Becskei, Zsolt

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  • Becskei, Zsolt (4)
  • Bečkei, Žolt (1)

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New aspects in risk status evaluation of small ruminant local breeds in Serbia

Cekić, Bogdan; Ružić-Muslić, Dragana; Maksimović, Nevena; Caro Petrović, Violeta; Ćosić, Ivan; Lečić, Nemanja; Becskei, Zsolt


AU  - Cekić, Bogdan
AU  - Ružić-Muslić, Dragana
AU  - Maksimović, Nevena
AU  - Caro Petrović, Violeta
AU  - Ćosić, Ivan
AU  - Lečić, Nemanja
AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Several factors have led to a decline in autochthonous breeds, and the need for conservation programs based on risk assessment has increased. The aim of the study was to compare and validate two models for risk assessment of local small ruminant breeds in Serbia. The first model considered only the effective population size (Ne), while the alternative model included Ne, the number of females and sub-factors representing the influence of different elements. The results indicate an increasing trend in most breeds and populations over the last five years, with the exception of Tsigai and Chokan Tsigai, which showed a decrease. However, the increasing trend is insufficient, especially for Pirot, Karakachan, and Bardoka, as well as for the Domestic (Serbian) white goat, which is classified as critically endangered in both models. Vlashko vitoroga, Chokan tsigai, and the Balkan goat were at high risk. The models produced different results for the Krivovir, Sjenica, and Svrljig strains. In the first model, Krivovir was classified as potentially endangered, whereas Sjenica and Svrljig were not. In the second model, Krivovir was classified as highly and the other two strains as potentially endangered. These differences are due to the additional factors in the second model, which lead to a more comprehensive assessment for future risk assessments. Although the new model is appropriate for Serbia, it is important to test it on a variety of native species to increase confidence. Future conservation programs should also include genetic characterization and implement adaptive models to obtain more reliable conclusions.
AB  - Genetički resursi poseduju urođenu genetičku varijabilnost, prilagodljivi su različitim okruženjima i pokazuju različite fizičke, fiziološke i produktivne osobine. Ipak, različiti faktori doveli su do opadanja veličine populacija autohtonih rasa zbog konkurencije uvoznih rasa, što je rezultiralo potrebom za programima konzervacije zasnovanim na proceni ugroženosti rasa. Cilj studije je bio poređenje i validacija rezultata dva modela evaluacije za procenu rizika ugroženosti autohtonih rasa malih preživara u Srbiji. Prvi model je razmatrao samo efektivnu veličinu populacije (Ne), dok je alternativni model uključivao Ne, broj ženki i podfaktore koji predstavljaju uticaj različitih elemenata. Rezultati ukazuju na trend povećanja brojnosti kod većine rasa i populacija u poslednjih pet godina, osim kod cigaje i čokanske cigaje, čija je brojnost opadala. Međutim, porast brojnosti kod ostalih genotipova nije dovoljan ni zadovoljavajući, posebno kod pirotskog, karakačanskog i bardoka soja ovaca, kao i kod domaće (srpske) bele koze, koje su klasifikovane kao kritično ugrožene u oba modela. Vlaško vitoroga, čokanska cigaja i balkanska koza ocenjene su kao visoko ugrožene u svom opstanku. Korišćenjem modela dobijeni su različiti rezultati za krivovirski, sjenički i svrljški soj. U prvom modelu, krivovirski je ocenjen kao potencijalno ugrožen, dok sjenički i svrljiški nisu bili ugroženi. Međutim, u drugom modelu, krivovirski soj je označen kao visoko ugrožen, a druga dva soja kao potencijalno ugroženi. Ove razlike su posledica dodatnih faktora u drugom modelu, što je dovelo do sveobuhvatnije i adekvatnije procene za ocenjivanje statusa ugroženosti. Iako primenljiv u našim uslovima, da bi mu se povećala pouzdanost, novi model treba testirati na različitim vrstama domaćih životinja. Takođe, programi zaštite moraju uključiti genetičku karakterizaciju i primeniti prilagodljive modele za pouzdanije zaključke.
C3  - Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium Modern Trends in Livestock Production
T1  - New aspects in risk status evaluation of small ruminant local breeds in Serbia
T1  - Novi aspekti procene statusa ugroženosti autohtonih rasa malih preživara u Srbiji
SP  - 519
EP  - 530
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Cekić, Bogdan and Ružić-Muslić, Dragana and Maksimović, Nevena and Caro Petrović, Violeta and Ćosić, Ivan and Lečić, Nemanja and Becskei, Zsolt",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Several factors have led to a decline in autochthonous breeds, and the need for conservation programs based on risk assessment has increased. The aim of the study was to compare and validate two models for risk assessment of local small ruminant breeds in Serbia. The first model considered only the effective population size (Ne), while the alternative model included Ne, the number of females and sub-factors representing the influence of different elements. The results indicate an increasing trend in most breeds and populations over the last five years, with the exception of Tsigai and Chokan Tsigai, which showed a decrease. However, the increasing trend is insufficient, especially for Pirot, Karakachan, and Bardoka, as well as for the Domestic (Serbian) white goat, which is classified as critically endangered in both models. Vlashko vitoroga, Chokan tsigai, and the Balkan goat were at high risk. The models produced different results for the Krivovir, Sjenica, and Svrljig strains. In the first model, Krivovir was classified as potentially endangered, whereas Sjenica and Svrljig were not. In the second model, Krivovir was classified as highly and the other two strains as potentially endangered. These differences are due to the additional factors in the second model, which lead to a more comprehensive assessment for future risk assessments. Although the new model is appropriate for Serbia, it is important to test it on a variety of native species to increase confidence. Future conservation programs should also include genetic characterization and implement adaptive models to obtain more reliable conclusions., Genetički resursi poseduju urođenu genetičku varijabilnost, prilagodljivi su različitim okruženjima i pokazuju različite fizičke, fiziološke i produktivne osobine. Ipak, različiti faktori doveli su do opadanja veličine populacija autohtonih rasa zbog konkurencije uvoznih rasa, što je rezultiralo potrebom za programima konzervacije zasnovanim na proceni ugroženosti rasa. Cilj studije je bio poređenje i validacija rezultata dva modela evaluacije za procenu rizika ugroženosti autohtonih rasa malih preživara u Srbiji. Prvi model je razmatrao samo efektivnu veličinu populacije (Ne), dok je alternativni model uključivao Ne, broj ženki i podfaktore koji predstavljaju uticaj različitih elemenata. Rezultati ukazuju na trend povećanja brojnosti kod većine rasa i populacija u poslednjih pet godina, osim kod cigaje i čokanske cigaje, čija je brojnost opadala. Međutim, porast brojnosti kod ostalih genotipova nije dovoljan ni zadovoljavajući, posebno kod pirotskog, karakačanskog i bardoka soja ovaca, kao i kod domaće (srpske) bele koze, koje su klasifikovane kao kritično ugrožene u oba modela. Vlaško vitoroga, čokanska cigaja i balkanska koza ocenjene su kao visoko ugrožene u svom opstanku. Korišćenjem modela dobijeni su različiti rezultati za krivovirski, sjenički i svrljški soj. U prvom modelu, krivovirski je ocenjen kao potencijalno ugrožen, dok sjenički i svrljiški nisu bili ugroženi. Međutim, u drugom modelu, krivovirski soj je označen kao visoko ugrožen, a druga dva soja kao potencijalno ugroženi. Ove razlike su posledica dodatnih faktora u drugom modelu, što je dovelo do sveobuhvatnije i adekvatnije procene za ocenjivanje statusa ugroženosti. Iako primenljiv u našim uslovima, da bi mu se povećala pouzdanost, novi model treba testirati na različitim vrstama domaćih životinja. Takođe, programi zaštite moraju uključiti genetičku karakterizaciju i primeniti prilagodljive modele za pouzdanije zaključke.",
journal = "Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium Modern Trends in Livestock Production",
title = "New aspects in risk status evaluation of small ruminant local breeds in Serbia, Novi aspekti procene statusa ugroženosti autohtonih rasa malih preživara u Srbiji",
pages = "519-530",
url = ""
Cekić, B., Ružić-Muslić, D., Maksimović, N., Caro Petrović, V., Ćosić, I., Lečić, N.,& Becskei, Z.. (2023). New aspects in risk status evaluation of small ruminant local breeds in Serbia. in Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium Modern Trends in Livestock Production, 519-530.
Cekić B, Ružić-Muslić D, Maksimović N, Caro Petrović V, Ćosić I, Lečić N, Becskei Z. New aspects in risk status evaluation of small ruminant local breeds in Serbia. in Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium Modern Trends in Livestock Production. 2023;:519-530. .
Cekić, Bogdan, Ružić-Muslić, Dragana, Maksimović, Nevena, Caro Petrović, Violeta, Ćosić, Ivan, Lečić, Nemanja, Becskei, Zsolt, "New aspects in risk status evaluation of small ruminant local breeds in Serbia" in Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium Modern Trends in Livestock Production (2023):519-530, .

