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Linearna povezanost osobina porasta jagnjadi šarplaninske rase u ekstenzivnim uslovima gajenja

dc.creatorCaro Petrović, Violeta
dc.creatorPetrović, Milan P.
dc.creatorPetrović, Milan M.
dc.creatorIlić, Zoran Z.
dc.creatorStojković, J.
dc.creatorRužić-Muslić, Dragana
dc.creatorMaksimović, Nevena
dc.description.abstractThe fastest phase of growth, observed in young animals, is often assumed to be linear, and linear regressions or ratios between BW gain and time are used to model growth. However, growth curves, due to their flexibility, are likely to be more suitable to describe even early growth. The research was performed in the region of Sharplanina Mountain in the population of the local Šarplanina breed of sheep. The following traits of lambs were considered: BWB, BW30, BW60 and BW90. Statistical analysis was conducted using the Pearson's correlation and multivariate linear regression model. This involved computing all possible and the best subset regression equation. Each equation was then assessed by its coefficient of determination (R2) and the constant based on the number of variable that used for the prediction. Results showed that weight of lambs from birth to weaning increased by about six times. Specifically lambs achieved an average total gain of 17.66 kg, or 196 g per day. There were a very significant correlation (P (lt) 0.01) between BWB and BW30, BW60 and BW90. Likewise, shown a very significant correlation (P (lt) 0.01) between BW30-BW60, BW30- BW90 and BW60-BW90. Also shown the coefficient of multiple determinations (R-squared R2) was 0.507 which means that 50.7% of the variance BW90, determined variance of the predictor variables represented in the model. Adjusted coefficient of multiple determination (adjusted R2) is 0.506 which means that 50.6% of the variance BW90, determined variance of the predictor variables that are in the model. Any increase in weight of lambs during the observed period of age is associated with an increase of dependent variable BW90. In particular, any increase in BW30 to 1 kg, is associated with an increase in BW90 to 1.928 kg.en
dc.description.abstractIstraživanje je sprovedeno u regionu Šar planine u populaciji lokalne šarplaninske rase ovaca. Sledeće osobine jagnjad su posmatrane: masa pri rođenju, sa 30,60 i 90 dana uzrasta (BWB, BW30, BW60 i BW90). Statistička analiza je sprovedena primenom SPSS paketa. Izračunate su Pearson korelacije i multivarijantna linearna regresija. To je značilo računanje svih mogućih i najboljih podskupova jednačina regresije. Svaka jednačina je ocenjena kao i njen koeficijent determinacije (R2). Rezultati su pokazali da je masa jagnjadi od rođenja do odbijanja povećana za oko šest puta. Konkretno jagnjad su ostvarila prosečan ukupan prirast od 17,66 kg, ili 196 g dnevno. Utvrđena je vrlo značajna korelacija (P (lt) 0,01) između BWB i BW30, BW60 i BW90. Isto tako, pokazala se veoma značajna korelacija (P (lt) 0,01) između BW30-BW60, BW30-BW90 i BW60-BW90. Takođe, dobijeni koeficijent višestruke determinacije (R-skuared R2) znači da je 50,7% varijanse BW90, determinisano varijansom prediktorskih varijabli predstavljenih u modelu. Korigovani koeficijent višestruke determinacije (R2 prilagođeni) je 0.506, što znači da je 50,6% varijanse BW90, uslovljeno varijansama prediktorskih varijabli koje su u modelu. Svako povećanje mase jagnjadi u toku posmatranog perioda života je povezano sa povećanjem zavisno promenljive BW90. Praktično, svako povećanje BW30 za 1 kg, je povezano sa povećanjem BW90 za 1.928
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectlinear regressionen
dc.titleThe linear relationship between growth traits of Sharplanina lambs in extensive farming practicesen
dc.titleLinearna povezanost osobina porasta jagnjadi šarplaninske rase u ekstenzivnim uslovima gajenjasr
dcterms.abstractИлић, Зоран З.; Царо-Петровић, Виолета; Петровић, Милан П.; Петровић, Милан М.; Стојковић, Ј.; Ружић-Муслић, Драгана; Максимовић, Невена; Линеарна повезаност особина пораста јагњади шарпланинске расе у екстензивним условима гајења; Линеарна повезаност особина пораста јагњади шарпланинске расе у екстензивним условима гајења;
dc.citation.other29(2): 287-297

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