Nikolić, Milica

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  • Nikolić, Milica (9)

Author's Bibliography

Diverzitet i patogenost različitih hemotipova Fusarium graminearum kompleksa poreklom sa zrna ječma

Obradović, Ana; Krnjaja, Vesna; Bulajić, Aleksandra; Nikolić, Milica; Savić, Iva; Stanković, Slavica

(Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Obradović, Ana
AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Bulajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Nikolić, Milica
AU  - Savić, Iva
AU  - Stanković, Slavica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Vrste u okviru Fusarium graminearum kompleksa (Fg) su jedne od najvažnijih 
patogena strnih žita i kukuruza. Kompleks Fg sadrži najmanje 15 filogenetski različitih vrsta. 
Ove vrste prouzrokuju bolest poznatu kao fusarioza klasa pšenice, ječma i pirinča, kao i trulež 
klipa kukuruza. Pored toga što dovodi do gubitka prinosa, zaraženo zrno je lošijeg kvaliteta, 
uključujući kontaminaciju mikotoksinima od kojih su najznačajniji nivalenol (NIV), 
deoksinivalenol (DON) i njegove acetilovane forme (3ADON i 15ADON). U ovom istraživanju, 
ispitivana je patogenost izolata, pripadnost određenom hemotipu kao i potencijal za sintezu 
mikotoksina kod 22 izolata Fusarium graminearum sakupljenih sa zrna ječma na 12 lokaliteta 
u Srbiji. Određivanje hemotipa kao i potencijal sinteze mikotoksina urađen je pomoću tečne 
hromatografije sa tandem masenom spektrofotometrijom (HPLC/LC-MS). Proces 
prečišćavanja uzoraka je izvršen u koloni MycoSep 113 Trich i MycoSep 230 Niv (Romer Labs, 
USA). Kao mobilna faza korišćena je voda-acetonitril (90:10 v/v) za 3ADON i 15ADON. 
Komponente su razdvojene na Acclaim Polar Advantage II, C18 (150 × 4.6 mm, 3 μm) koloni 
na temperaturi od 25 oC. Patogenost ispitivanih izolata testirana je in vitro (u laboartoriji) na 
listu ječma. Veštačka inokulacija lista ječma obavljena je po metodi koju su opisali Imathiu i 
sar. (2009). Od 22 ispitivana izolata, dva izolata su pripadala 3ADON hemotipu, dok su svi 
ostali pripadali 15ADON hemotipu. Izolati sa 3ADON hemotipom su sintetisali niske 
koncentarcije ukupnog deoksinivalenola (4,12-11,09 µg/g), dok su izolati sa 15ADON 
hemotipom sintetisali veće koncentracije 8,74-102,32 µg/g. Rezultati u ovom radu su pokazali 
da između patogenosti izolata i sinteze mikotoksina u in vitro testu nije utvrđena značajna 
pozitivna korelacija (r = 0,32).
PB  - Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije
C3  - Zbornik rezimea radova. XVII simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor, 27.- 30. 11. 2023. godine, Srbija.
T1  - Diverzitet i patogenost različitih hemotipova Fusarium graminearum kompleksa poreklom sa zrna ječma
SP  - 12
EP  - 12
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Obradović, Ana and Krnjaja, Vesna and Bulajić, Aleksandra and Nikolić, Milica and Savić, Iva and Stanković, Slavica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Vrste u okviru Fusarium graminearum kompleksa (Fg) su jedne od najvažnijih 
patogena strnih žita i kukuruza. Kompleks Fg sadrži najmanje 15 filogenetski različitih vrsta. 
Ove vrste prouzrokuju bolest poznatu kao fusarioza klasa pšenice, ječma i pirinča, kao i trulež 
klipa kukuruza. Pored toga što dovodi do gubitka prinosa, zaraženo zrno je lošijeg kvaliteta, 
uključujući kontaminaciju mikotoksinima od kojih su najznačajniji nivalenol (NIV), 
deoksinivalenol (DON) i njegove acetilovane forme (3ADON i 15ADON). U ovom istraživanju, 
ispitivana je patogenost izolata, pripadnost određenom hemotipu kao i potencijal za sintezu 
mikotoksina kod 22 izolata Fusarium graminearum sakupljenih sa zrna ječma na 12 lokaliteta 
u Srbiji. Određivanje hemotipa kao i potencijal sinteze mikotoksina urađen je pomoću tečne 
hromatografije sa tandem masenom spektrofotometrijom (HPLC/LC-MS). Proces 
prečišćavanja uzoraka je izvršen u koloni MycoSep 113 Trich i MycoSep 230 Niv (Romer Labs, 
USA). Kao mobilna faza korišćena je voda-acetonitril (90:10 v/v) za 3ADON i 15ADON. 
Komponente su razdvojene na Acclaim Polar Advantage II, C18 (150 × 4.6 mm, 3 μm) koloni 
na temperaturi od 25 oC. Patogenost ispitivanih izolata testirana je in vitro (u laboartoriji) na 
listu ječma. Veštačka inokulacija lista ječma obavljena je po metodi koju su opisali Imathiu i 
sar. (2009). Od 22 ispitivana izolata, dva izolata su pripadala 3ADON hemotipu, dok su svi 
ostali pripadali 15ADON hemotipu. Izolati sa 3ADON hemotipom su sintetisali niske 
koncentarcije ukupnog deoksinivalenola (4,12-11,09 µg/g), dok su izolati sa 15ADON 
hemotipom sintetisali veće koncentracije 8,74-102,32 µg/g. Rezultati u ovom radu su pokazali 
da između patogenosti izolata i sinteze mikotoksina u in vitro testu nije utvrđena značajna 
pozitivna korelacija (r = 0,32).",
publisher = "Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije",
journal = "Zbornik rezimea radova. XVII simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor, 27.- 30. 11. 2023. godine, Srbija.",
title = "Diverzitet i patogenost različitih hemotipova Fusarium graminearum kompleksa poreklom sa zrna ječma",
pages = "12-12",
url = ""
Obradović, A., Krnjaja, V., Bulajić, A., Nikolić, M., Savić, I.,& Stanković, S.. (2023). Diverzitet i patogenost različitih hemotipova Fusarium graminearum kompleksa poreklom sa zrna ječma. in Zbornik rezimea radova. XVII simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor, 27.- 30. 11. 2023. godine, Srbija.
Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije., 12-12.
Obradović A, Krnjaja V, Bulajić A, Nikolić M, Savić I, Stanković S. Diverzitet i patogenost različitih hemotipova Fusarium graminearum kompleksa poreklom sa zrna ječma. in Zbornik rezimea radova. XVII simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor, 27.- 30. 11. 2023. godine, Srbija.. 2023;:12-12. .
Obradović, Ana, Krnjaja, Vesna, Bulajić, Aleksandra, Nikolić, Milica, Savić, Iva, Stanković, Slavica, "Diverzitet i patogenost različitih hemotipova Fusarium graminearum kompleksa poreklom sa zrna ječma" in Zbornik rezimea radova. XVII simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor, 27.- 30. 11. 2023. godine, Srbija. (2023):12-12, .

