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Ispitivanje uticaja mase pre klanja na rezultate vrednosti randmana klanja muških tovnih junadi domaće Simenatalske rase

dc.creatorAleksić, S.
dc.creatorPetrović, Milan M.
dc.creatorPantelić, Vlada
dc.creatorNovaković, Željko
dc.creatorStanišić, Nikola
dc.creatorPetričević, Maja
dc.description.abstractFor the purpose of investigation of factors important for slaughter yield results, a trial with three groups of young cattle of Domestic Simmental breed of different body masses was carried out. Young cattle in the first group (G1) (n=6) had average body mass of 509,00 kg (475-525), in the second group (G2) of young cattle (n=7) average body mass of 554,29 kg (530 - 575) was recorded and in the third group of young cattle (G3) (n=8) 591,13kg (580-615). Subsequent to slaughtering warm carcass sides were measured individually, with and without kidney fat, mass of internal organs was measured (kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, spleen) and mass of other secondary slaughter products (head, tongue, tail, muscle part of diaphragm). After cooling carcass sides were cut into main parts. Based on obtained results of research it was established that male cattle of group (G2) of Domestic Simmental breed of average body mass of 554,29 kg have realized higher slaughter yield compared to groups G1 and G3, whereas the share of kidney fat was the same in all three groups of young cattle. Share of mass of internal organs was the lowest in young cattle of group G2 (2,47%) whereas in other two groups it was the same. Share of mass of other secondary slaughter products (head, tongue, tail, muscle part of diaphragm) in all three groups of young cattle was the same. Share of mass of round (I category part of the carcass) was the highest in young cattle of group G3 (29,86), and statistically significantly (P (lt) 0.05) lower in group G1 (28,39). Share of carcass parts of II category (loin, back, shoulder) was the lowest in young cattle of group G3 (23,655), and of carcass parts of category III (second thigh, second fore thigh, neck, breasts, ribs, belly) in young cattle of group G2 (44,45%).en
dc.description.abstractU cilju ispitivanja faktora značajnih za rezultate vrednosti randmana klanja, izveden je ogled sa tri grupe junadi domaće simentalske rase različite telesne mase. Prva grupa (G1) junadi (n=6) bila je prosečne mase 509,00 kg (475-525), druga grupa (G2) junadi (n=7) bila je prosečne mase 554,29 kg (530-575) i treća grupa (G3) junadi (n=8) bila je prosečne mase 591,13 kg (580-615). Posle klanja izvršeno je pojedinačno merenje toplih polutki sa i bez bubrežnog loja, merenje mase unutrašnjih organa (bubrezi, jetra, pluća, srce, slezina) i merenje mase ostalih pratećih proizvoda klanja (glava, jezik, rep, mišićni deo dijafragme). Posle hlađenja polutke su rasečene u osnovne delove. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja utvrđeno je da su muška junad druge grupe (G2) domaće simentalske rase prosečne mase 554,29 kg, ostvarila veći randman u poređenju sa grupama G1 i G3, dok je učešće bubrežnog loja bilo isto kod sve tri grupe junadi. Učešće mase unutrašnjih organa najmanje je kod junadi grupe G2 (2,47%) dok je kod je kod ostale dve grupe bilo isto. Učešće mase ostalih pratećih proizvoda klanja (glava, jezik, rep, mišićni deo dijafragme) u sve tri grupe junadi je isto. Učešće mase buta (deo trupa I kategorije) najveće je u junadi grupe G3 (29,86), a statistički značajno (P (lt) 0.05) manji u grupe G1 (28,39).Udeo delova trupa II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) najmanji je u junadi grupe G3 (23,655), a delova trupa III kategorije (potkolenica, podlaktica, vrat, grudi, rebra, potrbušina) u junadi grupe G2 (44,45%).sr
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectdomestic Simmental breeden
dc.subjectslaughter yielden
dc.subjectinternal organsen
dc.subjectcarcass partsen
dc.subjectdomaća Simentalska rasasr
dc.subjectunutrašnji organisr
dc.subjectdelovi trupasr
dc.titleInvestigation of the effect of mass prior to slaughtering on slaughter values of male fattening young cattle of domestic Simmental breeden
dc.titleIspitivanje uticaja mase pre klanja na rezultate vrednosti randmana klanja muških tovnih junadi domaće Simenatalske rasesr
dcterms.abstractНоваковић, М.; Станишић, Никола; Новаковић, Жељко; Aлексић, С.; Петровић, Милан М.; Пантелић, Влада; Испитивање утицаја масе пре клања на резултате вредности рандмана клања мушких товних јунади домаће Сименаталске расе; Испитивање утицаја масе пре клања на резултате вредности рандмана клања мушких товних јунади домаће Сименаталске расе;
dc.citation.other25(1-2): 93-99



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