Marinkov, Gordana

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Marinkov, Gordana (20)

Author's Bibliography

Relationship of slaughter carcass traits of Balkan goat kids

Žujović, Miroslav; Memiši, Nurgin; Tomić, Zorica; Stanišić, Nikola; Bijelić, Zorica; Maksimović, Nevena; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2012)

AU  - Žujović, Miroslav
AU  - Memiši, Nurgin
AU  - Tomić, Zorica
AU  - Stanišić, Nikola
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
AU  - Maksimović, Nevena
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Objective of this study is to determine the correlation between slaughter traits of kids of Balkan goat breed. Research was carried out in underdeveloped region of Serbia, on altitude of approximately 850 m. Semiintensive breeding system, of housing and care of goats was applied. Results of the study of slaughter properties are presented in this paper, also correlation between certain measures on carcass and carcass sides established in 96 kids of Domestic Balkan breed (gender ratio 50:50), slaughtered at the age of 90 days. Average dressing percentage of warm carcass with head and offal of investigated kid population was 58.19%, whereas the value of the dressing percentage of cold carcass with head and offal was 45.19%. Male kids had statistically significantly (at the level of P (lt) 0.05 and P (lt) 0.01) higher values of carcass mass and linear carcass and carcass side measures compared to female kids. Data on established correlation coefficients between slaughter traits of Domestic Balkan kids reflect presence of highly positive and statistically significant (P (lt) 0.001) correlative dependence. Linear regression coefficients of pre-slaughter body mass of kids, as well as coefficients of determination of linear regression (from 0.41 to 0.99) indicate that this trait has very significant effect on all dressing percentages and carcass and carcass side measures. Considering the expression of slaughter traits and correlation between them in kids of Balkan breed, obtained results should be used for formulating of future programs designed to improve the production of meat from autochthonous goat breeds.
AB  - Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi povezanost (korelacija) između klaničnih parametara jarića balkanske rase koza. Istraživanja su izvedena u nerazvijenom području R Srbije na nadmorskoj visini od oko 850 m. Primenjen je poluintenzivan sistem odgoja, smeštaj i nege koza. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja klaničnih karakteristika i utvrđena korelaciona povezanost osobina pojedinih mera na trupu i polutkama, kod 96 jaradi domaće balkanske koze (sa odnosom polova 50:50) koja su zaklana u uzrastu od 90 dana. Prosečan randman toplog trupa sa glavom i iznutricama kod jaradi ispitivane populacije iznosio je 58,19% dok je vrednost randmana hladnog trupa sa glavom bez iznutrica bila 45,19%. Muška jarad su imala statistički značajno teža i imala su veće linearne mere trupa (na nivou P (lt) 0,05 i P (lt) 0,01) u poređenju sa ženskim. Podaci o koeficijentima korelacije između ispitivanih klaničnih karakteristika jaradi domaće balkanske koze, odražavaju postojanje visoko pozitivne i statistički značajne (P (lt) 0,001), korelativne zavisnosti. Linearni regresioni koeficijenti telesne mase jaradi pred klanje, kao i koeficijenti determinacije linearne regresije (od 0.41 do 0.99), ukazuju na to da ova osobina veoma značajno utiče na sve randmane i mere na trupu i polutkama. Imajući u vidu ispoljenost i povezanost ispitivanih klaničnih karakteristika kod jaradi balkanske rase koza, dobijeni rezultati treba da se iskoriste u formulisanju budućih programa unapređenja proizvodnje mesa kod autohtnonih rasa koza.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Relationship of slaughter carcass traits of Balkan goat kids
T1  - Povezanost klaničnih osobina jaradi balkanske rase koza
VL  - 28
IS  - 2
SP  - 263
EP  - 274
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1202263Z
ER  - 
author = "Žujović, Miroslav and Memiši, Nurgin and Tomić, Zorica and Stanišić, Nikola and Bijelić, Zorica and Maksimović, Nevena and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Objective of this study is to determine the correlation between slaughter traits of kids of Balkan goat breed. Research was carried out in underdeveloped region of Serbia, on altitude of approximately 850 m. Semiintensive breeding system, of housing and care of goats was applied. Results of the study of slaughter properties are presented in this paper, also correlation between certain measures on carcass and carcass sides established in 96 kids of Domestic Balkan breed (gender ratio 50:50), slaughtered at the age of 90 days. Average dressing percentage of warm carcass with head and offal of investigated kid population was 58.19%, whereas the value of the dressing percentage of cold carcass with head and offal was 45.19%. Male kids had statistically significantly (at the level of P (lt) 0.05 and P (lt) 0.01) higher values of carcass mass and linear carcass and carcass side measures compared to female kids. Data on established correlation coefficients between slaughter traits of Domestic Balkan kids reflect presence of highly positive and statistically significant (P (lt) 0.001) correlative dependence. Linear regression coefficients of pre-slaughter body mass of kids, as well as coefficients of determination of linear regression (from 0.41 to 0.99) indicate that this trait has very significant effect on all dressing percentages and carcass and carcass side measures. Considering the expression of slaughter traits and correlation between them in kids of Balkan breed, obtained results should be used for formulating of future programs designed to improve the production of meat from autochthonous goat breeds., Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi povezanost (korelacija) između klaničnih parametara jarića balkanske rase koza. Istraživanja su izvedena u nerazvijenom području R Srbije na nadmorskoj visini od oko 850 m. Primenjen je poluintenzivan sistem odgoja, smeštaj i nege koza. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja klaničnih karakteristika i utvrđena korelaciona povezanost osobina pojedinih mera na trupu i polutkama, kod 96 jaradi domaće balkanske koze (sa odnosom polova 50:50) koja su zaklana u uzrastu od 90 dana. Prosečan randman toplog trupa sa glavom i iznutricama kod jaradi ispitivane populacije iznosio je 58,19% dok je vrednost randmana hladnog trupa sa glavom bez iznutrica bila 45,19%. Muška jarad su imala statistički značajno teža i imala su veće linearne mere trupa (na nivou P (lt) 0,05 i P (lt) 0,01) u poređenju sa ženskim. Podaci o koeficijentima korelacije između ispitivanih klaničnih karakteristika jaradi domaće balkanske koze, odražavaju postojanje visoko pozitivne i statistički značajne (P (lt) 0,001), korelativne zavisnosti. Linearni regresioni koeficijenti telesne mase jaradi pred klanje, kao i koeficijenti determinacije linearne regresije (od 0.41 do 0.99), ukazuju na to da ova osobina veoma značajno utiče na sve randmane i mere na trupu i polutkama. Imajući u vidu ispoljenost i povezanost ispitivanih klaničnih karakteristika kod jaradi balkanske rase koza, dobijeni rezultati treba da se iskoriste u formulisanju budućih programa unapređenja proizvodnje mesa kod autohtnonih rasa koza.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Relationship of slaughter carcass traits of Balkan goat kids, Povezanost klaničnih osobina jaradi balkanske rase koza",
volume = "28",
number = "2",
pages = "263-274",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1202263Z"
Žujović, M., Memiši, N., Tomić, Z., Stanišić, N., Bijelić, Z., Maksimović, N.,& Marinkov, G.. (2012). Relationship of slaughter carcass traits of Balkan goat kids. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 28(2), 263-274.
Žujović M, Memiši N, Tomić Z, Stanišić N, Bijelić Z, Maksimović N, Marinkov G. Relationship of slaughter carcass traits of Balkan goat kids. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2012;28(2):263-274.
doi:10.2298/BAH1202263Z .
Žujović, Miroslav, Memiši, Nurgin, Tomić, Zorica, Stanišić, Nikola, Bijelić, Zorica, Maksimović, Nevena, Marinkov, Gordana, "Relationship of slaughter carcass traits of Balkan goat kids" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 28, no. 2 (2012):263-274, . .

Analysis of environmental and genetic factors in growth characteristics of Balkan goat

Caro Petrović, Violeta; Ilić, Zoran Z.; Ružić-Muslić, Dragana; Petrović, Milan P.; Petrović, Milan M.; Tomić, Zorica; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2012)

AU  - Caro Petrović, Violeta
AU  - Ilić, Zoran Z.
AU  - Ružić-Muslić, Dragana
AU  - Petrović, Milan P.
AU  - Petrović, Milan M.
AU  - Tomić, Zorica
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Research was conducted on animals of Balkan goat breed. The impact of environmental factors on the weight of kids was analyzed, and also the value of genetic parameters of growth traits of kids to weaning had been examined. The body weight of kids varied depending on the year from 2.27±0.09 kg to 2.43±0.08 kg at birth and 10.81±0.58 kg to 11.13±0.51 kg at weaning. Variations depending on the season, ranged from 2.24±0.09 kg to 2.51±0.05 kg. Sex also had an impact because the male kids had higher weight of 0.12 kg at birth and 0.20 kg at weaning. All differences caused by environmental factors were statistically significant (P (lt) 0.01). Single born kids in comparison with twin born kids had higher birth weight by 0.22 kg at birth and 0.37 kg in weaning. The differences were statistically significant (P (lt) 0.01). It is a known fact that the increase in litter size influences decrease in body weight of kids. We also found that the weight at birth is associated with body weight at weaning. Heritability for growth traits observed moving in the range of low values from 0.102 ± 0.039 to 0.153 ± 0.041. Repeatability of the observed traits varied from low to medium values in the interval from 0.118 ± 0.030 to 0.528 ± 0025.
AB  - Istraživanje je sprovedeno kod balkanske rase koza. Izvršena je analiza uticaja spoljnih faktora na težinu jaradi , a takođe je ispitivana vrednost genetskih parametara osobina porasta do odbijanja.Telesna masa jaradi u zavisnosti od zavisi od godine varira od 2,27 ± 0,09 kg do 2.43 ± 0.08 kg na rođenju i 10.81 ± 0.58 kg do 11.13 ± 0.51 kg pri odlučivanju. Varijacije u zavisnosti od sezone, kreću se u rasponu od 2.24 ± 0.09 kg do 2,51 ± 0.05 kg. Pol je takođe imao uticaj, jer su muška jarad imala veću težinu za 0,12 kg na rođenju i 0.20 kg pri odlučivanju. Sve razlike izazvane faktorima okoline bile su statistički značajne (P  (lt) 0,01). Jarad rođena kao jedinci u poređenju sa blizancima imaju više porođajne težine za 0,22 kg na rođenju. Takođe su u prednosti i za 0.37 kg pri odbijanju. Razlike je statistički značajna (P  (lt) 0,01). To je poznata činjenica da povećanje veličine legla, smanjuje telesnu masu jaradi. Takođe smo ustanovili da masa na rođenju je povezana sa telesnom masom pri odlučivanju. Heritabilnost za osobine porasta se kreće u rasponu od 0,102 ± 0,039 do 0,153 ± 0,041. Ponovljivost posmatranih osobina varira od niskih do srednjih vrednosti u intervalu od 0.118 do 0.528 ± 0.030 0025 ±.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Analysis of environmental and genetic factors in growth characteristics of Balkan goat
T1  - Analiza spoljnih i genetskih faktora u osobinama porasta balkanske koze
VL  - 28
IS  - 2
SP  - 275
EP  - 282
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1202275C
ER  - 
author = "Caro Petrović, Violeta and Ilić, Zoran Z. and Ružić-Muslić, Dragana and Petrović, Milan P. and Petrović, Milan M. and Tomić, Zorica and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Research was conducted on animals of Balkan goat breed. The impact of environmental factors on the weight of kids was analyzed, and also the value of genetic parameters of growth traits of kids to weaning had been examined. The body weight of kids varied depending on the year from 2.27±0.09 kg to 2.43±0.08 kg at birth and 10.81±0.58 kg to 11.13±0.51 kg at weaning. Variations depending on the season, ranged from 2.24±0.09 kg to 2.51±0.05 kg. Sex also had an impact because the male kids had higher weight of 0.12 kg at birth and 0.20 kg at weaning. All differences caused by environmental factors were statistically significant (P (lt) 0.01). Single born kids in comparison with twin born kids had higher birth weight by 0.22 kg at birth and 0.37 kg in weaning. The differences were statistically significant (P (lt) 0.01). It is a known fact that the increase in litter size influences decrease in body weight of kids. We also found that the weight at birth is associated with body weight at weaning. Heritability for growth traits observed moving in the range of low values from 0.102 ± 0.039 to 0.153 ± 0.041. Repeatability of the observed traits varied from low to medium values in the interval from 0.118 ± 0.030 to 0.528 ± 0025., Istraživanje je sprovedeno kod balkanske rase koza. Izvršena je analiza uticaja spoljnih faktora na težinu jaradi , a takođe je ispitivana vrednost genetskih parametara osobina porasta do odbijanja.Telesna masa jaradi u zavisnosti od zavisi od godine varira od 2,27 ± 0,09 kg do 2.43 ± 0.08 kg na rođenju i 10.81 ± 0.58 kg do 11.13 ± 0.51 kg pri odlučivanju. Varijacije u zavisnosti od sezone, kreću se u rasponu od 2.24 ± 0.09 kg do 2,51 ± 0.05 kg. Pol je takođe imao uticaj, jer su muška jarad imala veću težinu za 0,12 kg na rođenju i 0.20 kg pri odlučivanju. Sve razlike izazvane faktorima okoline bile su statistički značajne (P  (lt) 0,01). Jarad rođena kao jedinci u poređenju sa blizancima imaju više porođajne težine za 0,22 kg na rođenju. Takođe su u prednosti i za 0.37 kg pri odbijanju. Razlike je statistički značajna (P  (lt) 0,01). To je poznata činjenica da povećanje veličine legla, smanjuje telesnu masu jaradi. Takođe smo ustanovili da masa na rođenju je povezana sa telesnom masom pri odlučivanju. Heritabilnost za osobine porasta se kreće u rasponu od 0,102 ± 0,039 do 0,153 ± 0,041. Ponovljivost posmatranih osobina varira od niskih do srednjih vrednosti u intervalu od 0.118 do 0.528 ± 0.030 0025 ±.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Analysis of environmental and genetic factors in growth characteristics of Balkan goat, Analiza spoljnih i genetskih faktora u osobinama porasta balkanske koze",
volume = "28",
number = "2",
pages = "275-282",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1202275C"
Caro Petrović, V., Ilić, Z. Z., Ružić-Muslić, D., Petrović, M. P., Petrović, M. M., Tomić, Z.,& Marinkov, G.. (2012). Analysis of environmental and genetic factors in growth characteristics of Balkan goat. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 28(2), 275-282.
Caro Petrović V, Ilić ZZ, Ružić-Muslić D, Petrović MP, Petrović MM, Tomić Z, Marinkov G. Analysis of environmental and genetic factors in growth characteristics of Balkan goat. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2012;28(2):275-282.
doi:10.2298/BAH1202275C .
Caro Petrović, Violeta, Ilić, Zoran Z., Ružić-Muslić, Dragana, Petrović, Milan P., Petrović, Milan M., Tomić, Zorica, Marinkov, Gordana, "Analysis of environmental and genetic factors in growth characteristics of Balkan goat" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 28, no. 2 (2012):275-282, . .

