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Prinos mesa jaradi srpske bele koze u zavisnosti od telesne mase pre klanja

dc.creatorŽujović, Miroslav
dc.creatorJosipović, Slavko
dc.creatorTomić, Zorica
dc.creatorStanišić, Nikola
dc.creatorNešić, Zorica
dc.description.abstractInvestigations were carried out on three groups of kids of Serbian White breed as follows: group of lighter kids, average body mass at slaughtering 12,65 kg (8,8 - 15,0 kg) and average age of 70 days; group of medium heavy kids, body mass of 17,61 kg (15,1 - 20,0 kg) and average age of 97 days, and group of heavy kids, body mass prior to slaughtering of 22,70 kg (20,1 - 25,7 kg) and average age of 129 days. Objective of this research was to determine the meat yield (dressing percentage) and share of some slaughtering products in the mass prior to slaughtering and share of giblets in the mass of chilled carcass. It was established that heavier kids have lower dressing percentage (55,01%) compared to lighter (57,21%) and medium heavy kids (58, 21%), more favorable conformation evaluation (4,22 points in heavier, 3,77 points in medium heavy and 3,52 points in lighter kids), better covering of carcass with fat tissue (3,71 points in heavier, 3,66 points in medium heavy and 3,32 points in lighter kids) and better evaluation of the meat color (4,78 points in heavier, 4,66 points in medium heavy and 3,79 points in lighter kids). Share of edible giblets/offal (pre-stomach, small intestines, mesentherium) in the mass of carcass prior to slaughtering was higher in lighter kids (6,45%) compared to medium heavy (5,83%) and heavy kids (6,15%). Share of giblets/offal in chilled carcass was the lowest (15,91%) in heavy kids, slightly higher (17,16%) in medium heavy and the highest in lighter kids (18,86%).en
dc.description.abstractIspitivanja su obavljena na tri grupe jaradi srpske bele koze i to: lakših, prosečne telesne mase pri klanju 12,654 kg (8,8 - 15,0 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta od 70 dana; srednje teških telesne mase 17,61 kg (15,1 - 20,0 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta 97 dana i teških telesne mase pred klanje 22,70 kg (20,1 - 25,7 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta 129 dana. Cilj ovih ispitivanja bio je da se utvrdi prinos mesa (randman) i udeo nekih pratećih proizvoda klanja u masi pred klanje i udeo iznutrica u masi ohlađenog trupa. Utvrđeno je da teža jarad imaju manji randman (55,01%) u odnosu na lakše (57,21%) i srednje teške (58, 21%), povoljniju ocenu konformacije (4,22 poena u težih, 3,77 poena u srednje teških i 3,52 poena u lakših), bolju prekrivenost trupa masnim tkivom (3,71 poena u težih, 3,66 poena u srednje teških i 3,32 poena u lakih) i bolju ocenu boje mesa (4,78 poena u teških, 4,66 poena u srednje teških i 3,79 poena u lakših). Udeo jestivih iznutrica (predželudac, tanka creva, opornjak) u masi trupa pred klanje je veći u lakih jaradi (4,45%) u poređenju sa srednje teškim (5,83%) i teškim jaradima (6,15%). Udeo iznutrica u ohlađenom trupu je najmanji (15,91%) u teških, nešto veći (17,16%) u srednje teških i najveći (18,86%) u lakih jaradi.sr
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectbody massen
dc.subjectmeat yielden
dc.subjectdressing percentageen
dc.subjectcarcass evaluationen
dc.subjectmasa trupasr
dc.subjectprinos mesasr
dc.subjectocena trupasr
dc.titleMeat yield of kids of Serbian white breed depending on the body mass prior to slaughteringen
dc.titlePrinos mesa jaradi srpske bele koze u zavisnosti od telesne mase pre klanjasr
dc.citation.other24(5-6): 61-69



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