Učestalost toksigenih vrsta gljiva na zrnu hibrida kukuruza različite FAO grupe zrenja u Srbiji

Obradović, Ana; Krnjaja, Vesna; Stanković, Goran; Nikolić, Milica; Savić, Iva; Stanković, Slavica

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Obradović, Ana
AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Stanković, Goran
AU  - Nikolić, Milica
AU  - Savić, Iva
AU  - Stanković, Slavica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - U ovom istraživanju je analizirana učestalost prisustva toksigenih vrsta gljiva 
na zrnu šest hibrida kukuruza iz različitih FAO grupa zrenja (ZP 341, ZP 427, ZP 
434, ZP 560, ZP 606, ZP 666). Uzorci su prikupljeni u vreme berbe, iz tri različita 
lokaliteta (Zemun Polje, Bečej, Šabac) u Srbiji. Koristeći standardne mikološke 
metode izolacije, istraživači su izolovali toksigene vrste gljiva. Dobijene kolonije 
su prečišćene kako bi se dobila čista kultura gljiva. Ove kulture su potom korišćene 
za identifikaciju različitih vrsta gljiva. Kulture gljiva su gajene na različitim podlogama kao što su krompir-dekstroza podloga (PDA), podloga sa fragmentima 
sterilnog lista karanfila (CLA) i sintetička podloga (SNA). Inkubacija kultura je 
obavljena pri kontrolisanoj temperaturi od 25±1ºC. Identifikacija izolovanih vrsta 
je izvršena prema Nelsonui sar. (1983). Statistička analiza prikupljenih podataka 
izvedena je korišćenjem analize varijanse (ANOVA), uz primenu paketa Statistica 
10 (StatSoft, Inc., SAD). Značajnost razlika između srednjih vrednosti parametara 
je ocenjena putem F-testa pri nivou značajnosti od P ≤ 0,05. Tokom mikoloških 
istraživanja zrna kukuruza, potvrđeno je prisustvo toksigenih gljiva iz tri roda: 
Aspergillus, Fusarium i Penicillium. U lokalitetima koji su obuhvaćeni istraživanjem, gljiva Fusarium verticillioides je bila najčešće izolovana, sa maksimalnom 
učestalošću od 36% kod većine ispitivanih hibrida. Prisustvo Aspergillus spp. 
se kretalo od 0 do 19%, dok je prisustvo Penicillium spp. variralo od 0 do 25%.
Imajući u vidu povoljne agroekološke uslove u Srbiji za razvoj toksigenih gljiva i 
njihovih mikotoksina, neophodno je redovno sprovoditi kontrolu nad sadržajem 
mikotoksina u zrnu kukuruza, kako tokom žetve tako i nakon nje.
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije
PB  - Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije
C3  - Zbornik apstrakata X simpozijuma Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i VII simpozijuma Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije. 16.-18. oktobar 2023. godine, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija.
T1  - Učestalost toksigenih vrsta gljiva na zrnu hibrida kukuruza različite FAO grupe zrenja u Srbiji
SP  - 105
EP  - 105
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Obradović, Ana and Krnjaja, Vesna and Stanković, Goran and Nikolić, Milica and Savić, Iva and Stanković, Slavica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U ovom istraživanju je analizirana učestalost prisustva toksigenih vrsta gljiva 
na zrnu šest hibrida kukuruza iz različitih FAO grupa zrenja (ZP 341, ZP 427, ZP 
434, ZP 560, ZP 606, ZP 666). Uzorci su prikupljeni u vreme berbe, iz tri različita 
lokaliteta (Zemun Polje, Bečej, Šabac) u Srbiji. Koristeći standardne mikološke 
metode izolacije, istraživači su izolovali toksigene vrste gljiva. Dobijene kolonije 
su prečišćene kako bi se dobila čista kultura gljiva. Ove kulture su potom korišćene 
za identifikaciju različitih vrsta gljiva. Kulture gljiva su gajene na različitim podlogama kao što su krompir-dekstroza podloga (PDA), podloga sa fragmentima 
sterilnog lista karanfila (CLA) i sintetička podloga (SNA). Inkubacija kultura je 
obavljena pri kontrolisanoj temperaturi od 25±1ºC. Identifikacija izolovanih vrsta 
je izvršena prema Nelsonui sar. (1983). Statistička analiza prikupljenih podataka 
izvedena je korišćenjem analize varijanse (ANOVA), uz primenu paketa Statistica 
10 (StatSoft, Inc., SAD). Značajnost razlika između srednjih vrednosti parametara 
je ocenjena putem F-testa pri nivou značajnosti od P ≤ 0,05. Tokom mikoloških 
istraživanja zrna kukuruza, potvrđeno je prisustvo toksigenih gljiva iz tri roda: 
Aspergillus, Fusarium i Penicillium. U lokalitetima koji su obuhvaćeni istraživanjem, gljiva Fusarium verticillioides je bila najčešće izolovana, sa maksimalnom 
učestalošću od 36% kod većine ispitivanih hibrida. Prisustvo Aspergillus spp. 
se kretalo od 0 do 19%, dok je prisustvo Penicillium spp. variralo od 0 do 25%.
Imajući u vidu povoljne agroekološke uslove u Srbiji za razvoj toksigenih gljiva i 
njihovih mikotoksina, neophodno je redovno sprovoditi kontrolu nad sadržajem 
mikotoksina u zrnu kukuruza, kako tokom žetve tako i nakon nje.",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije",
journal = "Zbornik apstrakata X simpozijuma Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i VII simpozijuma Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije. 16.-18. oktobar 2023. godine, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija.",
title = "Učestalost toksigenih vrsta gljiva na zrnu hibrida kukuruza različite FAO grupe zrenja u Srbiji",
pages = "105-105",
url = ""
Obradović, A., Krnjaja, V., Stanković, G., Nikolić, M., Savić, I.,& Stanković, S.. (2023). Učestalost toksigenih vrsta gljiva na zrnu hibrida kukuruza različite FAO grupe zrenja u Srbiji. in Zbornik apstrakata X simpozijuma Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i VII simpozijuma Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije. 16.-18. oktobar 2023. godine, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija.
Društvo genetičara Srbije., 105-105.
Obradović A, Krnjaja V, Stanković G, Nikolić M, Savić I, Stanković S. Učestalost toksigenih vrsta gljiva na zrnu hibrida kukuruza različite FAO grupe zrenja u Srbiji. in Zbornik apstrakata X simpozijuma Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i VII simpozijuma Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije. 16.-18. oktobar 2023. godine, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija.. 2023;:105-105. .
Obradović, Ana, Krnjaja, Vesna, Stanković, Goran, Nikolić, Milica, Savić, Iva, Stanković, Slavica, "Učestalost toksigenih vrsta gljiva na zrnu hibrida kukuruza različite FAO grupe zrenja u Srbiji" in Zbornik apstrakata X simpozijuma Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i VII simpozijuma Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije. 16.-18. oktobar 2023. godine, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija. (2023):105-105, .