Značaj kliničkog pregleda genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova kao selekcijski kriterijum u unapređenju autohtonih rasa ovaca

Becskei, Zsolt; Savić, Mila; Tarić, Elmin; Bojkovski, Jovan; Gaspardy, Andras; Cekić, Bogdan; Dimitrijević, Vladimir


AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
AU  - Savić, Mila
AU  - Tarić, Elmin
AU  - Bojkovski, Jovan
AU  - Gaspardy, Andras
AU  - Cekić, Bogdan
AU  - Dimitrijević, Vladimir
PY  - 2022-09
UR  -
AB  - Poljoprivredna proizvodnja u Republici Srbiji predstavlja značajnu privrede. Stočarstvo pre svega karakterišu usitnjena porodična gazdinstva, koja se tradicionalno bave ovom delatnošću. Ovčarstvo predstavlja važnu granu stočarstva u Republici Srbiji, gde se na preko 155 000 poljoprivrednih gazdinstava gaji ukupno preko 1,7 miliona ovaca. Najveći deo populacije ovaca čine autohtone rase, u prvom redu različiti sojevi pramenke, zatim, u značajno manjem broju cigaja, koje se najčešće gaje u poluekstenzivnim sistemima. Mnogi sojevi autohtonih rasas imaju ugrožen status i neophodno je unaprediti mere očuvanja i zaštite ovih dragocenih autohotnih genetskih resursa, koji imaju značajan potencijal u održivoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Posebna pažnja treba da se posveti odabiru priplodnih ovnova, zbog toga što je njihov uticaj na populaciju najveći, s obzirom na činjenicu da jedan kvalitetan ovan, u sezoni parenja, upari preko 40 ovaca i ostavlja svoje brojne potomke. Iz tog razloga, prilikom izrade selekcijskih programa za određenu rasu, posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti priplodnim ovnovima i njihovim proizvodnim i reproduktivnim karakteristikama. Pored ostalih selekcijskih kriterijuma, kliničkim pregledom genitalnih organa i morfometrijskom analizom testisa pri odabiru kvalitetnih priplodnih ovnova u značajnoj meri se može poboljšati, ne samo zdravlje zapata, već i kvalitetne rasne odlike i brojnost populacije. Poznato je da je pored zdravstvenog statusa genitalnih organa, kapacitet testisa za proizvodnju sperme u srazmerom sa obimom testisa (veličina testisa). Ustanovljeno je da ovnovi sa većim obimom testisa ostavljaju veći uticaj na populaciju i mogu da se pare sa većim brojem ovaca. Oni ostavljaju veći broj potomaka, te svoje kvalitativne i kvantitativne rasne odlike mogu brže širiti u populaciji u odnosu na priplodnjake koji imaju manje testise, koji stvaraju manje sperme. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka, koji su proistekli iz opsežnih ispitivanja zaključeno je da priplodni ovnovi starosti preko 1,5 godine, sa zdravim genitalnim organima, moraju imati obim testisa najmanje 33 cm. Idealno bi bilo da svaki priplodnjak ima obim testisa ≥ 35 cm zbog toga što tada može uspešno da pari i preko 40 ovaca tokom sezone parenja. U zemljama sa razvijenim ovčarstvom, ova saznanja čine glavne selekcijske smernice i kriterijume, te je shodno tome, cilj da kvalitetni priplodnjaci imaju obim testisa ≥ 38 cm. Lipski soj pramenke predstavlja autohtonu rasu Republike Srbije, koji je prema klasifikaciji Pravilnika o genetičkim resursima do 2019. godine spadao u I kategoriju (kritično ugrožene rase), sa brojem priplodnih grla od oko 800 komada. Zahvaljujući subvencijama, brojnost populacije se povećala i u 2021. godini je postignuto 2 000 registrovanih priplodnih jedinki, tako da ona nije više kritično ugrožena, već spada u kategoriju „potencijalno ugroženih“. Ispitivanja populacija lipskog soja pramenke su dokazala da je zdravlje genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova dobro, prosečan obim testisa je 38,35 cm, ali je opseg varijacija velik. Ova vrednost podrazumeva odličan prosek na nivou cele populacije, ali zbog toga što je većina zapata mala (do 20 priplodnih jedinki) i često samo sa jednim ovnom u zapatu, ovnovi sa testisima nedovoljnog obima mogu imati nepovoljan uticaj, ne samo na zapat u kome se gaji, već i na celu populaciju lipske ovce. Sa aspekta očuvanja i unapređenja ovih dragocenih autohtonih genetičkih resursa, poželjno je osavremeniti i selekcijski pristup koji uključuje kriterijume vezane za genitalni trakt, sa ciljem da svaki zapat ima kvalitetnog ovna.
AB  - The agriculture represents an important branch of economy in the Republic of Serbia. Animal production is mainly based on traditional small family households. Sheep production is an important branch of agriculture in the Republic of Serbia, where a total of 1.7 milion sheep are reared in over 155.000 households, mainly under semiextensive menagement. The majority of sheep are autochthonous breeds and local types adapted to the local enviornment. Because of the endangered status of the autochthonous sheep breeds, conservation and improvement of these precious population is needed, as they have a major potential in the sustainable agricultural production. The main focus should be given to the selection of breeding rams, as they have the biggest impact on the population quality. One high quality breeding ram can mate over 40 ewes over the matin season and leave offspring. Taking this in mind, when the selection criterias are defined for a breed, a special attention should be given to the ram, to its productive and reproductive traits. Among other selection criteria, the clinical assessment of the genital tract with a special attention on scrotal circumference could result in better health and quality of the population. It