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Uticaj ovipozicije i vremena dodavanja mermera u hranu na kvalitet konzumnih jaja

dc.creatorPavlovski, Zlatica
dc.creatorVitorović, Duško
dc.creatorŠkrbić, Zdenka
dc.creatorLukić, Miloš
dc.description.abstractInvestigation of the effect of oviposition and time of addition of marble was carried out on 360 Shaver layer hens divided into three groups. During six week trial (from age of 72 to 78 weeks) hens were fed standard diet according to recommendations for Shaver genotype where main source of Calcium was limestone. First group of hens was control and they were fed standard mixture, second group of hens received additionally each morning 2g of ground marble distributed over the feed, and third group of hens received 2 g of ground marble twice a day - Ig in the morning (8 a.m) and Ig in the afternoon (1 p.m). At the end of each week period quality of fresh laid eggs was investigated. Following egg quality characteristics were measured: egg mass (g), shell mass (g), shell thickness (μ m), shell deformation (μm), shell breaking force (kg) and Haugh units were calculated. Obtained results have shown that oviposition had no significant effect on investigated traits. Addition of large particles of marble had positive effect on strength of egg shell. Compared to control group, morning addition of 2g of marble per hen or addition of 1g in the morning and 1g in the afternoon caused statistically highly significant increase of egg shell strength expressed through greater breaking force and lower value of shell deformation as well as higher values of shell mass and thickness. Compared to control and trial group I, quality of egg white expressed through Haugh units was significantly lower in trial group III.en
dc.description.abstractIspitivanje uticaja ovipozicije i vremena dodavanja mermera obavljeno je na 360 Shaver nosilja podeljenih u tri grupe. U toku šestonedeljnog oglednog perioda (od 72. do 78. nedelje uzrasta) kokoši su dobijale standardnu smešu prema preporukama za Shaver genotip u kojoj je osnovni izvor kalcijuma bila stočna kreda. Prva grupa kokoši nosilja bila je kontrolna i hranjene su sa osnovnom smešom, druga grupa dobijala je dodatno svakog dana ujutro po 2g krupno mlevenog mermera posipanjem po hrani, a treća grupa kokoši nosilja dobijala je 2g krupno mlevenog mermera podeljeno na dva dela i to Ig ujutro (8,00 sati) i Ig popodne (13,00 sati). Na kraju svakog nedeljnog perioda ispitivan je kvalitet svih snešenih jaja. Od osobina kvaliteta jaja mereni su: masa jaja (g), masa ljuske (g), debljina ljuske (μm), deformacija ljuske (μm), sila loma ljuske (kg) i izračunavane su Haugh jedinice. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da ovipozicija nije značajno uticala na ispitivane osobine. Dodavanje mermera krupnijih čestica imalo je pozitivan uticaj na čvrstoću ljuske jaja. U odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, jutarnje dodavanje 2 g mermera po nosilji ili dodavanje 1g mermera ujutro i 1g mermera popodne dovodi do statistički visoko značajnog povećanja čvrstoće ljuske, izraženog kroz veću silu loma i manju vrednost deformacije ljuske i veću vrednost mase i debljine ljuske. U odnosu na kontrolnu grupu i oglednu I, kvalitet belanca izražen Haugh-ovim jedinicama značajno je bio lošiji u oglednoj grupi
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.relationMinistry of Science, Republic of Serbia, no. TR-6865B
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectlayer henen
dc.subjectegg qualityen
dc.subjectkokoš nosiljasr
dc.subjectkvalitet jajasr
dc.titleThe effect of oviposition and time of marble addition to feed on quality of table eggsen
dc.titleUticaj ovipozicije i vremena dodavanja mermera u hranu na kvalitet konzumnih jajasr
dc.citation.other21(3-4): 97-105

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