Stajić, Slaviša

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Stajić, Slaviša (22)

Author's Bibliography


Stamenić, Tamara; Petričević, Maja; Šobajić, Slađana; Keškić, Tanja; Stajić, Slaviša; Stanišić, Nikola; Milošević Georgiev, Andrijana

(UASQ - United Association of Serbia for Quality, Belgrade, Serbia, 2024-06)

AU  - Stamenić, Tamara
AU  - Petričević, Maja
AU  - Šobajić, Slađana
AU  - Keškić, Tanja
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Milošević Georgiev, Andrijana
PY  - 2024-06
UR  -
AB  - Enhancing diet quality is a pivotal strategy in the battle against non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) and a cornerstone of public health policy. The Nutri-Score, a front-of-pack
(FOP) labeling system featuring five color-coded letters (A-E), serves as a beacon, guiding
consumers towards healthier prepackaged foods. This system has a profound effect on
consumer awareness, perception, comprehension, and purchasing behavior, potentially
leading to a significant reduction in NCD prevalence. Despite their status as essential protein
sources, processed meats have been associated with numerous diseases. By directing
consumers towards healthier options through FOP labeling, such as the Nutri-Score, we can
potentially alleviate the burden of diet-related diseases. This study classified processed meat
products by Nutri-Score to identify nutritionally better options. Analyzing 387 products from
major supermarket chains in Belgrade, Serbia, revealed most processed meats fell into classes
D and E. Dried meat products and finely ground cooked sausages were ranked more
favorably than dry-cured and dry fermented sausages. Significant improvements in Nutri-
Score were seen in products with lower sodium chloride and saturated fats. Thus, some
processed meats are nutritionally superior within their group, offering potential health
benefits to those who choose them. Adopting FOP labeling systems like Nutri-Score is not
just beneficial, but essential for steering consumers toward healthier dietary choices and
supporting public health goals to reduce NCDs.
AB  - Poboljšanje kvaliteta ishrane predstavlja ključnu strategiju u borbi protiv hroničnih
nezaraznih bolesti (HNB) i kamen temeljac politike javnog zdravlja. Nutri-Score predstavlja
nutrituvni sistem obeležavanja na prednjoj strani pakovanja (FOP) se služi kombinacijom pet
slova (A-E) označenih sa pet različitih boja, u cilju da potrošače vodi ka zdravijim izborima
namirnica. Ovaj sistem ima značajan uticaj na svest potrošača, percepciju, razumevanje i
ponašanje prilikom kupovine, što potencijalno dovodi do značajnog smanjenja prevalencije
HNB. Uprkos tome što predstvlja esencijalni izvor proteina, mesne prerađevine se dovode u
vezu sa brojnim bolestima. Usmeravanjem potrošača ka zdravijim opcijama kroz FOP
označavanje, kao što je Nutri-Score, potencijalno možemo da ublažimo prevalencu bolesti
povezanih sa ishranom. U ovom radu mesne prerađevine su klasifikovane prema Nutri-Score-
u kako bi se identifikovale nutritivne karakteristike različitih grupa proizvoda od mesa.
Analizom 387 proizvoda iz najvećih lanaca supermarketa u Beogradu, u Srbiji, otkriveno je
da većina prouvoda od mesa svrstana u klasu D i E. Dimljeni proizvodi i fino usitnjene
barene kobasice su bolje rangirane od suvomesnatih proizvoda i fermentisanih kobasica.
Značajna poboljšanja u Nutri-Score-u primećena su kod proizvoda sa nižim sadržajem
natrijum hlorida i zasićenih masti. Shodno tome, određeni proizvodi od mesa su nutritivno
superiorniji unutar svoje grupe, nudeći potencijalne zdravstvene koristi onima koji ih izaberu.
Usvajanje sistema obeležavanja FOP-a kao što je Nutri-Score nije samo korisno, već je od
suštinskog značaja za usmeravanje potrošača ka zdravijim dijetarnim izborima i podržavanje
ciljeva javnog zdravlja za smanjenje HNB.
PB  - UASQ - United Association of Serbia for Quality, Belgrade, Serbia
C3  - XX Međunarodna Konvencija o kvalitetu – JUSK ICQ 2024, Beograd, 2024
DO  - 10.46793/JUSK-ICQXX.145S
ER  - 
author = "Stamenić, Tamara and Petričević, Maja and Šobajić, Slađana and Keškić, Tanja and Stajić, Slaviša and Stanišić, Nikola and Milošević Georgiev, Andrijana",
year = "2024-06",
abstract = "Enhancing diet quality is a pivotal strategy in the battle against non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) and a cornerstone of public health policy. The Nutri-Score, a front-of-pack
(FOP) labeling system featuring five color-coded letters (A-E), serves as a beacon, guiding
consumers towards healthier prepackaged foods. This system has a profound effect on
consumer awareness, perception, comprehension, and purchasing behavior, potentially
leading to a significant reduction in NCD prevalence. Despite their status as essential protein
sources, processed meats have been associated with numerous diseases. By directing
consumers towards healthier options through FOP labeling, such as the Nutri-Score, we can
potentially alleviate the burden of diet-related diseases. This study classified processed meat
products by Nutri-Score to identify nutritionally better options. Analyzing 387 products from
major supermarket chains in Belgrade, Serbia, revealed most processed meats fell into classes
D and E. Dried meat products and finely ground cooked sausages were ranked more
favorably than dry-cured and dry fermented sausages. Significant improvements in Nutri-
Score were seen in products with lower sodium chloride and saturated fats. Thus, some
processed meats are nutritionally superior within their group, offering potential health
benefits to those who choose them. Adopting FOP labeling systems like Nutri-Score is not
just beneficial, but essential for steering consumers toward healthier dietary choices and
supporting public health goals to reduce NCDs., Poboljšanje kvaliteta ishrane predstavlja ključnu strategiju u borbi protiv hroničnih
nezaraznih bolesti (HNB) i kamen temeljac politike javnog zdravlja. Nutri-Score predstavlja
nutrituvni sistem obeležavanja na prednjoj strani pakovanja (FOP) se služi kombinacijom pet
slova (A-E) označenih sa pet različitih boja, u cilju da potrošače vodi ka zdravijim izborima
namirnica. Ovaj sistem ima značajan uticaj na svest potrošača, percepciju, razumevanje i
ponašanje prilikom kupovine, što potencijalno dovodi do značajnog smanjenja prevalencije
HNB. Uprkos tome što predstvlja esencijalni izvor proteina, mesne prerađevine se dovode u
vezu sa brojnim bolestima. Usmeravanjem potrošača ka zdravijim opcijama kroz FOP
označavanje, kao što je Nutri-Score, potencijalno možemo da ublažimo prevalencu bolesti
povezanih sa ishranom. U ovom radu mesne prerađevine su klasifikovane prema Nutri-Score-
u kako bi se identifikovale nutritivne karakteristike različitih grupa proizvoda od mesa.
Analizom 387 proizvoda iz najvećih lanaca supermarketa u Beogradu, u Srbiji, otkriveno je
da većina prouvoda od mesa svrstana u klasu D i E. Dimljeni proizvodi i fino usitnjene
barene kobasice su bolje rangirane od suvomesnatih proizvoda i fermentisanih kobasica.
Značajna poboljšanja u Nutri-Score-u primećena su kod proizvoda sa nižim sadržajem
natrijum hlorida i zasićenih masti. Shodno tome, određeni proizvodi od mesa su nutritivno
superiorniji unutar svoje grupe, nudeći potencijalne zdravstvene koristi onima koji ih izaberu.
Usvajanje sistema obeležavanja FOP-a kao što je Nutri-Score nije samo korisno, već je od
suštinskog značaja za usmeravanje potrošača ka zdravijim dijetarnim izborima i podržavanje
ciljeva javnog zdravlja za smanjenje HNB.",
publisher = "UASQ - United Association of Serbia for Quality, Belgrade, Serbia",
journal = "XX Međunarodna Konvencija o kvalitetu – JUSK ICQ 2024, Beograd, 2024",
doi = "10.46793/JUSK-ICQXX.145S"
Stamenić, T., Petričević, M., Šobajić, S., Keškić, T., Stajić, S., Stanišić, N.,& Milošević Georgiev, A.. (2024-06). CHALLENGES OF THE NEW PRODUCT-LABELING SYSTEM IN THE MEAT INDUSTRY. in XX Međunarodna Konvencija o kvalitetu – JUSK ICQ 2024, Beograd, 2024
UASQ - United Association of Serbia for Quality, Belgrade, Serbia..
Stamenić T, Petričević M, Šobajić S, Keškić T, Stajić S, Stanišić N, Milošević Georgiev A. CHALLENGES OF THE NEW PRODUCT-LABELING SYSTEM IN THE MEAT INDUSTRY. in XX Međunarodna Konvencija o kvalitetu – JUSK ICQ 2024, Beograd, 2024. 2024;.
doi:10.46793/JUSK-ICQXX.145S .
Stamenić, Tamara, Petričević, Maja, Šobajić, Slađana, Keškić, Tanja, Stajić, Slaviša, Stanišić, Nikola, Milošević Georgiev, Andrijana, "CHALLENGES OF THE NEW PRODUCT-LABELING SYSTEM IN THE MEAT INDUSTRY" in XX Međunarodna Konvencija o kvalitetu – JUSK ICQ 2024, Beograd, 2024 (2024-06), . .


Stanišić, Nikola; Delić, Nikola; Stajić, Slaviša; Petričević, Maja; Lilić, Slobodan; Stamenić, Tamara; Stanojković, Aleksandar

(Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun, 2023-10-04)

AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Delić, Nikola
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Petričević, Maja
AU  - Lilić, Slobodan
AU  - Stamenić, Tamara
AU  - Stanojković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023-10-04
UR  -
AB  - This trial aimed to investigate changes in pH, proximate composition and fat rancidity parameters during the production of traditional Sucuk sausage (dry fermented sausage) with different fat levels. Three groups of sausages were produced from beef meat and fat: LF (low fat, with 10% added fat), MF (medium fat, with 20% added fat) and HF (high fat, with 30% added fat). The production was carried out in a traditional smoking house, and fermentation and ripening lasted 28 days. Samples were analysed after stuffing (day 0) and on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 of production. The higher fat content of the HF group probably influenced the lowest pH value at the beginning of production (day 0) (p<0.05). The HF group also had the mildest drop in pH (p<0.05), while the MF and LF groups had a similar trend in pH decline. Fat content had a significant effect on the proximate composition of the products, best reflected at the end of the production process, where the HF group had significantly higher fat and lower moisture and protein content (p<0.05). A higher total free fatty acids (FFA) content was obtained in the LF group, showing greater lipolysis than in MF and HF groups. Interestingly, sausages with higher fat content had lower peroxide values during production (p<0.05).
PB  - Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun
C3  - Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production"
SP  - 335
EP  - 345
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stanišić, Nikola and Delić, Nikola and Stajić, Slaviša and Petričević, Maja and Lilić, Slobodan and Stamenić, Tamara and Stanojković, Aleksandar",
year = "2023-10-04",
abstract = "This trial aimed to investigate changes in pH, proximate composition and fat rancidity parameters during the production of traditional Sucuk sausage (dry fermented sausage) with different fat levels. Three groups of sausages were produced from beef meat and fat: LF (low fat, with 10% added fat), MF (medium fat, with 20% added fat) and HF (high fat, with 30% added fat). The production was carried out in a traditional smoking house, and fermentation and ripening lasted 28 days. Samples were analysed after stuffing (day 0) and on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 of production. The higher fat content of the HF group probably influenced the lowest pH value at the beginning of production (day 0) (p<0.05). The HF group also had the mildest drop in pH (p<0.05), while the MF and LF groups had a similar trend in pH decline. Fat content had a significant effect on the proximate composition of the products, best reflected at the end of the production process, where the HF group had significantly higher fat and lower moisture and protein content (p<0.05). A higher total free fatty acids (FFA) content was obtained in the LF group, showing greater lipolysis than in MF and HF groups. Interestingly, sausages with higher fat content had lower peroxide values during production (p<0.05).",
publisher = "Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun",
journal = "Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production"",
pages = "335-345",
url = ""
Stanišić, N., Delić, N., Stajić, S., Petričević, M., Lilić, S., Stamenić, T.,& Stanojković, A.. (2023-10-04). EFFECT OF FAT LEVEL ON QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF TRADITIONAL SUCUK SAUSAGES. PART 1:  PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHANGES DURING PRODUCTION. in Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production"
Institut za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun., 335-345.
Stanišić N, Delić N, Stajić S, Petričević M, Lilić S, Stamenić T, Stanojković A. EFFECT OF FAT LEVEL ON QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF TRADITIONAL SUCUK SAUSAGES. PART 1:  PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHANGES DURING PRODUCTION. in Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production". 2023;:335-345. .
Stanišić, Nikola, Delić, Nikola, Stajić, Slaviša, Petričević, Maja, Lilić, Slobodan, Stamenić, Tamara, Stanojković, Aleksandar, "EFFECT OF FAT LEVEL ON QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF TRADITIONAL SUCUK SAUSAGES. PART 1:  PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHANGES DURING PRODUCTION" in Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production" (2023-10-04):335-345, .

Meat products and functional food

Stajić, Slaviša; Stanišić, Nikola; Kurćubić, Vladimir

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023-09)

AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Kurćubić, Vladimir
PY  - 2023-09
UR  -
AB  - Functional food is a term for food products fortified with ingredients that possess benefi‑ cial physiological effects. Meat products are characterized by relatively high salt, fat and saturated fatty acid contents. Moreover, phosphates and nitrites are also marked as potential harmful components. Designing meat products as functional food has been associated with replacement (and/or reduction) of these components with other, especially natural, ingredi‑ ents that possess beneficial effects. The development of such products poses quite a chal‑ lenge since it requires the creation of a product with improved functional properties and the same sensory quality as conventional ones. Results of numerous studies into improving the nutritional properties of meat products indicate that the meat industry has responded to the changes of lifestyle and perception of food.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology — Special Issue
T1  - Meat products and functional food
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 206
EP  - 211
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.37
ER  - 
author = "Stajić, Slaviša and Stanišić, Nikola and Kurćubić, Vladimir",
year = "2023-09",
abstract = "Functional food is a term for food products fortified with ingredients that possess benefi‑ cial physiological effects. Meat products are characterized by relatively high salt, fat and saturated fatty acid contents. Moreover, phosphates and nitrites are also marked as potential harmful components. Designing meat products as functional food has been associated with replacement (and/or reduction) of these components with other, especially natural, ingredi‑ ents that possess beneficial effects. The development of such products poses quite a chal‑ lenge since it requires the creation of a product with improved functional properties and the same sensory quality as conventional ones. Results of numerous studies into improving the nutritional properties of meat products indicate that the meat industry has responded to the changes of lifestyle and perception of food.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology — Special Issue",
title = "Meat products and functional food",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "206-211",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.37"
Stajić, S., Stanišić, N.,& Kurćubić, V.. (2023-09). Meat products and functional food. in Meat Technology — Special Issue
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 206-211.
Stajić S, Stanišić N, Kurćubić V. Meat products and functional food. in Meat Technology — Special Issue. 2023;64(2):206-211.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.37 .
Stajić, Slaviša, Stanišić, Nikola, Kurćubić, Vladimir, "Meat products and functional food" in Meat Technology — Special Issue, 64, no. 2 (2023-09):206-211, . .