is well known that rams with bigger scrotal circumference (bigger testicles) can have a better reproductive capacity and can serve more ewes in the mating season, what makes a stronger impact of rams on the population quality. In countries with specialized sheep production these characteristics are included into the selection measures and breeding rams older than 1.5 years with healthy genitals should have scrotal circumference of minimum 33 cm, and the ideal score means that the ram should have ≥ 35 cm, and the elite ones ≥ 38 cm. The Lipe sheep is a local autochthonous breed of the Republic of Serbia, which has a breeding population size of 800 animals in 2019. According to the national legislation that time it had a status of a critically endangered breed. As a result of higher subsidies for the last few years, the population size rises and im 2021 reached 2000 breeding animals which means it got a status of potentially endangered breed. Assessment of the genital tract of breeding rams of the Lipe sheep showed good health of the genitalia, with an average scrotal circumference of 38.35 cm, but with evidence of big variations. The average scrotal circumference of 38.35 cm means an excellent result on a population level. Eventhough the overall scrotal circumference is excellent on the population level, because of the fact that most of the herds are small (up to 20 breeding animals) with only one breeding ram, the animals with insufficient values of scrotal circumference (≥ 33 ) could have negative results not only at the herd level, but also at the population level of the endangered Lipe sheep. With the aim to improve and save the endangered autochthonous rare breed and ensure a high quality elite breeding rams in each flock, it is necessary to update the selective measures with a new criteria regarding the assessment of the male genital tract.
C3  - Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaja sa 33. Savetovanja veterinara Srbije
T1  - Značaj kliničkog pregleda genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova kao selekcijski kriterijum u unapređenju autohtonih rasa ovaca
T1  - Importance of clinical assessment of the genital tract in breeding rams in the process of selection and improvement of autochthonous sheep breeds
SP  - 327
EP  - 329
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Becskei, Zsolt and Savić, Mila and Tarić, Elmin and Bojkovski, Jovan and Gaspardy, Andras and Cekić, Bogdan and Dimitrijević, Vladimir",
year = "2022-09",
abstract = "Poljoprivredna proizvodnja u Republici Srbiji predstavlja značajnu privrede. Stočarstvo pre svega karakterišu usitnjena porodična gazdinstva, koja se tradicionalno bave ovom delatnošću. Ovčarstvo predstavlja važnu granu stočarstva u Republici Srbiji, gde se na preko 155 000 poljoprivrednih gazdinstava gaji ukupno preko 1,7 miliona ovaca. Najveći deo populacije ovaca čine autohtone rase, u prvom redu različiti sojevi pramenke, zatim, u značajno manjem broju cigaja, koje se najčešće gaje u poluekstenzivnim sistemima. Mnogi sojevi autohtonih rasas imaju ugrožen status i neophodno je unaprediti mere očuvanja i zaštite ovih dragocenih autohotnih genetskih resursa, koji imaju značajan potencijal u održivoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Posebna pažnja treba da se posveti odabiru priplodnih ovnova, zbog toga što je njihov uticaj na populaciju najveći, s obzirom na činjenicu da jedan kvalitetan ovan, u sezoni parenja, upari preko 40 ovaca i ostavlja svoje brojne potomke. Iz tog razloga, prilikom izrade selekcijskih programa za određenu rasu, posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti priplodnim ovnovima i njihovim proizvodnim i reproduktivnim karakteristikama. Pored ostalih selekcijskih kriterijuma, kliničkim pregledom genitalnih organa i morfometrijskom analizom testisa pri odabiru kvalitetnih priplodnih ovnova u značajnoj meri se može poboljšati, ne samo zdravlje zapata, već i kvalitetne rasne odlike i brojnost populacije. Poznato je da je pored zdravstvenog statusa genitalnih organa, kapacitet testisa za proizvodnju sperme u srazmerom sa obimom testisa (veličina testisa). Ustanovljeno je da ovnovi sa većim obimom testisa ostavljaju veći uticaj na populaciju i mogu da se pare sa većim brojem ovaca. Oni ostavljaju veći broj potomaka, te svoje kvalitativne i kvantitativne rasne odlike mogu brže širiti u populaciji u odnosu na priplodnjake koji imaju manje testise, koji stvaraju manje sperme. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka, koji su proistekli iz opsežnih ispitivanja zaključeno je da priplodni ovnovi starosti preko 1,5 godine, sa zdravim genitalnim organima, moraju imati obim testisa najmanje 33 cm. Idealno bi bilo da svaki priplodnjak ima obim testisa ≥ 35 cm zbog toga što tada može uspešno da pari i preko 40 ovaca tokom sezone parenja. U zemljama sa razvijenim ovčarstvom, ova saznanja čine glavne selekcijske smernice i kriterijume, te je shodno tome, cilj da kvalitetni priplodnjaci imaju obim testisa ≥ 38 cm. Lipski soj pramenke predstavlja autohtonu rasu Republike Srbije, koji je prema klasifikaciji Pravilnika o genetičkim resursima do 2019. godine spadao u I kategoriju (kritično ugrožene rase), sa brojem priplodnih grla od oko 800 komada. Zahvaljujući subvencijama, brojnost populacije se povećala i u 2021. godini je postignuto 2 000 registrovanih priplodnih jedinki, tako da ona nije više kritično