The effect of various factors on traits of performance tested gilts

Gogić, Marija; Petrović, M.; Živković, Branislav; Radović, Čedomir; Radojković, Dragan D.; Parunović, Nenad; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2012)

AU  - Gogić, Marija
AU  - Petrović, M.
AU  - Živković, Branislav
AU  - Radović, Čedomir
AU  - Radojković, Dragan D.
AU  - Parunović, Nenad
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Objective of this research wasto determine the effect of sire breed, genotype of the animal, farm and year on traits of performance tested gilts: age at the end of test (AET), life daily gain (LDG), fat thickenss 1 and 2 (FTL1 and FTL2) and depth of back muscle (MLD). Research included three farms during four consecutive years, and total of 4274 gilts were tested which derivied from 52 boar sires. Sires were pure breeds: Swedish landrace (SL, n=14), Large Yorkshire (LY, n=29), Pietrain (P, n=6) and Durroc (D, n=3), and their daughters belonged to following genotypes: Swedish landrace, large Yorkshire, Pietrain, Duroc, F1 crosses LY×SL, SL×LY and D×SL. It was established that sire breed, genotype of gilts and year had statistically significant (P (lt) 0,01 and P (lt) 0,001) effect on all traits, only the effect of the farm on depth of MLD (P>0,05) wasn't registered. Sires within the breed had no effect on depth of MLD (P>0,05), where in case of sires within the Pietrain breed no effect on traits AET, FTL1 and FTL2 were observed and in case of sires within Duroc breed on AET, and for other traits the effect (P (lt) 0,05 and P (lt) 0,001) of sires within the breed was determined. All traits of gilts depended statistically highly significantly (P (lt) 0,001) on body mass at the end of the test, except depth of back muscle.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi uticaj rase oca, oca unutar rase, genotipa grla, farme i godine na osobine performans testiranih nazimica: uzrast na kraju testa (UKT), životni dnevni prirast (ŽDP), debljina slanine 1 i 2 (DSL1 i DSL2) i dubina leđnog mišića (MLD). Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene tri farme u četiri uzastopne godine, a ukupno je testirano 4274 nazimica koje vode poreklo od 52 oca-nerasta. Očevi pripadaju čistim rasama: švedski landras (ŠL, n=14), veliki jorkšir (VJ, n=29), pijetren (P, n=6) i durok (D, n=3), dok njihove kćeri pripadaju sledećim genotipovima: švedski landras, veliki jorkšir, pijetren, durok, F1 melezi VJ×SL, ŠL×VJ i D׊L. Utvrđeno je da rasa oca, genotip nazimica i godina utiču statistički značajno (P (lt) 0,01 i P (lt) 0,001) na sve osobine, dok farma jedino nema uticaja na dubinu MLD (P>0,05). Očevi unutar rase nisu uticali na dubinu MLD (P>0,05), pri čemu za očeve unutar rase pijetren nije utvrđen uticaj ni na osobine UKT, DSL1 i DSL2 kao i za očeve unutar rase durok na UKT, dok je za ostale osobine utvrđen uticaj (P (lt) 0,05 i P (lt) 0,001) očeva unutar rase. Sve osobine nazimica su vrlo visoko statistički zavisile (P (lt) 0,001) od telesne mase na kraju testa osim dubine leđnog mišića.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - The effect of various factors on traits of performance tested gilts
T1  - Uticaj različitih faktora na osobine performans testiranih nazimica
VL  - 28
IS  - 2
SP  - 313
EP  - 322
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1202313G
ER  - 
author = "Gogić, Marija and Petrović, M. and Živković, Branislav and Radović, Čedomir and Radojković, Dragan D. and Parunović, Nenad and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Objective of this research wasto determine the effect of sire breed, genotype of the animal, farm and year on traits of performance tested gilts: age at the end of test (AET), life daily gain (LDG), fat thickenss 1 and 2 (FTL1 and FTL2) and depth of back muscle (MLD). Research included three farms during four consecutive years, and total of 4274 gilts were tested which derivied from 52 boar sires. Sires were pure breeds: Swedish landrace (SL, n=14), Large Yorkshire (LY, n=29), Pietrain (P, n=6) and Durroc (D, n=3), and their daughters belonged to following genotypes: Swedish landrace, large Yorkshire, Pietrain, Duroc, F1 crosses LY×SL, SL×LY and D×SL. It was established that sire breed, genotype of gilts and year had statistically significant (P (lt) 0,01 and P (lt) 0,001) effect on all traits, only the effect of the farm on depth of MLD (P>0,05) wasn't registered. Sires within the breed had no effect on depth of MLD (P>0,05), where in case of sires within the Pietrain breed no effect on traits AET, FTL1 and FTL2 were observed and in case of sires within Duroc breed on AET, and for other traits the effect (P (lt) 0,05 and P (lt) 0,001) of sires within the breed was determined. All traits of gilts depended statistically highly significantly (P (lt) 0,001) on body mass at the end of the test, except depth of back muscle., Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi uticaj rase oca, oca unutar rase, genotipa grla, farme i godine na osobine performans testiranih nazimica: uzrast na kraju testa (UKT), životni dnevni prirast (ŽDP), debljina slanine 1 i 2 (DSL1 i DSL2) i dubina leđnog mišića (MLD). Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene tri farme u četiri uzastopne godine, a ukupno je testirano 4274 nazimica koje vode poreklo od 52 oca-nerasta. Očevi pripadaju čistim rasama: švedski landras (ŠL, n=14), veliki jorkšir (VJ, n=29), pijetren (P, n=6) i durok (D, n=3), dok njihove kćeri pripadaju sledećim genotipovima: švedski landras, veliki jorkšir, pijetren, durok, F1 melezi VJ×SL, ŠL×VJ i D׊L. Utvrđeno je da rasa oca, genotip nazimica i godina utiču statistički značajno (P (lt) 0,01 i P (lt) 0,001) na sve osobine, dok farma jedino nema uticaja na dubinu MLD (P>0,05). Očevi unutar rase nisu uticali na dubinu MLD (P>0,05), pri čemu za očeve unutar rase pijetren nije utvrđen uticaj ni na osobine UKT, DSL1 i DSL2 kao i za očeve unutar rase durok na UKT, dok je za ostale osobine utvrđen uticaj (P (lt) 0,05 i P (lt) 0,001) očeva unutar rase. Sve osobine nazimica su vrlo visoko statistički zavisile (P (lt) 0,001) od telesne mase na kraju testa osim dubine leđnog mišića.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "The effect of various factors on traits of performance tested gilts, Uticaj različitih faktora na osobine performans testiranih nazimica",
volume = "28",
number = "2",
pages = "313-322",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1202313G"
Gogić, M., Petrović, M., Živković, B., Radović, Č., Radojković, D. D., Parunović, N.,& Marinkov, G.. (2012). The effect of various factors on traits of performance tested gilts. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 28(2), 313-322.
Gogić M, Petrović M, Živković B, Radović Č, Radojković DD, Parunović N, Marinkov G. The effect of various factors on traits of performance tested gilts. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2012;28(2):313-322.
doi:10.2298/BAH1202313G .
Gogić, Marija, Petrović, M., Živković, Branislav, Radović, Čedomir, Radojković, Dragan D., Parunović, Nenad, Marinkov, Gordana, "The effect of various factors on traits of performance tested gilts" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 28, no. 2 (2012):313-322, . .

Correlation of body condition score of cows and milk production in standard lactation

Novaković, Željko; Sretenović, Ljiljana; Petrović, Milan M.; Aleksić, S.; Pantelić, Vlada; Ostojić Andrić, Dušica; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2012)

AU  - Novaković, Željko
AU  - Sretenović, Ljiljana
AU  - Petrović, Milan M.
AU  - Aleksić, S.
AU  - Pantelić, Vlada
AU  - Ostojić Andrić, Dušica
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the study was, within the tested samples of high yielding Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 363), to analyze the significance of the actual level of correlation between the average BCS of cows according to body regions and results in the production of milk indifferent stages and the standard duration of lactation. Differences in average realized BCS in regard to the recommended values in stages of production cycle were highly significant (p ≤ 0.01). In general, realized correlation coefficients, whose significance was tested, were at very low level. The average value of the BCS at dry off period in the first, second and third body region was statistically significantly (p  (lt) 0.05) and highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) positively associated with milk production during the first 100 days of lactation. The mean value of BCS at dry off period in the second body region was in a statistically significant positive correlation (p  (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the second 100 days and standard lactation. The average value of BCS at dry off period for all three body regions was highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.05) positively associated with milk production in the first 100 days. The mean value of BCS at calving in the first body region was highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) positively associated with milk production during the first and the second 100 days of lactation and standard lactation. Average BCS value at calving for the second body region was highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) positively correlated with milk production in the first and second 100 days of lactation and significantly positvely correlated (p  (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the standard lactation. The mean value of BCS at calving in the third body region was highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) positively correlated with milk production during the first 100 days of lactation and significantly positively correlated (p  (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the second 100 days and standard lactation. Average BCS value for all three body regions at calving was in a highly significant (p  (lt) 0.01) positive correlation with milk production in the first hundred days of lactation. A significant positive correlation (p  (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the second 100 days and a standard lactation was achieved. The average value of BCS at the peak of lactation for the first, second and third body region was significantly (p (lt) 0.05) and highly significantly (p (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in a standard lactation. The mean value of BCS at the peak of lactation for all three body regions was very significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in the standard lactation. The mean value of BCS in the mid-lactation for the first, second and third body region was highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in the standard lactation. BCS average value for all three body regions in the mid-lactation was very significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in the standard lactation.
AB  - Cilj istraživanja bio je da se u okviru ispitivanog uzorka visokomlečnih krava holštajn-frizijske rase (n=363) analizira značajnost ostvarenog nivoa povezanosti između prosečnih vrednosti BCS krava po telesnim regijama i postignutih rezultata u proizvodnji mleka po fazama i standardnom trajanju laktacije. Razlike ostvarenih prosečnih BCS u odnosu na preporučene optimalne vrednosti po fazama proizvodnog ciklusa su visoko značajne (p≤0.01). U celini posmatrano realizovani koeficijenti korelacije, čija je značajnost ispitana, bili su na niskom nivou. Prosečna vrednost BCS na zasušenju u prvoj, drugoj i trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je statistički značajno (p (lt) 0.05) i vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih 100 dana laktacije. Srednja vrednost BCS na zasušenju u drugoj telesnoj regiji bila je u statistički značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u drugih 100 dana i standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS na zasušenju za sve tri telesne regije bila je u statistički značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih 100 dana laktacije. Srednja vrednost BCS kod teljenja u prvoj telesnoj regiji bila je vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih i drugih 100 dana i standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS kod teljenja u drugoj telesnoj regiji bila je vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih i drugih 100 dana i u značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Srednja vrednost BCS kod teljenja u trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih 100 dana laktacije i u značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u drugih 100 dana i standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS za sve tri telesne regije kod teljenja bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih sto dana laktacije. Ostvarena je značajna pozitivna veza (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u drugih 100 dana i standardnom laktacijom. Prosečna vrednost BCS na vrhu laktacije u prvoj, drugoj i trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je u značajnoj (p (lt) 0.05) i vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Srednja vrednost BCS na vrhu laktacije za sve tri telesne regije bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Srednja vrednost BCS na sredini laktacije u prvoj, drugoj i trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS za sve tri telesne regije na sredini laktacije bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Correlation of body condition score of cows and milk production in standard lactation
T1  - Povezanost ocene telesne kondicije krava sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji
VL  - 28
IS  - 4
SP  - 675
EP  - 687
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1204675N
ER  - 
author = "Novaković, Željko and Sretenović, Ljiljana and Petrović, Milan M. and Aleksić, S. and Pantelić, Vlada and Ostojić Andrić, Dušica and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The aim of the study was, within the tested samples of high yielding Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 363), to analyze the significance of the actual level of correlation between the average BCS of cows according to body regions and results in the production of milk indifferent stages and the standard duration of lactation. Differences in average realized BCS in regard to the recommended values in stages of production cycle were highly significant (p ≤ 0.01). In general, realized correlation coefficients, whose significance was tested, were at very low level. The average value of the BCS at dry off period in the first, second and third body region was statistically significantly (p  (lt) 0.05) and highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) positively associated with milk production during the first 100 days of lactation. The mean value of BCS at dry off period in the second body region was in a statistically significant positive correlation (p  (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the second 100 days and standard lactation. The average value of BCS at dry off period for all three body regions was highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.05) positively associated with milk production in the first 100 days. The mean value of BCS at calving in the first body region was highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) positively associated with milk production during the first and the second 100 days of lactation and standard lactation. Average BCS value at calving for the second body region was highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) positively correlated with milk production in the first and second 100 days of lactation and significantly positvely correlated (p  (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the standard lactation. The mean value of BCS at calving in the third body region was highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) positively correlated with milk production during the first 100 days of lactation and significantly positively correlated (p  (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the second 100 days and standard lactation. Average BCS value for all three body regions at calving was in a highly significant (p  (lt) 0.01) positive correlation with milk production in the first hundred days of lactation. A significant positive correlation (p  (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the second 100 days and a standard lactation was achieved. The average value of BCS at the peak of lactation for the first, second and third body region was significantly (p (lt) 0.05) and highly significantly (p (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in a standard lactation. The mean value of BCS at the peak of lactation for all three body regions was very significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in the standard lactation. The mean value of BCS in the mid-lactation for the first, second and third body region was highly significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in the standard lactation. BCS average value for all three body regions in the mid-lactation was very significantly (p  (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in the standard lactation., Cilj istraživanja bio je da se u okviru ispitivanog uzorka visokomlečnih krava holštajn-frizijske rase (n=363) analizira značajnost ostvarenog nivoa povezanosti između prosečnih vrednosti BCS krava po telesnim regijama i postignutih rezultata u proizvodnji mleka po fazama i standardnom trajanju laktacije. Razlike ostvarenih prosečnih BCS u odnosu na preporučene optimalne vrednosti po fazama proizvodnog ciklusa su visoko značajne (p≤0.01). U celini posmatrano realizovani koeficijenti korelacije, čija je značajnost ispitana, bili su na niskom nivou. Prosečna vrednost BCS na zasušenju u prvoj, drugoj i trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je statistički značajno (p (lt) 0.05) i vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih 100 dana laktacije. Srednja vrednost BCS na zasušenju u drugoj telesnoj regiji bila je u statistički značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u drugih 100 dana i standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS na zasušenju za sve tri telesne regije bila je u statistički značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih 100 dana laktacije. Srednja vrednost BCS kod teljenja u prvoj telesnoj regiji bila je vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih i drugih 100 dana i standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS kod teljenja u drugoj telesnoj regiji bila je vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih i drugih 100 dana i u značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Srednja vrednost BCS kod teljenja u trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih 100 dana laktacije i u značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u drugih 100 dana i standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS za sve tri telesne regije kod teljenja bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih sto dana laktacije. Ostvarena je značajna pozitivna veza (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u drugih 100 dana i standardnom laktacijom. Prosečna vrednost BCS na vrhu laktacije u prvoj, drugoj i trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je u značajnoj (p (lt) 0.05) i vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Srednja vrednost BCS na vrhu laktacije za sve tri telesne regije bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Srednja vrednost BCS na sredini laktacije u prvoj, drugoj i trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS za sve tri telesne regije na sredini laktacije bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Correlation of body condition score of cows and milk production in standard lactation, Povezanost ocene telesne kondicije krava sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji",
volume = "28",
number = "4",
pages = "675-687",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1204675N"
Novaković, Ž., Sretenović, L., Petrović, M. M., Aleksić, S., Pantelić, V., Ostojić Andrić, D.,& Marinkov, G.. (2012). Correlation of body condition score of cows and milk production in standard lactation. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 28(4), 675-687.
Novaković Ž, Sretenović L, Petrović MM, Aleksić S, Pantelić V, Ostojić Andrić D, Marinkov G. Correlation of body condition score of cows and milk production in standard lactation. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2012;28(4):675-687.
doi:10.2298/BAH1204675N .
Novaković, Željko, Sretenović, Ljiljana, Petrović, Milan M., Aleksić, S., Pantelić, Vlada, Ostojić Andrić, Dušica, Marinkov, Gordana, "Correlation of body condition score of cows and milk production in standard lactation" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 28, no. 4 (2012):675-687, . .