Nutritional evaluation of cooked sausages in the market of the republic of Serbia using the nutri-score methodology

Stamenić, Tamara; Petričević, Maja; Šobajić, Slađana; Stajić, Slaviša; Stanišić, Nikola; Keškić, Tanja; Živković, Vladimir

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun, 2023-06)

AU  - Stamenić, Tamara
AU  - Petričević, Maja
AU  - Šobajić, Slađana
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Keškić, Tanja
AU  - Živković, Vladimir
PY  - 2023-06
UR  -
AB  - Enhancing diet quality is a recognized strategy for reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), making it a primary focus of public health policies worldwide. The Nutri-Score, a front-of-pack labeling logo utilizing five color-coded letters (A, B, C, D, E), has been established as a means to assist consumers in promptly identifying healthier prepackaged foods within a given food category. It has a positive influence in terms of consumer awareness, perception, comprehension, and purchasing behavior and potentially contributes to a decrease in the prevalence of NCDs. The objective of this research was to assess the Nutri-Score of finely and coarsely ground cooked sausages available in the Serbian market. To accomplish this, a total of 189 packaged cooked sausages from the eight largest supermarket chains in the Belgrade region of the Republic of Serbia were analyzed. The sausages were evaluated using the Nutri-score method and categorized accordingly. The results of the Nutri-Score analysis revealed that only 1.1% of the cooked sausages fell into Group C, while 62.4% were classified as Group D, and 36.5% were classified as Group E. The reduction of sodium and saturated fatty acids, which are major contributors to unfavorable Nutri-scores in cooked sausages, is crucial due to their significant presence, often leading to their classification as "unhealthy foods."
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Nutritional evaluation of cooked sausages in the market of the republic of Serbia using the nutri-score methodology
VL  - 39
IS  - 1
SP  - 73
EP  - 86
DO  - 10.2298/BAH2202081R
ER  - 
author = "Stamenić, Tamara and Petričević, Maja and Šobajić, Slađana and Stajić, Slaviša and Stanišić, Nikola and Keškić, Tanja and Živković, Vladimir",
year = "2023-06",
abstract = "Enhancing diet quality is a recognized strategy for reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), making it a primary focus of public health policies worldwide. The Nutri-Score, a front-of-pack labeling logo utilizing five color-coded letters (A, B, C, D, E), has been established as a means to assist consumers in promptly identifying healthier prepackaged foods within a given food category. It has a positive influence in terms of consumer awareness, perception, comprehension, and purchasing behavior and potentially contributes to a decrease in the prevalence of NCDs. The objective of this research was to assess the Nutri-Score of finely and coarsely ground cooked sausages available in the Serbian market. To accomplish this, a total of 189 packaged cooked sausages from the eight largest supermarket chains in the Belgrade region of the Republic of Serbia were analyzed. The sausages were evaluated using the Nutri-score method and categorized accordingly. The results of the Nutri-Score analysis revealed that only 1.1% of the cooked sausages fell into Group C, while 62.4% were classified as Group D, and 36.5% were classified as Group E. The reduction of sodium and saturated fatty acids, which are major contributors to unfavorable Nutri-scores in cooked sausages, is crucial due to their significant presence, often leading to their classification as "unhealthy foods."",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Nutritional evaluation of cooked sausages in the market of the republic of Serbia using the nutri-score methodology",
volume = "39",
number = "1",
pages = "73-86",
doi = "10.2298/BAH2202081R"
Stamenić, T., Petričević, M., Šobajić, S., Stajić, S., Stanišić, N., Keškić, T.,& Živković, V.. (2023-06). Nutritional evaluation of cooked sausages in the market of the republic of Serbia using the nutri-score methodology. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun., 39(1), 73-86.
Stamenić T, Petričević M, Šobajić S, Stajić S, Stanišić N, Keškić T, Živković V. Nutritional evaluation of cooked sausages in the market of the republic of Serbia using the nutri-score methodology. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2023;39(1):73-86.
doi:10.2298/BAH2202081R .
Stamenić, Tamara, Petričević, Maja, Šobajić, Slađana, Stajić, Slaviša, Stanišić, Nikola, Keškić, Tanja, Živković, Vladimir, "Nutritional evaluation of cooked sausages in the market of the republic of Serbia using the nutri-score methodology" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 39, no. 1 (2023-06):73-86, . .

Inulin as a fat-reduction ingredient in chicken frankfurters with a reduced level of sodium - technological properties and consumer acceptance

Petričević, Maja; Stamenić, Tamara; Stanišić, Nikola; Petričević, Veselin; Gogić, Marija; Mandić, Violeta; Stajić, Slaviša

(Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences University of Sarajevo, 2022-12-30)

AU  - Petričević, Maja
AU  - Stamenić, Tamara
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Petričević, Veselin
AU  - Gogić, Marija
AU  - Mandić, Violeta
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
PY  - 2022-12-30
UR  -
AB  - Cooked sausages (frankfurters) are one of the most popular meat products in Serbia and the world. However, high contents of saturated fatty acids and sodium, along with the lack of complex carbohydrates, such as dietary fibers, contribute to the unfavorable health perception of these products. In today's market, a wide variety of additives and substitutes are being used as a replacement for animal fat and sodium in meat products that have little to no impact on processing loss and/or the sensory quality of the final product. Research in this field usually goes toward partial or complete fat replacement with different hydrocolloids or vegetable oils, while KCl is generally recommended for partial replacement of NaCl. However, there is limited data regarding frankfurters that have reduced contents of fats and sodium, along with reduced caloric value with additional prebiotics function. The results of this paper suggest that half of the pork backfat and a third of the NaCl could be replaced in chicken frankfurters with inulin gel and potassium salt to improve their nutritive characteristics and to obtain a product that would have characteristics of functional food. The experimental formulation (INK+) analysis showed characteristical traits for this group of meat products in terms of technological quality and chemical composition and received high sensory evaluation scores for taste, odor, texture, and juiciness. The improved chicken frankfurter group has also shown exceptional nutritional value, considering that it contains a significantly reduced fat content (the main contributor to the caloric value of the final product) and prebiotic function (originating from inulin).
PB  - Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences University of Sarajevo
T2  - Works of Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences
T1  - Inulin as a fat-reduction ingredient in chicken frankfurters with a reduced level of sodium - technological properties and consumer acceptance
IS  - 72/2
SP  - 157
EP  - 169
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petričević, Maja and Stamenić, Tamara and Stanišić, Nikola and Petričević, Veselin and Gogić, Marija and Mandić, Violeta and Stajić, Slaviša",
year = "2022-12-30",
abstract = "Cooked sausages (frankfurters) are one of the most popular meat products in Serbia and the world. However, high contents of saturated fatty acids and sodium, along with the lack of complex carbohydrates, such as dietary fibers, contribute to the unfavorable health perception of these products. In today's market, a wide variety of additives and substitutes are being used as a replacement for animal fat and sodium in meat products that have little to no impact on processing loss and/or the sensory quality of the final product. Research in this field usually goes toward partial or complete fat replacement with different hydrocolloids or vegetable oils, while KCl is generally recommended for partial replacement of NaCl. However, there is limited data regarding frankfurters that have reduced contents of fats and sodium, along with reduced caloric value with additional prebiotics function. The results of this paper suggest that half of the pork backfat and a third of the NaCl could be replaced in chicken frankfurters with inulin gel and potassium salt to improve their nutritive characteristics and to obtain a product that would have characteristics of functional food. The experimental formulation (INK+) analysis showed characteristical traits for this group of meat products in terms of technological quality and chemical composition and received high sensory evaluation scores for taste, odor, texture, and juiciness. The improved chicken frankfurter group has also shown exceptional nutritional value, considering that it contains a significantly reduced fat content (the main contributor to the caloric value of the final product) and prebiotic function (originating from inulin).",
publisher = "Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences University of Sarajevo",
journal = "Works of Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences",
title = "Inulin as a fat-reduction ingredient in chicken frankfurters with a reduced level of sodium - technological properties and consumer acceptance",
volume = "LXVII",
number = "72/2",
pages = "157-169",
url = ""
Petričević, M., Stamenić, T., Stanišić, N., Petričević, V., Gogić, M., Mandić, V.,& Stajić, S.. (2022-12-30). Inulin as a fat-reduction ingredient in chicken frankfurters with a reduced level of sodium - technological properties and consumer acceptance. in Works of Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences University of Sarajevo., LXVII(72/2), 157-169.
Petričević M, Stamenić T, Stanišić N, Petričević V, Gogić M, Mandić V, Stajić S. Inulin as a fat-reduction ingredient in chicken frankfurters with a reduced level of sodium - technological properties and consumer acceptance. in Works of Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences. 2022;LXVII(72/2):157-169. .
Petričević, Maja, Stamenić, Tamara, Stanišić, Nikola, Petričević, Veselin, Gogić, Marija, Mandić, Violeta, Stajić, Slaviša, "Inulin as a fat-reduction ingredient in chicken frankfurters with a reduced level of sodium - technological properties and consumer acceptance" in Works of Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, LXVII, no. 72/2 (2022-12-30):157-169, .

Healthier Meat Products are Fashionable - Consumers Love Fashion

Kurćubić, Vladimir; Stajić, Slaviša; Miletić, Nemanja; Stanišić, Nikola


AU  - Kurćubić, Vladimir
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Miletić, Nemanja
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
PY  - 2022-10
UR  -
AB  - Meat manufacturers are nowadays in a very unenviable position. Both meat and meat products require the utilization of various additives due to their chemical composition. On the other hand, consumers demand fresh, additive-free, and high-quality products with extended shelf-life, which might be considered as healthier, even functional food. These facts push manufacturers and researchers in pursuit of modern technologies and supplements to meet these high demands. Since a high daily intake of sodium and fat might cause severe health issues, reducing these ingredients in meat products is the first task towards healthier food. Sodium can be reduced by ultrasound, high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field, and replacement of NaCl with KCl, calcium gluconate, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium lactate, and monosodium glutamate. The reduction of the fat content can be achieved through a decrease in the amount of fatty tissue in the inital mixture and/or replacement with non-lipid components, or by partial fatty tissue replacement with oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Utilization of plant proteins (soy, wheat gluten, pea, chickpea, lentil, potato, barley, oat, rice, etc.), mycoproteins or micro-algae proteins, plant fats (palm and coconut fat, canola, sunflower, soy and corn oil, etc.), and polysaccharides (starches, fibers), accompanied by a meat-like fibrous structure, resulted in delicious “meat” products, which are considered a healthier alternative to real meat. Growing interest in the replacement of potentially adverse synthetic meat additives favors the use of plant (herb, fruit and vegetable) extracts, as an endless source of bioactive substances with strong antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. These extracts can be used either in raw meat or meat products, as well as in the fodder. Reformulation strategies strengthen and ensure the willingness of consumers to pay a higher price for their own demands regarding the naturalness of synthetic, clean-labeled, additive-free meat products. After a gradual alignment with strategic national/international recommendations and legal/sub-legal frameworks, the added value of such meat products opens wide the door to new segments/entire markets.
T2  - Applied Sciences
T1  - Healthier Meat Products are Fashionable - Consumers Love Fashion
VL  - 12(19):10129
SP  - 2
EP  - 26
DO  - 10.3390/app121910129
ER  - 
author = "Kurćubić, Vladimir and Stajić, Slaviša and Miletić, Nemanja and Stanišić, Nikola",
year = "2022-10",
abstract = "Meat manufacturers are nowadays in a very unenviable position. Both meat and meat products require the utilization of various additives due to their chemical composition. On the other hand, consumers demand fresh, additive-free, and high-quality products with extended shelf-life, which might be considered as healthier, even functional food. These facts push manufacturers and researchers in pursuit of modern technologies and supplements to meet these high demands. Since a high daily intake of sodium and fat might cause severe health issues, reducing these ingredients in meat products is the first task towards healthier food. Sodium can be reduced by ultrasound, high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field, and replacement of NaCl with KCl, calcium gluconate, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium lactate, and monosodium glutamate. The reduction of the fat content can be achieved through a decrease in the amount of fatty tissue in the inital mixture and/or replacement with non-lipid components, or by partial fatty tissue replacement with oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Utilization of plant proteins (soy, wheat gluten, pea, chickpea, lentil, potato, barley, oat, rice, etc.), mycoproteins or micro-algae proteins, plant fats (palm and coconut fat, canola, sunflower, soy and corn oil, etc.), and polysaccharides (starches, fibers), accompanied by a meat-like fibrous structure, resulted in delicious “meat” products, which are considered a healthier alternative to real meat. Growing interest in the replacement of potentially adverse synthetic meat additives favors the use of plant (herb, fruit and vegetable) extracts, as an endless source of bioactive substances with strong antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. These extracts can be used either in raw meat or meat products, as well as in the fodder. Reformulation strategies strengthen and ensure the willingness of consumers to pay a higher price for their own demands regarding the naturalness of synthetic, clean-labeled, additive-free meat products. After a gradual alignment with strategic national/international recommendations and legal/sub-legal frameworks, the added value of such meat products opens wide the door to new segments/entire markets.",
journal = "Applied Sciences",
title = "Healthier Meat Products are Fashionable - Consumers Love Fashion",
volume = "12(19):10129",
pages = "2-26",
doi = "10.3390/app121910129"
Kurćubić, V., Stajić, S., Miletić, N.,& Stanišić, N.. (2022-10). Healthier Meat Products are Fashionable - Consumers Love Fashion. in Applied Sciences, 12(19):10129, 2-26.
Kurćubić V, Stajić S, Miletić N, Stanišić N. Healthier Meat Products are Fashionable - Consumers Love Fashion. in Applied Sciences. 2022;12(19):10129:2-26.
doi:10.3390/app121910129 .
Kurćubić, Vladimir, Stajić, Slaviša, Miletić, Nemanja, Stanišić, Nikola, "Healthier Meat Products are Fashionable - Consumers Love Fashion" in Applied Sciences, 12(19):10129 (2022-10):2-26, . .