ugrožena, već spada u kategoriju „potencijalno ugroženih“. Ispitivanja populacija lipskog soja pramenke su dokazala da je zdravlje genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova dobro, prosečan obim testisa je 38,35 cm, ali je opseg varijacija velik. Ova vrednost podrazumeva odličan prosek na nivou cele populacije, ali zbog toga što je većina zapata mala (do 20 priplodnih jedinki) i često samo sa jednim ovnom u zapatu, ovnovi sa testisima nedovoljnog obima mogu imati nepovoljan uticaj, ne samo na zapat u kome se gaji, već i na celu populaciju lipske ovce. Sa aspekta očuvanja i unapređenja ovih dragocenih autohtonih genetičkih resursa, poželjno je osavremeniti i selekcijski pristup koji uključuje kriterijume vezane za genitalni trakt, sa ciljem da svaki zapat ima kvalitetnog ovna., The agriculture represents an important branch of economy in the Republic of Serbia. Animal production is mainly based on traditional small family households. Sheep production is an important branch of agriculture in the Republic of Serbia, where a total of 1.7 milion sheep are reared in over 155.000 households, mainly under semiextensive menagement. The majority of sheep are autochthonous breeds and local types adapted to the local enviornment. Because of the endangered status of the autochthonous sheep breeds, conservation and improvement of these precious population is needed, as they have a major potential in the sustainable agricultural production. The main focus should be given to the selection of breeding rams, as they have the biggest impact on the population quality. One high quality breeding ram can mate over 40 ewes over the matin season and leave offspring. Taking this in mind, when the selection criterias are defined for a breed, a special attention should be given to the ram, to its productive and reproductive traits. Among other selection criteria, the clinical assessment of the genital tract with a special attention on scrotal circumference could result in better health and quality of the population. It is well known that rams with bigger scrotal circumference (bigger testicles) can have a better reproductive capacity and can serve more ewes in the mating season, what makes a stronger impact of rams on the population quality. In countries with specialized sheep production these characteristics are included into the selection measures and breeding rams older than 1.5 years with healthy genitals should have scrotal circumference of minimum 33 cm, and the ideal score means that the ram should have ≥ 35 cm, and the elite ones ≥ 38 cm. The Lipe sheep is a local autochthonous breed of the Republic of Serbia, which has a breeding population size of 800 animals in 2019. According to the national legislation that time it had a status of a critically endangered breed. As a result of higher subsidies for the last few years, the population size rises and im 2021 reached 2000 breeding animals which means it got a status of potentially endangered breed. Assessment of the genital tract of breeding rams of the Lipe sheep showed good health of the genitalia, with an average scrotal circumference of 38.35 cm, but with evidence of big variations. The average scrotal circumference of 38.35 cm means an excellent result on a population level. Eventhough the overall scrotal circumference is excellent on the population level, because of the fact that most of the herds are small (up to 20 breeding animals) with only one breeding ram, the animals with insufficient values of scrotal circumference (≥ 33 ) could have negative results not only at the herd level, but also at the population level of the endangered Lipe sheep. With the aim to improve and save the endangered autochthonous rare breed and ensure a high quality elite breeding rams in each flock, it is necessary to update the selective measures with a new criteria regarding the assessment of the male genital tract.",
journal = "Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaja sa 33. Savetovanja veterinara Srbije",
title = "Značaj kliničkog pregleda genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova kao selekcijski kriterijum u unapređenju autohtonih rasa ovaca, Importance of clinical assessment of the genital tract in breeding rams in the process of selection and improvement of autochthonous sheep breeds",
pages = "327-329",
url = ""
Becskei, Z., Savić, M., Tarić, E., Bojkovski, J., Gaspardy, A., Cekić, B.,& Dimitrijević, V.. (2022-09). Značaj kliničkog pregleda genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova kao selekcijski kriterijum u unapređenju autohtonih rasa ovaca. in Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaja sa 33. Savetovanja veterinara Srbije, 327-329.
Becskei Z, Savić M, Tarić E, Bojkovski J, Gaspardy A, Cekić B, Dimitrijević V. Značaj kliničkog pregleda genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova kao selekcijski kriterijum u unapređenju autohtonih rasa ovaca. in Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaja sa 33. Savetovanja veterinara Srbije. 2022;:327-329. .
Becskei, Zsolt, Savić, Mila, Tarić, Elmin, Bojkovski, Jovan, Gaspardy, Andras, Cekić, Bogdan, Dimitrijević, Vladimir, "Značaj kliničkog pregleda genitalnih organa priplodnih ovnova kao selekcijski kriterijum u unapređenju autohtonih rasa ovaca" in Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaja sa 33. Savetovanja veterinara Srbije (2022-09):327-329, .

