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Korelaciona analiza povezanosti proizvodnih osobina kroz tri generacije krava simentalske rase

dc.creatorPetrović, Milun D.
dc.creatorBogdanović, Vladan
dc.creatorPetrović, Milan M.
dc.creatorRakonjac, Simeon
dc.description.abstractThe relationship between milk production traits over whole lactations was evaluated across three generations of Simmental cows, i.e. between daughters, dams and grand dams, by a phenotypic regression analysis with whole lactation traits in the daughter generation being used as the dependent variables (x1), and those in the dam and grand dam generations being used as the independent variables (x2 and x3). The results were obtained from a sample of 1170 daughters and as many dams and grand dams. The significance of the partial regression coefficients b2 and b3 was separately evaluated by a t-test. An analysis of variance was used to estimate the significance of the simultaneous effect of the production traits of dams and grand dams on the milk production achieved in the daughter generation. The calculated value of the partial regression coefficients for the whole lactation production traits across three generations (grand dams, dams and daughters) and their statistical significances determined by the t and F tests, as well as the regression equations used, suggested that the effect of the grand dam generation on the milk production traits in granddaughters was substantially lower than the effect of dams. The calculated partial regression coefficients (b2 and b3) were positive and statistically very significant (P (lt) 0.01), excepting the regression coefficients b3 for lactation length and b2 for milk fat content that were not statistically significant (P>0.05). A very significant change (P (lt) 0.01) was observed in all production traits in the daughter generation as simultaneously affected by the traits in the dam and grand dam generations.en
dc.description.abstractPovezanost osobina mlečnosti u punim laktacijama analizirana je između tri generacije krava simentalske rase, odnosno između kćerki, majki i baba, fenotipskom regresionom analizom u uslovima kada su osobine punih laktacija u generaciji kćerki posmatrane kao zavisno (x1), a osobine punih laktacija u generaciji majki i baba kao nezavisno promenljive (x2 i x3). Rezultati su dobijeni na uzorku od po 1170 kćerki, majki i baba. Pojedinačno ispitivanje značajnosti delimičnih regresionih koeficijenata b2 i b3 izvršeno je t-testom, a analizom značajnosti istovremenog uticaja proizvodnih osobina majki i baba na ostvarenu proizvodnju kod kćerki izvršena je metodom analize varijanse. Na osnovu izračunate vrednosti delimičnih regresionih koeficijenata za proizvodne osobine celih laktacija kroz tri generacije (babe, majke i kćerke) i njihove statističke značajnosti određene t i F testom, kao i jednačina regresije konstatovano je da je uticaj generacije baba na proizvodnju unuka znatno manji u odnosu na uticaj kojeg imaju majke. Svi izračunati delimični koeficijenti regresije (b2 i b3) bili su pozitivni i statistički vrlo značajni (P (lt) 0.01), izuzimajući koeficijent regresije b3 kod trajanja laktacije i b2 kod sadržaja mlečne masti koji nisu bili statistički značajni (P>0.05). Značajnost promena svih posmatranih proizvodnih osobina u generaciji kćerki pri istovremenom uticaju tih osobina iz generacije majki i baba bila je vrlo visoka (P (lt) 0.01).sr
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31086/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectSimmental breeden
dc.subjectproduction traitsen
dc.titleRegression analysis of milk production traits in Simmental cowsen
dc.titleKorelaciona analiza povezanosti proizvodnih osobina kroz tri generacije krava simentalske rasesr
dcterms.abstractПетровић, Милун Д.; Ракоњац, Симеон; Петровић, Милан М.; Богдановић, В.; Корелациона анализа повезаности производних особина кроз три генерације крава сименталске расе; Корелациона анализа повезаности производних особина кроз три генерације крава сименталске расе;
dc.citation.other27(4): 1433-1441



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