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Kontaminacija hrane za goveda plesnima i mikotoksinima

dc.creatorKrnjaja, Vesna
dc.creatorNovaković, Željko
dc.creatorStojanović, Ljiljana
dc.creatorOstojić Andrić, Dušica
dc.creatorStanišić, Nikola
dc.creatorNikšić, Dragan
dc.creatorMandić, Violeta
dc.description.abstractThe total number of potentially toxigenic molds (fungi), total aflatoxins, zearalenone (ZON), and deoxynivalenol (DON), as well as the joint appearance of ZON and DON have been investigated in 67 samples of cattle feed (concentrate (n=21), silage of whole maize plant (n=18), beet pulp (n=4), brewer's malt (n=2), alfalfa and grass (n=1), alfalfa hay (n=12), meadow hay (n=7), pea and oat hay (n=1), and red clover hay (n=1) originating from private farms from 10 districts of the Republic of Serbia. The total number of fungi per 1 g feed ranged from 0 (silage of brewer's malt) to 12 x 104 (concentrate). Eight fungi genus species have been identified: Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor, Penicillum, Rhizopus and Trichoderma. The presence of ZON (100%) was established in all the examined cattle feed samples, while 98.5% samples were contaminated with total aflatoxins and 92.5% samples were DON positive. The joint appearance of ZON and DON was established in 92.5% samples. ZON was present in the highest average concentration in the sample of alfalfa and grass silage (2477.5 μg kg-1) and in the lowest in beet pulp silage samples (64.9 μg kg-1). Total aflatoxins were established in the highest average concentration in the pea and oat hay silage sample (7.9 μg kg-1) and in the lowest average concentration in beet pulp silage samples (1.6 μg kg-1). DON was detected in the highest average concentration in concentrate samples (694.2 μg kg-1) and in the lowest average concentration in the red clover hay sample (11.0 μg kg-1), while DON was not detected in brewer's malt silage samples (0.0 μg kg-1). In all the examined cattle feed samples, between moisture content (up to 20%) and the concentration of examined mycotoxins, a negative correlation was established (r=-0.26) with total aflatoxins and a positive correlation with ZON (r=0,36) and DON (r=0,60). Furthermore, a positive correlation (r=0.22) was established between ZON and DON concentrations.en
dc.description.abstractUkupan broj potencijalno toksigenih gljivica (plesni), ukupni aflatoksini, zearalenon (ZON) i deoksinivalenol (DON) kao i združena pojava ZON i DON ispitivani su u 67 uzoraka hrane za goveda (koncentrat (n=21), silaža od cele biljke kukuruza (n=18), repinih rezanaca (n=4), pivskog trebera (n=2) i lucerke i trava (n=1), lucerkino seno (n=12), livadsko seno (n=7), seno od stočnog graška i ovsa (n=1) i seno od crvene deteline (n=1)) poreklom sa privatnih farmi iz 10 okruga u Republici Srbiji. Ukupan broj gljivica po 1 g hrane je bio od 0 (silaža od pivskog trebera) do 12 x 104 (koncentrat). Identifikovane su vrste iz osam rodova gljiva: Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor, Penicillum, Rhizopus i Trichoderma. U svim ispitivanim uzorcima hrane za goveda ustanovljeno je prisustvo ZON (100%), dok je 98,5% uzoraka bilo kontaminirano ukupnim aflatoksinima i 92,5% uzoraka je bilo DON pozitivno. Združena pojava ZON i DON ustanovljena je u 92,5% uzoraka. ZON je prisutan u najvećoj prosečnoj koncentraciji u uzorku silaže od lucerke i trava (2.477,5 μg kg-1), a u najmanjoj u uzorcima silaže od repinih rezanaca (64,9 μg kg-1). Ukupni aflatoksini su konstatovani u najvećoj prosečnoj koncentraciji u uzorku sena od stočnog graška i ovsa (7,9 μg kg-1), a u najmanjoj prosečnoj koncentraciji u uzorcima silaže od repinih rezanaca (1,6 μg kg-1). DON je detektovan u najvećoj prosečnoj koncentraciji u uzorcima koncentrata (694,2 μg kg-1), a u najmanjoj prosečnoj koncentraciji u uzorku sena od crvene deteline (11,0 μg kg-1), dok u uzorcima silaže od pivskog trebera DON nije detektovan (0,0 μg kg-1). U svim ispitivanim uzorcima hrane za goveda između sadržaja vlage (do 20%) i koncentracija ispitivanih mikotoksina ustanovljena je negativna korelacija (r=-0,26) sa ukupnim aflatoksinima i pozitivna korelacija sa ZON (r=0,36) i DON (r=0,60). Isto tako, pozitivna korelacija (r=0,22) ustanovljena je između koncentracija ZON i DON.sr
dc.publisherUniversity of Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31023/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31053/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski glasnik
dc.subjectcattle feeden
dc.subjecttoxigenic fungien
dc.subjecttotal aflatoxinsen
dc.subjecthrana za govedasr
dc.subjecttoksigene gljive (plesni)sr
dc.subjectukupni aflatoksinisr
dc.titleContamination of cattle feed with molds and mycotoxinsen
dc.titleKontaminacija hrane za goveda plesnima i mikotoksinimasr
dcterms.abstractНоваковић, Жељко; Стојановић, Љиљана; Станишић, Никола; Никшић, Драган; Мандић, Виолета; Остојић-Aндрић, Душица; Крњаја, Весна; Контаминација хране за говеда плеснима и микотоксинима; Контаминација хране за говеда плеснима и микотоксинима;
dc.citation.other67(1-2): 129-138



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