Contamination of durum wheat lines kernels with Fusarium species and deoxynivalenol

Krnjaja, Vesna; Stanković, Slavica; Obradović, Ana; Nikolić, Milica; Savić, Iva; Mandić, Violeta; Bijelić, Zorica


AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Stanković, Slavica
AU  - Obradović, Ana
AU  - Nikolić, Milica
AU  - Savić, Iva
AU  - Mandić, Violeta
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Fusarium infection and deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination in seven 
durum wheat lines kernel (six domestic durum lines ZP 16, ZP 34, ZP 41, ZP 74, ZP 120, 
ZP DSP 66, and one international durum line Cimmyt 7817) during two harvest seasons 
(2015–2016) has been studied. The four Fusarium species, F. graminearum, F. proliferatum, 
F. sporotrichioides, and F. verticillioides, were identified in 2015. A different structure of 
the Fusarium population, which in addition to F. graminearum, F. sporotrichioides and F. 
verticillioides, also comprised F. poae, F. semitectum, and F. subglutinans, was identified 
in 2016. F. graminearum was the predominant species in the durum wheat lines kernels and 
the potential producer of DON. The other Fusarium spp. were isolated sporadically and with 
a low incidence in the kernels. The incidence of F. graminearum and DON levels were 
significantly affected by the wheat genotypes and studied years and these parameters were 
negatively correlated. The incidence of F. graminearum was significantly higher in 2015 
(75.86%) than in 2016 (63.43%), while the level of DON was significantly higher in 2016 
(3.636 mg kg-1) compared to 2015 (1.126 mg kg-1). Statistically, there was a significantly 
higher incidence of F. graminearum in ZP DSP 66 (73.00%) and ZP 120 (72.75%) durum 
wheat lines than in the other durum genotypes. DON level was the highest in durum wheat 
line ZP 120 (3.854 mg kg-1). Considering all treatments tested, the mean DON level was 
2.381 mg kg-1, while the mean incidence of F. graminearum was 69.64%. Тested durum 
wheat lines showed susceptibility to F. graminearum, resulting in high DON levels in kernels. 
The results obtained suggest the importance of using the lines with improved resistance to 
Fusarium head blight in the breeding programs for new durum wheat cultivars.
T2  - Matica Srpska Journal for Natural Sciences
T1  - Contamination of durum wheat lines kernels with Fusarium species and deoxynivalenol
VL  - 
IS  - 143
SP  - 27
EP  - 38
DO  - 10.2298/ZMSPN2243027K
ER  - 
author = "Krnjaja, Vesna and Stanković, Slavica and Obradović, Ana and Nikolić, Milica and Savić, Iva and Mandić, Violeta and Bijelić, Zorica",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Fusarium infection and deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination in seven 
durum wheat lines kernel (six domestic durum lines ZP 16, ZP 34, ZP 41, ZP 74, ZP 120, 
ZP DSP 66, and one international durum line Cimmyt 7817) during two harvest seasons 
(2015–2016) has been studied. The four Fusarium species, F. graminearum, F. proliferatum, 
F. sporotrichioides, and F. verticillioides, were identified in 2015. A different structure of 
the Fusarium population, which in addition to F. graminearum, F. sporotrichioides and F. 
verticillioides, also comprised F. poae, F. semitectum, and F. subglutinans, was identified 
in 2016. F. graminearum was the predominant species in the durum wheat lines kernels and 
the potential producer of DON. The other Fusarium spp. were isolated sporadically and with 
a low incidence in the kernels. The incidence of F. graminearum and DON levels were 
significantly affected by the wheat genotypes and studied years and these parameters were 
negatively correlated. The incidence of F. graminearum was significantly higher in 2015 
(75.86%) than in 2016 (63.43%), while the level of DON was significantly higher in 2016 
(3.636 mg kg-1) compared to 2015 (1.126 mg kg-1). Statistically, there was a significantly 
higher incidence of F. graminearum in ZP DSP 66 (73.00%) and ZP 120 (72.75%) durum 
wheat lines than in the other durum genotypes. DON level was the highest in durum wheat 
line ZP 120 (3.854 mg kg-1). Considering all treatments tested, the mean DON level was 
2.381 mg kg-1, while the mean incidence of F. graminearum was 69.64%. Тested durum 
wheat lines showed susceptibility to F. graminearum, resulting in high DON levels in kernels. 
The results obtained suggest the importance of using the lines with improved resistance to 
Fusarium head blight in the breeding programs for new durum wheat cultivars.",
journal = "Matica Srpska Journal for Natural Sciences",
title = "Contamination of durum wheat lines kernels with Fusarium species and deoxynivalenol",
volume = "",
number = "143",
pages = "27-38",
doi = "10.2298/ZMSPN2243027K"
Krnjaja, V., Stanković, S., Obradović, A., Nikolić, M., Savić, I., Mandić, V.,& Bijelić, Z.. (2022). Contamination of durum wheat lines kernels with Fusarium species and deoxynivalenol. in Matica Srpska Journal for Natural Sciences, (143), 27-38.
Krnjaja V, Stanković S, Obradović A, Nikolić M, Savić I, Mandić V, Bijelić Z. Contamination of durum wheat lines kernels with Fusarium species and deoxynivalenol. in Matica Srpska Journal for Natural Sciences. 2022;(143):27-38.
doi:10.2298/ZMSPN2243027K .
Krnjaja, Vesna, Stanković, Slavica, Obradović, Ana, Nikolić, Milica, Savić, Iva, Mandić, Violeta, Bijelić, Zorica, "Contamination of durum wheat lines kernels with Fusarium species and deoxynivalenol" in Matica Srpska Journal for Natural Sciences, , no. 143 (2022):27-38, . .

