Now showing items 1-10 of 45
The effect of the rearing system and biological factors on carcass conformation and slaughter traits of fattening chickens / Uticaj sistema gajenja i bioloških faktora na konformaciju trupa i klanične osobine pilića u tovu
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)
The effect of the rearing system (intensive and semi intensive) and biological factors (genotype, age, sex) on absolute and index values of carcass conformation measures in chickens (metatarsus length, keel length, breast ...
Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of back fat thickness on quality of carcass of Swedish landrace pigs / Prilog poznavanju uticaja debljine slanine na kvalitet trupova svinja rase Švedski landras
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)
In this paper a comparative research relating to evaluation of the quality of pig carcasses originating from Swedish Landrace was carried out, total of 248 fatteners divided into two groups depending on the back fat thickness ...
The effect of time of maturation and CaCl2 on quality of young beef / Uticaj vremena zrenja i CaCl2 na kvalitet junećeg mesa
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)
Investigations were carried out on four muscles (M. longissimus dorsi, M. semimembranosus, M. semitendinosus, M. biceps femoris) taken from five young cattle (crosses Domestic Spotted x Limousine) of average body mass prior ...
Influence of application of enzymes in poultry nutrition on production results and quality of product / Uticaj primene enzima u ishrani živine na proizvodne rezultate i kvalitet proizvoda
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)
The review of the latest results in application of enzymes in nutrition of poultry is presented in this paper. Results obtained in application of enzymes in nutrition of chickens and layer hens are presented. Investigations ...
The effect of genotype on fattening and body development traits of young cattle / Uticaj genotipa na tovne osobine i telesnu razvijenost junadi
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)
Differences in demonstration of fattening and traits of body development in young cattle from three genotype groups are investigated: Domestic Simmental breed (G1) and its crosses F1 gen. With Limousine (G2) and Charolais ...
Evaluation of boar sire breeding value using probit method / Ocene priplodne vrednosti nerastaoca metodom probita
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)
Objective of this paper was to evaluate breeding value of boarsires based on four traits of their offspring (average life daily gain and share of meat in carcass sides (%) of offspring-fatteners, number of live born piglets ...
Phenotypic correlations of productive and reproductive traits of Simmental cows / Fenotipske korelacije proizvodnih i reproduktivnih osobina krava simentalske rase
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)
Research included 3.461 first calving Simmental cows in control, with lactations concluded within one year. All first calving cows were reared by private/individual farmers on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. ...
Share of tissue in retail cuts of carcasses of young cattle / Udeo tkiva u maloprodajnim delovima junećih trupova
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)
In order to determine the content of certain tissues in retail (main) cuts of young cattle carcasses, dissection of 30 carcass sides from young cattle was performed. Average weight of carcass sides was 169 kg. Average share ...
The presence of potential toxigenic fungi in animal feed with particular rewiev on species of genera Aspergillus and Fusarium / Prisustvo potencijalno toksigenih gljiva u hrani za životinje sa posebnim osvrtom na vrste rodova Aspergillus i Fusarium
(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)
The presence of potential toxigenic fungi genera was investigated in 72 samples of different kinds of animal feed. A total five genera of fungi were isolated and identified with followed degree of frequency: Aspergillus ...
Yield of grass-leguminous mixtures depending on the botanical composition and fertilization with nitrogen / Prinos travno-leguminoznih smeša u zavisnosti od botaničkog sastava i đubrenja azotom
(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2007)
Grasslands of different floristic composition have different yields Including of leguminous plants to grasslands leads to more profitable production, the use of mineral fertilizers is reduced and grassland forage of better ...