The effect of the diet on incidence of footpad lesions and productivity of broilers

Škrbić, Zdenka; Pavlovski, Zlatica; Lukić, Miloš; Petričević, Veselin; Miljković, B.; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2012)

AU  - Škrbić, Zdenka
AU  - Pavlovski, Zlatica
AU  - Lukić, Miloš
AU  - Petričević, Veselin
AU  - Miljković, B.
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Nutrition factors are considered to be very important for incidence of foot-pad dermatitis through the effect on the quality of litter. Objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the use of two feeding programs for broilers available on the market and declared in the nutritional/economical sense as standard and economical, on quality of litter, incidence of leg dermatitis (foot-pad and hock burns) and production performance. Trial was carried out on 500 one day old chickens of Hubbard genotype, in two treatments and five replicates. Chopped straw was used as litter. During the trial, the mortality and food consumption were monitored, and at the end of trial the body mass was controlled, as well as the incidence of foot-pad and hock burns and their severity were evaluated and quality of litter analyzed. Research results indicate significant effect of the diets from the aspect of broiler welfare and productivity. Application of the feeding program declared in the nutritional/economical sense as economical resulted in higher content of litter moisture, significantly higher frequency of incidence of the most severe forms of foot-pad dermatitis and significantly lower broiler performance.
AB  - Ishranbeni faktori se smatraju veoma značajnim za nastanak dermatitisa na nožnim jastučićima brojlera preko uticaja na kvalitet prostirke. Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje efekta upotrebe dva, tržišno dostupna programa ishrane brojlera koji su deklarisani u nutritivno/ekonomskom smislu kao standardan i ekonomičan, na kvalitet prostirke, pojavu dermatitisa na nogama i proizvodne performanse. Ogled je izveden na 500 jednodnevnih pilića genotipa Hubbard, sa dva tretmana i pet ponavljanja. Za prostirku je korišćena seckana slama. Tokom ogleda su evidentirani mortalitet i utrošak hrane a na kraju ogleda je izvršena kontrola telesne mase, ocena pojave i težine oblika lezija na nožnim jastučićima i skočnim zglobovima, analiza kvaliteta prostirke. Rezultati istraživanja su ukazali na značajan efekat programa ishrane sa stanovišta dobrobiti i produktivnosti brojlera. Primena programa ishrane deklarisanog u nutritivno/ekonomskom smislu kao ekonomičnog, rezultirala je većim sadržajem vlage u prostirci, značajno većom frekvencijom pojavljivanja najtežih oblika dermatitisa na nožnim jastučićima i značajno lošijim performansama brojlera.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - The effect of the diet on incidence of footpad lesions and productivity of broilers
T1  - Efekat programa ishrane na pojavu lezija na nogama i produktivnost brojlera
VL  - 28
IS  - 2
SP  - 353
EP  - 360
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1202353S
ER  - 
author = "Škrbić, Zdenka and Pavlovski, Zlatica and Lukić, Miloš and Petričević, Veselin and Miljković, B. and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Nutrition factors are considered to be very important for incidence of foot-pad dermatitis through the effect on the quality of litter. Objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the use of two feeding programs for broilers available on the market and declared in the nutritional/economical sense as standard and economical, on quality of litter, incidence of leg dermatitis (foot-pad and hock burns) and production performance. Trial was carried out on 500 one day old chickens of Hubbard genotype, in two treatments and five replicates. Chopped straw was used as litter. During the trial, the mortality and food consumption were monitored, and at the end of trial the body mass was controlled, as well as the incidence of foot-pad and hock burns and their severity were evaluated and quality of litter analyzed. Research results indicate significant effect of the diets from the aspect of broiler welfare and productivity. Application of the feeding program declared in the nutritional/economical sense as economical resulted in higher content of litter moisture, significantly higher frequency of incidence of the most severe forms of foot-pad dermatitis and significantly lower broiler performance., Ishranbeni faktori se smatraju veoma značajnim za nastanak dermatitisa na nožnim jastučićima brojlera preko uticaja na kvalitet prostirke. Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje efekta upotrebe dva, tržišno dostupna programa ishrane brojlera koji su deklarisani u nutritivno/ekonomskom smislu kao standardan i ekonomičan, na kvalitet prostirke, pojavu dermatitisa na nogama i proizvodne performanse. Ogled je izveden na 500 jednodnevnih pilića genotipa Hubbard, sa dva tretmana i pet ponavljanja. Za prostirku je korišćena seckana slama. Tokom ogleda su evidentirani mortalitet i utrošak hrane a na kraju ogleda je izvršena kontrola telesne mase, ocena pojave i težine oblika lezija na nožnim jastučićima i skočnim zglobovima, analiza kvaliteta prostirke. Rezultati istraživanja su ukazali na značajan efekat programa ishrane sa stanovišta dobrobiti i produktivnosti brojlera. Primena programa ishrane deklarisanog u nutritivno/ekonomskom smislu kao ekonomičnog, rezultirala je većim sadržajem vlage u prostirci, značajno većom frekvencijom pojavljivanja najtežih oblika dermatitisa na nožnim jastučićima i značajno lošijim performansama brojlera.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "The effect of the diet on incidence of footpad lesions and productivity of broilers, Efekat programa ishrane na pojavu lezija na nogama i produktivnost brojlera",
volume = "28",
number = "2",
pages = "353-360",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1202353S"
Škrbić, Z., Pavlovski, Z., Lukić, M., Petričević, V., Miljković, B.,& Marinkov, G.. (2012). The effect of the diet on incidence of footpad lesions and productivity of broilers. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 28(2), 353-360.
Škrbić Z, Pavlovski Z, Lukić M, Petričević V, Miljković B, Marinkov G. The effect of the diet on incidence of footpad lesions and productivity of broilers. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2012;28(2):353-360.
doi:10.2298/BAH1202353S .
Škrbić, Zdenka, Pavlovski, Zlatica, Lukić, Miloš, Petričević, Veselin, Miljković, B., Marinkov, Gordana, "The effect of the diet on incidence of footpad lesions and productivity of broilers" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 28, no. 2 (2012):353-360, . .

Effect of body weight of goats and lactation order on the growth rate of kids in the suckling period

Žujović, Miroslav; Memiši, Nurgin; Bogdanović, Vladan; Tomić, Zorica; Maksimović, Nevena; Bijelić, Zorica; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2011)

AU  - Žujović, Miroslav
AU  - Memiši, Nurgin
AU  - Bogdanović, Vladan
AU  - Tomić, Zorica
AU  - Maksimović, Nevena
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - The paper presents results of investigation of milk yield by lactation, by order, and mother's body weight on growth rate of kids of the domestic Balkan goat. Daily weight gains of 376 single kids (168 male and 208 female), in three monthly intervals, and their final body weight at 90 days of age were established. Variability of analyzed traits was presented using descriptive statistics parameters, and differences of growth traits for weight gain of kids resulting from the effect of milk yield of female goats by order of lactation were investigated by single analysis of variance. The effect of independent variables, mothers' milk yield and body weight, on body weight of kids was tested using multiple regression analysis. During the entire suckling period, established average values for kids body weight differed significantly (P (lt) 0.001), increasing from the 1st toward later lactations. At 90 days of age the lowest values were established in kids from the youngest mothers (11.86 kg), while for kids of mothers in the fourth or later lactations these values were higher (13.93 kg). Coefficients of determination indicate that the variability percentage for individual growth traits of kids was in the 0.08 - 0.17 interval, indicating its significance. Both 'b' coefficients (b1 and b2) are positive and statistically highly significant, except for coefficient b2 in the analysis of body weight of kids at birth. The positive sign and high statistical significance indicate a pronounced effect of mother's milk yield and body weight on the body weight of kids up to 90 days of age.
AB  - U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja količine mleka u laktaciji po redu, i telesne mase majke na porast jaradi domaće balkanske koze do 90 dana. U cilju ispitivanja razvoja telesne mase jaradi u zavisnosti od količine mleka u laktaciji po redu u toku dojnog perioda ukupno je izmereno 376 jaradi jedinaca (168 muških i 208 ženskih). Varijabilnost analiziranih osobina je prikazana parametrima deskriptivne statistike, dok su razlike u osobinama porasta jaradi koje su nastale pod uticajem mlečosti koza u laktaciji po redu, ispitivane jednostrukom analizom varijanse. Višestruko regresionom analizom ispitivan je uticaj nezavisno promenljivih veličina, mlečnost majke i telesna masa majke, na porast jaradi. Utvrđene vrednosti telesnih masa u toku čitavog dojnog perioda značajno su se razlikovale (P (lt) 0,001) i povećavale od prve ka kasnijim laktacijama, pri čemu su u uzrastu od 90 dana najmanje vrednosti utvrđene kod jaradi od najmlađih koza (11,86 kg), dok su kod jaradi čije su majke bile u četvrtoj i kasnijim laktacijama te vrednosti iznosile 13,93 kg. Koeficijenti determinacije ukazuju na to da se procenat varijabilnosti pojedinih osobina porasta jaradi nalazio u intervalu od 0,08 do 0,17, što ukazuje na njihovu značajnost. Oba 'b' koeficijenta (b1 i b2) su pozitivna i statistički visoko značajna, osim koeficijenta b2 u analizi telesne mase jaradi pri rođenju. Pozitivni predznak i visoka statistička značajnost ukazuju na izražen uticaj mlečnosti i telesne mase majki na porast jaradi do 90 dana.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Effect of body weight of goats and lactation order on the growth rate of kids in the suckling period
T1  - Uticaj telesne mase koza i laktacije po redu na porast jaradi u dojnom periodu
VL  - 27
IS  - 3
SP  - 1193
EP  - 1200
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1103193Z
ER  - 
author = "Žujović, Miroslav and Memiši, Nurgin and Bogdanović, Vladan and Tomić, Zorica and Maksimović, Nevena and Bijelić, Zorica and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2011",
abstract = "The paper presents results of investigation of milk yield by lactation, by order, and mother's body weight on growth rate of kids of the domestic Balkan goat. Daily weight gains of 376 single kids (168 male and 208 female), in three monthly intervals, and their final body weight at 90 days of age were established. Variability of analyzed traits was presented using descriptive statistics parameters, and differences of growth traits for weight gain of kids resulting from the effect of milk yield of female goats by order of lactation were investigated by single analysis of variance. The effect of independent variables, mothers' milk yield and body weight, on body weight of kids was tested using multiple regression analysis. During the entire suckling period, established average values for kids body weight differed significantly (P (lt) 0.001), increasing from the 1st toward later lactations. At 90 days of age the lowest values were established in kids from the youngest mothers (11.86 kg), while for kids of mothers in the fourth or later lactations these values were higher (13.93 kg). Coefficients of determination indicate that the variability percentage for individual growth traits of kids was in the 0.08 - 0.17 interval, indicating its significance. Both 'b' coefficients (b1 and b2) are positive and statistically highly significant, except for coefficient b2 in the analysis of body weight of kids at birth. The positive sign and high statistical significance indicate a pronounced effect of mother's milk yield and body weight on the body weight of kids up to 90 days of age., U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja količine mleka u laktaciji po redu, i telesne mase majke na porast jaradi domaće balkanske koze do 90 dana. U cilju ispitivanja razvoja telesne mase jaradi u zavisnosti od količine mleka u laktaciji po redu u toku dojnog perioda ukupno je izmereno 376 jaradi jedinaca (168 muških i 208 ženskih). Varijabilnost analiziranih osobina je prikazana parametrima deskriptivne statistike, dok su razlike u osobinama porasta jaradi koje su nastale pod uticajem mlečosti koza u laktaciji po redu, ispitivane jednostrukom analizom varijanse. Višestruko regresionom analizom ispitivan je uticaj nezavisno promenljivih veličina, mlečnost majke i telesna masa majke, na porast jaradi. Utvrđene vrednosti telesnih masa u toku čitavog dojnog perioda značajno su se razlikovale (P (lt) 0,001) i povećavale od prve ka kasnijim laktacijama, pri čemu su u uzrastu od 90 dana najmanje vrednosti utvrđene kod jaradi od najmlađih koza (11,86 kg), dok su kod jaradi čije su majke bile u četvrtoj i kasnijim laktacijama te vrednosti iznosile 13,93 kg. Koeficijenti determinacije ukazuju na to da se procenat varijabilnosti pojedinih osobina porasta jaradi nalazio u intervalu od 0,08 do 0,17, što ukazuje na njihovu značajnost. Oba 'b' koeficijenta (b1 i b2) su pozitivna i statistički visoko značajna, osim koeficijenta b2 u analizi telesne mase jaradi pri rođenju. Pozitivni predznak i visoka statistička značajnost ukazuju na izražen uticaj mlečnosti i telesne mase majki na porast jaradi do 90 dana.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Effect of body weight of goats and lactation order on the growth rate of kids in the suckling period, Uticaj telesne mase koza i laktacije po redu na porast jaradi u dojnom periodu",
volume = "27",
number = "3",
pages = "1193-1200",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1103193Z"
Žujović, M., Memiši, N., Bogdanović, V., Tomić, Z., Maksimović, N., Bijelić, Z.,& Marinkov, G.. (2011). Effect of body weight of goats and lactation order on the growth rate of kids in the suckling period. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 27(3), 1193-1200.
Žujović M, Memiši N, Bogdanović V, Tomić Z, Maksimović N, Bijelić Z, Marinkov G. Effect of body weight of goats and lactation order on the growth rate of kids in the suckling period. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2011;27(3):1193-1200.
doi:10.2298/BAH1103193Z .
Žujović, Miroslav, Memiši, Nurgin, Bogdanović, Vladan, Tomić, Zorica, Maksimović, Nevena, Bijelić, Zorica, Marinkov, Gordana, "Effect of body weight of goats and lactation order on the growth rate of kids in the suckling period" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 27, no. 3 (2011):1193-1200, . .

Dry matter and protein yield of alfalfa, cocksfoot, meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass and their mixtures under the influence of various doses of nitrogen fertilizer

Tomić, Zorica; Bijelić, Zorica; Žujović, Miroslav; Simić, Aleksandar; Kresović, M.; Mandić, Violeta; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2011)

AU  - Tomić, Zorica
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
AU  - Žujović, Miroslav
AU  - Simić, Aleksandar
AU  - Kresović, M.
AU  - Mandić, Violeta
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Grass-leguminous mixtures and pure crops are important for ensuring of sufficient quantities of high quality roughage, especially in conditions of low land livestock production, in conditions of farm housing system as well as in the system of free grazing of animals. Studies were carried out on pure crops of three grass species and their mixtures with different component ratios. Fertilization using different doses of nitrogen led to considerable increase of yield of pure crops and their mixtures. The highest yields were recorded in treatment with 100 kgN ha- 1, and the lowest yield in treatment without fertilization. Fertilization led to decrease of share of alfalfa, meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass in dry matter, and increased the content of cocksfoot. The highest protein yield of pure crops was recorded for perennial ryegrass - 495.5, and in mixtures, the highest protein yield was recorded for four component mixture of alfalfa, cocksfoot, meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass of 568.0 kg ha-1. Fertilization with N increased protein yield considerably in pure crops as well as in their mixtures.
AB  - Travno-leguminozne smeše kao i usevi čistih kultura su od značaja za obezbeđenje kvalitetne kabaste stočne hrane, naročito u uslovima nizijskog stočarstva, u uslovima farmskog držanja kao i pri slobodnom sistemu ispaše životinja. Istraživanja su obavljena na čistim usevima tri vrste trava i lucerke, najzastupljenije leguminoze kod nas, kao i njihovih smeša u različitom odnosu učešća pojedinih komponenti. Đubrenje različitim količinama azota dovelo je do značajnog povećanja prinosa kako čistih useva tako i njihovih smeša. Najvećim prinosima odlikuju se tretmani sa 100 kgN ha-1, a najmanjim tretmani bez đubrenja. Đubrenje je smanjilo sadržaj lucerke, livadskog vijuka i engleskog ljulja u suvoj materiji travnjaka, a povećalo sadržaj ježevice. Najvećim prinosom proteina od čistih useva odlikuje se engleski ljulj (495,5 kg ha-1), a od smeša četvorokomponentna smeša lucerke, ježevice, livadskog vijuka i engleskog ljulja (568,0 kg ha-1). Đubrenje N je značajno povećalo prinos proteina kako kod čistih useva tako i kod njihovih smeša.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Dry matter and protein yield of alfalfa, cocksfoot, meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass and their mixtures under the influence of various doses of nitrogen fertilizer
T1  - Prinos suve materije i produkcija proteina lucerke, ježevice, livadskog vijuka, engleskog ljulja i njihovih smeša sa različitim dozama azotnog đubriva
VL  - 27
IS  - 3
SP  - 1219
EP  - 1226
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1103219T
ER  - 
author = "Tomić, Zorica and Bijelić, Zorica and Žujović, Miroslav and Simić, Aleksandar and Kresović, M. and Mandić, Violeta and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Grass-leguminous mixtures and pure crops are important for ensuring of sufficient quantities of high quality roughage, especially in conditions of low land livestock production, in conditions of farm housing system as well as in the system of free grazing of animals. Studies were carried out on pure crops of three grass species and their mixtures with different component ratios. Fertilization using different doses of nitrogen led to considerable increase of yield of pure crops and their mixtures. The highest yields were recorded in treatment with 100 kgN ha- 1, and the lowest yield in treatment without fertilization. Fertilization led to decrease of share of alfalfa, meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass in dry matter, and increased the content of cocksfoot. The highest protein yield of pure crops was recorded for perennial ryegrass - 495.5, and in mixtures, the highest protein yield was recorded for four component mixture of alfalfa, cocksfoot, meadow fescue and perennial ryegrass of 568.0 kg ha-1. Fertilization with N increased protein yield considerably in pure crops as well as in their mixtures., Travno-leguminozne smeše kao i usevi čistih kultura su od značaja za obezbeđenje kvalitetne kabaste stočne hrane, naročito u uslovima nizijskog stočarstva, u uslovima farmskog držanja kao i pri slobodnom sistemu ispaše životinja. Istraživanja su obavljena na čistim usevima tri vrste trava i lucerke, najzastupljenije leguminoze kod nas, kao i njihovih smeša u različitom odnosu učešća pojedinih komponenti. Đubrenje različitim količinama azota dovelo je do značajnog povećanja prinosa kako čistih useva tako i njihovih smeša. Najvećim prinosima odlikuju se tretmani sa 100 kgN ha-1, a najmanjim tretmani bez đubrenja. Đubrenje je smanjilo sadržaj lucerke, livadskog vijuka i engleskog ljulja u suvoj materiji travnjaka, a povećalo sadržaj ježevice. Najvećim prinosom proteina od čistih useva odlikuje se engleski ljulj (495,5 kg ha-1), a od smeša četvorokomponentna smeša lucerke, ježevice, livadskog vijuka i engleskog ljulja (568,0 kg ha-1). Đubrenje N je značajno povećalo prinos proteina kako kod čistih useva tako i kod njihovih smeša.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Dry matter and protein yield of alfalfa, cocksfoot, meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass and their mixtures under the influence of various doses of nitrogen fertilizer, Prinos suve materije i produkcija proteina lucerke, ježevice, livadskog vijuka, engleskog ljulja i njihovih smeša sa različitim dozama azotnog đubriva",
volume = "27",
number = "3",
pages = "1219-1226",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1103219T"
Tomić, Z., Bijelić, Z., Žujović, M., Simić, A., Kresović, M., Mandić, V.,& Marinkov, G.. (2011). Dry matter and protein yield of alfalfa, cocksfoot, meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass and their mixtures under the influence of various doses of nitrogen fertilizer. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 27(3), 1219-1226.
Tomić Z, Bijelić Z, Žujović M, Simić A, Kresović M, Mandić V, Marinkov G. Dry matter and protein yield of alfalfa, cocksfoot, meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass and their mixtures under the influence of various doses of nitrogen fertilizer. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2011;27(3):1219-1226.
doi:10.2298/BAH1103219T .
Tomić, Zorica, Bijelić, Zorica, Žujović, Miroslav, Simić, Aleksandar, Kresović, M., Mandić, Violeta, Marinkov, Gordana, "Dry matter and protein yield of alfalfa, cocksfoot, meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass and their mixtures under the influence of various doses of nitrogen fertilizer" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 27, no. 3 (2011):1219-1226, . .