Toxicological profile pathogenic species on maize in Serbia

Obradović, Ana; Nikolić, Milica; Savić, Iva; Krnjaja, Vesna; Stanković, Slavica


AU  - Obradović, Ana
AU  - Nikolić, Milica
AU  - Savić, Iva
AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Stanković, Slavica
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Fusarium and Aspergillus toxigenic species are considered to be the most common pathogens 
in maize. Agroecological conditions in Serbia favour the development of numerous pathogenic 
and toxigenic species of the genus Fusarium and Aspergillus. Global climate change may 
favour the contamination of maize with high levels of aflatoxins and fusariotoxins in temperate 
areas, such as Serbia. Fusarium graminearum synthesises mycotoxins from which the most 
important are type B trichothecene - deoxynivalenol (DON), its acetyl-ester derivatives (3-
АDON and 15-АDON) and nivalenol (NIV). The two most important species of fungi 
responsible for aspergillosis kernel and ear rot are Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus 
parasiticus, producers of aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, and G2). 
Isolates of F. graminearum and A. parasiticus identified from maize grain samples collected 
over 12 years from 40 localities in Serbia were analyzed. Production potential of isolates were 
determined by high-performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC).
Results of perennial research showed high variability in the concentrations of mycotoxins 
deoxynivalenol and aflatoxins in maize kernels. Detected concentrations of DON varied from 
10,9 to 154.6 µg/g (average 47,2 µg/g), while 3ADON concentrations ranged from 3.42 to 71.6 
µg/g (average 15,6 µg/g ) and 15ADON from 5.4 to 121.3 µg/g (average 29,8 µg/g). Mycotoxin 
15ADON were predominant in observed samples. The average synthesis of aflatoxin B1 was 
4145.97 µg/kg (range 14.24 to 7361.03 µg/kg) by which the isolates of this group were 
classified into strong producers of AFB1. The average synthesis of aflatoxin B2 was 403.55 
µg/kg, aflatoxin G1 3490.07 µg/kg and G2 198.29 µg/kg averaging, respectivel
C3  - Book of Abstracts, XXVth EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum  "Conference Current Challenges and New Methods for Maize and Sorghum Breeding", May 30 – June 2, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia
T1  - Toxicological profile pathogenic species on maize in Serbia
SP  - 58
EP  - 58
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Obradović, Ana and Nikolić, Milica and Savić, Iva and Krnjaja, Vesna and Stanković, Slavica",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Fusarium and Aspergillus toxigenic species are considered to be the most common pathogens 
in maize. Agroecological conditions in Serbia favour the development of numerous pathogenic 
and toxigenic species of the genus Fusarium and Aspergillus. Global climate change may 
favour the contamination of maize with high levels of aflatoxins and fusariotoxins in temperate 
areas, such as Serbia. Fusarium graminearum synthesises mycotoxins from which the most 
important are type B trichothecene - deoxynivalenol (DON), its acetyl-ester derivatives (3-
АDON and 15-АDON) and nivalenol (NIV). The two most important species of fungi 
responsible for aspergillosis kernel and ear rot are Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus 
parasiticus, producers of aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, and G2). 
Isolates of F. graminearum and A. parasiticus identified from maize grain samples collected 
over 12 years from 40 localities in Serbia were analyzed. Production potential of isolates were 
determined by high-performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC).
Results of perennial research showed high variability in the concentrations of mycotoxins 
deoxynivalenol and aflatoxins in maize kernels. Detected concentrations of DON varied from 
10,9 to 154.6 µg/g (average 47,2 µg/g), while 3ADON concentrations ranged from 3.42 to 71.6 
µg/g (average 15,6 µg/g ) and 15ADON from 5.4 to 121.3 µg/g (average 29,8 µg/g). Mycotoxin 
15ADON were predominant in observed samples. The average synthesis of aflatoxin B1 was 
4145.97 µg/kg (range 14.24 to 7361.03 µg/kg) by which the isolates of this group were 
classified into strong producers of AFB1. The average synthesis of aflatoxin B2 was 403.55 
µg/kg, aflatoxin G1 3490.07 µg/kg and G2 198.29 µg/kg averaging, respectivel",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, XXVth EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum  "Conference Current Challenges and New Methods for Maize and Sorghum Breeding", May 30 – June 2, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia",
title = "Toxicological profile pathogenic species on maize in Serbia",
pages = "58-58",
url = ""
Obradović, A., Nikolić, M., Savić, I., Krnjaja, V.,& Stanković, S.. (2022). Toxicological profile pathogenic species on maize in Serbia. in Book of Abstracts, XXVth EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum  "Conference Current Challenges and New Methods for Maize and Sorghum Breeding", May 30 – June 2, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia, 58-58.
Obradović A, Nikolić M, Savić I, Krnjaja V, Stanković S. Toxicological profile pathogenic species on maize in Serbia. in Book of Abstracts, XXVth EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum  "Conference Current Challenges and New Methods for Maize and Sorghum Breeding", May 30 – June 2, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia. 2022;:58-58. .
Obradović, Ana, Nikolić, Milica, Savić, Iva, Krnjaja, Vesna, Stanković, Slavica, "Toxicological profile pathogenic species on maize in Serbia" in Book of Abstracts, XXVth EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum  "Conference Current Challenges and New Methods for Maize and Sorghum Breeding", May 30 – June 2, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia (2022):58-58, .

Fuzariotoksini na zrnu pšenice

Obradović, Ana; Stanković, Slavica; Krnjaja, Vesna; Nikolić, Milica; Savić, Iva; Stevanović, Milan; Stanković, Goran


