Now showing items 1-10 of 23
Effect of different genotypes, sires and season of slaughtering on slaughter traits of pigs / Uticaj različitih genotipova, očeva i sezone klanja na klanične osobine svinja
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2003)
The effect of different genotypes, sires and season on age at slaughtering mass of warm carcass sides, fat thickness measured on three points (withers back, rump) and percentage of meat in warm carcass sides of average ...
Fatty acid profile of m. longissimus dorsi of Mangalitsa and Moravka pig breeds
(Archiv Fur Tierzucht, Dummerstorf, 2014)
The objective of this study was to determine the chemical composition and fatty acid content in m. longissimus dorsi (MLD) of two indigenous pig breeds (ML - Swallow-belly Mangalitsa and M - Moravka) reared in free range ...
Phenotypic and genetic variability of quality traits of carcass sides and meat / Fenotipska i genetska varijabilnost osobina kvaliteta polutki i mesa
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2006)
Investigation of phenotypic and genetic variability of carcass side quality traits and pH values of M. semimembranosusa was carried out on 997 fatteners (446 females and 551 castrates) who originated from 20 sires. Sires ...
Comparative presentation of quality of pig carcass halves using different examination methods / Komparativni prikaz kvaliteta svinjskih polutki primenom različitih metoda ispitivanja
(University of Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade, 2010)
Investigations were performed on 135 pig half-carcasses of different genotypes, of both sexes, at several abattoirs in Vojvodina. The determination of the carcass halves according to body mass was performed on the grounds ...
Quality traits of carcass sides and meat of Moravka and Mangalitsa pig breeds / Osobine kvaliteta polutki i mesa svinja rase moravka i mangulica
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2010)
Objective of this paper was to evaluate phenotypic variability of carcass side traits and quality of meat of fatteners (male castrated heads) of Moravka breed (M) and Mangalitsa (swallow-belly Mangalitsa - LM). The quantity ...
Quality of pig carcasses on slaughter line according to previous and current EU regulation / Kvalitet svinjskih trupova na liniji klanja, prema prethodnom i tekućem pravilniku EU
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2009)
Investigation was carried out on 135 pig carcasses/carcass sides of both sexes, in several slaughterhouses in Vojvodina. Stratification of carcass sides was done based on coefficient of linear regression of traits in ...
Genetic resources in pig breeding: Carcass quality traits of breeds Moravka and Mangalitsa / Genetički resursi u svinjarstvu - osobine kvaliteta polutki rase moravka i mangulica
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)
Objective of this paper was to evaluate phenotypic variability of carcass quality traits of pigs of Moravka and Mangalitsa breeds. Quantity and content of meat was determined based on Regulation (1985) and dissection of ...
National program on biotechnologies and agro industry: Program for improving livestock production and products of animal origin: The study on the project titled: Production of quality pig halves / Nacionalni program biotehnologija i agroindustrija - program unapređenja stočarstva i proizvoda animalnog porekla, studija projekta: Proizvodnja kvalitetnih svinjskih polutki
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2004)
The object of this research-developmental project is the production of quality pig halves. By the application of various methods of selection and breeding along with optimal conditions of nutrition, care and keeping carcass ...
Composition of carcass sides and quality of meat from Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa reared in two systems / Sastav polutki i kvalitet mesa lasaste mangulice gajene u dva sistema
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2012)
Objective of this paper was to determine the composition of carcass sides and quality of meat obtained from two groups of fatteners (male castrated pigs) of Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa breed. First group was reared in an open ...
How to increase production of beef, lamb and pork in Serbia for domestic market and export / Kako u Srbiji povećati proizvodnju junećeg, jagnjećeg i svinjskog mesa namenjenog domaćim potrebama i izvozu
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2011)
The present situation in livestock production and production of meat is presented in this paper, as well as directions for future work aimed at bringing changes to this branch of economy. In the last decade, a drop in the ...