrane, kao i utvrđivanja efekta sistema gajenja (na ispustu i u objektu) na tovne performanse Redbro brojlera. Proizvodne performanse su prikazane u dva kontrolna perioda (42 i 84 dana). Kvalitet trupa analiziran je na osnovu konformacije, prinosa, udela vrednijih delova i sadržaja abdominalne masti. Redbro i Redbro Naked Neck brojleri su imali različit intenzitet porasta po fazama ogleda ali se u starosti 84 dana njihove telesne mase nisu značajno razlikovale (3382.44g prema 3236.0g). Manja efikasnost korišćenja hrane (3.08kg prema 2.79kg) i bolja vitalnost (100% prema 97.33%) utvrđena je kod Redbro Naked Neck brojlera. U pogledu kvaliteta trupa, nisu utvrđene značajne razlike osim u udelu krila. Pozitivan uticaj gajenja Redbro brojlera u objektu utvrđen je na telesnu masu (p (lt) 0.05), efikasnost korišćenja hrane i mortalitet brojlera, što je rezultiralo i većim proizvodnim indeksom (169.83 prema 140,37) u odnosu na Redbro piliće gajene na ispustu. Razlike u kvalitetu trupa su utvrđene na osnovu bolje konformacije, manjeg udela krila ali i manjeg prinosa klasično obrađenog trupa Redbro brojlera gajenih u objektu.sr
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31033/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectcoloured broilersen
dc.subjectproduction performanceen
dc.subjectcarcass qualityen
dc.titleProduction performance and carcass quality of coloured broilers differentiated genetic potential for growthen
dc.titleProizvodne performanse i kvalitet trupa brojlera diferenciranog genetskog potencijala za porastsr
dcterms.abstractПетричевић, Веселин; Шкрбић, Зденка; Милић, Драган; Павловски, Златица; Лукић, Милош; Производне перформансе и квалитет трупа бројлера диференцираног генетског потенцијала за пораст; Производне перформансе и квалитет трупа бројлера диференцираног генетског потенцијала за пораст;
dc.citation.other29(4): 615-624



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