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Uticaj različitih sistema uzgoja na proizvodnju, sastav mleka i ocenu telesne kondicije koza Alpina rase

dc.creatorMemiši, Nurgin
dc.creatorStanišić, Nikola
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the results of testing the impact of different farming systems on milk production, milk composition (milk fat, protein and dry matter without fat) and body condition score of Alpine breed goats in different growing systems during one production year. Control of the amount and chemical composition of milk included a total of 59 French Alpine goats at the age of 2-3 years (2-3 lactations), which are divided into two groups with approximate similar body weight. In the first group of goats a stable diet was applied. Goats had a sufficient amount of alfalfa hay available (ad libitum) and the addition of about 0.5 kg of concentrate that is administered twice a day. Goats in the second group in addition to 0.5 kg of alfalfa hay, received 0.25 kg of concentrate and in the period from April to October during the day stayed at the outlet and the surrounding pasture. Control of body weight of goats and body condition were performed once every two months from March to October, while the rate of body condition (BCS) was given score of 1-5. Somatic cell count and chemical quality of milk were controlled on a daily basis in the laboratory for raw milk AD Mlekara - Subotica on the device CombiFoss 6200 FC. Both groups of goats had a statistically significant increase in production of milk (about 45 l) and the average daily milk yield (of about 0.15 l) in the second compared with the third lactation (p (lt) 0.01). It was also determined statistically significant effect of lactation on content of protein, dry matter without fat (DMwF) and the number of somatic cells in milk in both groups of goats. Body condition score of the analyzed groups of goats varied over time, and statistically significant differences were found in July (p = 0.021) and September (p = 0.013), where goats from the second group that remained at the pasture in the examined period had higher scores for BCS compared with the first group.en
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja različitih sistema uzgoja na proizvodnju, sastav mleka (sadržaj mlečne masti, proteina i suve materije bez masti) i ocenu telesne kondicije koza rase Alpina u različitim sistemima uzgoja u toku jedne proizvodne godine. Kontrolom količine i hemijskog sastava mleka bilo je obuhvaćeno ukupno 59 koza francuske alpine u starosti 2-3 godine (2-3 laktacija), koje su podeljene u dve grupe sa približnom telesnom masom. Kod prve grupe koza primenjivan je stajski način ishrane. Koze su na raspolaganju imale dovoljnu količinu lucerkinog sena (ad libidum) kao i dodatak oko 0.5 kg koncentrata koji je davan u dva navrata u toku dana. Koze druge grupe su pored 0.5 kg lucerkinog sena, dobijale 0.25 kg koncentrata i u periodu od Aprila do Oktobra meseca su u toku dana boravile na ispustu i okolnom pašnjaku. Kontrola telesne mase koza i ocena telesne kondicije kontrolisane su jednom u dva meseca počev od marta do oktobra meseca, pri čemu je pri oceni TK davana ocena od 1-5. Broj somatskih ćelija kao i hemijski kvalitet mleka, kontrolisan je svakodnevno u laboratoriji za sirovo mleko AD 'Mlekare' - Subotica na aparatu CombiFoss 6200 FC. Obe grupe koza imale su statistički značajno veću proizvodnju mleka (za oko 45 l) i prosečnu dnevnu mlečnost (za oko 0.15 l) u drugoj u poređenju sa trećom laktacijom (p (lt) 0.01). Utvrđen je i statistički značajan uticaj laktacije na sadržaj proteina, suve materije bez masti (SMbM) i broja somatskih ćelija u mleku kod obe grupe koza. Ocena telesne kondicije analiziranih grupa koza varirala je tokom vremena, a statistički značajne razlike utvrđene su tokom jula (p=0.021) i septembra meseca (p=0.013), gde su koze druge grupe koje su u ispitivanom periodu boravile na pašnjaku, imale više ocene BCS u poređenju sa prvom.sr
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46009/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31053/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectAlpina goaten
dc.subjectbody condition scoreen
dc.subjectsomatic cell counten
dc.subjectchemical composition of milken
dc.titleInfluence of different growing conditions on production, milk composition and body condition score for Alpina goat breeden
dc.titleUticaj različitih sistema uzgoja na proizvodnju, sastav mleka i ocenu telesne kondicije koza Alpina rasesr
dcterms.abstractСтанишић, Никола; Мемиши, Нургин; Утицај различитих система узгоја на производњу, састав млека и оцену телесне кондиције коза Aлпина расе; Утицај различитих система узгоја на производњу, састав млека и оцену телесне кондиције коза Aлпина расе;
dc.citation.other30(4): 635-646



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