Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Uporedno ispitivanje tovnih i klaničnih osobina muške junadi simentalske rase i meleza šarolea sa simentalskom rasom

dc.creatorPetričević, Maja
dc.creatorAleksić, S.
dc.creatorPetrović, Milan M.
dc.creatorPantelić, Vlada
dc.creatorOstojić Andrić, Dušica
dc.creatorStanišić, Nikola
dc.creatorNikšić, Dragan
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to determine the slaughter traits, conformation score and fat covering of carcass and composition of carcasses of young cattle of two genotype groups: domestic Simmental breed (A) and its crosses with Charolais breed (B). The sample included a total of 30 animals, 15 in each group. Both groups were slaughtered at final weight of about 660 kg. After the slaughtering, warm carcass sides with and without kidney fat were weighed individually. After cooling, the left carcass sides were cut into main parts according to the Rulebook ('Off. Gazette of SFRY', No. 34/74, 26/75, 13/78 - Rulebook, 1/81 - Rulebook and 2/85 - Rulebook). The results of research show that the young cattle of group (B) achieved a statistically significant (p (lt) 0.05) higher yield of warm carcass compared to group A, and statistically highly significant (p (lt) 0.01) higher yield of warm carcass without tallow/fat. A statistically significant difference was found in the share of tongues (p˂0.01), which was higher in young cattle of group (B) and a statistically significant difference in the share of offal (p (lt) 0.01), which was higher in group (A). Shares of tenderloin and the shoulder of young cattle of group (B) were statistically significantly (p (lt) 0.05) higher than in young cattle of group (A). A statistically significant difference was determined in carcass conformation scores between groups of young cattle.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde klanične osobine, ocena konformacije i prekrivenosti trupova lojem i sastav polutki junadi dve genotipske grupe: domaće simentalske rase (A) i njenih melaza sa šarole rasom (B). Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 30 grla, po 15 u svakoj grupi. Obe grupe su zaklane pri dostizanju težine oko 660 kg. Nakon klanja izvršeno je pojedinačno merenje toplih polutki sa i bez bubrežnog loja. Posle hlađenja leva polutka je rasecana u osnovne delove prema pravilniku ('Sl. list SFRJ', br. 34/74, 26/75, 13/78 - dr. pravilnik, 1/81 - dr. pravilnik i 2/85 - dr. Pravilnik). Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su junad grupe (B) ostvarila statistički značajno (p (lt) 0.05) veći randman toplog trupa u poređenju sa grupom A, kao i statistički vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) veći randman toplog trupa bez loja. Statistički značajna razlika je pronađena u udelu jezika (p˂0.01), koji je bio veći kod junadi grupe (B) i statistički značajna razlika u udelu obrezaka (p (lt) 0.01), koji je bio veći kod grupe (A). Udeo bifteka i udeo plećke kod junadi grupe (B) su statistički značajno (p (lt) 0.05) bili veći nego kod junadi grupe (A). Statistički značajna razlika nije utvrđena kod ocene konformacije trupova između grupa
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31053/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectslaughter traitsen
dc.subjectcarcass side compositionen
dc.subjectcarcass conformation scoreen
dc.titleComparative study of fattening and slaughter traits of male Simmental breed and crosses with Charolais breeden
dc.titleUporedno ispitivanje tovnih i klaničnih osobina muške junadi simentalske rase i meleza šarolea sa simentalskom rasomsr
dcterms.abstractПетричевић, Маја; Никшић, Драган; Станишић, Никола; Пантелић, Влада; Остојић-Aндрић, Душица; Петровић, Милан М.; Aлексић, С.; Упоредно испитивање товних и кланичних особина мушке јунади сименталске расе и мелеза шаролеа са сименталском расом; Упоредно испитивање товних и кланичних особина мушке јунади сименталске расе и мелеза шаролеа са сименталском расом;
dc.citation.other31(2): 265-272



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