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Telesna masa jaradi pred klanje kao faktor prinosa i kvaliteta mesa. II - uticaj telesne mase jaradi pred klanje na ocenu trupa

dc.creatorŽujović, Miroslav
dc.creatorJosipović, Slavko
dc.creatorTomić, Zorica
dc.creatorPetrović, Milan P.
dc.creatorIvanović, Snežana
dc.creatorPetrović, Milun
dc.description.abstractInvestigation was carried out on three groups of kids of Domestic White breed and its crosses with Saanen breed: group of light, average body mass prior to slaughtering of 12,653 kg (8,8-15,0 kg) and average age of 70 days, group of medium heavy kids, average body mass prior to slaughtering of 17,613 kg (15,1-20,0 kg) and average age of 98 days and group of heavy kids, average body mass prior to slaughtering of 22,697 kg (20,1-25,7 kg) and average age of 129 days. Objective of our investigation was to determine body mass of kids prior to slaughtering which will ensure carcasses of acceptable commercial value in regard to carcass conformation, to which extent the carcass and kidneys are covered with fat tissue, color of meat and fat. It was established that heavier kids have more favorable evaluations for all observed traits of the carcass quality. Based on results obtained by investigation of the effect of body mass of kids prior to slaughtering on carcass measures and evaluation it can be concluded that heavier kids (15,1-25,7 kg) had better index of meatiness of carcass and thigh, better carcass conformation, the carcass and kidneys are better covered with fat tissue, the color of meat and fat are more favorable and as consequence the commercial value of such carcass is higher. Lighter kids (8,8-15,0 kg) have less superficial and kidney fat, therefore their meat is more suitable for specific restrictive nutrition.en
dc.description.abstractIspitivanja su izvedena na tri grupe jaradi domaće bele koze: grupa lakih prosečne telesne mase 12,653 kg (8,8-15,0 kg), srednje teških 17,613 kg (15,1- 20,0) i teških 22,697 kg (20,1-25,7 kg) i prosečnim uzrastom od 70,97, 98,41 i 129,00 dana. Cilj ovih ispitivanja bio je da se utvrdi koja težinska grupa jaradi ima najpovoljniju ocenu trupa (konformacija, prekrivenost masnim tkivom, boja mesa i loja). Utvrđeno je da su teža jarad povoljnije ocenjena u pogledu konformacije, prekrivenosti trupa i bubrega masnim tkivom, boje mesa i loja i marmoriranosti (zastupljenost masnog tkiva u mišiću) dok je struktura mesa bila povoljnija u lakših.sr
dc.publisherDnevik-Poljoprivrednik AD, Poljoprivredni fakultet i Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.relationMinistry of Scence, Republic of Serbia, no. TR-6858B
dc.sourceSavremena poljoprivreda
dc.subjectcarcass measuresen
dc.subjectfat tissue thicknessen
dc.subjectcarcass conformationen
dc.subjectfat tissue covering carcass and kidneysen
dc.subjectcolor of meat and faten
dc.subjectmere trupasr
dc.subjectdebljina masnog tkivasr
dc.subjectocena trupasr
dc.titleBody mass of kids prior to slaughtering as meat yield and quality factor. II: The effect of body mass of kids prior to slaughtering on carcass evaluationen
dc.titleTelesna masa jaradi pred klanje kao faktor prinosa i kvaliteta mesa. II - uticaj telesne mase jaradi pred klanje na ocenu trupasr
dc.citation.other56(3-4): 47-52



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