AU  - Obradović, Ana
AU  - Stanković, Slavica
AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Nikolić, Milica
AU  - Savić, Iva
AU  - Stevanović, Milan
AU  - Stanković, Goran
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Pšenica je na prvom mestu po površinama na kojima se gaji u svetu i značaju u 
prehrambenoj industriji. Različiti načini upotrebe zrna i suve mase žita u ishrani ljudi i 
životinja, kao i u industrijskoj preradi, ukazuju na to da ona imaju veliku upotrebnu vrednost. 
Zrno pšenice u različitim agroekološkim uslovima može biti zaraženo brojnim vrstama gljiva, 
kako u polju, tako i tokom čuvanja u skladištima. Vrste roda Fusarium su najčešći patogeni 
zrna pšenice, koji su posebno značajni, jer imaju sposobnost da sintetišu veliki spektar 
mikotoksina od kojih su najznačajniji fumonizin B1 (FB1), deoksinivalenol (DON) i zearalenon 
(ZEA). Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita koncentracija pomenutih mikotoksina u zrnu pšenice 
nakon žetve. 
Analizirano je 20 uzoraka zrna pšenice prikupljene iz različitih agroekoloških uslova u 
Srbiji. Pet grama od svakog osušenog i samlevenog uzorka je ekstrahovano i filtrirano 
rastvorom metanola i vode. Koncentracija mikotoksina je određena pomoću ELISA testa 
prema upustvu proizvođača (Tecna S.r.l., Italy, Celer Fumo Test Kit, Celer DON Gold Test Kit i 
Celer Zon Test Kit). U svim analiziranim uzorcima utvrđeno je prisustvo bar jednog 
ispitivanog mikotoksina. Ustanovljena koncentracija DON iznosila je od 0,596 do 2,258 µg/g 
(prosek 1,152 µg/g), FB1 od 0,852 do 6,253 µg/g (prosek 2,021 µg/кg) dok je mikotoksin ZEA 
bio prisutan u intervalu od 8,42 do 58,25 µg/кg (prosek 22,98 µg/кg). Utvrđene koncentracije 
ZEA i DON su bile niže od maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija koje su propisane 
Pravilnikom o maksimalno dozvoljenim količinama ostataka sredstava za zaštitu bilja u hrani 
i hrani za životinje (Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, 2019), dok su u pet uzoraka FB1
detektovani u koncentraciji većoj od dozvoljenih u ljudskoj hrani.
C3  - Zbornik rezimea radova "XVII Savetovanje o zaštiti bilja", Zlatibor, 28.novembar - 1. decembar 2022. godine
T1  - Fuzariotoksini na zrnu pšenice
SP  - 48
EP  - 48
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Obradović, Ana and Stanković, Slavica and Krnjaja, Vesna and Nikolić, Milica and Savić, Iva and Stevanović, Milan and Stanković, Goran",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Pšenica je na prvom mestu po površinama na kojima se gaji u svetu i značaju u 
prehrambenoj industriji. Različiti načini upotrebe zrna i suve mase žita u ishrani ljudi i 
životinja, kao i u industrijskoj preradi, ukazuju na to da ona imaju veliku upotrebnu vrednost. 
Zrno pšenice u različitim agroekološkim uslovima može biti zaraženo brojnim vrstama gljiva, 
kako u polju, tako i tokom čuvanja u skladištima. Vrste roda Fusarium su najčešći patogeni 
zrna pšenice, koji su posebno značajni, jer imaju sposobnost da sintetišu veliki spektar 
mikotoksina od kojih su najznačajniji fumonizin B1 (FB1), deoksinivalenol (DON) i zearalenon 
(ZEA). Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita koncentracija pomenutih mikotoksina u zrnu pšenice 
nakon žetve. 
Analizirano je 20 uzoraka zrna pšenice prikupljene iz različitih agroekoloških uslova u 
Srbiji. Pet grama od svakog osušenog i samlevenog uzorka je ekstrahovano i filtrirano 
rastvorom metanola i vode. Koncentracija mikotoksina je određena pomoću ELISA testa 
prema upustvu proizvođača (Tecna S.r.l., Italy, Celer Fumo Test Kit, Celer DON Gold Test Kit i 
Celer Zon Test Kit). U svim analiziranim uzorcima utvrđeno je prisustvo bar jednog 
ispitivanog mikotoksina. Ustanovljena koncentracija DON iznosila je od 0,596 do 2,258 µg/g 
(prosek 1,152 µg/g), FB1 od 0,852 do 6,253 µg/g (prosek 2,021 µg/кg) dok je mikotoksin ZEA 
bio prisutan u intervalu od 8,42 do 58,25 µg/кg (prosek 22,98 µg/кg). Utvrđene koncentracije 
ZEA i DON su bile niže od maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija koje su propisane 
Pravilnikom o maksimalno dozvoljenim količinama ostataka sredstava za zaštitu bilja u hrani 
i hrani za životinje (Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, 2019), dok su u pet uzoraka FB1
detektovani u koncentraciji većoj od dozvoljenih u ljudskoj hrani.",
journal = "Zbornik rezimea radova "XVII Savetovanje o zaštiti bilja", Zlatibor, 28.novembar - 1. decembar 2022. godine",
title = "Fuzariotoksini na zrnu pšenice",
pages = "48-48",
url = ""
Obradović, A., Stanković, S., Krnjaja, V., Nikolić, M., Savić, I., Stevanović, M.,& Stanković, G.. (2022). Fuzariotoksini na zrnu pšenice. in Zbornik rezimea radova "XVII Savetovanje o zaštiti bilja", Zlatibor, 28.novembar - 1. decembar 2022. godine, 48-48.
Obradović A, Stanković S, Krnjaja V, Nikolić M, Savić I, Stevanović M, Stanković G. Fuzariotoksini na zrnu pšenice. in Zbornik rezimea radova "XVII Savetovanje o zaštiti bilja", Zlatibor, 28.novembar - 1. decembar 2022. godine. 2022;:48-48. .
Obradović, Ana, Stanković, Slavica, Krnjaja, Vesna, Nikolić, Milica, Savić, Iva, Stevanović, Milan, Stanković, Goran, "Fuzariotoksini na zrnu pšenice" in Zbornik rezimea radova "XVII Savetovanje o zaštiti bilja", Zlatibor, 28.novembar - 1. decembar 2022. godine (2022):48-48, .

Novel toxigenic species on maize kernels in Southeastern Europe

Stanković, Slavica; Obradović, Ana; Nikolić, Milica; Nikolić, Ana; Krnjaja, Vesna


AU  - Stanković, Slavica
AU  - Obradović, Ana
AU  - Nikolić, Milica
AU  - Nikolić, Ana
AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - In recent years, global climate changes have caused the variability of agro-climatic conditions, 
which could contribute to the synthesis of higher concentrations of mycotoxins in cereal grains 
during the growing season and could result in economic losses in the production, as well as in 
increased risk to human and animal health. These reasons and the fact that new toxigenic species 
have been identified in Serbia and its neighbouring countries in a few past years, indicate the 
need for permanent monitoring of mycopopulations on cereals. In Serbia, 30 different species of 
the genus Aspergillus have been identified, isolated mainly from cereal grains. The uncommonly 
high frequency and incidence of Aspergillus infestation of maize grain in the last few years were 
caused by extremely stressful agrometeorological conditions, high temperatures and drought 
over the period from flowering to waxy maturation of maize. Molecular detection of Aspergillus
species collected from different samples of cereal kernels was done by using PCR-RFLP analysis 
of aflR-aflJ intergenic spacer (IGS). Restriction digestion of PCR products with BglII enzyme 
gave profiles specific for A. parasiticus - two fragments of 363 and 311 bp, which confirmed the 
presence of this species in the samples subjected to analysis. Characterization of Fg comlex 
species was done by DNA sequence-based analysis using primer pairs ef1/ef2. Specific genome 
fragments were sequenced and analized. Sequences were compared to the data from GeneBank. 
Most of the tested isolates appeared to represent F. graminearum sensu stricto species, while 
only two of them were identified as Fusarium boothii and Fusarium vorosii.
C3  - Book of Abstracts of the XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2022”, Jahorina, October 06 - 09, 2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina
T1  - Novel toxigenic species on maize kernels in Southeastern Europe
SP  - 194
EP  - 194
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Slavica and Obradović, Ana and Nikolić, Milica and Nikolić, Ana and Krnjaja, Vesna",
year = "2022",
abstract = "In recent years, global climate changes have caused the variability of agro-climatic conditions, 
which could contribute to the synthesis of higher concentrations of mycotoxins in cereal grains 
during the growing season and could result in economic losses in the production, as well as in 
increased risk to human and animal health. These reasons and the fact that new toxigenic species 
have been identified in Serbia and its neighbouring countries in a few past years, indicate the 
need for permanent monitoring of mycopopulations on cereals. In Serbia, 30 different species of 
the genus Aspergillus have been identified, isolated mainly from cereal grains. The uncommonly 
high frequency and incidence of Aspergillus infestation of maize grain in the last few years were 
caused by extremely stressful agrometeorological conditions, high temperatures and drought 
over the period from flowering to waxy maturation of maize. Molecular detection of Aspergillus
species collected from different samples of cereal kernels was done by using PCR-RFLP analysis 
of aflR-aflJ intergenic spacer (IGS). Restriction digestion of PCR products with BglII enzyme 
gave profiles specific for A. parasiticus - two fragments of 363 and 311 bp, which confirmed the 
presence of this species in the samples subjected to analysis. Characterization of Fg comlex 
species was done by DNA sequence-based analysis using primer pairs ef1/ef2. Specific genome 
fragments were sequenced and analized. Sequences were compared to the data from GeneBank. 
Most of the tested isolates appeared to represent F. graminearum sensu stricto species, while 
only two of them were identified as Fusarium boothii and Fusarium vorosii.",
journal = "Book of Abstracts of the XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2022”, Jahorina, October 06 - 09, 2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina",
title = "Novel toxigenic species on maize kernels in Southeastern Europe",
pages = "194-194",
url = ""
Stanković, S., Obradović, A., Nikolić, M., Nikolić, A.,& Krnjaja, V.. (2022). Novel toxigenic species on maize kernels in Southeastern Europe. in Book of Abstracts of the XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2022”, Jahorina, October 06 - 09, 2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 194-194.
Stanković S, Obradović A, Nikolić M, Nikolić A, Krnjaja V. Novel toxigenic species on maize kernels in Southeastern Europe. in Book of Abstracts of the XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2022”, Jahorina, October 06 - 09, 2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2022;:194-194. .
Stanković, Slavica, Obradović, Ana, Nikolić, Milica, Nikolić, Ana, Krnjaja, Vesna, "Novel toxigenic species on maize kernels in Southeastern Europe" in Book of Abstracts of the XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2022”, Jahorina, October 06 - 09, 2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2022):194-194, .