The importance of autochthonous breeds in sustainable production

Becskei, Zsolt; Savić, Mila; Tarić, Elmin; Bjedov, Siniša; Cekić, Bogdan; Paskaš, Snežana; Gaspardy, Andras


AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
AU  - Savić, Mila
AU  - Tarić, Elmin
AU  - Bjedov, Siniša
AU  - Cekić, Bogdan
AU  - Paskaš, Snežana
AU  - Gaspardy, Andras
PY  - 2022-07
UR  -
AB  - Autochthonous breeds are the pillar of sustainable animal production worldwide. From a total of 8719 livestock breeds, 26 percent are classified as at risk of extinction, 13 percent as not at risk, 6 percent as extinct and 55 percent as being of unknown risk status. Therefore, conservation is of high priority. The Podolian cattle is one of the most endangered breed from the list of native breeds of livestock in Serbia. In 2021 only 338 breeding animals were registered. The breed is known as a precious resource of the local landscape enrichment, national heritage and history. According to the population size of the Podolian cattle, a slight increasing tendency can be evidented. The population size is variable (154 breeding animals in 2009, 252 in 2010, 270 in 2011, 260 in 2012, 264 in 2013, 306 in 2014, 258 in 2015, 263 in 2016, 338 in 2017, 317 in 2018, 357 in 2019, 416 in 2020 and 338 in 2021). The Podolian cattle population in Serbia belongs to the I group (critically endangered). Over the time the governmental subsidies influenced the overall slight increase of the number of breeding animals, but the population size is not stabile. Improved conservation program should be applied to save the autochthonous endangered breed suitable for heritage oriented sustainable production in an authentic environment.
C3  - Proceedings of the joint International congers on Farm Animal Diversity and the 31st Annual Conference of the International Association for the Conservation of Animal Breeds in the Danube Region (DAGENE)
T1  - The importance of autochthonous breeds in sustainable production
SP  - 14
EP  - 14
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Becskei, Zsolt and Savić, Mila and Tarić, Elmin and Bjedov, Siniša and Cekić, Bogdan and Paskaš, Snežana and Gaspardy, Andras",
year = "2022-07",
abstract = "Autochthonous breeds are the pillar of sustainable animal production worldwide. From a total of 8719 livestock breeds, 26 percent are classified as at risk of extinction, 13 percent as not at risk, 6 percent as extinct and 55 percent as being of unknown risk status. Therefore, conservation is of high priority. The Podolian cattle is one of the most endangered breed from the list of native breeds of livestock in Serbia. In 2021 only 338 breeding animals were registered. The breed is known as a precious resource of the local landscape enrichment, national heritage and history. According to the population size of the Podolian cattle, a slight increasing tendency can be evidented. The population size is variable (154 breeding animals in 2009, 252 in 2010, 270 in 2011, 260 in 2012, 264 in 2013, 306 in 2014, 258 in 2015, 263 in 2016, 338 in 2017, 317 in 2018, 357 in 2019, 416 in 2020 and 338 in 2021). The Podolian cattle population in Serbia belongs to the I group (critically endangered). Over the time the governmental subsidies influenced the overall slight increase of the number of breeding animals, but the population size is not stabile. Improved conservation program should be applied to save the autochthonous endangered breed suitable for heritage oriented sustainable production in an authentic environment.",
journal = "Proceedings of the joint International congers on Farm Animal Diversity and the 31st Annual Conference of the International Association for the Conservation of Animal Breeds in the Danube Region (DAGENE)",
title = "The importance of autochthonous breeds in sustainable production",
pages = "14-14",
url = ""
Becskei, Z., Savić, M., Tarić, E., Bjedov, S., Cekić, B., Paskaš, S.,& Gaspardy, A.. (2022-07). The importance of autochthonous breeds in sustainable production. in Proceedings of the joint International congers on Farm Animal Diversity and the 31st Annual Conference of the International Association for the Conservation of Animal Breeds in the Danube Region (DAGENE), 14-14.
Becskei Z, Savić M, Tarić E, Bjedov S, Cekić B, Paskaš S, Gaspardy A. The importance of autochthonous breeds in sustainable production. in Proceedings of the joint International congers on Farm Animal Diversity and the 31st Annual Conference of the International Association for the Conservation of Animal Breeds in the Danube Region (DAGENE). 2022;:14-14. .
Becskei, Zsolt, Savić, Mila, Tarić, Elmin, Bjedov, Siniša, Cekić, Bogdan, Paskaš, Snežana, Gaspardy, Andras, "The importance of autochthonous breeds in sustainable production" in Proceedings of the joint International congers on Farm Animal Diversity and the 31st Annual Conference of the International Association for the Conservation of Animal Breeds in the Danube Region (DAGENE) (2022-07):14-14, .