Dietary fibre as phosphate replacement in all-beef model system emulsions with reduced content of sodium chloride

Stajić, Slaviša; Tomašević, Igor; Tomović, Vladimir; Stanišić, Nikola

(VÚP Food Research Institute NAFC, 2022)

AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Tomašević, Igor
AU  - Tomović, Vladimir
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this research was to examine the possibility of phosphate replacement in all-beef model system emulsions containing 0.3 % of phosphate (CON) with 0.3 % and 0.6 % of dietary fibre of various plant origin, namely, wheat (treatments WH3, WH6), maize (CN3, CN6), pea (PA3, PA6) and potato (PT3, PT6). The pH values of all treatments were similar (6.12–6.27) and corresponded to emulsified-type meat products. Phosphate replacement by fibre led to higher cooking loss (CL) values, from 1.29 (CN6) to 2.43 (PT6) times, not significantly only in CN6 and PA6. Increment in the fibre content led to a significantly lower CL only in the case of maize fibre. On the other hand, all treatments with dietary fibre had significantly lower fluid release under pressure compared to control, while the influence of different fibre types and increase in fibre content was not observed. WH6, CN3, CN6 and PA3 had significantly higher lightness, while all treatments, except for WH6 and PA6, had significantly higher redness. Yellow tones were similar within all treatments. Texture parameters were affected by phosphate replacement with dietary fibres, as hardness and chewiness were higher, while springiness and cohesiveness were lower. No effect of the type of fibre or its level was observed.
PB  - VÚP Food Research Institute NAFC
T2  - Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
T1  - Dietary fibre as phosphate replacement in all-beef model system emulsions with reduced content of sodium chloride
VL  - 61
SP  - 277
EP  - 285
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stajić, Slaviša and Tomašević, Igor and Tomović, Vladimir and Stanišić, Nikola",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of this research was to examine the possibility of phosphate replacement in all-beef model system emulsions containing 0.3 % of phosphate (CON) with 0.3 % and 0.6 % of dietary fibre of various plant origin, namely, wheat (treatments WH3, WH6), maize (CN3, CN6), pea (PA3, PA6) and potato (PT3, PT6). The pH values of all treatments were similar (6.12–6.27) and corresponded to emulsified-type meat products. Phosphate replacement by fibre led to higher cooking loss (CL) values, from 1.29 (CN6) to 2.43 (PT6) times, not significantly only in CN6 and PA6. Increment in the fibre content led to a significantly lower CL only in the case of maize fibre. On the other hand, all treatments with dietary fibre had significantly lower fluid release under pressure compared to control, while the influence of different fibre types and increase in fibre content was not observed. WH6, CN3, CN6 and PA3 had significantly higher lightness, while all treatments, except for WH6 and PA6, had significantly higher redness. Yellow tones were similar within all treatments. Texture parameters were affected by phosphate replacement with dietary fibres, as hardness and chewiness were higher, while springiness and cohesiveness were lower. No effect of the type of fibre or its level was observed.",
publisher = "VÚP Food Research Institute NAFC",
journal = "Journal of Food and Nutrition Research",
title = "Dietary fibre as phosphate replacement in all-beef model system emulsions with reduced content of sodium chloride",
volume = "61",
pages = "277-285",
url = ""
Stajić, S., Tomašević, I., Tomović, V.,& Stanišić, N.. (2022). Dietary fibre as phosphate replacement in all-beef model system emulsions with reduced content of sodium chloride. in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
VÚP Food Research Institute NAFC., 61, 277-285.
Stajić S, Tomašević I, Tomović V, Stanišić N. Dietary fibre as phosphate replacement in all-beef model system emulsions with reduced content of sodium chloride. in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2022;61:277-285. .
Stajić, Slaviša, Tomašević, Igor, Tomović, Vladimir, Stanišić, Nikola, "Dietary fibre as phosphate replacement in all-beef model system emulsions with reduced content of sodium chloride" in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 61 (2022):277-285, .

Techno-functional properties of three dietary fibers used in the meat processing industry

Stanišić, Nikola; Mujović, Milo; Stajić, Slaviša; Petričević, Maja; Radović, Čedomir; Gogić, Marija; Stanojković, Aleksandar

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun, 2021-10)

AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Mujović, Milo
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Petričević, Maja
AU  - Radović, Čedomir
AU  - Gogić, Marija
AU  - Stanojković, Aleksandar
PY  - 2021-10
UR  -
AB  - Fibers are naturally occurring compounds present in a variety of vegetables, fruits and cereals. They are used as additives in the food processing industry for not only their nutritional value, but for their versatility as a functional ingredient. This study was carried out to investigate the techno-functional characteristics of three dietary fibers namely, potato, wheat and oat, and their effect
on the yield and texture of meat burgers. The findings revealed interesting functional properties for potato fiber. This fiber displayed significantly higher water (9,5 g/g) and oil (5,9 g/g) holding capacity compared to wheat and oat fibers (p<0,05), probably due to higher starch content and a bigger porosity of the fiber structure. Better emulsion stability of potato fiber, after cooking and frying, suggests their possible usage in comminuted meat products to enhance texture and
improve cooking yield. The application of potato and oat fibers significantly improved the firmness (N) of meat burgers after frying. Overall, the findings demonstrate the potential functional and economic utility of potato fiber, as a promising source of dietary fiber.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun
C3  - 13th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production, October 6-8
T1  - Techno-functional properties of three dietary fibers used in the meat processing industry
SP  - 252
EP  - 262
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stanišić, Nikola and Mujović, Milo and Stajić, Slaviša and Petričević, Maja and Radović, Čedomir and Gogić, Marija and Stanojković, Aleksandar",
year = "2021-10",
abstract = "Fibers are naturally occurring compounds present in a variety of vegetables, fruits and cereals. They are used as additives in the food processing industry for not only their nutritional value, but for their versatility as a functional ingredient. This study was carried out to investigate the techno-functional characteristics of three dietary fibers namely, potato, wheat and oat, and their effect
on the yield and texture of meat burgers. The findings revealed interesting functional properties for potato fiber. This fiber displayed significantly higher water (9,5 g/g) and oil (5,9 g/g) holding capacity compared to wheat and oat fibers (p<0,05), probably due to higher starch content and a bigger porosity of the fiber structure. Better emulsion stability of potato fiber, after cooking and frying, suggests their possible usage in comminuted meat products to enhance texture and
improve cooking yield. The application of potato and oat fibers significantly improved the firmness (N) of meat burgers after frying. Overall, the findings demonstrate the potential functional and economic utility of potato fiber, as a promising source of dietary fiber.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun",
journal = "13th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production, October 6-8",
title = "Techno-functional properties of three dietary fibers used in the meat processing industry",
pages = "252-262",
url = ""
Stanišić, N., Mujović, M., Stajić, S., Petričević, M., Radović, Č., Gogić, M.,& Stanojković, A.. (2021-10). Techno-functional properties of three dietary fibers used in the meat processing industry. in 13th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production, October 6-8
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun., 252-262.
Stanišić N, Mujović M, Stajić S, Petričević M, Radović Č, Gogić M, Stanojković A. Techno-functional properties of three dietary fibers used in the meat processing industry. in 13th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production, October 6-8. 2021;:252-262. .
Stanišić, Nikola, Mujović, Milo, Stajić, Slaviša, Petričević, Maja, Radović, Čedomir, Gogić, Marija, Stanojković, Aleksandar, "Techno-functional properties of three dietary fibers used in the meat processing industry" in 13th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production, October 6-8 (2021-10):252-262, .

Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Sensory Quality of Dry Fermented Sausages with Flaxseed Oil Preparations

Stajić, Slaviša; Stanišić, Nikola; Lević, Steva; Tomović, Vladimir; Lilić, Slobodan; Vranić, Danijela; Jokanović, Marija R.; Živković, Dušan

(De Gruyter Poland Sp Zoo, Warsaw, 2018)

AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Lević, Steva
AU  - Tomović, Vladimir
AU  - Lilić, Slobodan
AU  - Vranić, Danijela
AU  - Jokanović, Marija R.
AU  - Živković, Dušan
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to determine the extent of changes in physico-chemical and sensory properties of dry fermented sausages where pork backfat was partly replaced by flaxseed oil used as liquid (FXL), after encapsulation (DM), and pie-emulsified with alginate (FXA) and soy protein isolate (FXI). During production and storage, similar pH values of all products were observed. FXL sausages had significantly lower (p (lt) 0.05) weight loss which led to significantly higher moisture content, significantly lower fat content, hardness and chewiness. Also, FXL sausages had the lowest grades in terms of sensory attributes, such as colour. odour. taste, texture and overall acceptability. Flaxseed oil preparations affected the parameters of instrumental colour analysis of sausages. All modified products had significantly higher yellowness (relative to control) and FXI sausages relative to other modified products. Regarding consumer sensory evaluation, FXA sausages stood out among modified products because all other modified products had significantly lower grades relative to control. The thirty-day storage period did not lead to significant changes (p>0.05) in any of the observed sensory characteristics.
PB  - De Gruyter Poland Sp Zoo, Warsaw
T2  - Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
T1  - Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Sensory Quality of Dry Fermented Sausages with Flaxseed Oil Preparations
VL  - 68
IS  - 4
SP  - 367
EP  - 375
DO  - 10.2478/pjfns-2018-0006
ER  - 
author = "Stajić, Slaviša and Stanišić, Nikola and Lević, Steva and Tomović, Vladimir and Lilić, Slobodan and Vranić, Danijela and Jokanović, Marija R. and Živković, Dušan",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to determine the extent of changes in physico-chemical and sensory properties of dry fermented sausages where pork backfat was partly replaced by flaxseed oil used as liquid (FXL), after encapsulation (DM), and pie-emulsified with alginate (FXA) and soy protein isolate (FXI). During production and storage, similar pH values of all products were observed. FXL sausages had significantly lower (p (lt) 0.05) weight loss which led to significantly higher moisture content, significantly lower fat content, hardness and chewiness. Also, FXL sausages had the lowest grades in terms of sensory attributes, such as colour. odour. taste, texture and overall acceptability. Flaxseed oil preparations affected the parameters of instrumental colour analysis of sausages. All modified products had significantly higher yellowness (relative to control) and FXI sausages relative to other modified products. Regarding consumer sensory evaluation, FXA sausages stood out among modified products because all other modified products had significantly lower grades relative to control. The thirty-day storage period did not lead to significant changes (p>0.05) in any of the observed sensory characteristics.",
publisher = "De Gruyter Poland Sp Zoo, Warsaw",
journal = "Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences",
title = "Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Sensory Quality of Dry Fermented Sausages with Flaxseed Oil Preparations",
volume = "68",
number = "4",
pages = "367-375",
doi = "10.2478/pjfns-2018-0006"
Stajić, S., Stanišić, N., Lević, S., Tomović, V., Lilić, S., Vranić, D., Jokanović, M. R.,& Živković, D.. (2018). Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Sensory Quality of Dry Fermented Sausages with Flaxseed Oil Preparations. in Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
De Gruyter Poland Sp Zoo, Warsaw., 68(4), 367-375.
Stajić S, Stanišić N, Lević S, Tomović V, Lilić S, Vranić D, Jokanović MR, Živković D. Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Sensory Quality of Dry Fermented Sausages with Flaxseed Oil Preparations. in Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2018;68(4):367-375.
doi:10.2478/pjfns-2018-0006 .
Stajić, Slaviša, Stanišić, Nikola, Lević, Steva, Tomović, Vladimir, Lilić, Slobodan, Vranić, Danijela, Jokanović, Marija R., Živković, Dušan, "Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Sensory Quality of Dry Fermented Sausages with Flaxseed Oil Preparations" in Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 68, no. 4 (2018):367-375, . .

Use of linseed oil in improving the quality of chicken frankfurters

Stajić, Slaviša; Stanišić, Nikola; Tomašević, Igor B.; Djekic, Ilija; Ivanović, Nikola; Živković, Dušan

(Wiley, Hoboken, 2018)

AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Tomašević, Igor B.
AU  - Djekic, Ilija
AU  - Ivanović, Nikola
AU  - Živković, Dušan
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Animal fat in all-chicken frankfurters (control) was replaced with pretreated linseed oil to provide 50 and 100% of recommended daily alpha-linolenic acid intake. Linseed oil was pretreated with multifunctional corn ingredient (E25 and E50) and alginate mixture (G25 and G50). No impairments in water binding properties of the modified frankfurter matrix were observed. Significant increase in b* and h values was observed, intensively in G treatments. Significantly higher hardness was observed in E25 and chewiness in both E treatments. During storage, an increase in yellowness, hardness, cohesiveness, and chewiness was recorded in all treatments including control. Significant improvement of fatty acid profiles was recorded in all modified frankfurters. Observed differences in some parameters of technological characteristics were not confirmed in sensory evaluations. The results of sensory analysis indicate that the level of fat replacement with linseed oil and the manner of pretreatment did not lead to unacceptability. Practical applicationsFrankfurters are well-known comminuted meat products usually made from pork and beef, but despite a considerable increase in poultry meat production over the past two decades, research on all-poultry frankfurters with fat partly replaced by pretreated oil are rare. The results of this current study showed that all-chicken frankfurters with 50% of recommended daily intake of ALA had very similar characteristics to control, while increasing content of linseed oil (to 100%) potentially can impair sensory characteristics, depending of oil pretreatment, but not below the acceptability. Since data in literature are scarce in terms of all-chicken frankfurters with fat partly replaced by pretreated oil, the results of this research complement the results of the research on pork and beef frankfurters and the results of the study on the use of linseed oil in other meat products.
PB  - Wiley, Hoboken
T2  - Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
T1  - Use of linseed oil in improving the quality of chicken frankfurters
VL  - 42
IS  - 2
DO  - 10.1111/jfpp.13529
ER  - 
author = "Stajić, Slaviša and Stanišić, Nikola and Tomašević, Igor B. and Djekic, Ilija and Ivanović, Nikola and Živković, Dušan",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Animal fat in all-chicken frankfurters (control) was replaced with pretreated linseed oil to provide 50 and 100% of recommended daily alpha-linolenic acid intake. Linseed oil was pretreated with multifunctional corn ingredient (E25 and E50) and alginate mixture (G25 and G50). No impairments in water binding properties of the modified frankfurter matrix were observed. Significant increase in b* and h values was observed, intensively in G treatments. Significantly higher hardness was observed in E25 and chewiness in both E treatments. During storage, an increase in yellowness, hardness, cohesiveness, and chewiness was recorded in all treatments including control. Significant improvement of fatty acid profiles was recorded in all modified frankfurters. Observed differences in some parameters of technological characteristics were not confirmed in sensory evaluations. The results of sensory analysis indicate that the level of fat replacement with linseed oil and the manner of pretreatment did not lead to unacceptability. Practical applicationsFrankfurters are well-known comminuted meat products usually made from pork and beef, but despite a considerable increase in poultry meat production over the past two decades, research on all-poultry frankfurters with fat partly replaced by pretreated oil are rare. The results of this current study showed that all-chicken frankfurters with 50% of recommended daily intake of ALA had very similar characteristics to control, while increasing content of linseed oil (to 100%) potentially can impair sensory characteristics, depending of oil pretreatment, but not below the acceptability. Since data in literature are scarce in terms of all-chicken frankfurters with fat partly replaced by pretreated oil, the results of this research complement the results of the research on pork and beef frankfurters and the results of the study on the use of linseed oil in other meat products.",
publisher = "Wiley, Hoboken",
journal = "Journal of Food Processing and Preservation",
title = "Use of linseed oil in improving the quality of chicken frankfurters",
volume = "42",
number = "2",
doi = "10.1111/jfpp.13529"
Stajić, S., Stanišić, N., Tomašević, I. B., Djekic, I., Ivanović, N.,& Živković, D.. (2018). Use of linseed oil in improving the quality of chicken frankfurters. in Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
Wiley, Hoboken., 42(2).
Stajić S, Stanišić N, Tomašević IB, Djekic I, Ivanović N, Živković D. Use of linseed oil in improving the quality of chicken frankfurters. in Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2018;42(2).
doi:10.1111/jfpp.13529 .
Stajić, Slaviša, Stanišić, Nikola, Tomašević, Igor B., Djekic, Ilija, Ivanović, Nikola, Živković, Dušan, "Use of linseed oil in improving the quality of chicken frankfurters" in Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 42, no. 2 (2018), . .

Effect of extruded flaxseed enriched diet on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of broiler meat

Živković, Dušan; Lilić, Slobodan; Stajić, Slaviša; Vranić, Danijela; Trbović, Dejana; Stanišić, Nikola

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2017)

AU  - Živković, Dušan
AU  - Lilić, Slobodan
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Vranić, Danijela
AU  - Trbović, Dejana
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this experiment was to examine the effect of the addition of extruded flaxseed to chicken feed on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of breast and leg-thigh meat. The basic chemical composition, pH value, instrumental colour and sensory characteristics of white (breast) and dark meat (leg-thigh) were examined by feeding two groups (both comprising males and females) of 500 Ross 308 hybrid line chickens by standard feed (control group) and with the addition of 6% of extruded flaxseed mixture (experimental group). Instrumental characteristics of colour were changed, especially in white meat. Both breast muscles of male broilers were significantly lighter, but a*values were significantly lower in m. pectoralis profundus and b*values higher in m. pectoralis superficialis of both genders. In dark meat, a*values were significantly lower in the meat of males, while b*values were higher in the meat of females. The addition of extruded flaxseed to chicken feed did not led to significant changes in the sensory characteristics of meat.
AB  - Cilj ovog ogleda je bio da ispita efekat dodavanja ekstrudiranog lanenog semena u ishranu pilića, na fizičko-hemijska i senzorna svojstva mesa. Na početku tova 1000 jednodnevnih pilića linijskog hibrida Ros-308 imali su ad libitum pristup vodi i hrani. Metodom slučajnog uzorka 28. dana su formirane dve jednake grupe (sa po tri ponavljanja svaka) i približno jednakim udelom polova: kontrolna grupa (CONM - mužjaci, CONF - ženke) hranjena standardnom hranom i ogledna (EXPM - mužjaci, EXPF - ženke) hranjena sa dodatkom 6% komercijalne mešavine ekstrudiranog semena lana. Ispitivan je osnovni hemijski sastav, pH vrednost, instrumentalna boja i senzorna ocena belog mesa (grudi) i tamnog mesa (batak sa karabatkom). U pogledu osnovnog hemijskog sastava utvrđen je jedino značajno manji sadržaj proteina tamnog mesa EXPF u odnosu na CONF. Način ishrane nije uticao na pH vrednost. Oba mišića (m. pectoralis superficialis i m. pectoralis profundus) muških pilića brojlera statistički su značajno svetlija (P  (lt)  0.05). Udeo crvene boje značajno se smanjuje kod m. pectoralis profundus, a žute povećava kod m. pectoralis superficialis, oba pola (P  (lt)  0.001). U tamnom mesu (m. biceps femoris) udeo crvene boje značajno se smanjuje (P  (lt)  0.05) kod mesa mužjaka, a udeo žute značajno raste (P  (lt)  0.05) kod mesa ženki. Nije utvrđen značajan uticaj načina ishrane na senzorsku ocenu belog i tamnog mesa.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Effect of extruded flaxseed enriched diet on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of broiler meat
T1  - Uticaj ishrane obogaćene ekstrudiranim lanenim semenom na fizičko-hemijska i senzorna svojstva mesa brojlera
VL  - 33
IS  - 2
SP  - 221
EP  - 231
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1702221Z
ER  - 
author = "Živković, Dušan and Lilić, Slobodan and Stajić, Slaviša and Vranić, Danijela and Trbović, Dejana and Stanišić, Nikola",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The aim of this experiment was to examine the effect of the addition of extruded flaxseed to chicken feed on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of breast and leg-thigh meat. The basic chemical composition, pH value, instrumental colour and sensory characteristics of white (breast) and dark meat (leg-thigh) were examined by feeding two groups (both comprising males and females) of 500 Ross 308 hybrid line chickens by standard feed (control group) and with the addition of 6% of extruded flaxseed mixture (experimental group). Instrumental characteristics of colour were changed, especially in white meat. Both breast muscles of male broilers were significantly lighter, but a*values were significantly lower in m. pectoralis profundus and b*values higher in m. pectoralis superficialis of both genders. In dark meat, a*values were significantly lower in the meat of males, while b*values were higher in the meat of females. The addition of extruded flaxseed to chicken feed did not led to significant changes in the sensory characteristics of meat., Cilj ovog ogleda je bio da ispita efekat dodavanja ekstrudiranog lanenog semena u ishranu pilića, na fizičko-hemijska i senzorna svojstva mesa. Na početku tova 1000 jednodnevnih pilića linijskog hibrida Ros-308 imali su ad libitum pristup vodi i hrani. Metodom slučajnog uzorka 28. dana su formirane dve jednake grupe (sa po tri ponavljanja svaka) i približno jednakim udelom polova: kontrolna grupa (CONM - mužjaci, CONF - ženke) hranjena standardnom hranom i ogledna (EXPM - mužjaci, EXPF - ženke) hranjena sa dodatkom 6% komercijalne mešavine ekstrudiranog semena lana. Ispitivan je osnovni hemijski sastav, pH vrednost, instrumentalna boja i senzorna ocena belog mesa (grudi) i tamnog mesa (batak sa karabatkom). U pogledu osnovnog hemijskog sastava utvrđen je jedino značajno manji sadržaj proteina tamnog mesa EXPF u odnosu na CONF. Način ishrane nije uticao na pH vrednost. Oba mišića (m. pectoralis superficialis i m. pectoralis profundus) muških pilića brojlera statistički su značajno svetlija (P  (lt)  0.05). Udeo crvene boje značajno se smanjuje kod m. pectoralis profundus, a žute povećava kod m. pectoralis superficialis, oba pola (P  (lt)  0.001). U tamnom mesu (m. biceps femoris) udeo crvene boje značajno se smanjuje (P  (lt)  0.05) kod mesa mužjaka, a udeo žute značajno raste (P  (lt)  0.05) kod mesa ženki. Nije utvrđen značajan uticaj načina ishrane na senzorsku ocenu belog i tamnog mesa.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Effect of extruded flaxseed enriched diet on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of broiler meat, Uticaj ishrane obogaćene ekstrudiranim lanenim semenom na fizičko-hemijska i senzorna svojstva mesa brojlera",
volume = "33",
number = "2",
pages = "221-231",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1702221Z"
Živković, D., Lilić, S., Stajić, S., Vranić, D., Trbović, D.,& Stanišić, N.. (2017). Effect of extruded flaxseed enriched diet on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of broiler meat. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 33(2), 221-231.
Živković D, Lilić S, Stajić S, Vranić D, Trbović D, Stanišić N. Effect of extruded flaxseed enriched diet on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of broiler meat. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2017;33(2):221-231.
doi:10.2298/BAH1702221Z .
Živković, Dušan, Lilić, Slobodan, Stajić, Slaviša, Vranić, Danijela, Trbović, Dejana, Stanišić, Nikola, "Effect of extruded flaxseed enriched diet on physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of broiler meat" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 33, no. 2 (2017):221-231, . .

Color- and Texture Changes during Storage at Sremska, a traditional Serbian Raw Sausage

Stajić, Slaviša; Stanišić, Nikola; Tomović, Vladimir; Petričević, Maja; Stanojković, Aleksandar; Radović, Čedomir; Gogić, Marija

(Deutscher Fachverlag Gmbh, Frankfurt Main, 2017)

AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Tomović, Vladimir
AU  - Petričević, Maja
AU  - Stanojković, Aleksandar
AU  - Radović, Čedomir
AU  - Gogić, Marija
PY  - 2017
UR  -
PB  - Deutscher Fachverlag Gmbh, Frankfurt Main
T2  - Fleischwirtschaft
T1  - Color- and Texture Changes during Storage at Sremska, a traditional Serbian Raw Sausage
VL  - 97
IS  - 8
SP  - 103
EP  - 107
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stajić, Slaviša and Stanišić, Nikola and Tomović, Vladimir and Petričević, Maja and Stanojković, Aleksandar and Radović, Čedomir and Gogić, Marija",
year = "2017",
publisher = "Deutscher Fachverlag Gmbh, Frankfurt Main",
journal = "Fleischwirtschaft",
title = "Color- and Texture Changes during Storage at Sremska, a traditional Serbian Raw Sausage",
volume = "97",
number = "8",
pages = "103-107",
url = ""
Stajić, S., Stanišić, N., Tomović, V., Petričević, M., Stanojković, A., Radović, Č.,& Gogić, M.. (2017). Color- and Texture Changes during Storage at Sremska, a traditional Serbian Raw Sausage. in Fleischwirtschaft
Deutscher Fachverlag Gmbh, Frankfurt Main., 97(8), 103-107.
Stajić S, Stanišić N, Tomović V, Petričević M, Stanojković A, Radović Č, Gogić M. Color- and Texture Changes during Storage at Sremska, a traditional Serbian Raw Sausage. in Fleischwirtschaft. 2017;97(8):103-107. .
Stajić, Slaviša, Stanišić, Nikola, Tomović, Vladimir, Petričević, Maja, Stanojković, Aleksandar, Radović, Čedomir, Gogić, Marija, "Color- and Texture Changes during Storage at Sremska, a traditional Serbian Raw Sausage" in Fleischwirtschaft, 97, no. 8 (2017):103-107, .

Differences in meat colour between free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa and commercially reared Swedish Landrace pigs during 6 days of vacuum storage

Stanišić, Nikola; Parunović, Nenad; Stajić, Slaviša; Petrović, Milica; Radović, Čedomir; Živković, Dušan; Petričević, Maja

(Archiv Fur Tierzucht, Dummerstorf, 2016)

AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Parunović, Nenad
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Petrović, Milica
AU  - Radović, Čedomir
AU  - Živković, Dušan
AU  - Petričević, Maja
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The influence of storage on meat colour differences between free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa (MA, n = 19) and commercially reared Swedish Landrace (SL, n = 17) pigs, are investigated in the present study. Proximate composition analyses were done on fresh samples of M. longissimus thoracis (LT) and M. gluteus medius (GM), while pH values and colour quality attributes were determined on fresh cuts of the muscles (day 1) and after 3 and 6 days of vacuum storage at 4 +/- 1 degrees C. MA pork had a significantly higher share of intramuscular fat, a darker colour, a higher deoxymyoglobin (Mb) content and oxy / met (oxymyoglobin / metmyoglobin) ratio, higher pH(24h) values and a slower pH decline compared to the control SL group (P  (lt)  0.05). Greater changes in myoglobin forms during storage were observed in MA pork, which were reflected in a significant decrease in the content of Mb and an increase in the oxy / met ratio (P  (lt)  0.05). After 6 days of vacuum storage, higher pH(6d) values, a lower metmyoglobin (MetMb) content and a higher oxy / met ratio of MA pork lead to the conclusion that aged meat from free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa pigs had better colour quality compared to Swedish Landrace pigs.
PB  - Archiv Fur Tierzucht, Dummerstorf
T2  - Archives Animal Breeding
T1  - Differences in meat colour between free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa and commercially reared Swedish Landrace pigs during 6 days of vacuum storage
VL  - 59
IS  - 1
SP  - 159
EP  - 166
DO  - 10.5194/aab-59-159-2016
ER  - 
author = "Stanišić, Nikola and Parunović, Nenad and Stajić, Slaviša and Petrović, Milica and Radović, Čedomir and Živković, Dušan and Petričević, Maja",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The influence of storage on meat colour differences between free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa (MA, n = 19) and commercially reared Swedish Landrace (SL, n = 17) pigs, are investigated in the present study. Proximate composition analyses were done on fresh samples of M. longissimus thoracis (LT) and M. gluteus medius (GM), while pH values and colour quality attributes were determined on fresh cuts of the muscles (day 1) and after 3 and 6 days of vacuum storage at 4 +/- 1 degrees C. MA pork had a significantly higher share of intramuscular fat, a darker colour, a higher deoxymyoglobin (Mb) content and oxy / met (oxymyoglobin / metmyoglobin) ratio, higher pH(24h) values and a slower pH decline compared to the control SL group (P  (lt)  0.05). Greater changes in myoglobin forms during storage were observed in MA pork, which were reflected in a significant decrease in the content of Mb and an increase in the oxy / met ratio (P  (lt)  0.05). After 6 days of vacuum storage, higher pH(6d) values, a lower metmyoglobin (MetMb) content and a higher oxy / met ratio of MA pork lead to the conclusion that aged meat from free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa pigs had better colour quality compared to Swedish Landrace pigs.",
publisher = "Archiv Fur Tierzucht, Dummerstorf",
journal = "Archives Animal Breeding",
title = "Differences in meat colour between free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa and commercially reared Swedish Landrace pigs during 6 days of vacuum storage",
volume = "59",
number = "1",
pages = "159-166",
doi = "10.5194/aab-59-159-2016"
Stanišić, N., Parunović, N., Stajić, S., Petrović, M., Radović, Č., Živković, D.,& Petričević, M.. (2016). Differences in meat colour between free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa and commercially reared Swedish Landrace pigs during 6 days of vacuum storage. in Archives Animal Breeding
Archiv Fur Tierzucht, Dummerstorf., 59(1), 159-166.
Stanišić N, Parunović N, Stajić S, Petrović M, Radović Č, Živković D, Petričević M. Differences in meat colour between free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa and commercially reared Swedish Landrace pigs during 6 days of vacuum storage. in Archives Animal Breeding. 2016;59(1):159-166.
doi:10.5194/aab-59-159-2016 .
Stanišić, Nikola, Parunović, Nenad, Stajić, Slaviša, Petrović, Milica, Radović, Čedomir, Živković, Dušan, Petričević, Maja, "Differences in meat colour between free-range Swallow Belly Mangalitsa and commercially reared Swedish Landrace pigs during 6 days of vacuum storage" in Archives Animal Breeding, 59, no. 1 (2016):159-166, . .

