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Određivanje organskih sastojaka mleka kao metoda ocene energetskog statusa mlečnih krava

dc.creatorSavić, Đorđe
dc.creatorMatarugić, D.
dc.creatorDelić, Nikola
dc.creatorKasagić, D.
dc.creatorStojanović, M.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the investigations described in this work was to determine the energy status and to make recommendations for correcting the cow diet at a farm of high-yield dairy cows, on the grounds of values for the concentration of organic components of milk and their ratios in individual milk samples. A total of 147 cows were examined, including 97 in the first and 50 in the second lactation. Average concentrations of milk fat and urea were within the physiological values. Namely, the milk fat concentration in cows in the first lactation was 38.88±5.07 g/l, and it was 36.47±4.82 g/l in cows in the second lactation, while the urea concentration in cows in the first lactation 3.16±0.58 mmol/l and it was 3.72±0.64 mmol/l in cows in the second lactation. The protein concentration in both groups of cows was below the physiological values, being 30.33±2.35 g/l in cows in the first lactation and 30.17±2.27 g/l in cows in the second lactation. Based on the ratio of urea and protein concentrations, as well as of fat and proteins in the individual milk samples, it was concluded that in most examined cows, both in those in the first and those in the second lactation, there is a deficit of energy, along with a deficit or relative surplus of proteins. On the grounds of the obtained results, recommendations were given for correcting the feed rations in the coming period. .en
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja u ovom radu je bio da se na farmi visokomlečnih krava, na osnovu vrednosti za koncentraciju organskih sastojaka mleka i njihovog odnosa u pojedinačnim uzorcima mleka, utvrdi energetski status i daju preporuke za korekciju ishrane krava. Ukupno je ispitano 147 krava, od kojih je 97 bilo u prvoj, a 50 u drugoj laktaciji. Prosečne koncentracije mlečne masti i ureje bile su unutar fizioloških vrednosti. Naime, koncentracija mlečne masti kod krava u prvoj laktaciji bila je 38,88±5,07 g/l, a kod krava u drugoj laktaciji 36,47±4,82 g/l. Koncentracija ureje kod krava u prvoj laktaciji bila je 3,16±0,58 mmol/l, a kod krava u drugoj laktaciji 3,72±0,64 mmol/l. Koncentracija proteina kod obe grupe krava je bila ispod fiziološke vrednosti, jer je kod krava koje su bile u prvoj laktaciji bila 30,33±2,35 g/l, a kod krava koje su bile u drugoj laktaciji 30,17±2,27 g/l. Na osnovu odnosa koncentracija ureje i proteina, kao i masti i proteina u pojedinačnim uzorcima mleka zaključeno je da kod većine ispitanih krava, kako onih koje su bile u prvoj tako i onih u drugoj laktaciji, postoji deficit energije, uz deficit ili relativni suficit proteina. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata date su preporuke za korekciju obroka u narednom periodu. .sr
dc.publisherUniversity of Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade
dc.sourceVeterinarski glasnik
dc.subjectenergy metabolismen
dc.subjectenergetski metabolizamsr
dc.titleDetermination of organic components of milk as method for evaluating energy status of dairy cowsen
dc.titleOdređivanje organskih sastojaka mleka kao metoda ocene energetskog statusa mlečnih kravasr
dcterms.abstractСтојановић, М.; Матаругић, Д.; Касагић, Д.; Делић, Никола; Савић, Ђорђе; Одређивање органских састојака млека као метода оцене енергетског статуса млечних крава; Одређивање органских састојака млека као метода оцене енергетског статуса млечних крава;
dc.citation.other64(1-2): 21-32



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