Comparison of stress level indicators in blood of free-roaming dogs after transportation and housing in the new environment

Radisavljević, K.; Vucinic, M.; Becskei, Zsolt; Stanojković, Aleksandar; Ostović, M.

(Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, 2017)

AU  - Radisavljević, K.
AU  - Vucinic, M.
AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
AU  - Stanojković, Aleksandar
AU  - Ostović, M.
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Animal welfare is of increasing importance and minimizing the stress is one of its prerequisites. Transport and new uncontrollable or unpredictable social environment are stressful for dogs and can affect their welfare. Particular unpleasant situations for free-roaming dogs include their capture in public areas and caging during the transport, vehicle vibrations, traffic noise, unknown environment, unloading and restricted housing condition. The new environment for free-roaming dogs presents potentially stressful novel experiences, such as new surroundings, unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells and unfamiliar people and other dogs. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of transport and housing in the new environment on blood parameters (cortisol, glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, and leukocyte count and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio) of 40 free-roaming dogs. Glucose concentration, leukocyte and neutrophil counts, and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio were significantly higher (P  (lt)  0.001; P  (lt)  0.01) after transport in comparison with the level of the same parameters detected in dogs after housing in the new environment. Cortisol, cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations and lymphocyte count were also increased immediately after the transport compared to the levels 24 h after when the dogs were housed in the new environment; yet, these differences were not statistically significant. Accordingly, study results indicate that the transport itself was more stressful for free-roaming dogs than their housing in the new environment.
PB  - Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon
T2  - Journal of Applied Animal Research
T1  - Comparison of stress level indicators in blood of free-roaming dogs after transportation and housing in the new environment
VL  - 45
IS  - 1
SP  - 52
EP  - 55
DO  - 10.1080/09712119.2015.1091338
ER  - 
author = "Radisavljević, K. and Vucinic, M. and Becskei, Zsolt and Stanojković, Aleksandar and Ostović, M.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Animal welfare is of increasing importance and minimizing the stress is one of its prerequisites. Transport and new uncontrollable or unpredictable social environment are stressful for dogs and can affect their welfare. Particular unpleasant situations for free-roaming dogs include their capture in public areas and caging during the transport, vehicle vibrations, traffic noise, unknown environment, unloading and restricted housing condition. The new environment for free-roaming dogs presents potentially stressful novel experiences, such as new surroundings, unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells and unfamiliar people and other dogs. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of transport and housing in the new environment on blood parameters (cortisol, glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations, and leukocyte count and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio) of 40 free-roaming dogs. Glucose concentration, leukocyte and neutrophil counts, and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio were significantly higher (P  (lt)  0.001; P  (lt)  0.01) after transport in comparison with the level of the same parameters detected in dogs after housing in the new environment. Cortisol, cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations and lymphocyte count were also increased immediately after the transport compared to the levels 24 h after when the dogs were housed in the new environment; yet, these differences were not statistically significant. Accordingly, study results indicate that the transport itself was more stressful for free-roaming dogs than their housing in the new environment.",
publisher = "Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon",
journal = "Journal of Applied Animal Research",
title = "Comparison of stress level indicators in blood of free-roaming dogs after transportation and housing in the new environment",
volume = "45",
number = "1",
pages = "52-55",
doi = "10.1080/09712119.2015.1091338"
Radisavljević, K., Vucinic, M., Becskei, Z., Stanojković, A.,& Ostović, M.. (2017). Comparison of stress level indicators in blood of free-roaming dogs after transportation and housing in the new environment. in Journal of Applied Animal Research
Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon., 45(1), 52-55.
Radisavljević K, Vucinic M, Becskei Z, Stanojković A, Ostović M. Comparison of stress level indicators in blood of free-roaming dogs after transportation and housing in the new environment. in Journal of Applied Animal Research. 2017;45(1):52-55.
doi:10.1080/09712119.2015.1091338 .
Radisavljević, K., Vucinic, M., Becskei, Zsolt, Stanojković, Aleksandar, Ostović, M., "Comparison of stress level indicators in blood of free-roaming dogs after transportation and housing in the new environment" in Journal of Applied Animal Research, 45, no. 1 (2017):52-55, . .