Impact of rapid Thawing on the Quality Characteristics of Pork Fillet Steaks

Tomašević, Igor B.; Tomović, Vladimir; Stajić, Slaviša; Jokanović, Marija R.; Stanišić, Nikola; Živković, Dušan

(Deutscher Fachverlag Gmbh, Frankfurt Main, 2015)

AU  - Tomašević, Igor B.
AU  - Tomović, Vladimir
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Jokanović, Marija R.
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Živković, Dušan
PY  - 2015
UR  -
PB  - Deutscher Fachverlag Gmbh, Frankfurt Main
T2  - Fleischwirtschaft
T1  - Impact of rapid Thawing on the Quality Characteristics of Pork Fillet Steaks
VL  - 95
IS  - 9
SP  - 121
EP  - 124
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Tomašević, Igor B. and Tomović, Vladimir and Stajić, Slaviša and Jokanović, Marija R. and Stanišić, Nikola and Živković, Dušan",
year = "2015",
publisher = "Deutscher Fachverlag Gmbh, Frankfurt Main",
journal = "Fleischwirtschaft",
title = "Impact of rapid Thawing on the Quality Characteristics of Pork Fillet Steaks",
volume = "95",
number = "9",
pages = "121-124",
url = ""
Tomašević, I. B., Tomović, V., Stajić, S., Jokanović, M. R., Stanišić, N.,& Živković, D.. (2015). Impact of rapid Thawing on the Quality Characteristics of Pork Fillet Steaks. in Fleischwirtschaft
Deutscher Fachverlag Gmbh, Frankfurt Main., 95(9), 121-124.
Tomašević IB, Tomović V, Stajić S, Jokanović MR, Stanišić N, Živković D. Impact of rapid Thawing on the Quality Characteristics of Pork Fillet Steaks. in Fleischwirtschaft. 2015;95(9):121-124. .
Tomašević, Igor B., Tomović, Vladimir, Stajić, Slaviša, Jokanović, Marija R., Stanišić, Nikola, Živković, Dušan, "Impact of rapid Thawing on the Quality Characteristics of Pork Fillet Steaks" in Fleischwirtschaft, 95, no. 9 (2015):121-124, .

The utilisation of grapeseed oil in improving the quality of dry fermented sausages

Stajić, Slaviša; Živković, Dušan; Tomović, Vladimir; Nedović, Viktor; Perunović, Marija; Kovjanić, Nataša; Lević, Steva; Stanišić, Nikola

(Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, 2014)

AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Živković, Dušan
AU  - Tomović, Vladimir
AU  - Nedović, Viktor
AU  - Perunović, Marija
AU  - Kovjanić, Nataša
AU  - Lević, Steva
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - This study aims to examine the scope of changes in colour, texture and sensory characteristics of fermented sausages by substituting 20% of backfat with grapeseed oil prepared as liquid (GS), encapsulated (EGS) and pre-emulsified [with soy protein isolate (GSI) and alginate (GSA)], and their stability during 30days of refrigerated storage. Protein and fat contents, pH and TBA values were not significantly different between products after production and storage. Treatments with added oil had higher weight loss (1.5-2.5%), while moisture content was significantly lowest in GS. Internal product colour evaluation showed the highest values of L*, b* and hue angle in GSI. GSI had the highest hardness and chewiness. Storage affected more surface than internal product colour, hardness was significantly changed only in GSI (lower) and EGS (higher), and increasing of TBA did not lead to significant differences between treatments. The study showed that GSA was the most promising of all treatments investigated.
PB  - Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken
T2  - International Journal of Food Science and Technology
T1  - The utilisation of grapeseed oil in improving the quality of dry fermented sausages
VL  - 49
IS  - 11
SP  - 2356
EP  - 2363
DO  - 10.1111/ijfs.12555
ER  - 
author = "Stajić, Slaviša and Živković, Dušan and Tomović, Vladimir and Nedović, Viktor and Perunović, Marija and Kovjanić, Nataša and Lević, Steva and Stanišić, Nikola",
year = "2014",
abstract = "This study aims to examine the scope of changes in colour, texture and sensory characteristics of fermented sausages by substituting 20% of backfat with grapeseed oil prepared as liquid (GS), encapsulated (EGS) and pre-emulsified [with soy protein isolate (GSI) and alginate (GSA)], and their stability during 30days of refrigerated storage. Protein and fat contents, pH and TBA values were not significantly different between products after production and storage. Treatments with added oil had higher weight loss (1.5-2.5%), while moisture content was significantly lowest in GS. Internal product colour evaluation showed the highest values of L*, b* and hue angle in GSI. GSI had the highest hardness and chewiness. Storage affected more surface than internal product colour, hardness was significantly changed only in GSI (lower) and EGS (higher), and increasing of TBA did not lead to significant differences between treatments. The study showed that GSA was the most promising of all treatments investigated.",
publisher = "Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken",
journal = "International Journal of Food Science and Technology",
title = "The utilisation of grapeseed oil in improving the quality of dry fermented sausages",
volume = "49",
number = "11",
pages = "2356-2363",
doi = "10.1111/ijfs.12555"
Stajić, S., Živković, D., Tomović, V., Nedović, V., Perunović, M., Kovjanić, N., Lević, S.,& Stanišić, N.. (2014). The utilisation of grapeseed oil in improving the quality of dry fermented sausages. in International Journal of Food Science and Technology
Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken., 49(11), 2356-2363.
Stajić S, Živković D, Tomović V, Nedović V, Perunović M, Kovjanić N, Lević S, Stanišić N. The utilisation of grapeseed oil in improving the quality of dry fermented sausages. in International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2014;49(11):2356-2363.
doi:10.1111/ijfs.12555 .
Stajić, Slaviša, Živković, Dušan, Tomović, Vladimir, Nedović, Viktor, Perunović, Marija, Kovjanić, Nataša, Lević, Steva, Stanišić, Nikola, "The utilisation of grapeseed oil in improving the quality of dry fermented sausages" in International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49, no. 11 (2014):2356-2363, . .

Changes in chemical and physicochemical characteristics during the production of traditional Sremska sausage

Stanišić, Nikola; Parunović, Nenad; Petrović, M.; Radović, Čedomir; Lilić, Slobodan; Stajić, Slaviša; Gogić, Marija

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2014)

AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Parunović, Nenad
AU  - Petrović, M.
AU  - Radović, Čedomir
AU  - Lilić, Slobodan
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Gogić, Marija
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this trial was to investigate changes in chemical and physic-chemical parameters during the production of traditional Sremska sausage (dry fermented sausage) from pork of three pig breeds: Mangalitsa (MA), Moravka (MO) and Swedish Landrace (SL). Analyses of all variants of sausages were carried out after stuffing (day 0) and on production days 3, 7, 14 and 21. The reduction in moisture during production caused the increase in protein, fat and ash contents (p (lt) 0.001) in all three variants of sausages, were found to be within the range for this type of sausages. Higher fat content in MA and MO sausages compared to SL variant was most likely a result of the different chemical composition of the meat from pigs of autochthonous breeds. All three sausage variants had a similar final pH value, but the mildest drop of pH was determined in MA sausages. Pig breed significantly affected (p (lt) 0.05) all three indicators of oxidative changes (thiobarbituric acid value, peroxide value and free fatty acid content). It was found that they were higher in SL compared with MA and MO sausages and to significantly increase during the production process.
AB  - Cilj ovog ogleda bio je da se ispitaju promene tokom proizvodnje Sremske kobasice (suva fermentisana kobasica) na tradicionalan način od mesa tri rase svinja: Mangulica (MA), Moravka (MO) i Švedski Landras (SL). Analize svih varijanti kobasica su rađene nakon punjenja (dan 0) i nakon 3-, 7-, 14- i 21-og dana proizvodnje. Smanjenje udela vode tokom proizvodnje imalo je za posledicu povećanje udela proteina, masti i pepela u svim grupama (p (lt) 0,001), i bilo je karakteristično za ovaj tip kobasica. Utvrđen veći udeo masti kod MA i MO kobasica u poređenju sa SL varijantom, verovatno je posledica različitog hemijskog sastava mesa autohtonih rasa svinja. Sve tri varijante kobasica su imale sličnu finalnu pH vrednost, međutim, najblaži pad pH vrednosti tokom proizvodnje utvrđen je kod MA kobasica. Rasa svinja je imala značajan uticaj na parametre oksidativnih promena (broj tiobarbiturne kiseline, peroksidni broj i sadržaj slobodnih masnih kiselina). Utvrđeno je da su bili veći kod SL u odnosu na MA i MO grupu kobasica i da se značajno povećavaju tokom procesa proizvodnje.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Changes in chemical and physicochemical characteristics during the production of traditional Sremska sausage
T1  - Promene hemijskih i fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika tokom proizvodnje tradicionalne Sremske kobasice
VL  - 30
IS  - 4
SP  - 705
EP  - 715
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1404705S
ER  - 
author = "Stanišić, Nikola and Parunović, Nenad and Petrović, M. and Radović, Čedomir and Lilić, Slobodan and Stajić, Slaviša and Gogić, Marija",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The aim of this trial was to investigate changes in chemical and physic-chemical parameters during the production of traditional Sremska sausage (dry fermented sausage) from pork of three pig breeds: Mangalitsa (MA), Moravka (MO) and Swedish Landrace (SL). Analyses of all variants of sausages were carried out after stuffing (day 0) and on production days 3, 7, 14 and 21. The reduction in moisture during production caused the increase in protein, fat and ash contents (p (lt) 0.001) in all three variants of sausages, were found to be within the range for this type of sausages. Higher fat content in MA and MO sausages compared to SL variant was most likely a result of the different chemical composition of the meat from pigs of autochthonous breeds. All three sausage variants had a similar final pH value, but the mildest drop of pH was determined in MA sausages. Pig breed significantly affected (p (lt) 0.05) all three indicators of oxidative changes (thiobarbituric acid value, peroxide value and free fatty acid content). It was found that they were higher in SL compared with MA and MO sausages and to significantly increase during the production process., Cilj ovog ogleda bio je da se ispitaju promene tokom proizvodnje Sremske kobasice (suva fermentisana kobasica) na tradicionalan način od mesa tri rase svinja: Mangulica (MA), Moravka (MO) i Švedski Landras (SL). Analize svih varijanti kobasica su rađene nakon punjenja (dan 0) i nakon 3-, 7-, 14- i 21-og dana proizvodnje. Smanjenje udela vode tokom proizvodnje imalo je za posledicu povećanje udela proteina, masti i pepela u svim grupama (p (lt) 0,001), i bilo je karakteristično za ovaj tip kobasica. Utvrđen veći udeo masti kod MA i MO kobasica u poređenju sa SL varijantom, verovatno je posledica različitog hemijskog sastava mesa autohtonih rasa svinja. Sve tri varijante kobasica su imale sličnu finalnu pH vrednost, međutim, najblaži pad pH vrednosti tokom proizvodnje utvrđen je kod MA kobasica. Rasa svinja je imala značajan uticaj na parametre oksidativnih promena (broj tiobarbiturne kiseline, peroksidni broj i sadržaj slobodnih masnih kiselina). Utvrđeno je da su bili veći kod SL u odnosu na MA i MO grupu kobasica i da se značajno povećavaju tokom procesa proizvodnje.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Changes in chemical and physicochemical characteristics during the production of traditional Sremska sausage, Promene hemijskih i fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika tokom proizvodnje tradicionalne Sremske kobasice",
volume = "30",
number = "4",
pages = "705-715",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1404705S"
Stanišić, N., Parunović, N., Petrović, M., Radović, Č., Lilić, S., Stajić, S.,& Gogić, M.. (2014). Changes in chemical and physicochemical characteristics during the production of traditional Sremska sausage. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 30(4), 705-715.
Stanišić N, Parunović N, Petrović M, Radović Č, Lilić S, Stajić S, Gogić M. Changes in chemical and physicochemical characteristics during the production of traditional Sremska sausage. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2014;30(4):705-715.
doi:10.2298/BAH1404705S .
Stanišić, Nikola, Parunović, Nenad, Petrović, M., Radović, Čedomir, Lilić, Slobodan, Stajić, Slaviša, Gogić, Marija, "Changes in chemical and physicochemical characteristics during the production of traditional Sremska sausage" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 30, no. 4 (2014):705-715, . .

