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Uticaj genotipa i osmotskog stresa na klijavost i klijance kukuruza

dc.creatorMandić, Violeta
dc.creatorBijelić, Zorica
dc.creatorKrnjaja, Vesna
dc.creatorTomić, Zorica
dc.creatorSimić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorRužić-Muslić, Dragana
dc.creatorGogić, Marija
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to estimate the influence of different NaCl osmotic solutions (0, -0.3 MPa, -0.6 MPa, -0.9 MPa, -1.2 MPa, -1.5 MPa) on seed germination, and early seedling growth in two maize hybrid different maturity groups (ZP 560 - FAO 500 and ZP 666 - FAO 600). Germination was tested in sterile plastic vessels on filter paper moistened with different NaCl solutions, in the dark at 20 ± 1°C, in laboratory. Results of ANOVA indicated that hybrid ZP 666 had significantly higher root length (RL) (6.37 cm), shoot length (ShL) (2.06 cm), shoot fresh weight (ShFW) (43.86 mg), root dry weight (RDW) (7.56 mg), shoot dry weight (ShDW) (5.97 mg), seedling vigor index (SVI) (706.55) and dry matter stress tolerance index (DMSI) (55.85%) than hybrid ZP 560 (4.18 cm, 1.14 cm, 32.50 mg, 6.54 mg, 4.15 mg, 457.61 and 48.86%, respectively). Contrary, hybrid ZP 560 had significantly higher relative seedling water content (RSWC) (83.83%) and phytotoxicity of shoot (PhSh) (69.77%) than hybrid ZP 666 (81.16% and 62.51%, respectively). Generally, hybrid ZP 666 had better tolerance to salt stress than hybrid ZP 560. Germination energy (GE), germination (G), RL, ShL, root fresh weight (RFW), ShFW, RDW, ShDW, rate germination index (RGI), SVI, RSWC and DMSI were significantly decreased with the increase in osmotic stress induced by NaCl. Contrary, phytotoxicity of root (PhR) and PhSh significantly increased with the increase in osmotic stress.en
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja bio je da se odredi uticaj različitog NaCl osmotskog rastvora (0, -0.3 MPa, -0.6 MPa, -0.9 MPa, -1.2 MPa, -1.5 MPa) na klijavost semena i rani porast klijanaca dva hibrida kukuruza različite grupe zrenja (ZP 560 - FAO 500 and ZP 666 - FAO 600). Klijavost je testirana u laboratorijskim uslovima u sterilnim plastičnim kutijama na filter papiru natopljenom sa različitim NaCl osmotskim rastvorom, u mraku na 20 ± 1°C. Rezultati ANOVA pokazali su da je hibrid ZP 666 imao značajno veću dužinu korena (DK) (6.37 cm), dužinu stabla (DS) (2.06 cm), masu svežeg stabla (MSvS) (43.86 mg), masu suvog korena (MSuK) (7.56 mg), masu suvog stabla (MSuS) (5.97 mg), vigor indeks klijanca (VI) (706.55) i indeks tolerancije suve materije na stres (ITSM) (55.85%) nego hibrid ZP 560 (4.18 cm, 1.14 cm, 32.50 mg, 6.54 mg, 4.15 mg, 457.61 i 48.86%). Suprotno, hibrid ZP 560 imao je značajno veći relativni sadržaj vode u klijancima (RSVK) (83.83%) i fitotoksičnost stabla (FS) (69.77%) nego hibrid ZP 666 (81.16% and 62.51%, respectively). Generalno hibrid hibrid ZP 666 imao je bolju toleranciju na stres soli nego hibrid ZP 560. Energija klijanja (EK), klijavost (K), DK, DS, masa svežeg korena (MSvK), MSvS, MSuK, MSuS, indeks klijanja (IK), VI, RSVK i ITSM su signifikantno smanjeni sa povećanjem osmotskog stresa indukovanog sa NaCl. Suprotno, fitotoksičnost stabla i fitotoksičnost korena su se značajno povećali sa povećanjem osmotskog
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectearly seedling growthen
dc.subjectosmotic stressen
dc.titleThe influence of genotype and osmotic stress on germination and seedling of maizeen
dc.titleUticaj genotipa i osmotskog stresa na klijavost i klijance kukuruzasr
dcterms.abstractКрњаја, Весна; Мандић, Виолета; Бијелић, Зорица; Томић, Зорица; Симић, Aлександар; Ружић-Муслић, Драгана; Гогић, Марија; Утицај генотипа и осмотског стреса на клијавост и клијанце кукуруза; Утицај генотипа и осмотског стреса на клијавост и клијанце кукуруза;
dc.citation.other30(2): 357-366

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