Infection with Strongyloides papillosus in sheep: Effect of parasitic infection and treatment with albendazole on basic haematological parameters

Dimitrijević, Blagoje; Jović, Slavoljub; Ostojić Andrić, Dušica; Savić, Mila; Bečkei, Žolt; Davidović, Vesna; Joksimović-Todorović, Mirjana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2016)

AU  - Dimitrijević, Blagoje
AU  - Jović, Slavoljub
AU  - Ostojić Andrić, Dušica
AU  - Savić, Mila
AU  - Bečkei, Žolt
AU  - Davidović, Vesna
AU  - Joksimović-Todorović, Mirjana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the basic haematological parameters in conditions of natural infection of sheep with Strongyloides papillosus, as well as after the administration of antihelminthic albendazole (ABZ). Based on the intensity of infection with S. papillosus the sheep were divided into three groups: mild, moderate and high, and after that the sheep received a single dose of ABZ of 5mg/kg per body weight, per orally. Sampling of faeces and blood for parasitological and haematological assaying respectively, was performed on the 0 and the 21st day after the treatment with ABZ. The presence of parasitic infection with S. papillosus leads to a decrease of erythrocyte count, while the lowest values were established in the group with the highest intensity of parasitic infection (p ˂ 0.001). After treatment with ABZ the decrease of erythrocyte count was more prominent, which was, based on comparison with control groups C1 and C2, unequivocally established to be the consequence of treatment with ABZ. Detected values of haematocrit and erythrocyte indices indicated the presence of parasitic infection: the lowest values were established in the group with the highest intensity of parasitic infection. After treatment with ABZ haematocrit levels in control group C2 were statistically significantly lower compared to the control group C1 (p ˂ 0.001). In the presence of parasitic infection, the neutrophil and eosinophil counts increased almost linearly up to the value of 44.24±2.50% and 13.29±0.61% respectively, in the group of sheep with the highest intensity of parasitic infection (p ˂ 0.001; compared to control group C1). After treatment with ABZ the decrease of the number of these white blood cells is statistically significant (p ˂ 0.001). Bearing in mind our previous research and the connection of disbalanced redox equilibrium after the treatment with ABZ with changes, it is necessary to include antioxidative substances in the anti-parasitic treatment protocols.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde i procene osnovni hematološki parametri u uslovima prirodne infekcije ovaca sa Strongyloides papillosus, kao i nakon primene antihelmintika albendazola (ABZ). Na osnovu intenziteta infekcije sa S. papillosus ovce su podeljene u tri grupe: niski, srednji i visoki intenzitet infekcije, a zatim su ovce jednokratno dobile peroralno ABZ, u terapijskoj dozi od 5 mg/kg telesne mase. Uzorkovanje fecesa za parazitološka i za hematološka ispitivanja obavljeno je nultog i 21. dana od primene ABZ. Utvrđeno je da prisustvo parazitske infekcije sa S. papillosus dovodi do pada broja eritrocita, pri čemu su najniže vrednosti utvrđene u grupi sa najvećim intenzitetom parazitske infekcije (p ˂ 0,001). Nakon terapije sa ABZ pad broja eritrocita je izraženiji, što je nesumnjivo nastalo kao posledica terapije ABZ (na osnovu poređenja C1 i C2). Utvrđene vrednosti hematokrita i eritrocitnih indeksa su ukazivali na postojanje parazitske infekcije; najniže vrednosti su utvrđene kod grupe sa najvećim intenzitetom parazitske infekcije. Nakon terapije sa ABZ vrednosti hematokrita kod C2 bile su statistički značajno niže u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu C1 (p ˂ 0,001). U prisustvu parazitske infekcije broj neutrofila i eozinofila povećava se gotovo linearno, do vrednosti od 44,24±2,50% kod neutrofila, odnosno od 13,29±0,61% kod eozinofila u grupi ovaca sa najvećim intenzitetom parazitske infekcije (p ˂ 0,001). Nakon terapije sa ABZ broj ovih ćelija bele krvne loze smanjuje se statistički značajno (p ˂ 0,001). Imajući u vidu naša prethodna istraživanja i povezanost narušene redoks ravnoteže posle terapije sa ABZ sa promenama utvrđenim u ovom istraživanju, neophodno je u antiparazitske terapijske protokole uključiti antioksidativne supstance.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Infection with Strongyloides papillosus in sheep: Effect of parasitic infection and treatment with albendazole on basic haematological parameters
T1  - Infekcija ovaca sa Strongyloides papillosus - uticaj intenziteta parazitske infekcije i terapije albendazolom na vrednosti osnovnih hematoloških parametara
VL  - 32
IS  - 4
SP  - 369
EP  - 381
DO  - 10.2298/bah1604369D
ER  - 