Fusarium and deoxynivalenol contamination of durum wheat lines kernels

Krnjaja, Vesna; Stanković, Slavica; Obradović, Ana; Nikolić, Milica; Savić, Iva; Mandić, Violeta; Bijelić, Zorica


AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Stanković, Slavica
AU  - Obradović, Ana
AU  - Nikolić, Milica
AU  - Savić, Iva
AU  - Mandić, Violeta
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Fusarium infection and deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination on the kernels of seven durum 
wheat lines (six domestic durum lines ZP 16, ZP 34, ZP 41, ZP 74, ZP 120, ZP DSP 66, and 
one international durum line Cimmyt 7817) during harvest in two growing seasons (2015-
2016) have estimated. Mycological methods were performed to determine the incidence of 
Fusarium spp., while the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was used to 
quantify the total level of DON. Analysis of data was done by statistical method ANOVA 
(analysis of variance). Tukey’s test was used to compare means at a significance level of 5%. 
Correlation analyses were performed by Pearson’s test.
Based on morphological characteristics, four Fusarium species, F. graminearum, F. 
proliferatum, F. sporotrichioides, and F. verticillioides, were identified in 2015. A different 
structure of the Fusarium population, which in addition to F. graminearum, F. 
sporotrichioides and F. verticillioides, also consisted of F. poae, F. semitectum, and F. 
subglutinans, was identified in 2016. F. graminearum was the predominant species and the 
most common cause of Fusarium head blight (FHB) and the primary producer of DON. Other 
Fusarium spp. Were isolated sporadically and in a low incidence in the kernels. Fungal 
species from the genera Alternaria, Aspergillus, Chaetomium, Epicoccum, Nigrospora, and 
Penicillium have also been isolated.
The incidence of F. graminearum and level of DON were significantly affected by the wheat 
genotypes and investigated years. However, obtained results for these parameters were 
negatively correlated. Thus, in 2015, the incidence of F. graminearum was significantly 
higher (75.86%) than in 2016 (63.43%), while the level of DON was significantly higher in 
2016 (3.636 mg/kg) compared to 2015 (1.126 mg/kg). The highest and the lowest incidence 
of F. graminearum was on the kernels of line ZP DSP 66 (73%) and line ZP 34 (64.50%), 
respectively. The highest DON level was 3.854 mg/kg (line ZP 120), and the lowest was 
1.658 mg/kg (line ZP 41). The mean DON level was 2.381 mg/kg for all tested treatments 
and was above the maximum limit of 1.750 mg/kg prescribed by the European Regulation 
1881/2006/EC for unprocessed durum wheat, while the mean incidence of F. graminearum
was 69.64%.
Based on obtained results, tested durum wheat lines showed susceptibility to F. graminearum
and as a consequence higher accumulation of mycotoxin DON. These results indicate the 
importance of using less susceptible or tolerant lines to the pathogens of FHB and DON 
accumulation in the selection programs of new durum wheat varieties.
C3  - Book of abstracts of the 7th International Scientific Meeting "Mycology, Mycotoxicology, and Mycoses", 2 – 3 June 2022,  Matica Srpska, Novi Sad, Serbia
T1  - Fusarium and deoxynivalenol contamination of durum wheat lines kernels
SP  - 17
EP  - 17
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krnjaja, Vesna and Stanković, Slavica and Obradović, Ana and Nikolić, Milica and Savić, Iva and Mandić, Violeta and Bijelić, Zorica",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Fusarium infection and deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination on the kernels of seven durum 
wheat lines (six domestic durum lines ZP 16, ZP 34, ZP 41, ZP 74, ZP 120, ZP DSP 66, and 
one international durum line Cimmyt 7817) during harvest in two growing seasons (2015-
2016) have estimated. Mycological methods were performed to determine the incidence of 
Fusarium spp., while the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was used to 
quantify the total level of DON. Analysis of data was done by statistical method ANOVA 
(analysis of variance). Tukey’s test was used to compare means at a significance level of 5%. 
Correlation analyses were performed by Pearson’s test.
Based on morphological characteristics, four Fusarium species, F. graminearum, F. 
proliferatum, F. sporotrichioides, and F. verticillioides, were identified in 2015. A different 
structure of the Fusarium population, which in addition to F. graminearum, F. 
sporotrichioides and F. verticillioides, also consisted of F. poae, F. semitectum, and F. 
subglutinans, was identified in 2016. F. graminearum was the predominant species and the 
most common cause of Fusarium head blight (FHB) and the primary producer of DON. Other 
Fusarium spp. Were isolated sporadically and in a low incidence in the kernels. Fungal 
species from the genera Alternaria, Aspergillus, Chaetomium, Epicoccum, Nigrospora, and 
Penicillium have also been isolated.
The incidence of F. graminearum and level of DON were significantly affected by the wheat 
genotypes and investigated years. However, obtained results for these parameters were 
negatively correlated. Thus, in 2015, the incidence of F. graminearum was significantly 
higher (75.86%) than in 2016 (63.43%), while the level of DON was significantly higher in 
2016 (3.636 mg/kg) compared to 2015 (1.126 mg/kg). The highest and the lowest incidence 
of F. graminearum was on the kernels of line ZP DSP 66 (73%) and line ZP 34 (64.50%), 
respectively. The highest DON level was 3.854 mg/kg (line ZP 120), and the lowest was 
1.658 mg/kg (line ZP 41). The mean DON level was 2.381 mg/kg for all tested treatments 
and was above the maximum limit of 1.750 mg/kg prescribed by the European Regulation 
1881/2006/EC for unprocessed durum wheat, while the mean incidence of F. graminearum
was 69.64%.
Based on obtained results, tested durum wheat lines showed susceptibility to F. graminearum
and as a consequence higher accumulation of mycotoxin DON. These results indicate the 
importance of using less susceptible or tolerant lines to the pathogens of FHB and DON 
accumulation in the selection programs of new durum wheat varieties.",
journal = "Book of abstracts of the 7th International Scientific Meeting "Mycology, Mycotoxicology, and Mycoses", 2 – 3 June 2022,  Matica Srpska, Novi Sad, Serbia",
title = "Fusarium and deoxynivalenol contamination of durum wheat lines kernels",
pages = "17-17",
url = ""
Krnjaja, V., Stanković, S., Obradović, A., Nikolić, M., Savić, I., Mandić, V.,& Bijelić, Z.. (2022). Fusarium and deoxynivalenol contamination of durum wheat lines kernels. in Book of abstracts of the 7th International Scientific Meeting "Mycology, Mycotoxicology, and Mycoses", 2 – 3 June 2022,  Matica Srpska, Novi Sad, Serbia, 17-17.
Krnjaja V, Stanković S, Obradović A, Nikolić M, Savić I, Mandić V, Bijelić Z. Fusarium and deoxynivalenol contamination of durum wheat lines kernels. in Book of abstracts of the 7th International Scientific Meeting "Mycology, Mycotoxicology, and Mycoses", 2 – 3 June 2022,  Matica Srpska, Novi Sad, Serbia. 2022;:17-17. .
Krnjaja, Vesna, Stanković, Slavica, Obradović, Ana, Nikolić, Milica, Savić, Iva, Mandić, Violeta, Bijelić, Zorica, "Fusarium and deoxynivalenol contamination of durum wheat lines kernels" in Book of abstracts of the 7th International Scientific Meeting "Mycology, Mycotoxicology, and Mycoses", 2 – 3 June 2022,  Matica Srpska, Novi Sad, Serbia (2022):17-17, .