Frequency of pathogenic fungi on alfalfa seed of different age

Krnjaja, Vesna; Lević, Jelena; Ivanović, D.; Mandić, Violeta; Tomić, Zorica; Bijelić, Zorica; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2011)

AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Lević, Jelena
AU  - Ivanović, D.
AU  - Mandić, Violeta
AU  - Tomić, Zorica
AU  - Bijelić, Zorica
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - The presence of pathogenic fungi species on seed of six alfalfa cultivars (K-22, K-23, K-28, NS Banat, NS Mediana and Zaječarska 83) of different seed age (24 months and 108 months) was analyzed in this study. In studied cultivars, except in K-28, on older seeds, less fungi genera were identified compared to younger seed. Seven fungi genera were identified: Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Stemphylium and sterile mycelia present in percentage from 0 to 6.5%. Alternaria species were identified on younger seed with 0.5% in cultivars K-28 and NS Mediana, 0.75% in K-22, 1% in Zaječarska 83 and 1.25% in cultivar NS Banat. In cultivar K-28, Alternaria species were identified in percentage of 0.25% on older seed. Aspergillus species in percentage of 0.25% were identified only in younger seed of cultivar NS Mediana. Cladosporium species were identified on younger seed in the percentage of 0.25% (NS Mediana), 1% (K-23 and NS Banat) and 6.5% (K-22), and on older seed in percentage of 0.5% (K-23, K-28 and NS Banat). Genus Fusarium was identified in percentage of 0.25% on younger seed of cultivar K-22. Genus Penicillium was identified in the range from 0.25% (K-22) to 0.5% (K-28) on younger seed and from 0.25% (K-22) to 1.75% (NS Banat) on older seed. Genus Rhizopus was identified in cultivar K-28, on younger (0.5%) and older seed (0.25%), and in cultivar Zaječarska 83, only in younger seed with 0.5%. Sterile mycelia was identified on younger seed of cultivars K-22 (4.5%), NS Banat (1.75%), K-23 (1.0%) and Zaječarska 83 (0.5%), and on older seed of cultivars K- 23 and K-28 with 0.25% and K-22 with 0.5%. Genus Stemphylium was identified in percentage of 0.25% only on younger seed of cultivars K-22, K-23, NS Banat and NS Mediana. Results of these analysis indicated favourable health condition of seeds of different age of analyzed alfalfa cultivars, especially in relation to economically important fungi genera Fusarium and Stemphylium.
AB  - U radu je proučavano prisustvo patogenih vrsta gljiva na semenu šest sorti lucerke (K-22, K-23, K-28, NS Banat, NS Mediana i Zaječarska 83) različite starosti semena (24 meseca i 108 meseci). Kod ispitivanih sorti, osim kod sorte K- 28, na starijem semenu identifikovan je manji broj rodova gljiva u odnosu na mlađe seme. Identifikovano je sedam rodova gljiva, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Stemphylium i sterilna micelija sa prisustvom od 0 do 6,5%. Alternaria vrste identifikovane su na mlađem semenu sa 0,5% kod sorata K-28 i NS Mediana, 0,75% kod K-22, 1% kod Zaječarska 83 i 1,25% kod NS Banat. Kod sorte K-28 Alternaria vrste identifikovane su sa 0,25% na starijem semenu. Aspergillus vrste identifikovane su sa 0,25% samo kod mlađeg semena sorte NS Mediana. Cladosporium vrste identifikovane su na mlađem semenu sa 0,25% (NS Mediana), 1% (K-23 i NS Banat) i 6,5% (K-22), a na starijem semenu sa 0,5% (K-23, K-28 i NS Banat). Rod Fusarium identifikovan je sa 0,25% na mlađem semenu kod sorte K-22. Rod Penicillium identifikovan je od 0,25% (K-22) do 0,5% (K-28) na mlađem semenu i od 0,25% (K-22) do 1,75% (NS Banat) na starijem semenu. Rod Rhizopus identifikovan je kod sorte K-28 i na mlađem (0,5%) i na starijem semenu (0,25%), a kod sorte Zaječarska 83 samo na mlađem semenu sa 0,5%. Sterilna micelija identifikovana je na mlađem semenu kod sorti K-22 (4,5%), NS Banat (1,75%), K-23 (1,0%) i Zaječarska 83 (0,5%), a na starijem semenu kod sorti K-23 i K-28 sa po 0,25% i K-22 sa 0,5%. Rod Stemphylium identifikovan je sa 0,25% samo na mlađem semenu sorti K-22, K-23, NS Banat i NS Mediana. Rezultati ovih analiza ukazuju na povoljno zdravstveno stanje semena različite starosti kod svih ispitivanih sorti lucerke, posebno u odnosu na ekonomski značajne rodove gljiva Fusarium i Stemphylium.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Frequency of pathogenic fungi on alfalfa seed of different age
T1  - Učestalost patogenih gljiva na lucerkinom semenu različite starosti
VL  - 27
IS  - 3
SP  - 1227
EP  - 1234
DO  - 10.2298/BAH1103227K
ER  - 
author = "Krnjaja, Vesna and Lević, Jelena and Ivanović, D. and Mandić, Violeta and Tomić, Zorica and Bijelić, Zorica and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2011",
abstract = "The presence of pathogenic fungi species on seed of six alfalfa cultivars (K-22, K-23, K-28, NS Banat, NS Mediana and Zaječarska 83) of different seed age (24 months and 108 months) was analyzed in this study. In studied cultivars, except in K-28, on older seeds, less fungi genera were identified compared to younger seed. Seven fungi genera were identified: Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Stemphylium and sterile mycelia present in percentage from 0 to 6.5%. Alternaria species were identified on younger seed with 0.5% in cultivars K-28 and NS Mediana, 0.75% in K-22, 1% in Zaječarska 83 and 1.25% in cultivar NS Banat. In cultivar K-28, Alternaria species were identified in percentage of 0.25% on older seed. Aspergillus species in percentage of 0.25% were identified only in younger seed of cultivar NS Mediana. Cladosporium species were identified on younger seed in the percentage of 0.25% (NS Mediana), 1% (K-23 and NS Banat) and 6.5% (K-22), and on older seed in percentage of 0.5% (K-23, K-28 and NS Banat). Genus Fusarium was identified in percentage of 0.25% on younger seed of cultivar K-22. Genus Penicillium was identified in the range from 0.25% (K-22) to 0.5% (K-28) on younger seed and from 0.25% (K-22) to 1.75% (NS Banat) on older seed. Genus Rhizopus was identified in cultivar K-28, on younger (0.5%) and older seed (0.25%), and in cultivar Zaječarska 83, only in younger seed with 0.5%. Sterile mycelia was identified on younger seed of cultivars K-22 (4.5%), NS Banat (1.75%), K-23 (1.0%) and Zaječarska 83 (0.5%), and on older seed of cultivars K- 23 and K-28 with 0.25% and K-22 with 0.5%. Genus Stemphylium was identified in percentage of 0.25% only on younger seed of cultivars K-22, K-23, NS Banat and NS Mediana. Results of these analysis indicated favourable health condition of seeds of different age of analyzed alfalfa cultivars, especially in relation to economically important fungi genera Fusarium and Stemphylium., U radu je proučavano prisustvo patogenih vrsta gljiva na semenu šest sorti lucerke (K-22, K-23, K-28, NS Banat, NS Mediana i Zaječarska 83) različite starosti semena (24 meseca i 108 meseci). Kod ispitivanih sorti, osim kod sorte K- 28, na starijem semenu identifikovan je manji broj rodova gljiva u odnosu na mlađe seme. Identifikovano je sedam rodova gljiva, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Stemphylium i sterilna micelija sa prisustvom od 0 do 6,5%. Alternaria vrste identifikovane su na mlađem semenu sa 0,5% kod sorata K-28 i NS Mediana, 0,75% kod K-22, 1% kod Zaječarska 83 i 1,25% kod NS Banat. Kod sorte K-28 Alternaria vrste identifikovane su sa 0,25% na starijem semenu. Aspergillus vrste identifikovane su sa 0,25% samo kod mlađeg semena sorte NS Mediana. Cladosporium vrste identifikovane su na mlađem semenu sa 0,25% (NS Mediana), 1% (K-23 i NS Banat) i 6,5% (K-22), a na starijem semenu sa 0,5% (K-23, K-28 i NS Banat). Rod Fusarium identifikovan je sa 0,25% na mlađem semenu kod sorte K-22. Rod Penicillium identifikovan je od 0,25% (K-22) do 0,5% (K-28) na mlađem semenu i od 0,25% (K-22) do 1,75% (NS Banat) na starijem semenu. Rod Rhizopus identifikovan je kod sorte K-28 i na mlađem (0,5%) i na starijem semenu (0,25%), a kod sorte Zaječarska 83 samo na mlađem semenu sa 0,5%. Sterilna micelija identifikovana je na mlađem semenu kod sorti K-22 (4,5%), NS Banat (1,75%), K-23 (1,0%) i Zaječarska 83 (0,5%), a na starijem semenu kod sorti K-23 i K-28 sa po 0,25% i K-22 sa 0,5%. Rod Stemphylium identifikovan je sa 0,25% samo na mlađem semenu sorti K-22, K-23, NS Banat i NS Mediana. Rezultati ovih analiza ukazuju na povoljno zdravstveno stanje semena različite starosti kod svih ispitivanih sorti lucerke, posebno u odnosu na ekonomski značajne rodove gljiva Fusarium i Stemphylium.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Frequency of pathogenic fungi on alfalfa seed of different age, Učestalost patogenih gljiva na lucerkinom semenu različite starosti",
volume = "27",
number = "3",
pages = "1227-1234",
doi = "10.2298/BAH1103227K"
Krnjaja, V., Lević, J., Ivanović, D., Mandić, V., Tomić, Z., Bijelić, Z.,& Marinkov, G.. (2011). Frequency of pathogenic fungi on alfalfa seed of different age. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 27(3), 1227-1234.
Krnjaja V, Lević J, Ivanović D, Mandić V, Tomić Z, Bijelić Z, Marinkov G. Frequency of pathogenic fungi on alfalfa seed of different age. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2011;27(3):1227-1234.
doi:10.2298/BAH1103227K .
Krnjaja, Vesna, Lević, Jelena, Ivanović, D., Mandić, Violeta, Tomić, Zorica, Bijelić, Zorica, Marinkov, Gordana, "Frequency of pathogenic fungi on alfalfa seed of different age" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 27, no. 3 (2011):1227-1234, . .

The effect of protein source in diet on production performances of fattening lambs

Ružić-Muslić, Dragana; Grubić, G.; Petrović, Milan P.; Žujović, Miroslav; Muslić, H.; Nešić, Zorica; Marinkov, Gordana; Stojanović, Ljiljana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)

AU  - Ružić-Muslić, Dragana
AU  - Grubić, G.
AU  - Petrović, Milan P.
AU  - Žujović, Miroslav
AU  - Muslić, H.
AU  - Nešić, Zorica
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
AU  - Stojanović, Ljiljana
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - Research was carried out on experimental sheep farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun. Trial included 60 lambs - crosses of F1 generation of Pirot Pramenka x Württemberg x Ile de France weaned at the age of 60 days. Nutrition treatment included study of three concentrated mixtures which were different in protein source (sunflower, soy bean and fish meal), i.e. share of proteins non-degradable at the level of reticulo-rumen: 43 (I) : 51 (II) : 58%(III). The effect of stated treatment in intensive fattening of lambs was monitored through production parameters. Obtained data was processed using standard statistical analysis. Average body mass of lambs at the beginning of trial, in treatments I: II: III was: 18,08: 18,12: 18,17 kg. After fattening of 75 days, final body mass of lambs in analogous treatments was: 30,78 (I) 33,52 (II) 35,17 kg (III) and average daily gain: 0,169: 0,205 : 0,227 kg. Per kilogram of realized gain of lambs, in analogous treatments, the following was consumed: 4,54 : 3,71 : 3,30 kg of dry matter of diet; energy: 33,77: 29,37 : 26,25 MJ; total proteins: 732 : 596 : 549 g. Research demonstrated that protein source in concentrate mixtures used in nutrition of fattening lambs (i.e. share of nondegradable protein in total proteins)had significant effect on production parameters, and the best performance was registered in lambs on treatment with fish meal (share of NP was 58%).
AB  - U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja različitih izvora proteina u obroku na intenzitet porasta i iskorišćavanje hrane i hranljivih materija kod odlučene jagnjadi u intenzivnom tovu. Ogled je izveden na 60 jagnjadi meleza F1 generacije pirotska pramenka x virtemberg x Il de frans, zalučenih sa 60 dana uzrasta, podeljenih u 3 grupe. Ishrana grla koncentrovanim smešama i lucerkinim senom je bila po volji. Ispitivan je efekat korišćenja tri smeše koje su se razlikovale u pogledu udela proteina nerazgradivog na nivou buraga: 43% (I), 51% (II) i 58% (III), što se postiglo korišćenjem različitih izvora proteina: suncokretove sačme (I) , sojine sačme (II) i ribljeg brašna (III), na proizvodne parametre jagnjadi u tovu. Statistička obrada dobijenih podataka je izvršena na računaru korišćenjem programa Stat.Soft, Inc. (2003). STATISTICA (data analysis software system), version 6, primenom standardnih matematičko - statističkih metoda. Jagnjad na tipovima ishrane I:II:III su ostvarila prosečan dnevni prirast: 0,169 : 0,205 : 0,227 kg. Konverzija suve materije (kg/kg prirasta) na analognim tretmanima je iznosila: 4,54 : 3,71: 3,30, energije (MJ NEM/kg): 33,77 : 29,37 : 26,25 , ukupnih proteina (g/kg): 732 : 596: 549 , PDIN (g/kg): 502 : 414 : 381 , PDIE (g/kg): 480 : 425 : 396.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - The effect of protein source in diet on production performances of fattening lambs
T1  - Efekat izvora proteina u obroku na proizvodne performanse jagnjadi u tovu
VL  - 23
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 41
EP  - 48
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0702041R
ER  - 
author = "Ružić-Muslić, Dragana and Grubić, G. and Petrović, Milan P. and Žujović, Miroslav and Muslić, H. and Nešić, Zorica and Marinkov, Gordana and Stojanović, Ljiljana",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Research was carried out on experimental sheep farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun. Trial included 60 lambs - crosses of F1 generation of Pirot Pramenka x Württemberg x Ile de France weaned at the age of 60 days. Nutrition treatment included study of three concentrated mixtures which were different in protein source (sunflower, soy bean and fish meal), i.e. share of proteins non-degradable at the level of reticulo-rumen: 43 (I) : 51 (II) : 58%(III). The effect of stated treatment in intensive fattening of lambs was monitored through production parameters. Obtained data was processed using standard statistical analysis. Average body mass of lambs at the beginning of trial, in treatments I: II: III was: 18,08: 18,12: 18,17 kg. After fattening of 75 days, final body mass of lambs in analogous treatments was: 30,78 (I) 33,52 (II) 35,17 kg (III) and average daily gain: 0,169: 0,205 : 0,227 kg. Per kilogram of realized gain of lambs, in analogous treatments, the following was consumed: 4,54 : 3,71 : 3,30 kg of dry matter of diet; energy: 33,77: 29,37 : 26,25 MJ; total proteins: 732 : 596 : 549 g. Research demonstrated that protein source in concentrate mixtures used in nutrition of fattening lambs (i.e. share of nondegradable protein in total proteins)had significant effect on production parameters, and the best performance was registered in lambs on treatment with fish meal (share of NP was 58%)., U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja različitih izvora proteina u obroku na intenzitet porasta i iskorišćavanje hrane i hranljivih materija kod odlučene jagnjadi u intenzivnom tovu. Ogled je izveden na 60 jagnjadi meleza F1 generacije pirotska pramenka x virtemberg x Il de frans, zalučenih sa 60 dana uzrasta, podeljenih u 3 grupe. Ishrana grla koncentrovanim smešama i lucerkinim senom je bila po volji. Ispitivan je efekat korišćenja tri smeše koje su se razlikovale u pogledu udela proteina nerazgradivog na nivou buraga: 43% (I), 51% (II) i 58% (III), što se postiglo korišćenjem različitih izvora proteina: suncokretove sačme (I) , sojine sačme (II) i ribljeg brašna (III), na proizvodne parametre jagnjadi u tovu. Statistička obrada dobijenih podataka je izvršena na računaru korišćenjem programa Stat.Soft, Inc. (2003). STATISTICA (data analysis software system), version 6, primenom standardnih matematičko - statističkih metoda. Jagnjad na tipovima ishrane I:II:III su ostvarila prosečan dnevni prirast: 0,169 : 0,205 : 0,227 kg. Konverzija suve materije (kg/kg prirasta) na analognim tretmanima je iznosila: 4,54 : 3,71: 3,30, energije (MJ NEM/kg): 33,77 : 29,37 : 26,25 , ukupnih proteina (g/kg): 732 : 596: 549 , PDIN (g/kg): 502 : 414 : 381 , PDIE (g/kg): 480 : 425 : 396.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "The effect of protein source in diet on production performances of fattening lambs, Efekat izvora proteina u obroku na proizvodne performanse jagnjadi u tovu",
volume = "23",
number = "1-2",
pages = "41-48",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0702041R"
Ružić-Muslić, D., Grubić, G., Petrović, M. P., Žujović, M., Muslić, H., Nešić, Z., Marinkov, G.,& Stojanović, L.. (2007). The effect of protein source in diet on production performances of fattening lambs. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 23(1-2), 41-48.
Ružić-Muslić D, Grubić G, Petrović MP, Žujović M, Muslić H, Nešić Z, Marinkov G, Stojanović L. The effect of protein source in diet on production performances of fattening lambs. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2007;23(1-2):41-48.
doi:10.2298/BAH0702041R .
Ružić-Muslić, Dragana, Grubić, G., Petrović, Milan P., Žujović, Miroslav, Muslić, H., Nešić, Zorica, Marinkov, Gordana, Stojanović, Ljiljana, "The effect of protein source in diet on production performances of fattening lambs" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23, no. 1-2 (2007):41-48, . .

Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of back fat thickness on quality of carcass of Swedish landrace pigs

Kosovac, Olga; Živković, Branislav; Radović, Čedomir; Marinkov, Gordana; Tomašević, Dušica; Delić, Nikola; Pejčić, Saša

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)

AU  - Kosovac, Olga
AU  - Živković, Branislav
AU  - Radović, Čedomir
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
AU  - Tomašević, Dušica
AU  - Delić, Nikola
AU  - Pejčić, Saša
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - In this paper a comparative research relating to evaluation of the quality of pig carcasses originating from Swedish Landrace was carried out, total of 248 fatteners divided into two groups depending on the back fat thickness on withers and back. Quality was determined by partial dissection of left carcass sides according to procedure recommended by EU. The effect of back fat thickness on withers and back on quality of carcass sides, i.e. its effect on the share of muscle tissue, skin with subcutaneous fat tissue and intermuscular fat tissue in carcass side, was investigated. Obtained data show that exhibited difference in meat yield between groups wasn't statistically significant (P>0,05) in any of the cases. However, by testing the differences in relative yield of skin with subcutaneous fat tissue of leg, share of intermuscular fat tissue of shoulder, LSD and TRS, significance at the level of 5% was determined in fatteners with greater back fat thickness on withers. Observed differences relating to the effect of back fat thickness on share of skin with subcutaneous fat tissue in the carcass were significant and highly significant (*P (lt) 0,05 and **P (lt) 0,01). Positive correlation of medium strength was established (0,66859) between back fat thickness and content of skin with subcutaneous fat tissue. Between the content of intermuscular fat tissue and back fat thickness a strong positive correlation was established (0,76648).
AB  - U ovom radu je izvršeno komparativno ispitivanje ocene kvaliteta svinjskih trupova poreklom od švedskog landrasa, ukupno 248 tovljenika podeljenih u četiri grupe u zavisnosti od debljine slanine na grebenu i leđima. Kvalitet trupova utvrđen je parcijalnom disekcijom levih polutki prema proceduri preporučenoj u EU. Na osnovu debljine slanine na grebenu i leđima ispitivan je kvalitet svinjskih polutki tj. njihov uticaj na udeo mišićnog tkiva, kože sa potkožno masnim i intermuskularnim masnim tkivom. Dobijeni podaci pokazuju da ispoljena razlika u mesnatosti između grupa statistički nije značajna (P>0,05) ni u jednom slučaju. Međutim, testiranjem razlika relativnog prinosa kože sa potkožnim masnim tkivom u butu, udela intermuskularnog masnog tkiva u plećki, LSD i TRD utvrđena je signifikantnost na nivou 5%, kod tovljenika koji su imali deblju slaninu na grebenu. Uočene razlike uticaja debljine leđne slanine na učešće kože sa potkožnim masnim i intermuskularnim masnim tkivom u trupu su bile značajne i vrlo značajne (*P (lt) 0,05 i **P (lt) 0,01). Ustanovljena je pozitivna korelacija srednje jačine (0,66859) između debljine leđne slanine i sadržaja kože sa potkožno masnim tkivom. Između sadržaja intermuskularnog masnog tkiva i debljine leđne slanine nađena je pozitivna jaka korelacija (0,76648).
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of back fat thickness on quality of carcass of Swedish landrace pigs
T1  - Prilog poznavanju uticaja debljine slanine na kvalitet trupova svinja rase Švedski landras
VL  - 23
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 59
EP  - 70
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0702059K
ER  - 
author = "Kosovac, Olga and Živković, Branislav and Radović, Čedomir and Marinkov, Gordana and Tomašević, Dušica and Delić, Nikola and Pejčić, Saša",
year = "2007",
abstract = "In this paper a comparative research relating to evaluation of the quality of pig carcasses originating from Swedish Landrace was carried out, total of 248 fatteners divided into two groups depending on the back fat thickness on withers and back. Quality was determined by partial dissection of left carcass sides according to procedure recommended by EU. The effect of back fat thickness on withers and back on quality of carcass sides, i.e. its effect on the share of muscle tissue, skin with subcutaneous fat tissue and intermuscular fat tissue in carcass side, was investigated. Obtained data show that exhibited difference in meat yield between groups wasn't statistically significant (P>0,05) in any of the cases. However, by testing the differences in relative yield of skin with subcutaneous fat tissue of leg, share of intermuscular fat tissue of shoulder, LSD and TRS, significance at the level of 5% was determined in fatteners with greater back fat thickness on withers. Observed differences relating to the effect of back fat thickness on share of skin with subcutaneous fat tissue in the carcass were significant and highly significant (*P (lt) 0,05 and **P (lt) 0,01). Positive correlation of medium strength was established (0,66859) between back fat thickness and content of skin with subcutaneous fat tissue. Between the content of intermuscular fat tissue and back fat thickness a strong positive correlation was established (0,76648)., U ovom radu je izvršeno komparativno ispitivanje ocene kvaliteta svinjskih trupova poreklom od švedskog landrasa, ukupno 248 tovljenika podeljenih u četiri grupe u zavisnosti od debljine slanine na grebenu i leđima. Kvalitet trupova utvrđen je parcijalnom disekcijom levih polutki prema proceduri preporučenoj u EU. Na osnovu debljine slanine na grebenu i leđima ispitivan je kvalitet svinjskih polutki tj. njihov uticaj na udeo mišićnog tkiva, kože sa potkožno masnim i intermuskularnim masnim tkivom. Dobijeni podaci pokazuju da ispoljena razlika u mesnatosti između grupa statistički nije značajna (P>0,05) ni u jednom slučaju. Međutim, testiranjem razlika relativnog prinosa kože sa potkožnim masnim tkivom u butu, udela intermuskularnog masnog tkiva u plećki, LSD i TRD utvrđena je signifikantnost na nivou 5%, kod tovljenika koji su imali deblju slaninu na grebenu. Uočene razlike uticaja debljine leđne slanine na učešće kože sa potkožnim masnim i intermuskularnim masnim tkivom u trupu su bile značajne i vrlo značajne (*P (lt) 0,05 i **P (lt) 0,01). Ustanovljena je pozitivna korelacija srednje jačine (0,66859) između debljine leđne slanine i sadržaja kože sa potkožno masnim tkivom. Između sadržaja intermuskularnog masnog tkiva i debljine leđne slanine nađena je pozitivna jaka korelacija (0,76648).",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of back fat thickness on quality of carcass of Swedish landrace pigs, Prilog poznavanju uticaja debljine slanine na kvalitet trupova svinja rase Švedski landras",
volume = "23",
number = "1-2",
pages = "59-70",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0702059K"
Kosovac, O., Živković, B., Radović, Č., Marinkov, G., Tomašević, D., Delić, N.,& Pejčić, S.. (2007). Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of back fat thickness on quality of carcass of Swedish landrace pigs. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 23(1-2), 59-70.
Kosovac O, Živković B, Radović Č, Marinkov G, Tomašević D, Delić N, Pejčić S. Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of back fat thickness on quality of carcass of Swedish landrace pigs. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2007;23(1-2):59-70.
doi:10.2298/BAH0702059K .
Kosovac, Olga, Živković, Branislav, Radović, Čedomir, Marinkov, Gordana, Tomašević, Dušica, Delić, Nikola, Pejčić, Saša, "Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of back fat thickness on quality of carcass of Swedish landrace pigs" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23, no. 1-2 (2007):59-70, . .

Influence of application of enzymes in poultry nutrition on production results and quality of product

Cmiljanić, Ratimir; Pavlovski, Zlatica; Trenkovski, Snežana; Lukić, Miloš; Škrbić, Zdenka; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)

AU  - Cmiljanić, Ratimir
AU  - Pavlovski, Zlatica
AU  - Trenkovski, Snežana
AU  - Lukić, Miloš
AU  - Škrbić, Zdenka
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - The review of the latest results in application of enzymes in nutrition of poultry is presented in this paper. Results obtained in application of enzymes in nutrition of chickens and layer hens are presented. Investigations have demonstrated that addition of enzymes to diets in nutrition of fattening chickens resulted in improvement of production results and quality of the product. By adding certain enzyme preparations to diets in nutrition of chickens higher gain of body mass was realized as well as better feed conversion. Results are even better if enzymes are added to diets which contain more non-starch polysaccharides. These are the diets which contain considerable percentage of cereals (barley, wheat, rye, oats) and plant protein feeds (sunflower meal, rape seed oil meal, soy bean meal). Added enzymes in such diets increase the digestibility of certain nutritive substances (proteins, amino acids, mineral substances and crude fibres). Enzyme phytase is of special importance, application of this enzyme improves the utilization of phytine phosphorus and in this way the secretion of phytine phosphorus in the environment is reduced and pollution prevented. Similar results in regard to application of enzymes in nutrition of layer hens were obtained. Investigations have demonstrated that by adding certain enzyme preparations to diets used in nutrition of layers higher laying capacity and better egg quality are realized. Enzyme phytase is of special importance also in nutrition of layer hens. By application of this enzyme in nutrition of layers primarily better egg quality is realized (thicker and stronger egg shell, lower percentage of broken/cracked eggs, less dirty eggs, etc.). Results of previous research have contributed to inclusion of enzymes in regular additives into diets for poultry nutrition.
AB  - U ovom revijalnom radu dat je prikaz najnovijih rezultata ispitivanja uticaja primene enzimskih preparata u ishrani živine.Prikazani su rezultati primene enzima u ishrani pilića. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da primena enzimskih preparata u ishani pilića utiče pozitivno na proizvodne rezultate (prirast telesne mase, konzumaciju hrane, konverziju hrane i zdravstveno stanje pilića).Utvrdjen je takodje pozitivan uticaj primenjenih enzima u ishrani pilića na kvalitet proizvoda (kvalitet trupa i sastav trupa). Efekti su posebno izraženi kod pilića hranjenih obrocima na bazi žitarica (ječam, pšenica, ovas) i biljnih proteinskih hraniva (suncokretova sačma, arašidova sačma i sačma uljane repice). Primena enzima u ishrani nosilja uticala je pozitivno na proizvodne rezultate (nosivost) i kvalitet jaja, posebno na kvalitet ljuske (debljina ljuske, čvrstina ljuske i manja zaprljanost jaja).
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Influence of application of enzymes in poultry nutrition on production results and quality of product
T1  - Uticaj primene enzima u ishrani živine na proizvodne rezultate i kvalitet proizvoda
VL  - 23
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 49
EP  - 57
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0702049C
ER  - 
author = "Cmiljanić, Ratimir and Pavlovski, Zlatica and Trenkovski, Snežana and Lukić, Miloš and Škrbić, Zdenka and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2007",
abstract = "The review of the latest results in application of enzymes in nutrition of poultry is presented in this paper. Results obtained in application of enzymes in nutrition of chickens and layer hens are presented. Investigations have demonstrated that addition of enzymes to diets in nutrition of fattening chickens resulted in improvement of production results and quality of the product. By adding certain enzyme preparations to diets in nutrition of chickens higher gain of body mass was realized as well as better feed conversion. Results are even better if enzymes are added to diets which contain more non-starch polysaccharides. These are the diets which contain considerable percentage of cereals (barley, wheat, rye, oats) and plant protein feeds (sunflower meal, rape seed oil meal, soy bean meal). Added enzymes in such diets increase the digestibility of certain nutritive substances (proteins, amino acids, mineral substances and crude fibres). Enzyme phytase is of special importance, application of this enzyme improves the utilization of phytine phosphorus and in this way the secretion of phytine phosphorus in the environment is reduced and pollution prevented. Similar results in regard to application of enzymes in nutrition of layer hens were obtained. Investigations have demonstrated that by adding certain enzyme preparations to diets used in nutrition of layers higher laying capacity and better egg quality are realized. Enzyme phytase is of special importance also in nutrition of layer hens. By application of this enzyme in nutrition of layers primarily better egg quality is realized (thicker and stronger egg shell, lower percentage of broken/cracked eggs, less dirty eggs, etc.). Results of previous research have contributed to inclusion of enzymes in regular additives into diets for poultry nutrition., U ovom revijalnom radu dat je prikaz najnovijih rezultata ispitivanja uticaja primene enzimskih preparata u ishrani živine.Prikazani su rezultati primene enzima u ishrani pilića. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da primena enzimskih preparata u ishani pilića utiče pozitivno na proizvodne rezultate (prirast telesne mase, konzumaciju hrane, konverziju hrane i zdravstveno stanje pilića).Utvrdjen je takodje pozitivan uticaj primenjenih enzima u ishrani pilića na kvalitet proizvoda (kvalitet trupa i sastav trupa). Efekti su posebno izraženi kod pilića hranjenih obrocima na bazi žitarica (ječam, pšenica, ovas) i biljnih proteinskih hraniva (suncokretova sačma, arašidova sačma i sačma uljane repice). Primena enzima u ishrani nosilja uticala je pozitivno na proizvodne rezultate (nosivost) i kvalitet jaja, posebno na kvalitet ljuske (debljina ljuske, čvrstina ljuske i manja zaprljanost jaja).",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Influence of application of enzymes in poultry nutrition on production results and quality of product, Uticaj primene enzima u ishrani živine na proizvodne rezultate i kvalitet proizvoda",
volume = "23",
number = "1-2",
pages = "49-57",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0702049C"
Cmiljanić, R., Pavlovski, Z., Trenkovski, S., Lukić, M., Škrbić, Z.,& Marinkov, G.. (2007). Influence of application of enzymes in poultry nutrition on production results and quality of product. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 23(1-2), 49-57.
Cmiljanić R, Pavlovski Z, Trenkovski S, Lukić M, Škrbić Z, Marinkov G. Influence of application of enzymes in poultry nutrition on production results and quality of product. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2007;23(1-2):49-57.
doi:10.2298/BAH0702049C .
Cmiljanić, Ratimir, Pavlovski, Zlatica, Trenkovski, Snežana, Lukić, Miloš, Škrbić, Zdenka, Marinkov, Gordana, "Influence of application of enzymes in poultry nutrition on production results and quality of product" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23, no. 1-2 (2007):49-57, . .

