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Uticaj kvasaca, probiotika i enzima u obrocima na proizvodnost visokomlečnih krava u tranzicionom periodu

dc.creatorSretenović, Ljiljana
dc.creatorPetrović, Milan P.
dc.creatorAleksić, S.
dc.creatorPantelić, Vlada
dc.creatorKatić, V.
dc.creatorBogdanović, Vladan
dc.creatorBeskorovajni, Radica
dc.description.abstractThe main goal of this paper was to investigate the influence of some additives included into high yielding dairy cows rations to overcome the problems in early lactation. These substances directly affect the productive performances of dairy cows as well as udder health. The commercial name of investigated preparation is 'YEASTURE' and it is composed of live yeast cultures selected from three strains Saccharomyces cerevisisiae in combination with probiotic bacteria and enzymes (Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus faecium, Aspergillus oryzae, Lactobacillus acidophilus, 1,3-b and 1,6 D-Glucan, hemicellulase, Protease, Cellulase, Alpha amylase) which have the ability to modify the fermentation in rumen stimulating the development of ruminal bacteria and increasing the fibre digestion. Effects of this preparation have been investigated on 60 Holstein-Friesian cows divided into two groups. The diets were identical, and trial group received also 10 g of preparation Yeasture daily. Application of Yeasture started 15 days prior to calving and lasted until 60th day of lactation As a research result improved in vitro disappearance of diet dry matter from roughage (alfalfa hay, maize silage and ensiled sugar beet pulp) was established. Preparation Yeasture influenced quantity and composition of the milk. The difference between trial and control group was 2.57 kg 4%FCM or 8.70% (P (lt) 0.01) and 7.16% milk fat (P (lt) 0.05).Trial group supplemented with Yeasture showed lower somatic cells count by 7.3 percent points what indicated better health of cow's udder. Based on the presented results it can be concluded that inclusion of preparation Yeasture into diets for dairy cows in transition period can be recommended.en
dc.description.abstractPeriod zasušenja i rana laktacija karakterišu se brojnim problemima koji mogu da se uspešno premoste uključivanjem dodataka u hranu kao što su probiotici, kvasci, enzimi i dr. U radu su ispitani efekti preparata yeasture koji predstavlja kompoziciju ovih dodataka a koji je uključen u obroke krava dve nedelje pre i osam nedelja posle telenja u količini od 10 g po grlu dnevno. Uključivanje pomenutih dodataka uticalo je na poboljšanje svarljivosti suve materije kabastih hraniva (sena lucerke, silaže cele biljke kukuruza i siliranog rezanca šećerne repe) što je konačno značajno uticalo na poboljšanje proizvodnih performansi odnosno povećanje količine mleka za 10.86%. Jednovremeno pomenuti dodaci povoljno su uticali na popravljanje zdravstvenog stanja vimena krava što se odrazilo na smanjenje broja somatskih ćelija za 7.3 procentnih poena. Najvažniji parametri krvi pre i posle eksperimenta kretali su se u fiziološki optimalnim granicama. Navedeni argumenti su dovoljan razlog da se uključivanje pomenutih supstansi u obroke visokomlečnih krava u periodu zasušenja i rane laktacije preporuči u proizvodnji mleka.sr
dc.publisherInstitute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectdairy cowsen
dc.subjecttransition perioden
dc.subjectmlečne kravesr
dc.subjecttranzicioni periodsr
dc.titleInfluence of yeast, probiotics and enzymes in rations on dairy cows performances during transitionen
dc.titleUticaj kvasaca, probiotika i enzima u obrocima na proizvodnost visokomlečnih krava u tranzicionom periodusr
dc.citation.other24(5-6): 33-43



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