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Uvoz nerastova - kontrola semena i mogućnost reklamacije

dc.creatorMilovanović, Aleksandar
dc.creatorBarna, Tomislav
dc.creatorMaksimović, Nevena
dc.creatorVasiljević, T.
dc.creatorMilanov, D.
dc.creatorBošković, N.
dc.description.abstractSerbia is one of the countries with the continuous import of breeding sows and boars. Boars are usually imported at the age of 4 to 6 months, in the period when the quality of the breeding males cannot be determined due to sexual immaturity (prepubertal and pubertal age). In this paper, the method and results of semen quality control in 40 imported young boars are described, and also the method of documenting the cause for action claim. In the case of suspicious semen quality it is necesseary to perform at least 3 consecutive controls in one month intervals in order to establish a final estimation of quality and usability of semen. Of 40 imported boars, 4 boars (10%) were subject of complaint due to: azoospermia (1 boar), absence or reduction of total and progressive motility, present sperm agglutination (2 boars), and increased number of pathological forms of spermatozoa (78%, 1 boar). Increased proportion of sperm with unstable chromatin structure (SCSA test - 33.2% and 37.1%) was established in two boars. To initiate the complaint it is necessary to have a sales contract that provides possibility for the reclamation, recognized methods of semen quality control and trustful business relationship between all interested parties.en
dc.description.abstractSrbija se svrstava u red zemalja sa kontinuiranim uvozom priplodnih nazimica i nerastova. Nerastovi se uglavnom uvoze u dobi od 4 do 6 meseci, u periodu kada se kvalitet priplodnjaka ne može pouzdano utvrditi usled polne nezrelosti (prepubertetsko ili pubertetska dob nerastića). U ovom radu opisan je postupak i rezultati kontrole kvaliteta semena kod 40 mladih nerastova iz uvoza, kao i način dokumentovanja razloga za pokretanje postupka reklamacije. Kod sumnjivog kvaliteta semena potrebno je izvršiti najmanje 3 uzastopne kontrole u razmaku od po mesec dana, kako bi se donela konačna ocena o kvalitetu semena i upotrebljivosti nerasta za priplod. Od 40 uvezenih nerastova, 4 su reklamirana (10%) usled: azoospermije (1 nerast), odsustva ili smanjenje ukupne ili progresivne pokretljivosti, uz prisustvo aglutinacija spermatozoida (2 nerasta), i povećanog broja patoloških formi spermatozoida (78%; 1 nerast). Kod dva nerasta zabeležen je povećan udeo spermatozoida sa nestabilnom strukturom hromatina (SCSA test - 33,2% i 37,1%). Za pokretanje reklamacije neophodno je imati kupoprodajni ugovor koji predviđa mogućnost reklamacije, priznate metode kontrole semena kao i izgrađen poslovni odnos poverenja zainteresovanih
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.titleImport of boars: Semen quality control and possibility of complaintsen
dc.titleUvoz nerastova - kontrola semena i mogućnost reklamacijesr
dcterms.abstractМиловановић, Aлександар; Васиљевић, Т.; Барна, Томислав; Максимовић, Невена; Бошковић, Н.; Миланов, Д.; Увоз нерастова - контрола семена и могућност рекламације; Увоз нерастова - контрола семена и могућност рекламације;
dc.citation.other28(4): 759-769

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