Share of tissue in retail cuts of carcasses of young cattle

Aleksić, Stevica; Josipović, Slavko; Tomašević, Dušica; Marinkov, Gordana; Ostojić Andrić, Dušica

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)

AU  - Aleksić, Stevica
AU  - Josipović, Slavko
AU  - Tomašević, Dušica
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
AU  - Ostojić Andrić, Dušica
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - In order to determine the content of certain tissues in retail (main) cuts of young cattle carcasses, dissection of 30 carcass sides from young cattle was performed. Average weight of carcass sides was 169 kg. Average share of meat (approx. 86%) in carcass parts of the 1st category (leg), in carcass parts of the 2nd category (loin, back, shoulder) approx. 78%, and in carcass parts of the 3rd category (neck, subshoulder, foreshank, breast, ribs, belly, leg) approx. 73% was determined. Share (average) of bones in carcass parts of the 1st category was approx. 11%, 2nd category approx. 18%, and 3rd category approx. 20%. Share (average) of fat in carcass parts of the 1st category was approx. 2,0%, 2nd category approx. 3,5%, and 3rd category approx. 5,5%. Average share of binding tissue in carcass parts of the 1st category was approx. 0,3%, 2nd category approx. 0,7% and 3rd category approx. 1,5%. .
AB  - U cilju utvrđivanja sadržaja tkiva u maloprodajnim delovima junećeg trupa, obavljena je disekcija 30 polutki prosečne mase 169 kg. Prosečni udeo mesa u delovima trupa I kategorije (but) iznosio je oko 86%, u delovima trupe II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) oko 78%, a u delovima trupa III kategorije (vrat, podplećka, podlaktica, grudi, rebra, trbušina, kolenica) oko 73%. Udeo kostiju u delovima trupa I kategorije bio je oko 11%, II kategorije oko 18%, a III kategorije oko 20%. Udeo loja u delovima trupa I kategorije iznosio je oko 2,0%, II kategorije oko 3,5%, a III kategorije oko 5,5%. Prosečni udeo vezivnog tkiva u delovima trupa I kategorije iznosi oko 0,3%, II kategorije oko 0,7% i III kategorije oko 1,5%. .
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Share of tissue in retail cuts of carcasses of young cattle
T1  - Udeo tkiva u maloprodajnim delovima junećih trupova
VL  - 23
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 75
EP  - 81
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0704075A
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Stevica and Josipović, Slavko and Tomašević, Dušica and Marinkov, Gordana and Ostojić Andrić, Dušica",
year = "2007",
abstract = "In order to determine the content of certain tissues in retail (main) cuts of young cattle carcasses, dissection of 30 carcass sides from young cattle was performed. Average weight of carcass sides was 169 kg. Average share of meat (approx. 86%) in carcass parts of the 1st category (leg), in carcass parts of the 2nd category (loin, back, shoulder) approx. 78%, and in carcass parts of the 3rd category (neck, subshoulder, foreshank, breast, ribs, belly, leg) approx. 73% was determined. Share (average) of bones in carcass parts of the 1st category was approx. 11%, 2nd category approx. 18%, and 3rd category approx. 20%. Share (average) of fat in carcass parts of the 1st category was approx. 2,0%, 2nd category approx. 3,5%, and 3rd category approx. 5,5%. Average share of binding tissue in carcass parts of the 1st category was approx. 0,3%, 2nd category approx. 0,7% and 3rd category approx. 1,5%. ., U cilju utvrđivanja sadržaja tkiva u maloprodajnim delovima junećeg trupa, obavljena je disekcija 30 polutki prosečne mase 169 kg. Prosečni udeo mesa u delovima trupa I kategorije (but) iznosio je oko 86%, u delovima trupe II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) oko 78%, a u delovima trupa III kategorije (vrat, podplećka, podlaktica, grudi, rebra, trbušina, kolenica) oko 73%. Udeo kostiju u delovima trupa I kategorije bio je oko 11%, II kategorije oko 18%, a III kategorije oko 20%. Udeo loja u delovima trupa I kategorije iznosio je oko 2,0%, II kategorije oko 3,5%, a III kategorije oko 5,5%. Prosečni udeo vezivnog tkiva u delovima trupa I kategorije iznosi oko 0,3%, II kategorije oko 0,7% i III kategorije oko 1,5%. .",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Share of tissue in retail cuts of carcasses of young cattle, Udeo tkiva u maloprodajnim delovima junećih trupova",
volume = "23",
number = "3-4",
pages = "75-81",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0704075A"
Aleksić, S., Josipović, S., Tomašević, D., Marinkov, G.,& Ostojić Andrić, D.. (2007). Share of tissue in retail cuts of carcasses of young cattle. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 23(3-4), 75-81.
Aleksić S, Josipović S, Tomašević D, Marinkov G, Ostojić Andrić D. Share of tissue in retail cuts of carcasses of young cattle. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2007;23(3-4):75-81.
doi:10.2298/BAH0704075A .
Aleksić, Stevica, Josipović, Slavko, Tomašević, Dušica, Marinkov, Gordana, Ostojić Andrić, Dušica, "Share of tissue in retail cuts of carcasses of young cattle" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23, no. 3-4 (2007):75-81, . .

Comparable presentation of carcass and meat quality of different pig genotypes using modern evaluation methods

Kosovac, Olga; Josipović, Slavko; Živković, Branislav; Radović, Čedomir; Marinkov, Gordana; Tomašević, Dušica

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)

AU  - Kosovac, Olga
AU  - Josipović, Slavko
AU  - Živković, Branislav
AU  - Radović, Čedomir
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
AU  - Tomašević, Dušica
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - In this paper quality of carcasses/carcass sides and meat from 5 different pig genotypes was comparably evaluated. Quality of carcass sides was evaluated prior to slaughtering in vivo (SONOMARK SM 100 M), early post mortem on slaughter line (FOM), by method of two points (ZP - ZWEIPUNKT) as well as method of partial dissection on cold left carcass sides according to EU recommendations. By analysis of obtained results it can be concluded that fatteners of type E (LW x SL) x P had the highest meat yield in carcass sides (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 and 58,89%) by any other mentioned methods of evaluation compared to average meat yield in carcass sides of other investigated genotypes. Average yield of muscle tissue in carcasses of pigs of E genotype (LW x SL) x P (58,89%) established by method of partial dissection was statistically considerably higher (*p (lt) 0,05) than the average (56,06%) meat yield in carcasses of pigs of genotype D, very significantly higher (**p (lt) 0,01) than average (57,01%) meat yield in carcasses of pigs of genotype C and very highly significantly higher (***p (lt) 0,001) than average (51,30%) meat yield in carcasses of pigs of genotype A. The quality of meat was also investigated comparably by determining its technological quality and chemical composition of MLD in investigated genotypes of pigs. Technological quality and chemical composition of MLD demonstrated significant (*p (lt) 0,05) differences in WBC and pigment content between genotypes B and C and B and E. Average values for content of ashes and share of pigment are in accordance with average values which characterize muscles of normal traits. By analysis of obtained results we conclude that fatteners of genotype E (LW x SL) x P had the highest meat yield in carcass sides (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 and 58,89%), but quality was slightly decreased which indicates need for further improvement of meat quality.
AB  - U radu je izvršeno komparativno ocenjivanje kvaliteta trupova/polutki i mesa 5 različitih genotipova svinja. Kvalitet polutki ocenjen je na živim životinjama pre klanja in-vivo SONOMARK SM 100 M), rano post mortem na liniji klanja (FOM), metodom dve tačke (ZP - ZWEI-PUNKT) kao i metodom parcijalne disekcije na ohlađenim levim polutkama po preporuci EU. Analizom dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su tovljenici genotipa E (VJ x ŠL) x P imali najveći prinos mesa u polutkama (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 i 58,89%) pri korišćenju bilo koje od navedenih metoda ocene u poređenju sa prosečnim prinosom mesa u polutkama svinja ostalih ispitivanih genotipova. Prosečan prinos mišićnog tkiva u trupovima svinja genotipa E (VJ x ŠL) x P (58,89%) ustanovljen primenom metode parcijalne disekcije statistički značajno veći (*p (lt) 0,05) od prosečnog (56,06%) prinosa mesa u trupovima svinja genotipa D, vrlo značajno veći (**p (lt) 0,01) od prosečnog (57,01%) prinosa mesa u trupovima svinja genotipa C i vrlo visoko značajno veći (* **p (lt) 0,001) od prosečnog (51,30%) prinosa mesa u trupovima svinja genotipa A. Ispitan je komparativno i kvalitet mesa određivanjem tehnološkog kvaliteta i hemijskog sastava MLD-a ispitivanih genotipova svinja Tehnološki kvalitet i hemijski sastav mesa MLD-a ispoljio je značajne (*p (lt) 0,05) razlike u SVV i sadržaju pigmenata između genotipova B i C i B i E. Prosečne vrednosti za sadržaj pepela i udeo pigmenata odgovara prosečnim vrednostima koje karakteriše mišiće normalnih svojstava. Analizom dobijenih rezultata zaključujemo da su tovljenici genotipa E (VJ x ŠL) x P imali najveći prinos mesa u polutkama (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 i58,89%), no nešto umanjenog kvaliteta, što iziskuje dalji rad na poboljšanju kvaliteta mesa.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Comparable presentation of carcass and meat quality of different pig genotypes using modern evaluation methods
T1  - Uporedni prikaz kvaliteta svinjskih trupova primenom nekih savremenih metoda ocene
VL  - 23
IS  - 5-6-2
SP  - 291
EP  - 301
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0702291K
ER  - 
author = "Kosovac, Olga and Josipović, Slavko and Živković, Branislav and Radović, Čedomir and Marinkov, Gordana and Tomašević, Dušica",
year = "2007",
abstract = "In this paper quality of carcasses/carcass sides and meat from 5 different pig genotypes was comparably evaluated. Quality of carcass sides was evaluated prior to slaughtering in vivo (SONOMARK SM 100 M), early post mortem on slaughter line (FOM), by method of two points (ZP - ZWEIPUNKT) as well as method of partial dissection on cold left carcass sides according to EU recommendations. By analysis of obtained results it can be concluded that fatteners of type E (LW x SL) x P had the highest meat yield in carcass sides (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 and 58,89%) by any other mentioned methods of evaluation compared to average meat yield in carcass sides of other investigated genotypes. Average yield of muscle tissue in carcasses of pigs of E genotype (LW x SL) x P (58,89%) established by method of partial dissection was statistically considerably higher (*p (lt) 0,05) than the average (56,06%) meat yield in carcasses of pigs of genotype D, very significantly higher (**p (lt) 0,01) than average (57,01%) meat yield in carcasses of pigs of genotype C and very highly significantly higher (***p (lt) 0,001) than average (51,30%) meat yield in carcasses of pigs of genotype A. The quality of meat was also investigated comparably by determining its technological quality and chemical composition of MLD in investigated genotypes of pigs. Technological quality and chemical composition of MLD demonstrated significant (*p (lt) 0,05) differences in WBC and pigment content between genotypes B and C and B and E. Average values for content of ashes and share of pigment are in accordance with average values which characterize muscles of normal traits. By analysis of obtained results we conclude that fatteners of genotype E (LW x SL) x P had the highest meat yield in carcass sides (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 and 58,89%), but quality was slightly decreased which indicates need for further improvement of meat quality., U radu je izvršeno komparativno ocenjivanje kvaliteta trupova/polutki i mesa 5 različitih genotipova svinja. Kvalitet polutki ocenjen je na živim životinjama pre klanja in-vivo SONOMARK SM 100 M), rano post mortem na liniji klanja (FOM), metodom dve tačke (ZP - ZWEI-PUNKT) kao i metodom parcijalne disekcije na ohlađenim levim polutkama po preporuci EU. Analizom dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su tovljenici genotipa E (VJ x ŠL) x P imali najveći prinos mesa u polutkama (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 i 58,89%) pri korišćenju bilo koje od navedenih metoda ocene u poređenju sa prosečnim prinosom mesa u polutkama svinja ostalih ispitivanih genotipova. Prosečan prinos mišićnog tkiva u trupovima svinja genotipa E (VJ x ŠL) x P (58,89%) ustanovljen primenom metode parcijalne disekcije statistički značajno veći (*p (lt) 0,05) od prosečnog (56,06%) prinosa mesa u trupovima svinja genotipa D, vrlo značajno veći (**p (lt) 0,01) od prosečnog (57,01%) prinosa mesa u trupovima svinja genotipa C i vrlo visoko značajno veći (* **p (lt) 0,001) od prosečnog (51,30%) prinosa mesa u trupovima svinja genotipa A. Ispitan je komparativno i kvalitet mesa određivanjem tehnološkog kvaliteta i hemijskog sastava MLD-a ispitivanih genotipova svinja Tehnološki kvalitet i hemijski sastav mesa MLD-a ispoljio je značajne (*p (lt) 0,05) razlike u SVV i sadržaju pigmenata između genotipova B i C i B i E. Prosečne vrednosti za sadržaj pepela i udeo pigmenata odgovara prosečnim vrednostima koje karakteriše mišiće normalnih svojstava. Analizom dobijenih rezultata zaključujemo da su tovljenici genotipa E (VJ x ŠL) x P imali najveći prinos mesa u polutkama (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 i58,89%), no nešto umanjenog kvaliteta, što iziskuje dalji rad na poboljšanju kvaliteta mesa.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Comparable presentation of carcass and meat quality of different pig genotypes using modern evaluation methods, Uporedni prikaz kvaliteta svinjskih trupova primenom nekih savremenih metoda ocene",
volume = "23",
number = "5-6-2",
pages = "291-301",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0702291K"
Kosovac, O., Josipović, S., Živković, B., Radović, Č., Marinkov, G.,& Tomašević, D.. (2007). Comparable presentation of carcass and meat quality of different pig genotypes using modern evaluation methods. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 23(5-6-2), 291-301.
Kosovac O, Josipović S, Živković B, Radović Č, Marinkov G, Tomašević D. Comparable presentation of carcass and meat quality of different pig genotypes using modern evaluation methods. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2007;23(5-6-2):291-301.
doi:10.2298/BAH0702291K .
Kosovac, Olga, Josipović, Slavko, Živković, Branislav, Radović, Čedomir, Marinkov, Gordana, Tomašević, Dušica, "Comparable presentation of carcass and meat quality of different pig genotypes using modern evaluation methods" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23, no. 5-6-2 (2007):291-301, . .