The effect of gender and breed on some properties of pig meat

Stanišić, Nikola; Petrović, M.; Radović, Čedomir; Gogić, Marija; Parunović, Nenad; Stajić, Slaviša; Petričević, Maja

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2013)

AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Petrović, M.
AU  - Radović, Čedomir
AU  - Gogić, Marija
AU  - Parunović, Nenad
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Petričević, Maja
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - This study was conducted to investigate differences in characteristics of muscles from male and female fatteners from Mangalitsa and Swedish Landrace pig breed. The research was carried out on three muscles: m. longissimus thoracis et lumborum, m. gluteus medius and m. triceps brachii. Compared to the Swedish Landrace, it was found out that the meat of the Mangalitsa had considerably higher intramuscular fat content (p (lt) 0.05). The highest intramuscular fat content was determined in male fatteners of Mangalitsa in m. gluteus medius (6.81%) and the lowest in female fatteners of Landrace pig breed in the longissimus muscle (1.12%). As for technological quality of meat, after cooking, meat from Mangalitsa pig had greater cooking weight loss compared to Landrace and also lower shear force (SF) values for longissimus, but higher SF values for gluteus muscle. Gender had no statistically significant effect on technological meat quality. It can be concluded, on the base of the results, that the Mangalitsa pig, had favourable meat quality traits, which are very desired for production of traditional meat products of high quality.
AB  - Ovaj ogled je imao za cilj da ispita razlike u fizičko-hemijskim karakteristikama mišića između muških i ženskih tovljenika rase mangulica i švedski landras. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na tri mišića: longissimus thoracis et lumborum, gluteus medius i triceps brachii. U poređenju sa švedskim landrasom, meso mangulica je imalo znatno veći udeo intramuskularne masti (p (lt) 0,05). Najveći sadržaj intramuskularne masti utvrđen je kod muških tovljenika rase mangulica u gluteus medius-u (6,81%), a najniži ko ženskih tovljenika rase švedski landras u longissimus-u (1,12%). Što se tiče tehnološkog kvaliteta, meso mangulice je imalo veći gubitak mase tokom kuvanja u odnosu na meso landrasa i niže vrednosti sile sečenja (SF) za longissimus, ali veće vrednosti sile sečenja za gluteus mišić. Pol nije imao statistički značajan uticaj na parametre tehnološkog kvaliteta mesa. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da meso mangulice ima veoma dobre parametre kvaliteta, a koji su poželjni pri proizvodnji tradicionalnih proizvoda od mesa.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - The effect of gender and breed on some properties of pig meat
T1  - Uticaj pola i rase na fizičko-hemijske karakteristike mesa svinja
VL  - 29
IS  - 4
SP  - 651
EP  - 658
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1304651S
ER  - 
author = "Stanišić, Nikola and Petrović, M. and Radović, Čedomir and Gogić, Marija and Parunović, Nenad and Stajić, Slaviša and Petričević, Maja",
year = "2013",
abstract = "This study was conducted to investigate differences in characteristics of muscles from male and female fatteners from Mangalitsa and Swedish Landrace pig breed. The research was carried out on three muscles: m. longissimus thoracis et lumborum, m. gluteus medius and m. triceps brachii. Compared to the Swedish Landrace, it was found out that the meat of the Mangalitsa had considerably higher intramuscular fat content (p (lt) 0.05). The highest intramuscular fat content was determined in male fatteners of Mangalitsa in m. gluteus medius (6.81%) and the lowest in female fatteners of Landrace pig breed in the longissimus muscle (1.12%). As for technological quality of meat, after cooking, meat from Mangalitsa pig had greater cooking weight loss compared to Landrace and also lower shear force (SF) values for longissimus, but higher SF values for gluteus muscle. Gender had no statistically significant effect on technological meat quality. It can be concluded, on the base of the results, that the Mangalitsa pig, had favourable meat quality traits, which are very desired for production of traditional meat products of high quality., Ovaj ogled je imao za cilj da ispita razlike u fizičko-hemijskim karakteristikama mišića između muških i ženskih tovljenika rase mangulica i švedski landras. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na tri mišića: longissimus thoracis et lumborum, gluteus medius i triceps brachii. U poređenju sa švedskim landrasom, meso mangulica je imalo znatno veći udeo intramuskularne masti (p (lt) 0,05). Najveći sadržaj intramuskularne masti utvrđen je kod muških tovljenika rase mangulica u gluteus medius-u (6,81%), a najniži ko ženskih tovljenika rase švedski landras u longissimus-u (1,12%). Što se tiče tehnološkog kvaliteta, meso mangulice je imalo veći gubitak mase tokom kuvanja u odnosu na meso landrasa i niže vrednosti sile sečenja (SF) za longissimus, ali veće vrednosti sile sečenja za gluteus mišić. Pol nije imao statistički značajan uticaj na parametre tehnološkog kvaliteta mesa. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da meso mangulice ima veoma dobre parametre kvaliteta, a koji su poželjni pri proizvodnji tradicionalnih proizvoda od mesa.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "The effect of gender and breed on some properties of pig meat, Uticaj pola i rase na fizičko-hemijske karakteristike mesa svinja",
volume = "29",
number = "4",
pages = "651-658",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1304651S"
Stanišić, N., Petrović, M., Radović, Č., Gogić, M., Parunović, N., Stajić, S.,& Petričević, M.. (2013). The effect of gender and breed on some properties of pig meat. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 29(4), 651-658.
Stanišić N, Petrović M, Radović Č, Gogić M, Parunović N, Stajić S, Petričević M. The effect of gender and breed on some properties of pig meat. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2013;29(4):651-658.
doi:10.2298/BAH1304651S .
Stanišić, Nikola, Petrović, M., Radović, Čedomir, Gogić, Marija, Parunović, Nenad, Stajić, Slaviša, Petričević, Maja, "The effect of gender and breed on some properties of pig meat" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 29, no. 4 (2013):651-658, . .

Sucuk (Turkish-style dry-fermented sausage) quality as an influence of recipe formulation and inoculation of starter cultures

Stajić, Slaviša; Perunović, Marija; Stanišić, Nikola; Žujović, Miroslav; Živković, Dušan

(Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, 2013)

AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Perunović, Marija
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Žujović, Miroslav
AU  - Živković, Dušan
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Six variants of beef, mutton and goat sucuk without (B, M, G) and with (Bs, Ms, Gs) starter cultures were examined. Chemical composition, proteolytic changes, color and sensory quality were observed. Starter variants had greater (P (lt) 0.05) weight loss (1.12-3.04%) and lower moisture content at production end (1.05-1.31%). pH reached minimum 4.80-4.91 (day 14) in variants with starters, while variants without starters 5.10-5.13 (day 30). Earlier disappearance of bands 100, 37-46 and 10kDa was observed in sarcoplasmic protein pattern of starter variants. Starter cultures had no major effect on myofibrillar proteins. Starter variants had greater L* values (47.07, 49.28, 50.45 as opposed to 42.81, 42.92, 45.87) and b* values (except B/Bs - 9.62, 11.53, 10.48 as opposed to 8.54, 9.87, 9.02). Assessors noticed greatest influence of starters on color, texture and taste. Application of starters had positive effects. Goat meat and mutton can be used with slight recipe modifications. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSSucuk, dry-fermented sausage, is very common in the Middle East, Middle Asia and Southeastern Europe, and is one of the three most widespread fermented sausages in Serbia. Manufacturing of sucuk varies regionally, but in general, sucuk recipes consist of beef and beef fat and/or sheep tail fat. Sheep and goat farming is traditional in some parts of Serbia, and during the past years it has been on the increase (in some other parts of the country as well) because of dairy products. It was deemed necessary to establish the possibility of use of other types of meat available in a certain area (not only in Serbia, but also worldwide). Furthermore, according to data in written sources, the use of starter cultures may contribute to safety and sensory quality of the product.
PB  - Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken
T2  - Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
T1  - Sucuk (Turkish-style dry-fermented sausage) quality as an influence of recipe formulation and inoculation of starter cultures
VL  - 37
IS  - 5
SP  - 870
EP  - 880
DO  - 10.1111/j.1745-4549.2012.00709.x
ER  - 
author = "Stajić, Slaviša and Perunović, Marija and Stanišić, Nikola and Žujović, Miroslav and Živković, Dušan",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Six variants of beef, mutton and goat sucuk without (B, M, G) and with (Bs, Ms, Gs) starter cultures were examined. Chemical composition, proteolytic changes, color and sensory quality were observed. Starter variants had greater (P (lt) 0.05) weight loss (1.12-3.04%) and lower moisture content at production end (1.05-1.31%). pH reached minimum 4.80-4.91 (day 14) in variants with starters, while variants without starters 5.10-5.13 (day 30). Earlier disappearance of bands 100, 37-46 and 10kDa was observed in sarcoplasmic protein pattern of starter variants. Starter cultures had no major effect on myofibrillar proteins. Starter variants had greater L* values (47.07, 49.28, 50.45 as opposed to 42.81, 42.92, 45.87) and b* values (except B/Bs - 9.62, 11.53, 10.48 as opposed to 8.54, 9.87, 9.02). Assessors noticed greatest influence of starters on color, texture and taste. Application of starters had positive effects. Goat meat and mutton can be used with slight recipe modifications. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONSSucuk, dry-fermented sausage, is very common in the Middle East, Middle Asia and Southeastern Europe, and is one of the three most widespread fermented sausages in Serbia. Manufacturing of sucuk varies regionally, but in general, sucuk recipes consist of beef and beef fat and/or sheep tail fat. Sheep and goat farming is traditional in some parts of Serbia, and during the past years it has been on the increase (in some other parts of the country as well) because of dairy products. It was deemed necessary to establish the possibility of use of other types of meat available in a certain area (not only in Serbia, but also worldwide). Furthermore, according to data in written sources, the use of starter cultures may contribute to safety and sensory quality of the product.",
publisher = "Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken",
journal = "Journal of Food Processing and Preservation",
title = "Sucuk (Turkish-style dry-fermented sausage) quality as an influence of recipe formulation and inoculation of starter cultures",
volume = "37",
number = "5",
pages = "870-880",
doi = "10.1111/j.1745-4549.2012.00709.x"
Stajić, S., Perunović, M., Stanišić, N., Žujović, M.,& Živković, D.. (2013). Sucuk (Turkish-style dry-fermented sausage) quality as an influence of recipe formulation and inoculation of starter cultures. in Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken., 37(5), 870-880.
Stajić S, Perunović M, Stanišić N, Žujović M, Živković D. Sucuk (Turkish-style dry-fermented sausage) quality as an influence of recipe formulation and inoculation of starter cultures. in Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2013;37(5):870-880.
doi:10.1111/j.1745-4549.2012.00709.x .
Stajić, Slaviša, Perunović, Marija, Stanišić, Nikola, Žujović, Miroslav, Živković, Dušan, "Sucuk (Turkish-style dry-fermented sausage) quality as an influence of recipe formulation and inoculation of starter cultures" in Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 37, no. 5 (2013):870-880, . .

Changes of physical-chemical properties of beef during 14 days of chilling

Stanišić, Nikola; Petričević, Maja; Živković, Dušan; Petrović, Milan M.; Ostojić Andrić, Dušica; Aleksić, S.; Stajić, Slaviša

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2012)

AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Petričević, Maja
AU  - Živković, Dušan
AU  - Petrović, Milan M.
AU  - Ostojić Andrić, Dušica
AU  - Aleksić, S.
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of conditioning time (during 14 days of ageing at +4°C) on physicochemical properties of two cattle skeletal muscles. Investigations were conducted on the m. longissimus dorsi (n=9) and m. gluteus medius (n=9) of Domestic Spotted breed. Muscle analyses were carried out 1st, 7th and 14th day post mortem, during storage at +4°C. Colour (CIE L*a*b*values, Hue and Chroma), cooking loss, shear force, water-holding capacity (WHC), pH value and sensory characteristics were determined in all meat samples. M. longissimus dorsi samples aged for 14 days were characterized by higher degree of lightness (L*) and chroma (C*) values, more of red colour (higher a*) and of yellow (higher b*), while m. gluteus medius colour changes during storage was not found to be significant. Over the 14 day conditioning period, tenderness (expressed as shear force) of the evaluated muscles improved significantly (p (lt) 0.05), it ranged from 11.50 kg/cm2 (1st day) to 5.00 kg/cm2 (14th day) for m. longissimus dorsi and from 9.81 kg/cm2 (1st day) to 5.10 kg/cm2 (14th day) for m. gluteus medius muscle. Cooking loss and WHC increased significantly over storage time (p (lt) 0.05) in both meat samples, while changes in pH values were insignificant. Sensory analyses revealed deterioration in flavour (smell and taste) and improvement in tenderness of roasted meat samples during storage.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita efekat vremena kondicioniranja (tokom 14 dana zrenja na +4°C) na fizičko-hemijske karakteristike dva mišića junadi. Ispitivanja su obavljena na m.longissimus dorsi (n=9) i m. gluteus medius (n=9) junadi domaće šarene rase. Analize mišića su rađene prvog, sedmog i četrnaestog dana od dana klanja, tokom skladištenja na +4°C. U svim uzorcima mišića je utvrđena boja (CIE L*a*b*, Ho i C*vrednosti), kalo kuvanja, sila sečenja, sposobnost vezivanja vode, pH vrednost i senzorna analiza. Nakon skladištenja od 14 dana uzorci m. longissimus dorsi su imali viši stepen svetloće (L*) i hroma vrednosti (C*), veći udeo crvene (više a*) i žute boje (više b*), dok u uzorcima m. gluteus medius nije utvrđena statistički značajna promena u parametrima boje. Tokom 14 dana skladištenja, mekoća mesa (izražena kao sila sečenja) se značajno poboljšala (p (lt) 0.05), od 11.50 kg/cm2 (prvog dana) do 5.00 kg/cm2 (četrnaestog dana) za m. longissimus dorsi i od 9.81 kg/cm2 (prvog dana) do 5.10 kg/cm2 (četrnaestog dana) za m. gluteus medius. Kalo kuvanja i sposobnost vezivanja vode su se značajno povećali (p (lt) 0.05) kod oba mišića, dok se pH vrednost nije značajno menjala tokom skladištenja. Tokom senzorne analize pečenog mesa utvrđeno je pogoršanje arome (ukusa i mirisa) i poboljšanje mekoće sa vremenom skladištenja.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Changes of physical-chemical properties of beef during 14 days of chilling
T1  - Promene u fizičko-hemijskim karakteristikama junećeg mesa tokom 14 dana hlađenja
VL  - 28
IS  - 1
SP  - 77
EP  - 85
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1201077S
ER  - 
author = "Stanišić, Nikola and Petričević, Maja and Živković, Dušan and Petrović, Milan M. and Ostojić Andrić, Dušica and Aleksić, S. and Stajić, Slaviša",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of conditioning time (during 14 days of ageing at +4°C) on physicochemical properties of two cattle skeletal muscles. Investigations were conducted on the m. longissimus dorsi (n=9) and m. gluteus medius (n=9) of Domestic Spotted breed. Muscle analyses were carried out 1st, 7th and 14th day post mortem, during storage at +4°C. Colour (CIE L*a*b*values, Hue and Chroma), cooking loss, shear force, water-holding capacity (WHC), pH value and sensory characteristics were determined in all meat samples. M. longissimus dorsi samples aged for 14 days were characterized by higher degree of lightness (L*) and chroma (C*) values, more of red colour (higher a*) and of yellow (higher b*), while m. gluteus medius colour changes during storage was not found to be significant. Over the 14 day conditioning period, tenderness (expressed as shear force) of the evaluated muscles improved significantly (p (lt) 0.05), it ranged from 11.50 kg/cm2 (1st day) to 5.00 kg/cm2 (14th day) for m. longissimus dorsi and from 9.81 kg/cm2 (1st day) to 5.10 kg/cm2 (14th day) for m. gluteus medius muscle. Cooking loss and WHC increased significantly over storage time (p (lt) 0.05) in both meat samples, while changes in pH values were insignificant. Sensory analyses revealed deterioration in flavour (smell and taste) and improvement in tenderness of roasted meat samples during storage., Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita efekat vremena kondicioniranja (tokom 14 dana zrenja na +4°C) na fizičko-hemijske karakteristike dva mišića junadi. Ispitivanja su obavljena na m.longissimus dorsi (n=9) i m. gluteus medius (n=9) junadi domaće šarene rase. Analize mišića su rađene prvog, sedmog i četrnaestog dana od dana klanja, tokom skladištenja na +4°C. U svim uzorcima mišića je utvrđena boja (CIE L*a*b*, Ho i C*vrednosti), kalo kuvanja, sila sečenja, sposobnost vezivanja vode, pH vrednost i senzorna analiza. Nakon skladištenja od 14 dana uzorci m. longissimus dorsi su imali viši stepen svetloće (L*) i hroma vrednosti (C*), veći udeo crvene (više a*) i žute boje (više b*), dok u uzorcima m. gluteus medius nije utvrđena statistički značajna promena u parametrima boje. Tokom 14 dana skladištenja, mekoća mesa (izražena kao sila sečenja) se značajno poboljšala (p (lt) 0.05), od 11.50 kg/cm2 (prvog dana) do 5.00 kg/cm2 (četrnaestog dana) za m. longissimus dorsi i od 9.81 kg/cm2 (prvog dana) do 5.10 kg/cm2 (četrnaestog dana) za m. gluteus medius. Kalo kuvanja i sposobnost vezivanja vode su se značajno povećali (p (lt) 0.05) kod oba mišića, dok se pH vrednost nije značajno menjala tokom skladištenja. Tokom senzorne analize pečenog mesa utvrđeno je pogoršanje arome (ukusa i mirisa) i poboljšanje mekoće sa vremenom skladištenja.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Changes of physical-chemical properties of beef during 14 days of chilling, Promene u fizičko-hemijskim karakteristikama junećeg mesa tokom 14 dana hlađenja",
volume = "28",
number = "1",
pages = "77-85",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1201077S"
Stanišić, N., Petričević, M., Živković, D., Petrović, M. M., Ostojić Andrić, D., Aleksić, S.,& Stajić, S.. (2012). Changes of physical-chemical properties of beef during 14 days of chilling. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 28(1), 77-85.
Stanišić N, Petričević M, Živković D, Petrović MM, Ostojić Andrić D, Aleksić S, Stajić S. Changes of physical-chemical properties of beef during 14 days of chilling. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2012;28(1):77-85.
doi:10.2298/BAH1201077S .
Stanišić, Nikola, Petričević, Maja, Živković, Dušan, Petrović, Milan M., Ostojić Andrić, Dušica, Aleksić, S., Stajić, Slaviša, "Changes of physical-chemical properties of beef during 14 days of chilling" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 28, no. 1 (2012):77-85, . .