author = "Dimitrijević, Blagoje and Jović, Slavoljub and Ostojić Andrić, Dušica and Savić, Mila and Bečkei, Žolt and Davidović, Vesna and Joksimović-Todorović, Mirjana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the basic haematological parameters in conditions of natural infection of sheep with Strongyloides papillosus, as well as after the administration of antihelminthic albendazole (ABZ). Based on the intensity of infection with S. papillosus the sheep were divided into three groups: mild, moderate and high, and after that the sheep received a single dose of ABZ of 5mg/kg per body weight, per orally. Sampling of faeces and blood for parasitological and haematological assaying respectively, was performed on the 0 and the 21st day after the treatment with ABZ. The presence of parasitic infection with S. papillosus leads to a decrease of erythrocyte count, while the lowest values were established in the group with the highest intensity of parasitic infection (p ˂ 0.001). After treatment with ABZ the decrease of erythrocyte count was more prominent, which was, based on comparison with control groups C1 and C2, unequivocally established to be the consequence of treatment with ABZ. Detected values of haematocrit and erythrocyte indices indicated the presence of parasitic infection: the lowest values were established in the group with the highest intensity of parasitic infection. After treatment with ABZ haematocrit levels in control group C2 were statistically significantly lower compared to the control group C1 (p ˂ 0.001). In the presence of parasitic infection, the neutrophil and eosinophil counts increased almost linearly up to the value of 44.24±2.50% and 13.29±0.61% respectively, in the group of sheep with the highest intensity of parasitic infection (p ˂ 0.001; compared to control group C1). After treatment with ABZ the decrease of the number of these white blood cells is statistically significant (p ˂ 0.001). Bearing in mind our previous research and the connection of disbalanced redox equilibrium after the treatment with ABZ with changes, it is necessary to include antioxidative substances in the anti-parasitic treatment protocols., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde i procene osnovni hematološki parametri u uslovima prirodne infekcije ovaca sa Strongyloides papillosus, kao i nakon primene antihelmintika albendazola (ABZ). Na osnovu intenziteta infekcije sa S. papillosus ovce su podeljene u tri grupe: niski, srednji i visoki intenzitet infekcije, a zatim su ovce jednokratno dobile peroralno ABZ, u terapijskoj dozi od 5 mg/kg telesne mase. Uzorkovanje fecesa za parazitološka i za hematološka ispitivanja obavljeno je nultog i 21. dana od primene ABZ. Utvrđeno je da prisustvo parazitske infekcije sa S. papillosus dovodi do pada broja eritrocita, pri čemu su najniže vrednosti utvrđene u grupi sa najvećim intenzitetom parazitske infekcije (p ˂ 0,001). Nakon terapije sa ABZ pad broja eritrocita je izraženiji, što je nesumnjivo nastalo kao posledica terapije ABZ (na osnovu poređenja C1 i C2). Utvrđene vrednosti hematokrita i eritrocitnih indeksa su ukazivali na postojanje parazitske infekcije; najniže vrednosti su utvrđene kod grupe sa najvećim intenzitetom parazitske infekcije. Nakon terapije sa ABZ vrednosti hematokrita kod C2 bile su statistički značajno niže u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu C1 (p ˂ 0,001). U prisustvu parazitske infekcije broj neutrofila i eozinofila povećava se gotovo linearno, do vrednosti od 44,24±2,50% kod neutrofila, odnosno od 13,29±0,61% kod eozinofila u grupi ovaca sa najvećim intenzitetom parazitske infekcije (p ˂ 0,001). Nakon terapije sa ABZ broj ovih ćelija bele krvne loze smanjuje se statistički značajno (p ˂ 0,001). Imajući u vidu naša prethodna istraživanja i povezanost narušene redoks ravnoteže posle terapije sa ABZ sa promenama utvrđenim u ovom istraživanju, neophodno je u antiparazitske terapijske protokole uključiti antioksidativne supstance.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Infection with Strongyloides papillosus in sheep: Effect of parasitic infection and treatment with albendazole on basic haematological parameters, Infekcija ovaca sa Strongyloides papillosus - uticaj intenziteta parazitske infekcije i terapije albendazolom na vrednosti osnovnih hematoloških parametara",
volume = "32",
number = "4",
pages = "369-381",
doi = "10.2298/bah1604369D"
Dimitrijević, B., Jović, S., Ostojić Andrić, D., Savić, M., Bečkei, Ž., Davidović, V.,& Joksimović-Todorović, M.. (2016). Infection with Strongyloides papillosus in sheep: Effect of parasitic infection and treatment with albendazole on basic haematological parameters. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 32(4), 369-381.
Dimitrijević B, Jović S, Ostojić Andrić D, Savić M, Bečkei Ž, Davidović V, Joksimović-Todorović M. Infection with Strongyloides papillosus in sheep: Effect of parasitic infection and treatment with albendazole on basic haematological parameters. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2016;32(4):369-381.
doi:10.2298/bah1604369D .
Dimitrijević, Blagoje, Jović, Slavoljub, Ostojić Andrić, Dušica, Savić, Mila, Bečkei, Žolt, Davidović, Vesna, Joksimović-Todorović, Mirjana, "Infection with Strongyloides papillosus in sheep: Effect of parasitic infection and treatment with albendazole on basic haematological parameters" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 32, no. 4 (2016):369-381, . .