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Morfometrijske i mehaničke osobine kostiju nogu kod pilića autohtonih rasa gološijana u Srbiji

dc.creatorVitorović, Duško
dc.creatorPavlovski, Zlatica
dc.creatorŠkrbić, Zdenka
dc.creatorLukić, Miloš
dc.creatorPetričević, Veselin
dc.creatorAdamović, Ivana D.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to estimate the morphometric and mechanical parameters of femur and tibiotarsal bone in male and female chickens of three Serbian autochthonous naked neck breeds (white, black and gray) and compared these values with chickens of commercial naked neck hybrid Farm Q. Chickens were reared in extensive system and fattening lasted 98 days (14 weeks) The bone length, weight, cross sectional diaphyseal geometry (total area, medullar area, cortical area) and bone breaking force were determined. Between the varieties of autochthonous naked neck breeds, the presence of significant difference was not established. Average bone mass and length, of femur in male chickens were 13.6 g and 8.2 cm and for tibiotarsal bone, 19.5 g and 11.7 cm. In a female chickens those values were 10.6 g and 7.8 cm for femur and 15.9 g and 11.0 cm for tibiotarsus. In a male chickens average breaking force of femur (36.1 kg) and tibiotarsus (31.6 kg) were higher than those in a female chickens (27.0; 29.6 kg, respectively). In comparison with chickens of commercial naked neck hybrid (Farm Q), chickens of three Serbian autochthonous naked neck breeds have had significantly lower (P (lt) 0.05) bone mass, cross sectional diaphyseal area and cross sectional medullar area. Bone length and cross sectional cortical area were not significantly differed. However, tibiotarsal strength, expressed as bone breaking force, were signifficantly (P (lt) 0.05) higher in a chickens of autochthonous naked neck breeds.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ispitivanja je bio da se ustanove morfometrijske i mehaničke osobine kostiju nogu (butna kost i golenjača) pilića tri autohtona varijeteta gološijana koji se gaje u Srbiji (beli, crni i sivi) i poređenje tih rezultata sa parametrima golenjače komercijalnog hibrida gološijana Farm Q. Pilići su gajeni u ekstenzivnim uslovima a period tova je trajao 98 dana (14 nedelja). Na desnoj butnoj kosti i golenjači određivani su masa, dužina, parametri geometrije preseka dijafize (površina preseka dijafize, površina preseka medularne šupljine i površina preseka korteksa) i sila loma. Između varijeteta autohtonih pilića gološijana nije ustanovljeno postojanje značajnih razlika u osobinama kostiju ali su muški pilići ispoljili veće vrednosti u odnosu na ženke. Prosečne vrednosti mase i dužine butne kosti, kod muških pilića su iznosile 13.6 g i 8.2 cm a golenjače 19.5 g i 11.7 cm. Kod ženki ove vrednosti su prosečno iznosile, za butnu kost 10.6 g i 7.8 cm a za golenjaču 15.9 g i 11.0 cm. Vrednosti sile loma ispitivanih kostiju su pokazale da autohtoni gološijani imaju dobru čvrstoću kostiju. Kod mužjaka, prosečna sila loma butne kosti (36.1 kg) i golenjače (31.6 kg) su bile veće nego kod ženki (20.0 kg - butna kost; 29.6 kg - golenjača). U poređenju sa pilićima komercijalnog hibrida glošijana Farm Q, pilići autohtonih varijeteta su imali značajno (p (lt) 0.05) manju masu golenjače, površinu preseka dijafize i medularne šupljine. Dužina kosti i površina preseka korteksa se nisu značajno razlikovale. Međutim, čvrstoća golenjače, izražena kroz silu loma, bila je značajno (P (lt) 0.05) veća kod pilića autohtonih varijeteta gološ
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectnaked necken
dc.titleMorphometric and mechanical characteristics of leg bones in autochtonous naked neck breeds of chickens in Serbiaen
dc.titleMorfometrijske i mehaničke osobine kostiju nogu kod pilića autohtonih rasa gološijana u Srbijisr
dc.citation.other25(5-6-2): 1033-1038

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