The presence of potential toxigenic fungi in animal feed with particular rewiev on species of genera Aspergillus and Fusarium

Krnjaja, Vesna; Lević, Jelena; Tomić, Zorica; Stojanović, Ljiljana; Trenkovski, Snežana; Nešić, Zorica; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)

AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Lević, Jelena
AU  - Tomić, Zorica
AU  - Stojanović, Ljiljana
AU  - Trenkovski, Snežana
AU  - Nešić, Zorica
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - The presence of potential toxigenic fungi genera was investigated in 72 samples of different kinds of animal feed. A total five genera of fungi were isolated and identified with followed degree of frequency: Aspergillus (79,17%), Rhizopus (70,83%), Penicillium (68,06%), Fusarium (51,39%) i Mucor (30,56%). The most frequent of the species of fungi from genera Aspergillus and Fusarium were isolated: A. flavus (73,61%), A. fumigatus (31,94%), A. ohraceus (23,16%), A. niger (4,17%), F. verticillioides (36,11%), F. proliferatum (15,28%) i F. subglutinans (2,78%).
AB  - Ukupno 72 uzoraka razlčitih vrsta hrane za životinje ispitano je na prisustvo potencijalno toksigenih rodova gljiva. Izolovano i identifikovano je ukupno pet rodova gljiva sa sledećim stepenom zastupljenosti: Aspergillus (79,17%), Rhizopus (70,83%), Penicillium (68,06%), Fusarium (51,39%) i Mucor (30,56%). Najčešće izolovane vrste iz rodova Aspergillus i Fusarium su: A. flavus (73,61%), A. fumigatus (31,94%), A. ohraceus (23,16%), A. niger (4,17%), F. verticillioides (36,11%), F. proliferatum (15,28%) i F. subglutinans (2,78%).
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - The presence of potential toxigenic fungi in animal feed with particular rewiev on species of genera Aspergillus and Fusarium
T1  - Prisustvo potencijalno toksigenih gljiva u hrani za životinje sa posebnim osvrtom na vrste rodova Aspergillus i Fusarium
VL  - 23
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 95
EP  - 103
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0702095K
ER  - 
author = "Krnjaja, Vesna and Lević, Jelena and Tomić, Zorica and Stojanović, Ljiljana and Trenkovski, Snežana and Nešić, Zorica and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2007",
abstract = "The presence of potential toxigenic fungi genera was investigated in 72 samples of different kinds of animal feed. A total five genera of fungi were isolated and identified with followed degree of frequency: Aspergillus (79,17%), Rhizopus (70,83%), Penicillium (68,06%), Fusarium (51,39%) i Mucor (30,56%). The most frequent of the species of fungi from genera Aspergillus and Fusarium were isolated: A. flavus (73,61%), A. fumigatus (31,94%), A. ohraceus (23,16%), A. niger (4,17%), F. verticillioides (36,11%), F. proliferatum (15,28%) i F. subglutinans (2,78%)., Ukupno 72 uzoraka razlčitih vrsta hrane za životinje ispitano je na prisustvo potencijalno toksigenih rodova gljiva. Izolovano i identifikovano je ukupno pet rodova gljiva sa sledećim stepenom zastupljenosti: Aspergillus (79,17%), Rhizopus (70,83%), Penicillium (68,06%), Fusarium (51,39%) i Mucor (30,56%). Najčešće izolovane vrste iz rodova Aspergillus i Fusarium su: A. flavus (73,61%), A. fumigatus (31,94%), A. ohraceus (23,16%), A. niger (4,17%), F. verticillioides (36,11%), F. proliferatum (15,28%) i F. subglutinans (2,78%).",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "The presence of potential toxigenic fungi in animal feed with particular rewiev on species of genera Aspergillus and Fusarium, Prisustvo potencijalno toksigenih gljiva u hrani za životinje sa posebnim osvrtom na vrste rodova Aspergillus i Fusarium",
volume = "23",
number = "1-2",
pages = "95-103",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0702095K"
Krnjaja, V., Lević, J., Tomić, Z., Stojanović, L., Trenkovski, S., Nešić, Z.,& Marinkov, G.. (2007). The presence of potential toxigenic fungi in animal feed with particular rewiev on species of genera Aspergillus and Fusarium. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 23(1-2), 95-103.
Krnjaja V, Lević J, Tomić Z, Stojanović L, Trenkovski S, Nešić Z, Marinkov G. The presence of potential toxigenic fungi in animal feed with particular rewiev on species of genera Aspergillus and Fusarium. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2007;23(1-2):95-103.
doi:10.2298/BAH0702095K .
Krnjaja, Vesna, Lević, Jelena, Tomić, Zorica, Stojanović, Ljiljana, Trenkovski, Snežana, Nešić, Zorica, Marinkov, Gordana, "The presence of potential toxigenic fungi in animal feed with particular rewiev on species of genera Aspergillus and Fusarium" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23, no. 1-2 (2007):95-103, . .

Application of modern technology of nutrition in high yielding cows in dry period and early lactation

Sretenović, Ljiljana; Aleksić, S.; Petrović, Milan M.; Petrović, Milan P.; Stojanović, Ljiljana; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)

AU  - Sretenović, Ljiljana
AU  - Aleksić, S.
AU  - Petrović, Milan M.
AU  - Petrović, Milan P.
AU  - Stojanović, Ljiljana
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - The paper presents review of authors’ own results as well as results of other researchers on the effects of nutritional factors in overcoming of problems in transition period, 30 days prior and 70 days post calving, and to ensure satisfactory productive and reproductive performances. The significance of proper diet balance for total and non degradable protein, sufficient amount of energy, addition of some minerals and vitamins as well as additives in order to achieve good health, high milk production and satisfactory reproductive performances are pointed out. In general, all mentioned factors have great influence in increasing economical effects in cattle breeding.
AB  - U radu su na revijalan način predstavljeni rezultati sopstvenih kao i istraživanja drugih autora koja ukazuju na značaj pojedinih ishrambenih faktora koji doprinose da se problemi krava u tkz. tranzicionom periodu koji obuhvata 30 dana pre i 70 dana posle telenja prevaziđu i obezbede dobre proizvodne i reproduktivne performanse.Ukazano je na značaj pravilnog normiranja obroka u pogledu nerazgradivog i ukupnog proteina, obezbeđenje sa dovoljnom količinom energije, dodavanje pojedinih minerala i vitamina kao i aditiva. Konačno svi pomenuti faktori doprinose poboljšanju ekonomskih efekata u gov4darskoj proizvodnji.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Application of modern technology of nutrition in high yielding cows in dry period and early lactation
T1  - Primena savremene tehnologije ishrane kod visokomlečnih krava u periodu zasušenja i rane laktacije
VL  - 23
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 30
EP  - 40
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0702030S
ER  - 
author = "Sretenović, Ljiljana and Aleksić, S. and Petrović, Milan M. and Petrović, Milan P. and Stojanović, Ljiljana and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2007",
abstract = "The paper presents review of authors’ own results as well as results of other researchers on the effects of nutritional factors in overcoming of problems in transition period, 30 days prior and 70 days post calving, and to ensure satisfactory productive and reproductive performances. The significance of proper diet balance for total and non degradable protein, sufficient amount of energy, addition of some minerals and vitamins as well as additives in order to achieve good health, high milk production and satisfactory reproductive performances are pointed out. In general, all mentioned factors have great influence in increasing economical effects in cattle breeding., U radu su na revijalan način predstavljeni rezultati sopstvenih kao i istraživanja drugih autora koja ukazuju na značaj pojedinih ishrambenih faktora koji doprinose da se problemi krava u tkz. tranzicionom periodu koji obuhvata 30 dana pre i 70 dana posle telenja prevaziđu i obezbede dobre proizvodne i reproduktivne performanse.Ukazano je na značaj pravilnog normiranja obroka u pogledu nerazgradivog i ukupnog proteina, obezbeđenje sa dovoljnom količinom energije, dodavanje pojedinih minerala i vitamina kao i aditiva. Konačno svi pomenuti faktori doprinose poboljšanju ekonomskih efekata u gov4darskoj proizvodnji.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Application of modern technology of nutrition in high yielding cows in dry period and early lactation, Primena savremene tehnologije ishrane kod visokomlečnih krava u periodu zasušenja i rane laktacije",
volume = "23",
number = "1-2",
pages = "30-40",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0702030S"
Sretenović, L., Aleksić, S., Petrović, M. M., Petrović, M. P., Stojanović, L.,& Marinkov, G.. (2007). Application of modern technology of nutrition in high yielding cows in dry period and early lactation. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 23(1-2), 30-40.
Sretenović L, Aleksić S, Petrović MM, Petrović MP, Stojanović L, Marinkov G. Application of modern technology of nutrition in high yielding cows in dry period and early lactation. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2007;23(1-2):30-40.
doi:10.2298/BAH0702030S .
Sretenović, Ljiljana, Aleksić, S., Petrović, Milan M., Petrović, Milan P., Stojanović, Ljiljana, Marinkov, Gordana, "Application of modern technology of nutrition in high yielding cows in dry period and early lactation" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23, no. 1-2 (2007):30-40, . .

Genetic resources in pig breeding: Moravka

Petrović, Milica; Mijatović, Milan; Radojković, Dragan D.; Radović, Čedomir; Marinkov, Gordana; Stojanović, Ljiljana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2007)

AU  - Petrović, Milica
AU  - Mijatović, Milan
AU  - Radojković, Dragan D.
AU  - Radović, Čedomir
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
AU  - Stojanović, Ljiljana
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - Objective of the paper was to present characteristics of native/autochthonous pig breed Moravka, reared in the previous century, as well as results relating to activities such as collection, selection, identification and production performance of investigated heads in 2004. Moravka is one of three pig breeds in Serbia included in the programme of preservation of animal genetic resources.
AB  - U našoj zemlji su evidentirane tri autohtone rase svinja: mangulica, moravka i resavka. Moravka i resavka su dve autohtone rase svinja koje su u opasnosti da nestanu, te su obuhvaćene programom očuvanja i održivog korišćenja. U radu su prikazane karakteristike autohtone rase svinja moravka gajene u prošlom veku (Tabela 1 i 2) kao i rezultati rada na sakupljanju, odabiranju, identifikaciji i proizvodnim osobinama grla rase moravka od 2004. godine (Tabela 3 i 4). Prosečna telesna masa krmača (u jednom zapatu) starosti od 3 do 5 godina, bila je 77,67 kg a visina grebena 63,83 cm. Krmače su oprasile prosečano 7,20 prasadi sa variranjem od 5 do 14. U tovu od 31,92 do 94,33 kg prosečan dnevni prirast je bio 385g/dan a konverzija hrane 3,74 kg kukuruza za kilogram prirasta telesne mase. Prosečan dnevni prirast je bio najveći izmedju 3. i 4. merenja (514 g/dan) što odgovara uzrastu od 253 do 283 dana.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Genetic resources in pig breeding: Moravka
T1  - Genetički resursi u svinjarstvu - Moravka
VL  - 23
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 1
EP  - 11
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0702001P
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Milica and Mijatović, Milan and Radojković, Dragan D. and Radović, Čedomir and Marinkov, Gordana and Stojanović, Ljiljana",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Objective of the paper was to present characteristics of native/autochthonous pig breed Moravka, reared in the previous century, as well as results relating to activities such as collection, selection, identification and production performance of investigated heads in 2004. Moravka is one of three pig breeds in Serbia included in the programme of preservation of animal genetic resources., U našoj zemlji su evidentirane tri autohtone rase svinja: mangulica, moravka i resavka. Moravka i resavka su dve autohtone rase svinja koje su u opasnosti da nestanu, te su obuhvaćene programom očuvanja i održivog korišćenja. U radu su prikazane karakteristike autohtone rase svinja moravka gajene u prošlom veku (Tabela 1 i 2) kao i rezultati rada na sakupljanju, odabiranju, identifikaciji i proizvodnim osobinama grla rase moravka od 2004. godine (Tabela 3 i 4). Prosečna telesna masa krmača (u jednom zapatu) starosti od 3 do 5 godina, bila je 77,67 kg a visina grebena 63,83 cm. Krmače su oprasile prosečano 7,20 prasadi sa variranjem od 5 do 14. U tovu od 31,92 do 94,33 kg prosečan dnevni prirast je bio 385g/dan a konverzija hrane 3,74 kg kukuruza za kilogram prirasta telesne mase. Prosečan dnevni prirast je bio najveći izmedju 3. i 4. merenja (514 g/dan) što odgovara uzrastu od 253 do 283 dana.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Genetic resources in pig breeding: Moravka, Genetički resursi u svinjarstvu - Moravka",
volume = "23",
number = "1-2",
pages = "1-11",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0702001P"
Petrović, M., Mijatović, M., Radojković, D. D., Radović, Č., Marinkov, G.,& Stojanović, L.. (2007). Genetic resources in pig breeding: Moravka. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 23(1-2), 1-11.
Petrović M, Mijatović M, Radojković DD, Radović Č, Marinkov G, Stojanović L. Genetic resources in pig breeding: Moravka. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2007;23(1-2):1-11.
doi:10.2298/BAH0702001P .
Petrović, Milica, Mijatović, Milan, Radojković, Dragan D., Radović, Čedomir, Marinkov, Gordana, Stojanović, Ljiljana, "Genetic resources in pig breeding: Moravka" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 23, no. 1-2 (2007):1-11, . .

Nutrition as factor of improvement of production of sheep milk on the territory of Stara Planina mountain

Ružić-Muslić, Dragana; Petrović, Milan M.; Petrović, Milan P.; Nešić, Zorica; Marinkov, Gordana; Vorkapić, M.

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2006)

AU  - Ružić-Muslić, Dragana
AU  - Petrović, Milan M.
AU  - Petrović, Milan P.
AU  - Nešić, Zorica
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
AU  - Vorkapić, M.
PY  - 2006
UR  -
AB  - Investigation was carried out on the territory of Stara Planina mountain, Pirot mnucipality, in villages: Dojkinci, Brlog, Jelovica, Visočka Ržana and Rsovci, from 700-1200 m above sea level, on farms with greater number of sheep (over 100 heads) which in regard to the breeds structure were mainly Pirot pramenka breed, and insignificant number of heads were crosses of Pirot Pramenka and Württemberg. Research included analysis of pasture from the aspect of floristic and chemical composition. In regard to botanical composition it was concluded that grasses were present with approx. 50%, leguminous plants with 15% , and herbaceous plants with 35%. Share of crude protein in investigated samples varied from 4,81 to 13,57%, and of crude fibre from 20,67 to 37,17%. Yield of forage on pastures was from 0,6 to 2,0 t/ha. Low yield as well as unsatisfactory floristic composition of pastures resulted from poor care, especially lack of fertilization and their unplanned and inefficient use which was reflected on milk yield of sheep, in lactation of 180 days it was from 69,16-70,40 kg. Improvement of botanical composition can be achieved by application of fertilizers since in this way the share of useful grasses (Poaceae) and leguminous plants (Fabaceae) is increased, and share of herbaceous plants in total mass of pasture is reduced, which represents one of our goals in research on the Pirot territory of Stara Planina mountain. In order to preserve the quality and phytodiversity of plant species we suggested as optimal way of pasture utilization, combination of pasture and cutting system. In winter nutrition period, on investigated locations, introduction of haylage in nutrition of sheep used for production of milk is recommended, because of its higher nutritive value compared to hay.
AB  - U radu je analizirano sadašnje stanje u proizvodnji ovčijeg mleka (sa aspekta proizvodnje stočne hrane i ishrane) na području pirotskog dela Stare planine. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da je postojeći sistem proizvodnje ekstenzivan i nezadovoljavajući obzirom na agrarno-geografski potencijal. U cilju prevazilaženja takvog stanja, naše aktivnosti su bile usmerene na uvođenje novih tehnoloških postupaka u ishrani ovaca kao što su: promena florističkog sastava pašnjaka pod uticajem đubrenja, planska eksploatacija pašnjaka i korišćenje senaže u ishrani ovaca za proizvodnju mleka.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Nutrition as factor of improvement of production of sheep milk on the territory of Stara Planina mountain
T1  - Ishrana kao faktor unapređenja proizvodnje ovčijeg mleka na području Stare planine
VL  - 22
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 55
EP  - 62
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0606055R
ER  - 
author = "Ružić-Muslić, Dragana and Petrović, Milan M. and Petrović, Milan P. and Nešić, Zorica and Marinkov, Gordana and Vorkapić, M.",
year = "2006",
abstract = "Investigation was carried out on the territory of Stara Planina mountain, Pirot mnucipality, in villages: Dojkinci, Brlog, Jelovica, Visočka Ržana and Rsovci, from 700-1200 m above sea level, on farms with greater number of sheep (over 100 heads) which in regard to the breeds structure were mainly Pirot pramenka breed, and insignificant number of heads were crosses of Pirot Pramenka and Württemberg. Research included analysis of pasture from the aspect of floristic and chemical composition. In regard to botanical composition it was concluded that grasses were present with approx. 50%, leguminous plants with 15% , and herbaceous plants with 35%. Share of crude protein in investigated samples varied from 4,81 to 13,57%, and of crude fibre from 20,67 to 37,17%. Yield of forage on pastures was from 0,6 to 2,0 t/ha. Low yield as well as unsatisfactory floristic composition of pastures resulted from poor care, especially lack of fertilization and their unplanned and inefficient use which was reflected on milk yield of sheep, in lactation of 180 days it was from 69,16-70,40 kg. Improvement of botanical composition can be achieved by application of fertilizers since in this way the share of useful grasses (Poaceae) and leguminous plants (Fabaceae) is increased, and share of herbaceous plants in total mass of pasture is reduced, which represents one of our goals in research on the Pirot territory of Stara Planina mountain. In order to preserve the quality and phytodiversity of plant species we suggested as optimal way of pasture utilization, combination of pasture and cutting system. In winter nutrition period, on investigated locations, introduction of haylage in nutrition of sheep used for production of milk is recommended, because of its higher nutritive value compared to hay., U radu je analizirano sadašnje stanje u proizvodnji ovčijeg mleka (sa aspekta proizvodnje stočne hrane i ishrane) na području pirotskog dela Stare planine. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da je postojeći sistem proizvodnje ekstenzivan i nezadovoljavajući obzirom na agrarno-geografski potencijal. U cilju prevazilaženja takvog stanja, naše aktivnosti su bile usmerene na uvođenje novih tehnoloških postupaka u ishrani ovaca kao što su: promena florističkog sastava pašnjaka pod uticajem đubrenja, planska eksploatacija pašnjaka i korišćenje senaže u ishrani ovaca za proizvodnju mleka.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Nutrition as factor of improvement of production of sheep milk on the territory of Stara Planina mountain, Ishrana kao faktor unapređenja proizvodnje ovčijeg mleka na području Stare planine",
volume = "22",
number = "5-6",
pages = "55-62",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0606055R"
Ružić-Muslić, D., Petrović, M. M., Petrović, M. P., Nešić, Z., Marinkov, G.,& Vorkapić, M.. (2006). Nutrition as factor of improvement of production of sheep milk on the territory of Stara Planina mountain. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 22(5-6), 55-62.
Ružić-Muslić D, Petrović MM, Petrović MP, Nešić Z, Marinkov G, Vorkapić M. Nutrition as factor of improvement of production of sheep milk on the territory of Stara Planina mountain. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2006;22(5-6):55-62.
doi:10.2298/BAH0606055R .
Ružić-Muslić, Dragana, Petrović, Milan M., Petrović, Milan P., Nešić, Zorica, Marinkov, Gordana, Vorkapić, M., "Nutrition as factor of improvement of production of sheep milk on the territory of Stara Planina mountain" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 22, no. 5-6 (2006):55-62, . .

