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Uticaj genotipa i sistema držanja na proizvodne rezultate pilića u tovu

dc.creatorPavlovski, Zlatica
dc.creatorŠkrbić, Zdenka
dc.creatorLukić, Miloš
dc.creatorPetričević, Veselin
dc.creatorTrenkovski, Snežana
dc.description.abstractInvestigation was carried out on 500 Arbor Acres and Redbro chickens. First group of 30 male and female chickens per genotype was slaughtered after 12 h period of food deprivation. Second group remained in the facility and was fattened until 50. day. Third group was reared for 50 days but in a semi intensive system, with use of 20 m² and free range area of 1 m²/bird. Nutrition was based on mixture of ground corn, barley, vitamins mineral additive and 30% of complete forage mixture. All chickens, subsequent to finished fattening period (50 days) were weighed and after 12 h food deprivation period were slaughtered. Arbor Acres chickens at the age of 42 days had lower mortality (3.80%), better feed conversion (1.868) and higher realized value of production index (206.73) compared to Redbro chickens. Chickens reared in the facility have realized considerably higher body mass (1820.33 g) compared to free range chickens (1667.50 g). Chickens at the age of 50 days had higher carcass yield compared to chickens at the age of 42 days. Carcass yields 'traditional processing' and 'ready to roast' were considerably higher in chickens at the age of 50 days (83.53 and 76.59) compared to carcass yields of chickens at the age of 42 days (82.61 and 75.68). Chickens reared in the facility (chicken coop) (83.86) had higher carcass yields 'traditional processing' than free range chickens. Other yields in chickens were considerably higher in chickens reared in the facility (76.56 and 67.13) than in free range chickens (75.76 and 65.45).en
dc.description.abstractIspitivanje je obavljeno na po 500 pilića Arbor Acres i Redbro. Prva grupa pilića od po 30 petlića i kokica po genotipu je nakon 12 sati gladovanja zaklana. Druga grupa je ostala u objektu i tovila se da 50. dana. Treća grupa se odgajala do 50.dana u poluintenzivnom sistemu koji je podrazumevao koriščenje objakta 20 m² i ispust površine 1 m²/grlo. Ishrana se zasnivala na smeši prekrupe kukuruza, ječma, vitaminsko mineralnog dodatka i 30% potpune krmne smeše. Svi pilići su nakon završenog tova (50. dan) izmereni i nakon 12 sati gladovanja zaklani. Pilići Arbor Acres su u uzrastu od 42 dana imali manji mortalitet (3,80%), bolju konverziju hrane (1,868) i veću ostvarenu vrednost proizvodnog indeksa (206,73) od pilića Redbro. Pilići odgajani u objektu su postigli značajno veću telesnu masu (1820,33 g) u odnosu na piliće sa ispusta (1667,50 g). Pilića uzrasta 50. dana su imali veće randmane u odnosu na piliće sa 42 dana uzrasta. Randmani 'klasična obrada' i 'spremno za pečenje' su bili značajno veći kod pilića u uzrastu 50 dana (83,53 i 76,59) u odnosu na randmane trupova pilića sa 42 dana (82,61 i 75,68). Pilići odgajani u objektu (83,86) su imali veće randmane 'klasična obrada' od pilića odgajanih na ispustu. Ostali randmani kod pilića su značajno bili veći kod pilića odgajanih u objektu (76,56 i 67,13) nego kod pilića na ispust (75,76 i 65,45).sr
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjecthousing systemen
dc.subjectproduction traitsen
dc.titleThe effect of genotype and housing system on production results of fattening chickensen
dc.titleUticaj genotipa i sistema držanja na proizvodne rezultate pilića u tovusr
dcterms.abstractЛукић, Милош; Павловски, Златица; Шкрбић, Зденка; Петричевић, Веселин; Тренковски, Снежана; Утицај генотипа и система држања на производне резултате пилића у тову; Утицај генотипа и система држања на производне резултате пилића у тову;
dc.citation.other25(3-4): 221-229



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