Properties and composition of carcass of domestic spotted young cattle of two preslaughter weights

Petričević, Maja; Stanišić, Nikola; Sretenović, Ljiljana; Petrović, Milan M.; Stajić, Slaviša; Nikšić, Dragan

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2011)

AU  - Petričević, Maja
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Sretenović, Ljiljana
AU  - Petrović, Milan M.
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Nikšić, Dragan
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Objective of this research was to determine the slaughter properties and carcass composition of carcass sides derived from young cattle of Domestic Spotted breed, of pre-slaughter weights of 500 (group A) and 600 kg (group B). Heavier cattle had higher share of kidney fat in carcass, whereas the share of offals showed no significant differences. Statistically significant difference was registered only in share of toungue (P (lt) 0.05), that was higher in cattle of group A. Share of extra/premium (tenderloin), I category (round) and II category (loin, back, shoulder) showed no significant differences between groups of cattle. Statistically significant difference (P (lt) 0.05) was established in the share of III category carcass parts. Share of forearm and chest was significantly higher in lighter cattle (3.55% and 7.95%) compared to heavier animals (2.89% and 6.33%), whereas the share of subshoulder was considerably lower in group A (6.89%) compared to cattle of group B (9.73%). Data obtained by dissection of main carcass side parts differed significantly in regard to the share of muscle tissue in round and belly, that was significantly higher in cattle of group A (P (lt) 0.05). Share of fat tissue (subcutaneous and intermuscular) was higher in cattle of group B in almost all carcass side parts, however, statistically significant difference between groups was determined only in round, back, neck and subshoulder. Also, share of bones in chest differed statistically significantly (P (lt) 0.05) and it was higher in group A (20.09%) compared to cattle of group B (15.52%).
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde klanične osobine i sastav polutki junadi domaće šarene rase, zaklanih pri dostizanju prosečne težine od 500 (grupa A) i 600 kg (grupa B). Teža junad su imala veći udeo bubrežnog loja u trupu, dok se udeo iznutrica nije značajno razlikovao. Statistički značajna razlika je pronađena samo u udelu jezika (P (lt) 0.05), koji je bio veći kod junadi grupe A. Udeo delova ekstra (biftek), I kategorije (but) i II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) nisu se značajno razlikovali između grupa junadi. Statistički značajna razlika (P (lt) 0.05) je pronađena u udelu delova III kategorije. Udeo podlaktice i grudi bio je značajno veći kod lakših (3.55% i 7.95%) u odnosu na težu junad (2.89% i 6.33%), dok je udeo potplećke bio znatno niži kod junadi grupe A (6.89%) u odnosu na junad grupe B (9.73%). Podaci dobijeni disekcijom osnovnih delova polutke su se statistički značajno razlikovali u udelu mišićnog tkiva u butu i potrbušini, koji je bio značajno veći kod junadi grupe A (P (lt) 0.05). Udeo masnog tkiva (potkožnog i intermuskularnog) je bio veći kod junadi grupe B kod gotovo svih delova polutke, međutim, statistički značajna razlika između grupa je pronađena samo kod buta, leđa, vrata i potplećke. Takođe, udeo kostiju grudi se statistički značajno razlikovao (P (lt) 0.05) i bio je veći kod junadi grupe A (20.09%) u poređenju sa junadima grupe B (15.52%).
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Properties and composition of carcass of domestic spotted young cattle of two preslaughter weights
T1  - Osobine i sastav trupa junadi domaće šarene rase različitih težina pred klanje
VL  - 27
IS  - 4
SP  - 1443
EP  - 1450
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1104443P
ER  - 
author = "Petričević, Maja and Stanišić, Nikola and Sretenović, Ljiljana and Petrović, Milan M. and Stajić, Slaviša and Nikšić, Dragan",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Objective of this research was to determine the slaughter properties and carcass composition of carcass sides derived from young cattle of Domestic Spotted breed, of pre-slaughter weights of 500 (group A) and 600 kg (group B). Heavier cattle had higher share of kidney fat in carcass, whereas the share of offals showed no significant differences. Statistically significant difference was registered only in share of toungue (P (lt) 0.05), that was higher in cattle of group A. Share of extra/premium (tenderloin), I category (round) and II category (loin, back, shoulder) showed no significant differences between groups of cattle. Statistically significant difference (P (lt) 0.05) was established in the share of III category carcass parts. Share of forearm and chest was significantly higher in lighter cattle (3.55% and 7.95%) compared to heavier animals (2.89% and 6.33%), whereas the share of subshoulder was considerably lower in group A (6.89%) compared to cattle of group B (9.73%). Data obtained by dissection of main carcass side parts differed significantly in regard to the share of muscle tissue in round and belly, that was significantly higher in cattle of group A (P (lt) 0.05). Share of fat tissue (subcutaneous and intermuscular) was higher in cattle of group B in almost all carcass side parts, however, statistically significant difference between groups was determined only in round, back, neck and subshoulder. Also, share of bones in chest differed statistically significantly (P (lt) 0.05) and it was higher in group A (20.09%) compared to cattle of group B (15.52%)., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde klanične osobine i sastav polutki junadi domaće šarene rase, zaklanih pri dostizanju prosečne težine od 500 (grupa A) i 600 kg (grupa B). Teža junad su imala veći udeo bubrežnog loja u trupu, dok se udeo iznutrica nije značajno razlikovao. Statistički značajna razlika je pronađena samo u udelu jezika (P (lt) 0.05), koji je bio veći kod junadi grupe A. Udeo delova ekstra (biftek), I kategorije (but) i II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) nisu se značajno razlikovali između grupa junadi. Statistički značajna razlika (P (lt) 0.05) je pronađena u udelu delova III kategorije. Udeo podlaktice i grudi bio je značajno veći kod lakših (3.55% i 7.95%) u odnosu na težu junad (2.89% i 6.33%), dok je udeo potplećke bio znatno niži kod junadi grupe A (6.89%) u odnosu na junad grupe B (9.73%). Podaci dobijeni disekcijom osnovnih delova polutke su se statistički značajno razlikovali u udelu mišićnog tkiva u butu i potrbušini, koji je bio značajno veći kod junadi grupe A (P (lt) 0.05). Udeo masnog tkiva (potkožnog i intermuskularnog) je bio veći kod junadi grupe B kod gotovo svih delova polutke, međutim, statistički značajna razlika između grupa je pronađena samo kod buta, leđa, vrata i potplećke. Takođe, udeo kostiju grudi se statistički značajno razlikovao (P (lt) 0.05) i bio je veći kod junadi grupe A (20.09%) u poređenju sa junadima grupe B (15.52%).",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Properties and composition of carcass of domestic spotted young cattle of two preslaughter weights, Osobine i sastav trupa junadi domaće šarene rase različitih težina pred klanje",
volume = "27",
number = "4",
pages = "1443-1450",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1104443P"
Petričević, M., Stanišić, N., Sretenović, L., Petrović, M. M., Stajić, S.,& Nikšić, D.. (2011). Properties and composition of carcass of domestic spotted young cattle of two preslaughter weights. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 27(4), 1443-1450.
Petričević M, Stanišić N, Sretenović L, Petrović MM, Stajić S, Nikšić D. Properties and composition of carcass of domestic spotted young cattle of two preslaughter weights. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2011;27(4):1443-1450.
doi:10.2298/BAH1104443P .
Petričević, Maja, Stanišić, Nikola, Sretenović, Ljiljana, Petrović, Milan M., Stajić, Slaviša, Nikšić, Dragan, "Properties and composition of carcass of domestic spotted young cattle of two preslaughter weights" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 27, no. 4 (2011):1443-1450, . .

Sensory acceptability of 'Sremska' sausage made from meat of pigs of different ages

Živković, Dušan; Tomović, Vladimir; Perunović, Marija; Stajić, Slaviša; Stanišić, Nikola; Bogićević, Nataša

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, 2011)