Chemical-microbiological quality parameters of raw cow milk

Petrović, Milun D.; Petrović, Milan M.; Nenadović, G.; Kurcubic, Vladimir S.; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2006)

AU  - Petrović, Milun D.
AU  - Petrović, Milan M.
AU  - Nenadović, G.
AU  - Kurcubic, Vladimir S.
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2006
UR  -
AB  - This paper is based on investigation of chemical and hygiene parameters of the quality of cow raw milk. Samples were collected on 10 collection spots of the dairy firm "Imlek", in 4 identical time intervals in the period of one month (20.06.2005.-20.07.2005.) in municipality of Gornji Milanovac, and research was carried out in the laboratory of "Imlek" in Čačak. Differences in chemical composition and hygienic quality of milk were analyzed, and slight variability was established between collection spots. Average content of milk fat was 3,89%, protein 3,20%, and dry matter without fat 8,56%. It was established that in regard to protein content there is significant and very significant statistical difference between collection spots. This is consequence of different nutrition, focus is on introduction of protein enriched feeds into nutrition of cows. High variability of number of micro organisms is consequence of inadequate, non-standardized obtaining (milking) and storing of raw milk. Average number of micro-organisms was 844.875/ml, and it varied from 112.000–5.000.000/ml. Average somatic cell count was 357.850/ml. Variance analysis determined that collection spots had statistically highly significant effect (P (lt) 0.01) only on protein content, whereas their influence on content of fat, dry matter without fat, number of microorganisms and somatic cell count wasn't significant (P>0.05). Individual testing (LSD test) established that milk collected from 7th collection spot had significantly higher protein content compared to other collection spots, which indicated that dairy heads of cattle consumed higher quantity of feeds rich on proteins and had better balanced diet in regard to ratio of energy and protein.
AB  - Rad je zasnovan na ispitivanju hemijskih i higijenskih parametara kvaliteta sirovog mleka. Uzimanje uzoraka je vršeno na 10 "Imlek"-ovih sabirnih mesta u 4 jednaka vremenska razmaka u periodu od mesec dana (20.06.2005.-20.07.2005.godine) u opštini Gornji Milanovac, a ispitivanje je izvršeno u laboratoriji "Imlek"-a u Čačku. Analizirane su razlike u hemijskom sastavu i higijenskom kvalitetu mleka, pri čemu su utvrđene male varijabilnosti između sabirnih mesta. Prosečan sadržaj mlečne masti iznosio je 3,89%, proteina 3,20%, a suve materije bez masti 8,56%. Utvrđeno je da kod sadržaja proteina postoji značajna i vrlo značajna statistička razlika između sabirnih mesta. To je posledica različite ishrane, pri čemu se daje akcenat na uvođenje u ishranu proteinski bogatih hraniva. Ispitivanje hemijskog sastava i mikrobiološke ispravnosti, koje je vršeno kod proizvođača AD "Imlek"-a, pokazalo je izvestan pomak u poboljšavanju higijenskog kvaliteta sirovog mleka. Visoka varijabilnost kod broja mikroorganizama posledica je neadekvatnog, nestandardizovanog dobijanja (muže) i čuvanja sirovog mleka. Prosečan broj mikroorganizama je iznosio 844.875/ml, a kretao se od 112.000-5.000.000/ml. Prosečan broj somatskih ćelija je 357.850/ml.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
C3  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Chemical-microbiological quality parameters of raw cow milk
T1  - Hemijski-mikrobiološki parametri kvaliteta sirovog kravljeg mleka
VL  - 22
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 109
EP  - 119
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0606109P
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Milun D. and Petrović, Milan M. and Nenadović, G. and Kurcubic, Vladimir S. and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2006",
abstract = "This paper is based on investigation of chemical and hygiene parameters of the quality of cow raw milk. Samples were collected on 10 collection spots of the dairy firm "Imlek", in 4 identical time intervals in the period of one month (20.06.2005.-20.07.2005.) in municipality of Gornji Milanovac, and research was carried out in the laboratory of "Imlek" in Čačak. Differences in chemical composition and hygienic quality of milk were analyzed, and slight variability was established between collection spots. Average content of milk fat was 3,89%, protein 3,20%, and dry matter without fat 8,56%. It was established that in regard to protein content there is significant and very significant statistical difference between collection spots. This is consequence of different nutrition, focus is on introduction of protein enriched feeds into nutrition of cows. High variability of number of micro organisms is consequence of inadequate, non-standardized obtaining (milking) and storing of raw milk. Average number of micro-organisms was 844.875/ml, and it varied from 112.000–5.000.000/ml. Average somatic cell count was 357.850/ml. Variance analysis determined that collection spots had statistically highly significant effect (P (lt) 0.01) only on protein content, whereas their influence on content of fat, dry matter without fat, number of microorganisms and somatic cell count wasn't significant (P>0.05). Individual testing (LSD test) established that milk collected from 7th collection spot had significantly higher protein content compared to other collection spots, which indicated that dairy heads of cattle consumed higher quantity of feeds rich on proteins and had better balanced diet in regard to ratio of energy and protein., Rad je zasnovan na ispitivanju hemijskih i higijenskih parametara kvaliteta sirovog mleka. Uzimanje uzoraka je vršeno na 10 "Imlek"-ovih sabirnih mesta u 4 jednaka vremenska razmaka u periodu od mesec dana (20.06.2005.-20.07.2005.godine) u opštini Gornji Milanovac, a ispitivanje je izvršeno u laboratoriji "Imlek"-a u Čačku. Analizirane su razlike u hemijskom sastavu i higijenskom kvalitetu mleka, pri čemu su utvrđene male varijabilnosti između sabirnih mesta. Prosečan sadržaj mlečne masti iznosio je 3,89%, proteina 3,20%, a suve materije bez masti 8,56%. Utvrđeno je da kod sadržaja proteina postoji značajna i vrlo značajna statistička razlika između sabirnih mesta. To je posledica različite ishrane, pri čemu se daje akcenat na uvođenje u ishranu proteinski bogatih hraniva. Ispitivanje hemijskog sastava i mikrobiološke ispravnosti, koje je vršeno kod proizvođača AD "Imlek"-a, pokazalo je izvestan pomak u poboljšavanju higijenskog kvaliteta sirovog mleka. Visoka varijabilnost kod broja mikroorganizama posledica je neadekvatnog, nestandardizovanog dobijanja (muže) i čuvanja sirovog mleka. Prosečan broj mikroorganizama je iznosio 844.875/ml, a kretao se od 112.000-5.000.000/ml. Prosečan broj somatskih ćelija je 357.850/ml.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Chemical-microbiological quality parameters of raw cow milk, Hemijski-mikrobiološki parametri kvaliteta sirovog kravljeg mleka",
volume = "22",
number = "5-6",
pages = "109-119",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0606109P"
Petrović, M. D., Petrović, M. M., Nenadović, G., Kurcubic, V. S.,& Marinkov, G.. (2006). Chemical-microbiological quality parameters of raw cow milk. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 22(5-6), 109-119.
Petrović MD, Petrović MM, Nenadović G, Kurcubic VS, Marinkov G. Chemical-microbiological quality parameters of raw cow milk. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2006;22(5-6):109-119.
doi:10.2298/BAH0606109P .
Petrović, Milun D., Petrović, Milan M., Nenadović, G., Kurcubic, Vladimir S., Marinkov, Gordana, "Chemical-microbiological quality parameters of raw cow milk" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 22, no. 5-6 (2006):109-119, . .

Modern trends in production of milk

Sretenović, Ljiljana; Petrović, Milan M.; Aleksić, Stevica; Ostojić Andrić, Dušica; Marinkov, Gordana

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2005)

AU  - Sretenović, Ljiljana
AU  - Petrović, Milan M.
AU  - Aleksić, Stevica
AU  - Ostojić Andrić, Dušica
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
PY  - 2005
UR  -
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
C3  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Modern trends in production of milk
T1  - Savremeni trendovi u proizvodnji mleka
VL  - 21
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 23
EP  - 28
DO  - 10.2298/BAH0506023S
ER  - 
author = "Sretenović, Ljiljana and Petrović, Milan M. and Aleksić, Stevica and Ostojić Andrić, Dušica and Marinkov, Gordana",
year = "2005",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Modern trends in production of milk, Savremeni trendovi u proizvodnji mleka",
volume = "21",
number = "5-6",
pages = "23-28",
doi = "10.2298/BAH0506023S"
Sretenović, L., Petrović, M. M., Aleksić, S., Ostojić Andrić, D.,& Marinkov, G.. (2005). Modern trends in production of milk. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 21(5-6), 23-28.
Sretenović L, Petrović MM, Aleksić S, Ostojić Andrić D, Marinkov G. Modern trends in production of milk. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2005;21(5-6):23-28.
doi:10.2298/BAH0506023S .
Sretenović, Ljiljana, Petrović, Milan M., Aleksić, Stevica, Ostojić Andrić, Dušica, Marinkov, Gordana, "Modern trends in production of milk" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 21, no. 5-6 (2005):23-28, . .

Study of the project 'production of beef'

Miščević, Branislav; Aleksić, Stevica; Sretenović, Ljiljana; Pavlovski, Zlatica; Tomašević, Dušica; Smiljaković, Tatjana; Krnjaja, Vesna; Marinkov, Gordana; Stojanović, Ljiljana; Kučević, Denis; Škrbić, Zdenka; Lazarević, Ratko

(Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, 2003)

AU  - Miščević, Branislav
AU  - Aleksić, Stevica
AU  - Sretenović, Ljiljana
AU  - Pavlovski, Zlatica
AU  - Tomašević, Dušica
AU  - Smiljaković, Tatjana
AU  - Krnjaja, Vesna
AU  - Marinkov, Gordana
AU  - Stojanović, Ljiljana
AU  - Kučević, Denis
AU  - Škrbić, Zdenka
AU  - Lazarević, Ratko
PY  - 2003
UR  -
AB  - Realization of the programme of crossing of Domestic spotted cattle with meat cattle breeds in order to obtain cattle for export (live or as beef) has following production effects: 	- Intensifying of the fattening ability, 	- Improvement of the meat quality by crossing (crossbreds F1 generation), 	- Increased dressing percentage of the carcass, and 	- Realization of higher price (by10-15%) for 1 kg of body mass in export; 	- Reduced cost of feed per 1 kg of gain. 	Improvement of the quality of meat by application of this programme will be achieved in color, firmness, fineness of muscle fibers, marbling and flavor of meat. Majority of mentioned traits is significant in relation to quality as well as the price of 1 kg of meat for export. Dressing percentage of carcass of domestic spotted cattle is extremely low - 53-56%. With this programme higher by 3-4% dressing percentage will be achieved. Cattle obtained by crossing are expected to have an average dressing percentage of 59-60%. 	 Economical efficiency of the production of beef depends on realized daily and total gain of body mass, dressing percentage, quality of meat and cost of feed per 1 kg of gain. Farmers are very interested in realizing high gain with lower costs of feed (conversion) per 1 kg of gain, whereas slaughterhouses and processing plants define their interest in high dressing percentage and quality of meat, as well as export orientation, since in this way they are able to increase the price of meat by 10-15% per 1 kg of carcass sides. Results of carried out researches are beef of high quality for domestic and foreign market. Complete results of mentioned researches will contribute to considerable increase of yield of beef, carcass sides, meat sections of the highest quality, meat in chunks packaged according to moder standards. Obtained results - products will be placed on the market, presented in specialized journals and on numerous scientific meetings and symposia.
PB  - Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
T2  - Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
T1  - Study of the project 'production of beef'
T1  - Studija projekta 'proizvodnja junećeg mesa'
VL  - 19
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 75
EP  - 82
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Miščević, Branislav and Aleksić, Stevica and Sretenović, Ljiljana and Pavlovski, Zlatica and Tomašević, Dušica and Smiljaković, Tatjana and Krnjaja, Vesna and Marinkov, Gordana and Stojanović, Ljiljana and Kučević, Denis and Škrbić, Zdenka and Lazarević, Ratko",
year = "2003",
abstract = "Realization of the programme of crossing of Domestic spotted cattle with meat cattle breeds in order to obtain cattle for export (live or as beef) has following production effects: 	- Intensifying of the fattening ability, 	- Improvement of the meat quality by crossing (crossbreds F1 generation), 	- Increased dressing percentage of the carcass, and 	- Realization of higher price (by10-15%) for 1 kg of body mass in export; 	- Reduced cost of feed per 1 kg of gain. 	Improvement of the quality of meat by application of this programme will be achieved in color, firmness, fineness of muscle fibers, marbling and flavor of meat. Majority of mentioned traits is significant in relation to quality as well as the price of 1 kg of meat for export. Dressing percentage of carcass of domestic spotted cattle is extremely low - 53-56%. With this programme higher by 3-4% dressing percentage will be achieved. Cattle obtained by crossing are expected to have an average dressing percentage of 59-60%. 	 Economical efficiency of the production of beef depends on realized daily and total gain of body mass, dressing percentage, quality of meat and cost of feed per 1 kg of gain. Farmers are very interested in realizing high gain with lower costs of feed (conversion) per 1 kg of gain, whereas slaughterhouses and processing plants define their interest in high dressing percentage and quality of meat, as well as export orientation, since in this way they are able to increase the price of meat by 10-15% per 1 kg of carcass sides. Results of carried out researches are beef of high quality for domestic and foreign market. Complete results of mentioned researches will contribute to considerable increase of yield of beef, carcass sides, meat sections of the highest quality, meat in chunks packaged according to moder standards. Obtained results - products will be placed on the market, presented in specialized journals and on numerous scientific meetings and symposia.",
publisher = "Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade",
journal = "Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry",
title = "Study of the project 'production of beef', Studija projekta 'proizvodnja junećeg mesa'",
volume = "19",
number = "1-2",
pages = "75-82",
url = ""
Miščević, B., Aleksić, S., Sretenović, L., Pavlovski, Z., Tomašević, D., Smiljaković, T., Krnjaja, V., Marinkov, G., Stojanović, L., Kučević, D., Škrbić, Z.,& Lazarević, R.. (2003). Study of the project 'production of beef'. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade., 19(1-2), 75-82.
Miščević B, Aleksić S, Sretenović L, Pavlovski Z, Tomašević D, Smiljaković T, Krnjaja V, Marinkov G, Stojanović L, Kučević D, Škrbić Z, Lazarević R. Study of the project 'production of beef'. in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry. 2003;19(1-2):75-82. .
Miščević, Branislav, Aleksić, Stevica, Sretenović, Ljiljana, Pavlovski, Zlatica, Tomašević, Dušica, Smiljaković, Tatjana, Krnjaja, Vesna, Marinkov, Gordana, Stojanović, Ljiljana, Kučević, Denis, Škrbić, Zdenka, Lazarević, Ratko, "Study of the project 'production of beef'" in Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 19, no. 1-2 (2003):75-82, .