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Uporedna analiza profila masnih kiselina i sadržaja holesterola konzumnih jaja različitog genotipa kokoši

dc.creatorPavlovski, Zlatica
dc.creatorŠkrbić, Zdenka
dc.creatorLukić, Miloš
dc.creatorLilić, Slobodan
dc.creatorKrnjaja, Vesna
dc.creatorStanišić, Nikola
dc.creatorPetričević, Veselin
dc.description.abstractAlternative (non-conventional) poultry housing systems are introduced into production, on the one hand for the benefit of poultry welfare and, on the other hand because of the quality of eggs, i.e. the association/correlation between quality of life of hens and quality of product is established. Data obtained in the comparative analysis for proximate composition, fatty acid profile and cholesterol content of whole egg of genotype (Hy line and Naked N) housed in different systems (cage and free range) are presented in this study. Eggs from Naked Neck hens reared in free range system had statistically significantly higher content of dry matter, fat, protein and ash compared to genotype Hy line housed in both systems. Eggs obtained from genotype Hy line hens reared in free range system, in comparison to cage system, had higher content of dry matter, fat and ash, although the differences were not statistically significant, whereas the difference in the protein/albumen content in Hy line hens housed in cages compared to free range was statistically significant. Significantly lower content of n-6 fatty acids was established in eggs from Naked Neck hens (13.32) compared to eggs obtained from Hy-line hens housed on free range (17.46) and Hy-line hens housed in cage system (18.02). Content of toxic elements (Cd (lt) 0.001 mg/kg; Pb (lt) 0.05 mg/kg; As (lt) 0.01 mg/kg; Hg (lt) 0.005 mg/kg) in all three groups of eggs was in compliance with standards stipulated in the Article 9a, Annex 5, Rulebook on maximum residue limits for plant protective compounds in food and feed for which maximum reside limits are established.en
dc.description.abstractAlternativni (nekonvencionalni) sistemi držanja živine uvode se u proizvodnju, s jedne strane radi dobrobiti kokoši i, s druge strane zbog kvaliteta jaja, odnosno u cilju uspostavljanja veze između kvaliteta života kokoši i kvaliteta proizvoda. U radu su prikazani podaci uporedne analize osnovnog hemijskog sastava, profila masnih kiselina i sadržaja holesterola jajima kod genotipa Hy line i gološijana držanih u različitim sistemima držanja - kavezi i ispust. Jaja gološijana gajenih u sistemu sa slobodnim ispustom imala su statistički značajno veći sadržaj suve materije, masti, proteina i pepela u odnosu na genotip Hy line držanih u oba sistema. Jaja kokoši genotipa Hy line držanih u sistemu sa slobodnim ispustom u odnosu na kavezni, imala su veći sadržaj suve materije, masti i pepela, mada razlike nisu bile statistički značajne, dok je razlika većeg sadržaja belančevina kod Hy line kokoši držanih u kavezima u odnosu na ispust bila statistički značajna. Znatno manji sadržaj n-6 masnih kiselina utvrđen je u jajima gološijana (13,32) od onog utvrđenog u jajima kokoši Hy-line držanih na ispustu (17,46) i Hyline držanim u kavezima (18,02). Sadržaj toksičnih elemenata (Cd (lt) 0,001 mg/kg; Pb (lt) 0,05 mg/kg; As (lt) 0,01 mg/kg; Hg (lt) 0,005 mg/kg) u sve tri grupe jaja ispunjavaju uslove propisane čl. 9a, priloga 5, Pravilnika o maksimalno dozvoljenim količinama ostataka sredstava za zaštitu bilja u hrani i hrani za životinje i o hrani i hrani za životinje za koju se utvrđuju maksimalno dozvoljene količine ostataka sredstava za zaštitu
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31033/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjecthousing systemen
dc.subjecttable eggen
dc.subjectchemical contenten
dc.subjectfatty acid profileen
dc.titleComparative analysis of fatty acid profile and cholesterol content in table eggs from different genotype hensen
dc.titleUporedna analiza profila masnih kiselina i sadržaja holesterola konzumnih jaja različitog genotipa kokošisr
dcterms.abstractЛукић, Милош; Станишић, Никола; Шкрбић, Зденка; Крњаја, Весна; Павловски, Златица; Петричевић, Веселин; Лилић, Слободан; Упоредна анализа профила масних киселина и садржаја холестерола конзумних јаја различитог генотипа кокоши; Упоредна анализа профила масних киселина и садржаја холестерола конзумних јаја различитог генотипа кокоши;
dc.citation.other27(3): 669-677

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