AU  - Živković, Dušan
AU  - Tomović, Vladimir
AU  - Perunović, Marija
AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Bogićević, Nataša
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Dry fermented sausages are one of the most valued groups of meat products. Specific environmental conditions determined the production technology, which has remained mostly unchanged until the present day. These products possess specific, sometimes unique sensory characteristics. One of the most famous product in our country, belonging to this group, is Sremska sausage. Traditionally, Sremska sausage was made from meat of late maturing pig breeds that were slaughtered at the age of over 12 months and which, during the last decades, for well-known reasons, were suppressed by modern breeds and their crossbreeds. Today, meat of pigs of about six months of age, as well as pigs older than 12 months, is used for sausage production. Taste and aroma of dry and fermented products are formed, among other things, by the activity of endogenic proteinases, peptidases and lipase and it is well-known that their levels and activity are conditioned by the age of pigs. Colour intensity and stability, another important sensory parameter indicating the quality of fermented sausages, is closely associated with the colour of meat used in production, while the texture is a result of complex influences, including composition and quality of fatty tissue, dynamics and intensity of pH changes and presence of connective tissue in fresh meat. This paper examines the impact of pig age on biochemical and sensory parameters in Sremska sausage during production and three-month storage period. Meat and fatty tissue used in the experiments were from Swedish Landrace, more specifically six-month old fatteners (variant A) and 12-month old cull sows (variant B). Biochemical changes in sausages made from meat of pigs between six and 12 months of age basically differed only slightly. Dynamics of pH value changes and the content of non-protein nitrogen showed similar tendencies, as well as the electrophoretic profiles of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins. The impact of pig age on sensory characteristics of Sremska sausage was pronounced. Variant A sausages had the best appearance and texture when compared to variant B on days 14, 60 and 105 of the experiment. The colour of product A was also more appealing during the experiment. As for taste and aroma, variant A was inferior on day 14, but during storage, the taste and aroma of this variant improved, unlike those of variant B, in which these parameters deteriorated. Variant A sausages had much lighter cross-section (P  (lt)  0,05). On the surface and the cross-section of variant A, statistically significantly higher participation of red colour (a*) was registered, than in variant B.
AB  - Suve fermentisane kobasice poseduju specifične, nekada jedinstvene senzorne karakteristike. Sremska kobasica je jedan od najpoznatijih proizvoda iz ove grupe proizvoda u našoj zemlji. Tradicionalno se sremska kobasica proizvodila od mesa kasnostasnih rasa svinja, starijih od 12 meseci, koje su tokom prošlih decenija potisnutle plemenite rase svinja, i njihovi melezi. Danas se, najčešće, koristi meso tovljenika starih oko 6 meseci i meso svinja starijih od 12 meseci. Ukus i miris sušenih i fermentisanih proizvoda formiraju se, između ostalog, aktivnošću endogenih proteinaza, peptidaza i lipaza, a njihov nivo i aktivnost uslovljeni su starošću svinja. Intenzitet i postojanost boje u tesnoj je vezi sa bojom mesa koje se koristi, a tekstura je rezultat složenih uticaja, od kojih se ističu: sastav i kvalitet masnog tkiva, dinamika i intenzitet promena pH vrednosti, kao i razvijenost vezivnotkivnih komponenti sirovine. Ispitivan je uticaj starosti svinja na biohemijske i senzorne parametre sremske kobasice tokom proizvodnje i tromesečnog skladištenja. Korišćeni su meso i masno tkivo svinja rase švedski landras, i to: šestomesečnih tovljenika (varijanta A) i krmača starih 12 meseci izlučenih iz priploda (varijanta B). Biohemijske promene, u osnovi, se malo razlikuju. Dinamika promene pH vrednosti, sadržaj neproteinskog azota i elektroforetski profili sarkoplazmatskih i miofibrilarnih proteina, u obe varijante, pokazuju veoma slične tendencije. Uticaj starosti svinja na senzorne karakteristike ispitivanih varijanti sremske kobasice je izražen. Kobasice varijante A imale su bolji spoljašnji izgled i boju. U pogledu mirisa, varijanta A, je na početku ogleda, bila inferiorna, ali se tokom skladištenja miris ove varijante poboljšavao, za razliku od varijante B, kod koje se miris pogoršavao. U toku čuvanja, ukus varijante B ocenjen je sličnim ocenama, dok se ukus varijante A poboljšao. Na površini i na preseku kobasica varijante A utvrđeno je statistički značajno veće učešće crvene boje, a, takođe, su i značajno veće svetloće na preseku.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade
T2  - Tehnologija mesa
T1  - Sensory acceptability of 'Sremska' sausage made from meat of pigs of different ages
T1  - Senzorna prihvatljivost sremske kobasice izrađene od mesa svinja različite starosti
VL  - 52
IS  - 2
SP  - 252
EP  - 261
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Živković, Dušan and Tomović, Vladimir and Perunović, Marija and Stajić, Slaviša and Stanišić, Nikola and Bogićević, Nataša",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Dry fermented sausages are one of the most valued groups of meat products. Specific environmental conditions determined the production technology, which has remained mostly unchanged until the present day. These products possess specific, sometimes unique sensory characteristics. One of the most famous product in our country, belonging to this group, is Sremska sausage. Traditionally, Sremska sausage was made from meat of late maturing pig breeds that were slaughtered at the age of over 12 months and which, during the last decades, for well-known reasons, were suppressed by modern breeds and their crossbreeds. Today, meat of pigs of about six months of age, as well as pigs older than 12 months, is used for sausage production. Taste and aroma of dry and fermented products are formed, among other things, by the activity of endogenic proteinases, peptidases and lipase and it is well-known that their levels and activity are conditioned by the age of pigs. Colour intensity and stability, another important sensory parameter indicating the quality of fermented sausages, is closely associated with the colour of meat used in production, while the texture is a result of complex influences, including composition and quality of fatty tissue, dynamics and intensity of pH changes and presence of connective tissue in fresh meat. This paper examines the impact of pig age on biochemical and sensory parameters in Sremska sausage during production and three-month storage period. Meat and fatty tissue used in the experiments were from Swedish Landrace, more specifically six-month old fatteners (variant A) and 12-month old cull sows (variant B). Biochemical changes in sausages made from meat of pigs between six and 12 months of age basically differed only slightly. Dynamics of pH value changes and the content of non-protein nitrogen showed similar tendencies, as well as the electrophoretic profiles of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins. The impact of pig age on sensory characteristics of Sremska sausage was pronounced. Variant A sausages had the best appearance and texture when compared to variant B on days 14, 60 and 105 of the experiment. The colour of product A was also more appealing during the experiment. As for taste and aroma, variant A was inferior on day 14, but during storage, the taste and aroma of this variant improved, unlike those of variant B, in which these parameters deteriorated. Variant A sausages had much lighter cross-section (P  (lt)  0,05). On the surface and the cross-section of variant A, statistically significantly higher participation of red colour (a*) was registered, than in variant B., Suve fermentisane kobasice poseduju specifične, nekada jedinstvene senzorne karakteristike. Sremska kobasica je jedan od najpoznatijih proizvoda iz ove grupe proizvoda u našoj zemlji. Tradicionalno se sremska kobasica proizvodila od mesa kasnostasnih rasa svinja, starijih od 12 meseci, koje su tokom prošlih decenija potisnutle plemenite rase svinja, i njihovi melezi. Danas se, najčešće, koristi meso tovljenika starih oko 6 meseci i meso svinja starijih od 12 meseci. Ukus i miris sušenih i fermentisanih proizvoda formiraju se, između ostalog, aktivnošću endogenih proteinaza, peptidaza i lipaza, a njihov nivo i aktivnost uslovljeni su starošću svinja. Intenzitet i postojanost boje u tesnoj je vezi sa bojom mesa koje se koristi, a tekstura je rezultat složenih uticaja, od kojih se ističu: sastav i kvalitet masnog tkiva, dinamika i intenzitet promena pH vrednosti, kao i razvijenost vezivnotkivnih komponenti sirovine. Ispitivan je uticaj starosti svinja na biohemijske i senzorne parametre sremske kobasice tokom proizvodnje i tromesečnog skladištenja. Korišćeni su meso i masno tkivo svinja rase švedski landras, i to: šestomesečnih tovljenika (varijanta A) i krmača starih 12 meseci izlučenih iz priploda (varijanta B). Biohemijske promene, u osnovi, se malo razlikuju. Dinamika promene pH vrednosti, sadržaj neproteinskog azota i elektroforetski profili sarkoplazmatskih i miofibrilarnih proteina, u obe varijante, pokazuju veoma slične tendencije. Uticaj starosti svinja na senzorne karakteristike ispitivanih varijanti sremske kobasice je izražen. Kobasice varijante A imale su bolji spoljašnji izgled i boju. U pogledu mirisa, varijanta A, je na početku ogleda, bila inferiorna, ali se tokom skladištenja miris ove varijante poboljšavao, za razliku od varijante B, kod koje se miris pogoršavao. U toku čuvanja, ukus varijante B ocenjen je sličnim ocenama, dok se ukus varijante A poboljšao. Na površini i na preseku kobasica varijante A utvrđeno je statistički značajno veće učešće crvene boje, a, takođe, su i značajno veće svetloće na preseku.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade",
journal = "Tehnologija mesa",
title = "Sensory acceptability of 'Sremska' sausage made from meat of pigs of different ages, Senzorna prihvatljivost sremske kobasice izrađene od mesa svinja različite starosti",
volume = "52",
number = "2",
pages = "252-261",
url = ""
Živković, D., Tomović, V., Perunović, M., Stajić, S., Stanišić, N.,& Bogićević, N.. (2011). Sensory acceptability of 'Sremska' sausage made from meat of pigs of different ages. in Tehnologija mesa
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade., 52(2), 252-261.
Živković D, Tomović V, Perunović M, Stajić S, Stanišić N, Bogićević N. Sensory acceptability of 'Sremska' sausage made from meat of pigs of different ages. in Tehnologija mesa. 2011;52(2):252-261. .
Živković, Dušan, Tomović, Vladimir, Perunović, Marija, Stajić, Slaviša, Stanišić, Nikola, Bogićević, Nataša, "Sensory acceptability of 'Sremska' sausage made from meat of pigs of different ages" in Tehnologija mesa, 52, no. 2 (2011):252-261, .

Possibilities for the use of goat meat in the production of traditional sucuk

Stajić, Slaviša; Stanišić, Nikola; Perunović, Marija; Živković, Dušan; Žujović, Miroslav

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2011)

AU  - Stajić, Slaviša
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Perunović, Marija
AU  - Živković, Dušan
AU  - Žujović, Miroslav
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Two variants of sucuk were made: one of beef meat and beef tail fat and another of goat meat and goat tail fat with meat/fat ratio of 75/25 and the same ingredients. After filling, the sausages were hung to dry in a traditional smoking house (without the possibility to control the temperature or humidity). Weight loss, pH, non-protein nitrogen content, basic chemical composition, instrumental colour measurement and sensory evaluation were done for both variants. Both variants had an almost identical weight loss (36.98 beef sucuk and 36.25 goat sucuk). Changes in pH value and non-protein nitrogen content had the same tendency and end values did not differ. The basic chemical composition at the end of production indicates that both variants were of very good quality. L*and b*values did not differ, but there was a significant difference in a*value (11.72 beef and 14.15 goat). In terms of appearance, texture and taste, assessors gave poorer grades to goat sucuk, but these grades do not indicate that the product is unacceptable (they were more than 5). It is possible to replace goat tail fat with beef fat to appease the specific flavour of the product and to make it more acceptable to consumers who may not be used to such flavour.
AB  - U Srbiji, sudžuk se tradicionalno proizvodi u planinskom delu, uglavnom u malim pogonima ili domaćinstvima, u jesenjem i zimskom periodu, kada to klimatski uslovi (temperatura i relativna vlažnost) dozvoljavaju. U ovom ogledu napravljene su dve varijante sudžuka: prva od goveđeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa goveda i druga od kozjeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa koza. Kod obe grupe kobasica je odnos meso/masno tkivo bio 75/25 i korišćeni su isti začini i aditivi. Nakon punjenja, kobasice su sušene u tradicionalnoj pušnici. Kod obe varijante kobasica određen je: gubitak mase tokom sušenja, pH, neproteinski azot, osnovni hemijski sastav i izvršeno je instrumentalno merenje boje i senzorska ocena. Obe grupe kobasice su imale skoro identičan gubitak mase tokom sušenja (36,98 kod goveđeg i 36,25 kod kozjeg sudžuka). Promene pH vrednosti i neproteinskog azota tokom zrenja su imale istu tendenciju i njihove krajnje vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale. Na osnovu podataka za osnovni hemijski sastav na kraju procesa proizvodnje, zaključeno je da su obe grupe kobasica bile veoma dobrog kvaliteta. L*i b* vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale, dok je statistički značajna razlika između grupa utvrđena za vrednost a*(11,72 kod goveđih i 14,15 kod kozjih kobasica). U pogledu senzornih karakteristika: spoljnog izgleda, teksture i ukusa, kozji sudžuk je ocenjen nešto slabije, međutim, takav proizvod je i dalje bio veoma prihvatljiv (sve ocene su bile iznad 5). Jedan od načina da se smanji specifična aroma sudžuka napravljenog od kozjeg mesa, što bi ga učinilo prihvatlivijim za širu grupu potrošača, jeste zamena kozjeg loja sa goveđim.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Possibilities for the use of goat meat in the production of traditional sucuk
T1  - Mogućnost upotrebe kozjeg mesa u proizvodnji tradicionalnog sudžuka
VL  - 27
IS  - 4
SP  - 1489
EP  - 1497
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1104489S
ER  - 
author = "Stajić, Slaviša and Stanišić, Nikola and Perunović, Marija and Živković, Dušan and Žujović, Miroslav",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Two variants of sucuk were made: one of beef meat and beef tail fat and another of goat meat and goat tail fat with meat/fat ratio of 75/25 and the same ingredients. After filling, the sausages were hung to dry in a traditional smoking house (without the possibility to control the temperature or humidity). Weight loss, pH, non-protein nitrogen content, basic chemical composition, instrumental colour measurement and sensory evaluation were done for both variants. Both variants had an almost identical weight loss (36.98 beef sucuk and 36.25 goat sucuk). Changes in pH value and non-protein nitrogen content had the same tendency and end values did not differ. The basic chemical composition at the end of production indicates that both variants were of very good quality. L*and b*values did not differ, but there was a significant difference in a*value (11.72 beef and 14.15 goat). In terms of appearance, texture and taste, assessors gave poorer grades to goat sucuk, but these grades do not indicate that the product is unacceptable (they were more than 5). It is possible to replace goat tail fat with beef fat to appease the specific flavour of the product and to make it more acceptable to consumers who may not be used to such flavour., U Srbiji, sudžuk se tradicionalno proizvodi u planinskom delu, uglavnom u malim pogonima ili domaćinstvima, u jesenjem i zimskom periodu, kada to klimatski uslovi (temperatura i relativna vlažnost) dozvoljavaju. U ovom ogledu napravljene su dve varijante sudžuka: prva od goveđeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa goveda i druga od kozjeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa koza. Kod obe grupe kobasica je odnos meso/masno tkivo bio 75/25 i korišćeni su isti začini i aditivi. Nakon punjenja, kobasice su sušene u tradicionalnoj pušnici. Kod obe varijante kobasica određen je: gubitak mase tokom sušenja, pH, neproteinski azot, osnovni hemijski sastav i izvršeno je instrumentalno merenje boje i senzorska ocena. Obe grupe kobasice su imale skoro identičan gubitak mase tokom sušenja (36,98 kod goveđeg i 36,25 kod kozjeg sudžuka). Promene pH vrednosti i neproteinskog azota tokom zrenja su imale istu tendenciju i njihove krajnje vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale. Na osnovu podataka za osnovni hemijski sastav na kraju procesa proizvodnje, zaključeno je da su obe grupe kobasica bile veoma dobrog kvaliteta. L*i b* vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale, dok je statistički značajna razlika između grupa utvrđena za vrednost a*(11,72 kod goveđih i 14,15 kod kozjih kobasica). U pogledu senzornih karakteristika: spoljnog izgleda, teksture i ukusa, kozji sudžuk je ocenjen nešto slabije, međutim, takav proizvod je i dalje bio veoma prihvatljiv (sve ocene su bile iznad 5). Jedan od načina da se smanji specifična aroma sudžuka napravljenog od kozjeg mesa, što bi ga učinilo prihvatlivijim za širu grupu potrošača, jeste zamena kozjeg loja sa goveđim.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Possibilities for the use of goat meat in the production of traditional sucuk, Mogućnost upotrebe kozjeg mesa u proizvodnji tradicionalnog sudžuka",
volume = "27",
number = "4",
pages = "1489-1497",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1104489S"
Stajić, S., Stanišić, N., Perunović, M., Živković, D.,& Žujović, M.. (2011). Possibilities for the use of goat meat in the production of traditional sucuk. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 27(4), 1489-1497.
Stajić S, Stanišić N, Perunović M, Živković D, Žujović M. Possibilities for the use of goat meat in the production of traditional sucuk. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2011;27(4):1489-1497.
doi:10.2298/BAH1104489S .
Stajić, Slaviša, Stanišić, Nikola, Perunović, Marija, Živković, Dušan, Žujović, Miroslav, "Possibilities for the use of goat meat in the production of traditional sucuk" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 27, no. 4 (2011):1489-1497, . .