Prikaz rezultata 303-322 od 1435

      Efikasnost primene preparata na bazi zeolita u obrocima jagnjadi u tovu [1]
      Efikasnost proizvodnje mesa zeca uz pomoć savremene tehnologije na privatnoj farmi [1]
      Egg characteristics of New Hampshire laying hens from floor and organic rearing systems [1]
      Egg quality of Banat naked neck hens during storage [1]
      Egg quality of commercial layer hybrid kept in different housing systems [1]
      Eggs from different housing systems and production programs on the market of the city of Belgrade [1]
      Eggshell strength [1]
      Ejaculate properties and reproductive efficiency of large White boars during exploitation [1]
      Eko-fiš meal kao alternativa ribljem brašnu u obrocima za jagnjad [1]
      Emotional State Of Dairy Cows In Loose And Tied Housing System - Is There A Difference? [1]
      Energy metabolism indicators and body condition in peripartal period of Alpine goats [1]
      Enhancing piglet growth with live yeast: a nutritional supplement study [1]
      Enzimi u ishrani brojlera [1]
      Enzymes in broiler diets with special reference to protease [1]
      Erwix – biobaktericid na bazi Bacillus subtilis za suzbijanje Erwinia sp. [1]
      Estimation of growth traits heritability coefficients in sheep [1]
      Estimation of heritability coefficients of number of born alive piglets in the first three farrowings Swedish landrace sows [1]
      Estimation of nonadditive genetic influences on standard lactation production (305 days) in upgrading of Serbian-Fleckvieh to Holstein-Friesian cattle breed [1]
      Estimation of phenotypic and genetic trends of the growth traits in Lipska and Svrljig sheep [1]
      Estimation of the breeding value and ranking of Holstein-Friesian bulls on fertility properties [1]