Fusarium spp. and deoxynivalenol contamination of ryegrass seeds

Krnjaja, Vesna; Mandić, Violeta; Bijelić, Zorica; Stanković, Slavica; Nikolić, Milica; Vasić, Tanja; Delić, Nikola


AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Mandić, Violeta
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
AU  - Stanković, Slavica
AU  - Nikolić, Milica
AU  - Vasić, Tanja
AU  - Delić, Nikola
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to evaluate fungal infection, with a 
special focus on Fusarium spp. and deoxynivalenol (DON) presence, as a 
participant in Fusarium head blight (FHB) pathogenesis in two cultivars of Italian 
ryegrass K-13 and K-29. A total of 24 seed samples were collected during harvest 
in 2019.
By mycological analyses, Acremonium spp., Alternaria spp., Fusarium
spp. and non-sporulating species (Mycelia sterilia) were isolated on the seeds of 
both cultivars of Italian ryegrass. Among Fusarium spp., four species, F. 
graminearum, F. poae, F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans were identified in 
cultivar K-13 and three species, F. graminearum, F. poae and F. subglutinans, in 
cultivar K-29. F. graminearum and F. poae were identified as FHB pathogens, of 
which F. graminearum was dominant in both cultivars with 20.5% (cultivar K-13) 
and 32% (cultivar K-29) compared to F. poae which was present in both cultivars 
with a frequency of 0.5%. The frequency of DON positive samples was 100%. A 
statistically significant difference in DON level was found between the two tested 
cultivars, with a higher DON level in cultivar K-29 (5334.33 μg kg–1
) compared to 
cultivar K-13 (4738.58 μg kg–1
The obtained results indicate that two Fusarium species, F. graminearum
and F. poae, were FHB pathogens, with F. graminearum as the predominant 
species in both cultivars of Italian ryegrass. High DON levels (>3000 μg kg–1
) in 
the tested seed of Italian ryegrass indicate on potentially significant participation of 
DON in FHB pathogenesis, as well as a potential risk for the quality seed 
production, feed safety and the food chain in general. In Serbia, this is the first 
report about Fusarium infection and DON presence in ryegrass seed.
C3  - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production", 6 - 8 October 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, 622-631
T1  - Fusarium spp. and deoxynivalenol contamination of ryegrass seeds
SP  - 622
EP  - 631
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krnjaja, Vesna and Mandić, Violeta and Bijelić, Zorica and Stanković, Slavica and Nikolić, Milica and Vasić, Tanja and Delić, Nikola",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to evaluate fungal infection, with a 
special focus on Fusarium spp. and deoxynivalenol (DON) presence, as a 
participant in Fusarium head blight (FHB) pathogenesis in two cultivars of Italian 
ryegrass K-13 and K-29. A total of 24 seed samples were collected during harvest 
in 2019.
By mycological analyses, Acremonium spp., Alternaria spp., Fusarium
spp. and non-sporulating species (Mycelia sterilia) were isolated on the seeds of 
both cultivars of Italian ryegrass. Among Fusarium spp., four species, F. 
graminearum, F. poae, F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans were identified in 
cultivar K-13 and three species, F. graminearum, F. poae and F. subglutinans, in 
cultivar K-29. F. graminearum and F. poae were identified as FHB pathogens, of 
which F. graminearum was dominant in both cultivars with 20.5% (cultivar K-13) 
and 32% (cultivar K-29) compared to F. poae which was present in both cultivars 
with a frequency of 0.5%. The frequency of DON positive samples was 100%. A 
statistically significant difference in DON level was found between the two tested 
cultivars, with a higher DON level in cultivar K-29 (5334.33 μg kg–1
) compared to 
cultivar K-13 (4738.58 μg kg–1
The obtained results indicate that two Fusarium species, F. graminearum
and F. poae, were FHB pathogens, with F. graminearum as the predominant 
species in both cultivars of Italian ryegrass. High DON levels (>3000 μg kg–1
) in 
the tested seed of Italian ryegrass indicate on potentially significant participation of 
DON in FHB pathogenesis, as well as a potential risk for the quality seed 
production, feed safety and the food chain in general. In Serbia, this is the first 
report about Fusarium infection and DON presence in ryegrass seed.",
journal = "Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production", 6 - 8 October 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, 622-631",
title = "Fusarium spp. and deoxynivalenol contamination of ryegrass seeds",
pages = "622-631",
url = ""
Krnjaja, V., Mandić, V., Bijelić, Z., Stanković, S., Nikolić, M., Vasić, T.,& Delić, N.. (2021). Fusarium spp. and deoxynivalenol contamination of ryegrass seeds. in Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production", 6 - 8 October 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, 622-631, 622-631.
Krnjaja V, Mandić V, Bijelić Z, Stanković S, Nikolić M, Vasić T, Delić N. Fusarium spp. and deoxynivalenol contamination of ryegrass seeds. in Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production", 6 - 8 October 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, 622-631. 2021;:622-631. .
Krnjaja, Vesna, Mandić, Violeta, Bijelić, Zorica, Stanković, Slavica, Nikolić, Milica, Vasić, Tanja, Delić, Nikola, "Fusarium spp. and deoxynivalenol contamination of ryegrass seeds" in Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium "Modern Trends in Livestock Production", 6 - 8 October 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, 622-631 (2021):622-631, .

