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Korisne i štetne biljne vrste u livadsko pašnjačkim asocijacijama Stare planine

dc.creatorNešić, Zorica
dc.creatorTomić, Zorica
dc.creatorKrnjaja, Vesna
dc.creatorŽujović, Miroslav
dc.description.abstractA current trend in the world - a production of safety food - imposes a need to revitalise, what further means, to investigate in detail meadows and pastures as a prerequisite for developing new systems of ecological exploitation and a market-oriented livestock production. From the aspect of nutritive values, all plant species on grassland can be classified into useful and harmful ones. The following two plant associations of the Stara Planina Mountain were observed in the present study: Festucetum vallesciacae and Agrostietium vulgare. Useful and harmful plant species were defined in these associations, along with the percent of their share in meadows, with the aim to either increase or decrease that share. The association Agrostietum vulgare counts 47 species out of which 11 or 23.4% are useful grasses, 15 or 32% are useful legumes, 3 or 6.4% are useful and less useful, 17 or 36.17% are bad and worthless, with only one or 2.13% harmful and less poisonous and none poisonous species. The association Festicetum encompasses 76 plants in total out of which 11 species or 14.28% are quality grasses, 20 or 26 % species are quality legumes, 11 or 14.28% are other useful and less useful species, 26 plants or 33.76% are bad or worthless, 8 or 1.08%, are harmful and less poisonous, while very poisonous species were detected.en
dc.description.abstractTrend u svetu - proizvodnja zdravstveno bezbedne hrane - nameće potrebu revitalizacije, a što dalje podrazumeva detaljna ispitivanja livada i pašnjaka kao preduslov za nove sisteme ekološke eksploatacije i tržišnog opredeljenja u stočarstvu. Sa aspekta hranljive vrednosti sve vrste na travnjaku, mogu se podeliti na korisne i štetne. Ispitivane su dve biljne zajednice Stare planine Agrostietum vulgare i Festucetum vallesiacae. Definisane su korisne i štetne biljne vrste, njihovo procentualno učešće na travnjaku, sa ciljem iznalaženja mera za povećanje ili smanjenje njihove zastupljenosti. Asocijacija Agrostietum vulgare broji 47 vrsta od toga 11 (23,4%) su korisne trave, 15 korisne leguminoze (32,00%),3 (6,40%) sui korisne i uslovno korisne, 17 (36,17%) su loše i bezvredne vrste, samo jedna (2,13 %) je škodljiva i slaba otrovna, dok vrlo otrovnih nije bilo. Asocijacija Festicetum vallesiacae čini 76 biljnih vrsta, od toga kategoriji kvalitetnih vrsta trava pripada 11 (14,28%) vrsta, 20 (26,00%) vrsta kvalitetnim leguminozama i ostalih korisnih i uslovno korisnih biljaka 11 (14,28%), lošim i bezvrednim pripada 26 (33,76%) biljaka, škodljivim i slabo otrovnim 8 (1,08%), dok su vrlo otrovne
dc.sourceJournal of Scientific Agricultural Research
dc.subjectAgrostietum vulgaresr
dc.subjectFestucetum vallesiacaesr
dc.subjectlivade i pašnjacisr
dc.subjectStara planinasr
dc.titleUseful and harmful plant species in meadow-pastures plant associations on the Stara Planina Mountainen
dc.titleKorisne i štetne biljne vrste u livadsko pašnjačkim asocijacijama Stare planinesr
dc.citation.other67(2): 65-72

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