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Genetički i fenotipski aspekti osobina telesnih mera Merinolandschaf rase ovaca

dc.creatorPetrović, Milan P.
dc.creatorCaro Petrović, Violeta
dc.creatorRužić-Muslić, Dragana
dc.creatorIlić, Zoran Z.
dc.creatorSpasić, Z.
dc.creatorStojković, J.
dc.creatorMilenković, M.V.
dc.description.abstractMerinolandschaf sheep breed was used to estimate relationship between the next traits: Body weight of adult ewes (BW), Height to withers (HW), Body length (BL), Girth of Chest (GC), Rump Width (RW), Body weight of lambs at birth (BWB), Body weight of lambs at weaning (BWW). The collected data were from 750 sheep and their lambs during the period of three year. Estimates of means and standard errors for linear body measures and body weight of adult ewes and lambs, were obtained using the software program SPSS (2006). To estimate genetic and phenotypic correlations of observed traits, the ASREML program was used. Research has shown that genetic correlations between BW and all body measures of dams, ranging from 0.728 (BW-GC) to 0.976 (BW-HW). Genetic correlation between body measures of dams have also been positive and ranged in the interval from 0.873 (HW-GC) to 0.999 (BL-GC). Values for phenotypic correlations were lower compared with the genetic and the range varied from 0.183 (RW-BWB) to 0.421 (GC-BWW). The weaker phenotype correlations can be interpreted as play of more complex genetic and residual factors.en
dc.description.abstractMerinolandschaf ovce su korišćene za procenu odnosa između sledećih osobina: Telesna masa odraslih ovaca (BW), visina grebena (HW), dužina tela (BL), obim grudi (GC), širina karlice (RW), telesna masa jagnjadi na rođenju (BWB) Telesna masa jagnjadi pri odlucivanju (BWW). Prikupljeni podaci potiču od 750 ovaca i njihove jagnjadi tokom perioda od tri godine. Procene sredina i standardnih grešaka za linearne telesne mere i telesne mase odraslih ovaca i jagnjadi, genetske i fenotipske korelacije, dobijeni su korišćenjem softvera SPSS (2006). Istraživanja su pokazala da genetske korelacije između BW i svim ostalim telesnim merama variraju, u rasponu od 0.728 (BW-GC) do 0.976 (BW-HW). Genetski korelacija između telesnih mera varirale su u pozitivnom opsegu od 0.873 (HW-GC) do 0.999 (BL-GC). Vrednosti fenotipskih korelacija bile su niže u poređenju sa genetskim u intervalu variranja od 0.183 (RW-BWB) do 0.421 (GC- BWW). Slabije fenotipske korelacije možemo tumačiti kao igru složenijih genetskih faktora i nedeterminisanih
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31053/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31001/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectgenetic correlationsen
dc.subjectphenotypic correlationsen
dc.subjectbody measuresen
dc.titleGenetic and phenotypic aspects of the body measured traits in Merinolandschaf breed of sheepen
dc.titleGenetički i fenotipski aspekti osobina telesnih mera Merinolandschaf rase ovacasr
dcterms.abstractМиленковић, М.В.; Спасић, З.; Царо-Петровић, Виолета; Ружић-Муслић, Драгана; Стојковић, Ј.; Петровић, Милан П.; Илић, Зоран З.; Генетички и фенотипски аспекти особина телесних мера Мериноландсцхаф расе оваца; Генетички и фенотипски аспекти особина телесних мера Мериноландсцхаф расе оваца;
dc.citation.other28(4): 733-741

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