Natural toxigenic fungal and mycotoxin occurrence in maize hybrids

Krnjaja, Vesna; Mandić, Violeta; Bijelić, Zorica; Lukić, Miloš; Petrović, Tanja; Stanković, Slavica; Nikolić, Milica


AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Mandić, Violeta
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
AU  - Lukić, Miloš
AU  - Petrović, Tanja
AU  - Stanković, Slavica
AU  - Nikolić, Milica
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The objective of the present study was to investigate the susceptibility of maize hybrids to the natural occurrence of toxigenic fungal species, in particular toxigenic Aspergillus and Fusarium species, and mycotoxins (aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), deoxynivalenol (DON) and total fumonisins B1, B2 and B3 (FBs)). Grain samples of six commercial maize hybrids (MAS 34.B – FAO 300, MAS 40.F, MAS 48.L, KWS Konfites and ZP 427 – FAO 400, and MAS 56.A – FAO 500) were collected at harvest in 2018. A total of seven fungal genera, Acremonium, Alternaria, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Nigrospora, Penicillium and Rhizopus, were identified of which only species from the genus Fusarium were present on maize grains of all hybrids tested. The incidence of Fusarium spp. was higher in the hybrids MAS 48.L (54.6%), and MAS 56.A (53.3%), compared to MAS 40.F (37.3%), KWS Konfites (28%), MAS 34.B (22.6%) and ZP 427 (12%) hybrids. Among the identified Fusarium species (F. graminearum, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans and F. verticillioides), F. proliferatum was present in all hybrids, ranging from 9.3% (ZP 427) to 30.7% (MAS 48.L ), whereas F. subglutinans was present in two hybrids, MAS 40.F (16%) and MAS 56.A (9.3%). The incidence of F. graminearum ranged from 0% (KWS Konfites) to 9.3% (MAS 34.B), while the incidence of F. verticillioides ranged from 0% (MAS 34.B and ZP 427) to 21.3% (MAS 48.L). In the samples, Aspergillus species were not identified. The effect of maize hybrids was significant on the level of mycotoxins. MAS 34.B hybrid had a statistically significantly higher levels of AFB1 and DON than other hybrids. The FBs level was the highest in the hybrid MAS 34.B (1202 μg kg-1) and the lowest in the hybrid KWS Konfites (88.33 μg kg-1). However, the FBs level did not differ between hybrids MAS 34.B, MAS 40.F, and MAS 56.L, MAS 40.F, MAS 48.L, and MAS 56.A, and KWS Konfites and ZP 427. In all hybrids, AFB1, DON, and FBs levels were below the maximum permissible levels stipulated by the legislation of the European Union and the Republic of Serbia in unprocessed maize.
The agro-ecological conditions in 2018 favored the development of Fusarium species on maize grains of the hybrids tested, especially fumonisin producing species.
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Natural toxigenic fungal and mycotoxin occurrence in maize hybrids
VL  - 36
IS  - 1
SP  - 75
EP  - 85
DO  - 10.2298/BAH2001075K
ER  - 
author = "Krnjaja, Vesna and Mandić, Violeta and Bijelić, Zorica and Lukić, Miloš and Petrović, Tanja and Stanković, Slavica and Nikolić, Milica",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The objective of the present study was to investigate the susceptibility of maize hybrids to the natural occurrence of toxigenic fungal species, in particular toxigenic Aspergillus and Fusarium species, and mycotoxins (aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), deoxynivalenol (DON) and total fumonisins B1, B2 and B3 (FBs)). Grain samples of six commercial maize hybrids (MAS 34.B – FAO 300, MAS 40.F, MAS 48.L, KWS Konfites and ZP 427 – FAO 400, and MAS 56.A – FAO 500) were collected at harvest in 2018. A total of seven fungal genera, Acremonium, Alternaria, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Nigrospora, Penicillium and Rhizopus, were identified of which only species from the genus Fusarium were present on maize grains of all hybrids tested. The incidence of Fusarium spp. was higher in the hybrids MAS 48.L (54.6%), and MAS 56.A (53.3%), compared to MAS 40.F (37.3%), KWS Konfites (28%), MAS 34.B (22.6%) and ZP 427 (12%) hybrids. Among the identified Fusarium species (F. graminearum, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans and F. verticillioides), F. proliferatum was present in all hybrids, ranging from 9.3% (ZP 427) to 30.7% (MAS 48.L ), whereas F. subglutinans was present in two hybrids, MAS 40.F (16%) and MAS 56.A (9.3%). The incidence of F. graminearum ranged from 0% (KWS Konfites) to 9.3% (MAS 34.B), while the incidence of F. verticillioides ranged from 0% (MAS 34.B and ZP 427) to 21.3% (MAS 48.L). In the samples, Aspergillus species were not identified. The effect of maize hybrids was significant on the level of mycotoxins. MAS 34.B hybrid had a statistically significantly higher levels of AFB1 and DON than other hybrids. The FBs level was the highest in the hybrid MAS 34.B (1202 μg kg-1) and the lowest in the hybrid KWS Konfites (88.33 μg kg-1). However, the FBs level did not differ between hybrids MAS 34.B, MAS 40.F, and MAS 56.L, MAS 40.F, MAS 48.L, and MAS 56.A, and KWS Konfites and ZP 427. In all hybrids, AFB1, DON, and FBs levels were below the maximum permissible levels stipulated by the legislation of the European Union and the Republic of Serbia in unprocessed maize.
The agro-ecological conditions in 2018 favored the development of Fusarium species on maize grains of the hybrids tested, especially fumonisin producing species.",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Natural toxigenic fungal and mycotoxin occurrence in maize hybrids",
volume = "36",
number = "1",
pages = "75-85",
doi = "10.2298/BAH2001075K"
Krnjaja, V., Mandić, V., Bijelić, Z., Lukić, M., Petrović, T., Stanković, S.,& Nikolić, M.. (2020). Natural toxigenic fungal and mycotoxin occurrence in maize hybrids. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 36(1), 75-85.
Krnjaja V, Mandić V, Bijelić Z, Lukić M, Petrović T, Stanković S, Nikolić M. Natural toxigenic fungal and mycotoxin occurrence in maize hybrids. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2020;36(1):75-85.
doi:10.2298/BAH2001075K .
Krnjaja, Vesna, Mandić, Violeta, Bijelić, Zorica, Lukić, Miloš, Petrović, Tanja, Stanković, Slavica, Nikolić, Milica, "Natural toxigenic fungal and mycotoxin occurrence in maize hybrids" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 36, no. 1 (2020):75-85, . .